A '■



nvonufuntmi LOCAL AFFAIRS. morrow evening at 7.30, the pastor, Kev x. tjrrttttmmte. H. B. Mathews, will lecture on “The In- side of the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIN WEEK. Cup”. Emilie Young’s dancing assem- Walter Pio—Tenement* to let. yUs blies Notice of foreclosure—Celia Alexander. have been suspended until after th< The Burrill National Bank Notice—Annual meeting. holidays. Lost —Havings Pass Book. W R Parker Clothing Co.—Sale. The factory of the Mutual Shoemaker* Found-- OF Dory. of Ellsworth resumed this ELLSWORTH Bankruptcy notice—William H. Ward. operations Isaac L Hodgkins—Repair work. week, under the management of P. B Edgar R Page —Fox trapping. Russell. The has a numbci J H Kresnahan— Notice. factory good -Service I will 2 H C Austin—Furniture. of orders on hand. pay you cent, on 'ISafety he two factors per your E G Moore—Rexal) store. only worth considering in selecting a bank H C I. Morang—Dry goods. Assignment of supreme court justice* for t)ie transaction of your business. J A [G check balances of 500 or Haynes—Groceries. for the 1914 have been announced $ over,' Bur rill national batik. year A Holt—Bakery. Justice Spear will preside at the April The UNION TRUST COMPANY of El Isworth with a Lost—Watch. | interest term in Hancock county and Justice crediting monthly. Lynn, Mam.: Capital of $100,000 Cornish at the October term. pE Bay State Hosiery Co. Surplus and Profits, $100,000 [B Unsurpassed service and monthly Interest should be an Miss Annie R. Emery left Saturday foi Stockholders' Liabilities, $100,000 Inducement. Write us to day. State some amount as an SCHEDULE OF MAILS Haverhill, Mass., for a short visit, after A protective capital for depositors of over $300,000 with re- [p AT balance < BLLSWOKTB POSTOFFICB. which she will go to tc sources of over averaire and let ns show you what you are losing. Jonesville, Micb., $1,600,000 provides both safety and service of the b; /n effect Sept. 29, 1919. spend the remainder of the winter with highest standard. [C This is a convenient bank for the of Hancock and her uncle, Rev. W. F. Emery, and her people jp MAILS B8CBIVBD. Washington counties to do business with. Our directors are sister. ip 83 Main 9 to 9 to 1. men interested in the affairs of these counties. Their aim is f7Z St., Fbom a to Hours, 4; Sat., Wbut—7.18 m; pm. S. stimulate and assist in the business interests of Hancock and Fbom East—11.06, 11.67 am; 5 47, 10.52 p m. Mr4. William Cousins left last Thurs- J= Washington counties. It is a home bank intended to MAIL CLOSSS AT POSTOFFICB day for to a few stimulate j& Philadelphia, spend home industries and home enterprises. We are interested in f:; Ooino 11.80 a m; in. weeks with her West—10.80, 5.16,® p husband before be anil* every corporation, mercantile firm and individual. As our busi- 15 Goino East-6.46 a m; A46. 6 o m. for the Booth for the wdnter on the house- ne«s increases every year, it is proof sufficient of the satisfactory service we render. If you are not a customer we invite lb yacht on which he is employed as chie! already, Registered mail should be at you to one. postofflce half engineer. became J|[j an hour before mail closes. Ex-Chief Justice Emery, ef Ellsworth was a recent of the Rhode Union Trust of Me. WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. guest Island Company Ellsworth, State Bar association at its annual meet- i For Week Kmling at Midnight Tuesday, ing and banquet in Providence Dec. 1, and Women Who Bank December 9, 1913. made a brief Address on the function o! [From observations taken at the power the judiciary. station of the Bar Harbor A Union River I with the Eastern Trust * Ranking