Fresno, California Sep tern her, 1980 Vol. 6, No. 4

DAN QUISENBERRY's name is minor leagues at Waterloo, Iowa; a household word among those who Jacksonville, Florida ; and Omaha, stay tuned to the latest exploits of FPC's Nebraska) "wasn't going anywhere the . But few and I was thinking about what to people know that the lethal "sub­ Influence do next. So I chose FPC." marine" sidearm of the American After two quarters he was ca lled League's leading relief be­ up to the majors with the Royals. longs to a man who says his spirit­ in the "I had one more quarter to go on ual life was enriched at Fresno Paci­ my degree and I had to decide whe­ fic College. Bullpen ther to finish up or give baseball Quisenberry's stay at FPC (two one more shot. I took the right one, quarters in 1978) was not long by apparently." involved in FPC's graduate educa­ most standards, but it was long Indeed. He immediately estab­ tion program and "she was very enough to influence him spiritually. lished himself last year as a reliable high on the school ... so I had "I had no religious training or back­ short reliever for the Royals with heard about FPC from some very ground when I became a Christian a 3-2 won-lost record, 3.15 ERA, reliable sources." (in 1973) and I guess I still am non­ and five saves. Heading into the At the time, Quisenberry felt his denominational," he recalled in a last weeks of the 1980 season, Quis­ baseball career (four years in the recent interview with the Messen­ enberry was leading the American ger. League in games saved and is cred­ "But it was at FPC where i think ited by marry with being the main I learned the most about theology. reason the Royals were running And now, though I'm not a Menno­ away with the Western Division nite Brethren, I think more in MB title. terms. As a matter of fact, I would A leading candidate for the like to find a Mennonite Brethren 's" Fireman of the church in this area." (The closest, Year" award (given to the top re­ however, is the Community Bible lief pitcher), Quisenberry has dis­ Church in Olathe, Kansas, about tinguished himself not only for be­ 35 miles west of Royals Stadium.) ing a reliable "stopper" but also for One of the things I learned at his unorthodox "" deliv­ FPC was about social action and ery, a style made famous in last the gospel," says Quisenberry. "I year's by Ken Tekulve had always learned about faith and of the Pittsburg Pi rates. spiritual growth and reading the How has he adjusted to this sud­ Word, but the social dynamics had den recognition? Some aspects never been stressed to me before." were tough at first, like getting used He attributes much of this nurture to rubbing shoulders as a teammate to the course in Jeremiah he took with stars he had been a fan of, or under John Fast ("probably my trying to strike out a major league hardest class, but the one I learned hitter he had followed for years. the most in") as well as the influ­ "That was kind of awesome." ence of the "tremendous speakers" He still has questions about the who came to campus as part of the glamorous "ultra first class" life­ College H our program. style that attends becoming a major While a student at another col­ league figure. The publicity, for lege, Quisenberry heard about Fres­ example. "Too many people want no Pacific from two friends who to know what you think about cer­ had done some graduate study at tain things, when I don't think it the college and liked it. Moreover, really matters," he says casually. his w ife's mother, a teacher in Bak­ Has he been changed by it all? ersfield, California, had also been "Really, the only difference be- tween me now and before is that anyone else. God keeps my attitude Brethren churches starting up in the I've got different numbers to go right." Kansas City area," he says in part­ with my name." Baseball keeps Quisenberry on ing, "be sure to let me know." Friends from his pre-Royals days the road about half the t ime, mak­ attest that Quisenberry has not let ing regular church participation dif­ success go to his head. Fresno Paci­ ficult. His w ife, Janie, and new fic friends who have gone to Oak­ daughter Alysia Ann attend a Pres­ land t o watch the Royals and chat byterian church in Kansas City. FAO~~fY with Quisenberry say he is still a Quisenberry regularly participates ACTIVITIES "regular guy" who hasn't changed in baseball chapel which is attend­ Make mathematics exciting? That was much. (Among the friends he re­ ed by about half the Royals play­ the task of ARTHUR WIEBE and LAR­ ers. He is also involved in a small RY ECKLUND of the math education calls with fondness from FPC days faculty, along with Dr. L ola M ay of Win­ are Hal Smith, the current coach, group home Bible study which has netka, Illinois, as they taught at a Math