Militarism: a policy in which preparedness is of primary importance to a .

Excerpt below is from I: A History in Documents: A second prominent form of rivalry between nations in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was military, and spurred an . , France, Russia, and - invested large sums of money to expand and modernize their armies, and then found themselves forced to spend even more to keep abreast or ahead of their rivalsʼ military expansion. Moreover, as the major powers acquired colonies in and , they required larger navies to protect distant possessions and the trade routes to them. The escalating naval race between Germany and Great Britain, for example, encouraged a spiral of mutual suspicion, with alarmists on both side exaggerating their own ill-preparedness and the otherʼs hostile intentions.

Think About It:

• Were the European countries justified in competing to increase their military strength? What might have happened if they chose not keep up with their neighborsʼ stockpile of , ammunitions, and tools of war? • Why would the British post Public Warnings like the one posted above? How would it make you feel to see public announcements like this at your neighborhood bus stop? The article below is from the September 6, 1914, Times and was written by the Imperial Russian Vice Consul in New York , Baron Korff.

“Allies’ Fight Directed Against German Militarism”

The of Archduke Franz Britain and , and the Republic of Ferdinand of Austria at Sarajevo, in light of France. It is rather difficult for the average present conditions, appears to be the American to find the real causes that have pretext which led to the present great led to this struggle of nations, as they like European war, involving the Empire of solely in the conditions and latest Germany and Russia, the Kingdoms of Great developments of the political life of Middle WWI: Militarism

Europe generally, and Germany and Austria second place. Her rivalry with England particularly. compelled Germany to increase her army, Germany’s colonial acquisitions too, and we observed how from a quiet, created a new era in her policy, and, if I may inoffensive, modest State Germany be permitted to so express myself, changed gradually became very strong and completely the face of the . endeavored to play the first violin in the The protection and development of her concert not only in , but also of the colonial possessions and her commerce whole world... The military and economical required a strong navy. England’s developments of Germany induced her to go of the commerce controlled by further in her tendency to enlarge her Germany started the tremendous growth of territory. England’s naval power, and gave Germany

Think About It: • The newspaper article claims that Germanyʼs militarism was one of, if not, the main cause that led to the outbreak of I. However, Germanyʼs need for an increased military was fueled by its need to protect its . This situation makes it difficult to decide whether it was competition over colonial holdings or the increase of military strength that really began the War. Which do you think had more influence over encouraging the European countries to war?

The bar graph below indicates the amount of money that was being spent by France, Great Britain, Germany, and Russia from 1890-1914.

Think About It: • According to the graph, what change occurred in each country between 1890 and 1914? • How did this change influence the coming of the war?