Co. know Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is Fred, the fourteen-year-old son of Fred already given in inches for the hours what a twenty-four Coleman, who was so severely splendid way'it Is to safeguard their funds ending at mlduight; snowfall is, of coarse, injured by a “Look most to No matter and mak» reduced to water.) fall from a stone wall last September, your spending. how properly, simple, economical, and busi- Weather Precip- and has never fully recovered, has been ness-like payments. Thousands of women already Tempcrature condition). itation much comes in, if more goes out, you will be taken to Bangor for an examina- always with us: us X-ray bank let tell you how you can enjoy this 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon tion and possibly an operation. poor.” mail. Full Information sent Wed 84— 88— rain cloudy .20 privilege by cheerfully The Thurs 33— 38— sophomore class of Hadcliffe college on request. cloudy cloudy Start a Account Now and Let the Fri 34— 37— cloudy fair recently gave a novel entertainment tc Savings Interest Help You. Mat 31— 88— clear clear me iresnmen, a leature or wnicn was Sun 22— 40— ram rain 1.92 “The Bine a on Blue- cloudy, * Book”, parody “The Mon 48 — HANCOCK CO. 96— rain rain, snow .27 bird”, a clever sketch written and coached SAVINGS BANK Turn 23— 32— clear clear by Miss Doris Halraan, an Ellsworth girl. ELLSWORTH, MAINE Established 1873. Irene chapter elected officers last Friday Misa F. Jude tJeorgia is teaching *it evening as follows: Margaret Jordan, North VV. Eddington. M.; E. S. Means, W. p.; Nellie A. “.MIDNIGHT SCANDAL.” NORTH KLLS WORTH. The literature club will meet with Misa Lermond, A. M.; Mabel Lord, secretary; Ada Lester Moore, of Bar Harbor, is a guest Mary A. Gay nor next Monday evening. Lord, treasurer; Cora Welch, con- Entertainment and Way Back Ball Mina of J. H. Nason. Oscar P. Cunningham, of Huckspcrt, ductress; Cottle, associate conduc- of Dirigo Club This Evening. tress. Mrs. Louise Moore is her SISISIS -W W-rW-i-O-rW-l-W-S-S -I t»as in Ellsworth yesterday on business. The entertainment and ball of the visiting m x At a athletic club will take this daughter, Mrs. Minnie Danico. Mrs. George H. Grant left Monday to special meeting of the city govern- Dirigo place THE It wirier in futtn ar.d Albany, ment last evening, at which Mayor Cun- evening at Hancock hall. The entertain- N. Y. ningham, Aldermen Clark, Moore and ment will consist of the original farce, Stilimtsrmems, Moor were present, the petition of the New “Midnight Scandal,” written and ar- Miss Winifred Doyle is home from the England Telephone & Telegraph Co.’foi ranged by Hoy C. Haines. The scene is Store" jj Castine normal school for the holiday va- "Quality to erect and on laid and works in a permission wires ago, cation. poles fifty years Notice to Washington street, from High to Watei musical review, in which some of the old- Taxpayers Miss Marguerite Coughlin has to gone street* was granted. time songs are sung by a chorus of forty- Taxes must be settled by Portland ta> enter a for a course as FURNITURE hospital are the j! The friends of five voices. Following special many Charles H. Grindal. Dec. if wish to <> trained nurse. 20, 1913, you one of Ellsworth’s numbers: retired merchants, save the cost for i > Mrs. C. I. who has been seri- being adver- Staples, who was taken suddently ill last week, are Solo, "The Mysterious Kiss” ill of measles and is tised and sold. Next week we ously pneumonia, pleased to see him out again. Mr. Grin- Miss Lilias Phillips now improving. was “All Aboard for Alabam*,” “When I Lost dal seized with sudden dizziness at once and save You.” “Snookyookums,” “Take me Pay Nokotnis Rebekah lodge willsirve sup- while on the street, and pitched from the shall have Hack to the Garden of Love,” “At the holly at Odd Fellows room next sidewalk to the street. hi.