and Keith Martens, who has since included Jerry Terrel, since gone Festival at Eastern Mennonite College gone to Oregon on a Christian Serv­ to the minors, and Royals catcher this summer. Eighty elementary school ice assignment.) Darrel Porter. It was through such teachers from the state of Virginia and Wa shington, D.C. were inspired and chal­ His attitude is one not common­ a Bible study with John Verhoeven, lenged by these staffmen in the six-day ly associated with sports fame. "I've now a reliever with the Minnesota seminar sponsored by Eastern Menno­ been becoming more aware of so­ Twins, that Quisenberry was first nite in Harrisonburg, Virgin ia. c ial needs and hurts," Quisenberry introduced to the gospel several OLIVE HIEBERT, assistant t o the recently told a reporter from World­ years ago. president, had an "historical" summer. wide Challenge magazine. "There Meanwhile, he continues to re­ She spent two weeks of her vacation studying Mennonite history and culture is a tendency to get puffed up and member the spiritual nourishment while traveling in Europe. Her t our group separated from the average person. he received at Fresno Pacific. "If visited England, the Netherlands, Ger­ But the athlete is no better than you get wind of any Mennonite many, and Austria, and included over-

A Message From the Alumni President "Ownership," "Regionaliza­ future plans, programs, and cur­ wants to hear from you and col­ tion," and "Fresno Pacific Col­ riculum at FPC. Questions re­ lectively share dreams for the fut­ lege, a Pacific District Confer­ garding the Special Events Cen­ ure. We as alumni and constitu­ ence School. " These words have ter, faculty members, and contin­ ency need to actively participate frequently been spoken among uing education were numerous. in this relationship. our conference constituency Again, alumni as well as the FPC During this school year I en­ since the Denver conference. constituency appear to be asking courage each ofyou to utilize the Many of our constituents have for more information about the forms of communication current­ expressed interest in building clo­ college. ly established. As a guide in this ser ties with FPC. Churches, pas­ It has been my observation endeavor I suggest one or more tors, and lay leaders have offered that the FPC administration and of the following activities: the FPC board, board have long been aware of (7) Talk with an FPC board administration, the need for communication be­ member or church advisory coun­ and faculty tween FPC and its various constit­ cil m ember from your area; much in the uency groups. As a result, several (2) Encourage and support way ofguidance effective channels of communi­ FPC admissions counselors when for the future. cation, such as alumni surveys, they visit your church,· Given its new the Alumni Council, the Messen­ (3) Call the College Relations ownership re­ ger, Alumni Phone-a-than, the Office and ask about current cam­ lations with FPC, College Relations Office, and in­ pus events. our constituen­ creased faculty visibility in con­ (4) Schedule yourself to at­ cy is concerned about communi­ ference churches have been re­ tend one or more campus events cating to the college the needs emphasized. The Church Advis­ this year (i.e., Homecoming and future direction of the con­ ory Council has been established sports even ts, Fall Festival, Spe­ ference. to serve as a liaison between the cial Events Center groundbreak­ In a recent FPC alumni sur­ churches and Fresno Pacific. ing ceremony, etc.). vey, a great deal of useful infor­ However, effective communi­ Communication requires ef­ mation was obtained concerning cation is contingent on the in­ fort and commitment. I encour­ how alumni view their relation­ volvement of both participants age all of us to put forth the ef­ ship with FPC. A large percent­ in meaningful dialogue. Fresno fort and build a supportive rela­ age of those surveyed indicated Pacific has many channels of tionship with Fresno Pacific Col­ a desire to know more about the communication available and lege. -by Lowell Boldt night stays at the homes of local Menno­ nites in Friesland, Holland, a visit to the Fall Festival Coming Oct. 18 Mennonite Historical Center in Amster­ dam, and viewing a performance of the Outstanding soccer, interesting everyone, wi II be scheduled th rough­ passion play in Oberammergau, West seminars, fascinating and fun fair out the afternoon. Come with ques­ Germany. Upon return to the states she booths, delicious food, and tre­ and a friend spent two weeks on the tions and ideas to help us grow to­ East Coast visiting places significant to mendous music! You'll find it all­ gether. And don't miss a grand tour American history. and more-at Fresno Pacific's annu­ through our beautiful