SPORTS Ex-SHS standout Green commits to South Carolina TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents B1 Dads, students, Community gardeners help beautify school is opposed Willow Drive’s atrium helps grow knowledge of plants and animals BY ADRIENNE SARVIS to proposal
[email protected] A few of Sumter’s most knowledgeable ADRIENNE SARVIS / THE SUMTER ITEM gardeners along with local fathers and stu- Members of Poinsett-Bland Garden Club, stu- dents started another phase of upgrading dents of Willow Drive Elementary School and Rafting Creek Elementary in Rembert Willow Drive Elementary School’s atrium their fathers volunteered to clean up the during the Dads’ Spring Workday on Satur- school’s atrium Saturday. would close under current draft plan day. The workday was a partnership between Principal Trevor Ivey said Saturday’s BY BRUCE MILLS Sumter School District’s sixth the school, the Heart of Sumter and Poin- work included laying gravel for the paths in
[email protected] and last in a series of public sett-Bland Garden Club to beautify the the atrium, cleaning up some of the exist- meetings, for now, on a school school’s atrium and provide a space for the ing plants and pressure washing the brick REMBERT — Same propos- consolidation proposal here students to enjoy and learn from nature. and stone elements at the school’s entranc- al. Same questions and con- Sunday night at Rafting Creek Students and fathers were also encour- es. cerns. Just larger audience Elementary School. aged to take part in the beautification proj- and more vocal.