* expense. per banquet Fortunately Devil’s Ball”.Chorus Tuesday evening at 6 30. daughter-in-law-, Mrs. C. W. saw and wreaths. :: Grindal, Duet. "Girl of My Dreams.” J. H. Bkesnaiian, him and he received A Frank Crabtree returned recently from a fall, prompt assist- Mi«s Margaret King, Earl Falvey Coll, Taxes ance. He was of for igij successful hunting trip near Sprague, picked up unconscious, and So'.o, "Oh! Say! Doctor!”.Mrs A P Royal carried to his where he soon •De Pullman Porters’ Ball,” “My Blushin’ Dec. 1913 Wh.ii i- more ‘or a Christmas killing one deer and a moose. home, rallied Ellsworth, 9, appropriate Evenin’ "Kiss Me. and is now apparently as well as ever, ex Rose,” "My Star,” Capt. A. L. He Hatty and wife are spend- Do-Lu-Lu”.Chorus gift than a comfortable Rocker?’ We have cept for bruises received by bis fall. Honey, ing the winter in Bangor with their Trio, “Won’t you Be My Playmate.” Sliss and At a after Phonograph Sewing daughter, Mrs. William J. MacDonald. parish meeting the supper al Myrtle Monaghan, Reuel Whitcomb, for mother and the in « them father, children, the Unitarian vestry last Mrs. Mary Burke Brown, of Waltham* Wednesday Harold Hawkes Machine evening, several vacancies in the board o Solo, "Awfully Soft for Simon,” Repairing alt linishes and Mass., is in Ellsworth, called here by the styles. officers were tilled. The full list of off! Allon P Royal and chorus death of her step-father, B. Frank Gray. Mason and cers is as follows: Irving Osgood, presi “My Firefly Lady”.Philip Cleaning who has “When I Waltz Scissors anil Tools Miss Ruth Garland, been with dent; Mary A. Greely, vice-president “Down in New Orleans,” Edge ground relatives in New for the with You,” “That Old Girl of Mine,” and Honed. Hampshire past Frank 8. Call, clerk; Embert C. Osgood three has returned to Ellsworth. "My Baby Bumble Bee,” “My Persian and mouths, collector and treasurer; frank S. Lord Saw-setting Filing. H. C. AUSTIN & CO. Rose,” "You’re a Great Big Blue-Eyed i C. W. Grindal has made Charles Parasols and Vmbrelias Repaired improvements ;L. Morang, Irving Osgood Baby”.Chorus in his water street store his Mrs. and Mended. by enlarging trustees; E. E. Kowe, Mrs. F. L Solo, “Hello, People”. -Earl Falvey and chorus General Craftsman. office, giving much-needed additional Kent, W. H. Titus, pulp'it committee "The Vagabond," by Trowbridge, Locksmith, room. Charles L. Morang, Mrs. J. P. Eldridge Fred E C«*oke Solo “IMzzicatti” from the Ballet The annual meeting of Wm. H. H. Rice Mrs. W. H. Titus, finance committee dance, Sylvian.Miss Emilie Young Isaac L. will be held next Saturday afternoon Mary A. Greely, historian. Hodgkins. post Solo, "In the Shadows,” Miss Margaret at at G. A. K. hall. A attendance The steam sardine boat Stella 2, large JMckert King, dance Your.g is desired. owned by the Frenchman’s Bay Packing b^Misa The curtain will rise at 8 p. m. of South sharp. Cl RONE’S Hotel Miss who is em- Co., Uouldsboro, met with e Margaret Monaghan, A way-back ball will follow the entertain- as a milliner at arrived peculiar mishap last Friday wuiU From now out meals will be ployed Houlton, evening ment. yPECiAL SATE home last week to remain during the holi- coming up Union river to go iuto wintei _ served for 25c each. season. quarters at the yard of the Ellsworth DTOWN. day DOLLAR PINKER, 2oc Foundry & Machine Works. The captain ! The annual meeting of the Baptist so- SUPPER, 25c who was not familiar with the A. A. Moran is