new library RICHARD UNRUH, his wife Pat, and al Fall Festival on Saturday, Octo­ addition. It's something to see! six other family members spent a month ber 18. Everyone's favorite activity at searching out their roots in Eastern Eur­ Several features of this year's Fall Festival is seeing friends and ope this summer. Their self-guided tour festival make it an event you won't former classmates. What better covered Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and the Soviet Union. The Danzig area of want to miss. Our "better-than­ place to visit than around our ta­ Poland and the Molotschna Colony villa­ ever" soccer team will host an ex­ bles on the campus green enjoying ges in the Ukraine are centers of Menno­ citing match with Westmont Col­ a delicious deep-pit barbecued beef nite history and here they visited the lege. On campus, student and facul­ dinner! home vii I ages of Richard's grandfather ty organizations will be sponsoring Whether you're a parent, a for­ and both Richard's and Pat's great grand­ parents. a wide variety of festival booths to mer student, or a friend of the col­ entertain and to give everyone an AL DUECK of the psychology faculty lege, there's a welcome waiting for participated in a convention of the West­ opportunity to participate in the you at Fall Festival. No reservations ern Region of the Christian Association FPC spirit. Informative seminars, are required. Plan now to attend. for Psychological Studies. The associa­ especially for parents but open to We look forward to seeing you! tion's members come from twelve west­ ern states and two Canadian provinces and met at Hartland Camp in the Sequoi­ as June 27 through 30. Dueck's involve­ Church. She will work in admissions and FPC staff in the admissions department. ment included working on the program public relations and Rod will teach his­ She is a 1980 graduate with her B.A. in committee for the convention, critiquing tory and social science. Both are 1975 communication. She is replacing JOAN some of the papers presented, and pre­ FPC graduates. MARTENS who, along with her husband senting a paper of his own on individual­ Replacing Janzen is KATHY HEIN­ Keith, will be spending some time in ism and society. RICHS WIEST, a 1979 graduate in speech Eugene, Oregon, on a Christian service and communication from California assignment. Roberta's responsibilities There are several "new arrivals" on the State University, Fresno. Wiest previous­ include recruiting students in the Fresno­ FPC campus this fall: ly worked as a teacher's aide in Fresno Clovis area. LOWE LL EWE RT, an attorney from while completing her degree. She spent There will be a young lady living in the Kansas City, Kansas, has been appointed her sophomore year at T abor College, men' s dormitory quad this fall. Her name director of college development. The de­ Hillsboro, Kansas, and served a term in is Larissa, and she is less than a year old. velopment program he now heads in­ literature-related work in Paraguay under Actually, she will be living with her par­ cludes fund raising and public relations, the Mennonite Brethren Board of Miss­ ents, RICH and CAROL ENNS, who and he plans to bring his legal skills to ions and Services. She and her husband, have moved on campus this summer. bear in increasing financial support for Steve, are members of the North Fresno Rich will be serving as head resident for the college through wills, bequests, de­ Mennonite Brethren Church. the men's dorms, with Larissa helping as ferred giving, and estate planning gener­ ROBERTA STRUM has joined the his assistant. ally. Ewert is a native of Mountain Lake, Minnesota, who graduated from Tabor College and attended the Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary. In 1978 he graduated with a doctor of jurisprudence degree from Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas. STEVEN BRANDT, a 1971 graduate of Fresno Pacific, is the new librarian responsible for collection development and acquisition of books at Hiebert Lib­ rary. He will work closely with faculty members of the college and neighboring Biblical Seminary. His first task is the development of a policy on book acqui­ sitions and the selection of new books to complement the courses of study at both schools. Beginning with the next issue, the MESSENGER will have a new editor. DEBORAH McKENZIE JANZEN, who has served as editor for the past year, as well as being administrative assistant in institutional advancement, has re­ signed in connection with a family move to Freeman, South Dakota. She and her husband, Rod, have accepted positions at Freeman Junior College and Academy, Hiebert Library has a new look. The addition, pictured here, is on the north side of a high school and college connected with the building and is completed. The existing structure is presently being remodeled. the General Conference Mennonite Dedication is set for October 26. er. They served previously with MCC in 79) and Jon Dyck on August 2 in Fres­ Malawi from 1975-78. no; K im Ewert (BA 80) and T im Suder­ Keith (BA 79) and Joan (Heinrichs, m an (Sr) on August 9 in Fresno; and BA 78) Martens have begun a two-year Tammy Bishop (S r) and Marty Hill (Sr) Chr istian Service ass ignment at the N ort h on August 16 in Fresno. Park Community Mennonite Brethren Jodie (BA 71) and Nona (Willard, FS Church in Eugene, O regon. 