
Adult Malcolm X: A Graphic Biography - Andrew Helfer Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo - Abina and the Important Men - Trevor Getz Alexandre Dumas Age of X-Man: Prisoner X - Vita Ayala March Trilogy - Ant Man: Second Chance Man - Nick Spencer Maus - Art Spiegelman Arkham Asylum - Grant Morrison My Friend Dahmer - Artists Against Police Brutality - Nat Turner - Kyle Baker Bill Campbell, et al Prisoners of the War on Drugs - Real Costs of the : White Knight - Sean Murphy Prison Project et al Berlin - Jason Lutes Prison Grievances - Terri Leclerq Bitch Planet - Kelly Sue DeConnick Prison Island: A Graphic Memoir - Colleen Frakes Black Bolt: Hard Time - Saladin Ahmed Road of Bones - Rich Douek Calexit - Matteo Pizzolo Saga - Brian K. Vaughan Cannabis - Box Brown Sandman - Daredevil: the Devil, Inside & Out - Sex Criminals - Matt Fraction various authors The Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling - East of West - Marc Mauer Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun - Geoffrey Canada The Real Cost of Prisons Comix - Lois Ahrens Gaijin: American Prisoner of War - Matt Faulkner They Called us Enemy - George Takei Ghandi: A Manga Biography - Kazuki Ebine Thunderbolts: vol 2 - Jim Zubkavich Hard Time - Steve Gerber To Kill a Mockingbird: A - Hellblazer: Hard Time - Brian Azzarello Harper Lee Hostage - Guy Deslisle Watchmen - Kaijumax - Zander Cannon What is Obscenity? - Rokudenashiko Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation - X-Men: MagnetoTestament - Damian Duffy Lockdown: Escape from Furnace - Alexander Youth Gordon Smith Luke Cage - various authors Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation - Ari Folman

Graphic No vels & Comics Round Table @libcomix / [email protected] / FB: A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel - Madeleine L’Engle Deadly Class - I am Alfonso Jones - Tony Medina Monster: A Graphic Novel - Walter Dean Myers - Marjorie Liu Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales: One Dead Spy - Nathan Hale Nimona - Noelle Stevenson Persepolis - Marjane Satrapi Prison School - Akira Hiramoto Quincredible - Rodney Barnes The Outside Circle - Patti Laboucane-Benson White Bird: A Wonder Story - R.J. Palacio

This list was created at ALA Annual 2019 at the “So Many Comics, So Little Time” session by librarians and creators. These titles were brainstormed to use as discussion starters for a particular social justice issue. They have not been vetted, nor are they recommended as “best of” titles for this topic.