2012 New York City
2018 NEW YORK CITY ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE SATURDAY MARCH 17, 2018 LINE OF MARCH Mounted Police Military Escort: "THE FIGHTING 69TH" The 69th Regiment of New York 1st Battalion, 69th Infantry Lieutenant Colonel Don Makay, Commanding Piper for the Regiment, Pipe Major Joe Brady Battalion Staff: Major Brandon Gendron, Executive Officer Lieutenant Taylor Maningo, Adjutant Lieutenant Kevin Wong, Intelligence Officer Major Jason Secrest, Operations Officer Captain Nakaya Mair, Signal Officer Guests of the Regiment: LTG Daniel Hokanson, Vice Chief, National Guard Bureau Major General Anthony German, The Adjutant General of the New York National Guard MG Kevin Bradley, Acting Deputy Director, Air National Guard BG Joseph Biehler, Deputy CDR-Operations, 42ID Command Chief Master Sergeant Amy Giaquinto, New York National Guard Command Chief Master Sergeant Maureen Dooley, Command Chief, New York Air National Guard Battalion Color Guard: Command Sergeant Major Thomas Seifert, Command Sergeant Major 69th Infantry BN Regimental Wolfhounds Sergeant Quentin Davis, NCO of the year Specialist Ilya Titov, Soldier of the year . 42nd Infantry Division Band, New York Army National Guard Headquarters and Headquarters Company Captain David Tuttle, Commanding Sergeant First Class Jason Cooley, First Sergeant Company A Captain Dennis Tierney, Commanding First Sergeant Jairo Aquino, First Sergeant Company B Captain Matt Calvo, Commanding First Sergeant Celso Benites, First Sergeant Company C Captain Max Rose, Commanding First Sergeant Sean Goodridge, First Sergeant Company D Captain Richard Reilly, Commanding First Sergeant Tim Boyle, First Sergeant Copyrighted by the New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade, Inc. No part of this document may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the Express written permission from the St.
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