7 1) Rhea of O rosi enj oyed the summer Bob (BA 77) and Sharon (Penner, BA with their t h ird child, Jenn ifer L ynn, 79 ) Wiebe have moved to Sh after, where born March 29. Bob will be farming and Sharon will be Louis (BA 77) and Jane (Yakligian, the head teacher at t he Shafter Menno­ BA 78) Wiebe of Madera became parents nit e Brethren Church's preschool, "Kid­ upon the birth of Jonathan Richard on die Kollege." May 29. L ouis is working in rea l estate J im Elder (BA 79) is enj oying a new sa les. President Janzen gets involved on facul­ role as a safety special ist for F resno ty-staff w o rk day. Alum ni H all has never County in the risk management division . had such sparkling windows. Lois Ratzlaff (BA 75) has begun a ATTENTION M. B. ALUMS! mast ers p rogram in social work at CSUF. After graduating from FPC she worked All former students and facul­ in Santa Barbara for several years before ty of Fresno Pacific (or PEI) moving to F re sno w here she has been a senior account c lerk for t he City of Fres­ attending the Pacific District no's recreation division. Conference of Mennonite AT T H IS time of t he year many alum­ Bre thren Churches in Reedley ni members are beginning new service Jeff Nickel (BA 77) is assistant market­ and professional experiences. It's re­ ing d irector for T he Genesis Project, Inc., are invited to a get-together warding to see that former students con­ who produced the motion picture "Je­ breakfast on Saturday, Novem­ tinue to learn and grow after they leave sus," and are currently producing " T he ber 8. Watch for details when Fresno Pacific, and it's amaz ing to watch New Media Bible." D uring this past year you register at the conference! the many d ifferent directions life takes Jeff and his w ife Janice have lived in N ew them. York City where Janice completed a de­ gree in advertising and communications Arnold (BA 74) and Cherie (Coonrod, at the Fashion Inst itute of T echnology. FS 73) Prieb left this summer for Brus­ D an (BA 67) and Elizabeth Lopez of T he Nickels are currently l iving in Wash ­ Wh ittier are announcing t he birth of sel ls, Be lgium, where they wil l spend a ington, D.C. year studying French before going to a their first ch ild, D aniel Louis, born June 27. Dan is dean at El Rancho H igh missions assignment in Zaire. The Priebs, L inda Haro (MA 78) was recen tly ap­ School in Pico Rivera, and Elizabeth is a including Joshua, 5, and Ryan, 2, had pointed principal of Parlier High School. been living in F resno while Arnold com­ Sa lly Bakke (MA 77). a member of the regist ered nurse at Beverly H ospital in nearby Montebello. pleted a masters degree at Mennonite first masters in education class at FPC, Brethren Biblical Seminary th is spring. has bee n an element ary sch ool principa l Stephanie Anne is the name chosen by in Sanger for t hree years. Bill and Carol (Nagata, FS 73) Peters of Lynn (BA 68) and Kathleen (Brandt, Reedle y for their first child, born July 25. BA 74) Roth will be back in the va lley Eliza beth Robb (BA 77) and Gail Black beginning October 1 when Lynn assumes (Sr) were marrie d June 28 in Stockton. Grayson (BA 72) and Bonnie (Wiens, his duties as director of West Coast Men­ June 28 was also the w edding date for BA 72) Piepgrass of Tulare have a new nonite Central Committee. L ynn has Debra Findley (BA 79) and Rodger Bray son, Noel Christian, born August 7. been with MCC since 1974, most recently (BA 79). T he Brays are moving t o Wil­ And Ron (BA 72) and L ynn (Spencer, as U .S. program director. H e and Kathy more, Kentucky, w here Rodger wil l at­ FS 72) Brannan of Clovis are announcing have two children, Rache l and Zachery. tend Asbury Theologica l Seminary this the birth of t heir son Jeffrey Ryan on fall. A lso serv ing through MCC are T om August 22. Jeffrey has a two-y ear-old (BA 71 ) and Aletha Frantz, whorecently Other summer weddings included El­ brother, Christopher. Ron is a medical began a three-year term in Tanza nia as dene Reimer (BA 72) and James Farrar technologist at St. Agnes Hospital labor­ development consultant and vi llage work- on July 18 in Pinole; Cindy Witze l (FS atory.

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