employed at Ludlow in cilled for last upper partoi BREAKFAST, 25c ciety, Monday evening, Carter’s lumber mill. Ladies’ and Cents' Sweaters, the river, was skirting up by the wharves Meals the *4 50 ^0^^ was postponed until Monday of next by week, when be ran upon the submerged outei Mrs. William L. Kemp is at home from white and Coat on account of the severe storm. gray. style. week, where she underwent a The best of meats will be served. end of the old Hall upper wharf, which Bangor hospital, All sizes. to In of the usual surgical operation. Value, $1.50 place Thursday evening projects beyond the line of the othei and Elmer are Good Rooms, 50cto75c ------service ai the to- Delraoht Trueworthy -- Congregations! vestry, wharves. The keel of the steamer slic Saturday night, ^00 ^^^0 \0 moving their big barn, which will be con- easily up on one of the submerged logs o nected by a shed with the bouse, making aSBfTtisnnnu* the wharf for half its length. There tin a great improvement in the place. C. R. Cirone, Prop. boat hung, and when the tide left hei Emery O. Bonsey died at his home here morning, after an illness of a few stem, her bow- pointed skyward at an Sunday weeks. The remains were taken to his a of Make Christmas angle forty-five degrees. She wai former home at South Surry, w here the fu- C. L. MORANG hauled off on Saturday afternoon’s tide neral was held to-day. Rather Than Christmas I he are damages slight. Saving AT tme: COMING EVENTS. M. D. Head and J. S. Donovan have jusi An from a week’s Expense! returned hunting trip up- ELLSWORTH. Give your wife or child for a Christmas river. They brought back no game, bui Wednesday evening, Dec. 10, at Han- (sent a “Baby Bond” of fft, flO, $25, ci did bring a tale of the terrors of the wild* Denominations issued by the New cock hall- Entertainment and way-back Rexali Store of Hancock w hich casts the gland Public Securities Co. and secured upper county ball under auspices of the Dirigo club on the “primitive man” stories far in the shade largest Hydro-electric Development LADIES’ LIST Admission, 25 cents; reserved seats' east of Niagara. It is located in Massachu- Fish They had hunted several days unsuccess- setts and lights cities and towns in three Salt Bargain balcony, 50 cents; floor, 35 cents; dance MANICURE SETS fully in the far reaches of the county, and states; earning at the rate of nearly f1,000,- tickets, 50 cents. 000 a Clean, white, heavy, English cured pollock, TOILET SETS returned Friday to Aurora. Saturday year. Friday evening, Dec 12, at Society hall— For particulars inquire of that arc worth cent BRUSH and COM H SETS under the able leadership of Frank Rowe, slack salted—fish every school and extra. East session ol of Aurora, they started out for a final Dancing E. J. Me. be sold at the POCKET BOOKS Walsh, Ellsworth, of 7e will Haynes hunt. had not travelled tirst course. per pound, STATIONERY They far before store for Mr. Rowe’s experienced eye discovered Saturday evening, Dec. 13, at Society PERFUMERY fresh deer tracks, and his hunter’s judg- hall—Dance. M CANDY EATS ment told him where the deer were and Tuesday evening, Dec. 16, 6.30 o’clock, at K & O TOILET WATERS To my stock of’groceries I have 25 Pounds, $1.38 where they would run. Placing Mr. Odd Fellows hall—Supper by Kebekahs. added and am same VANITY CASES Donovan on a and meats, selling commanding knoll, Dec. at is for one week Wednesday evening, 17, Baptist at to This good only, VIOLET DULC GOODS Mr. Head at another on the prices that look good care- bargain point runway, vestry—Sale and supper, by Hose sewing to sold out Mr. Rowe circled to start the deer. He ful buyer. Orders will be received and is offered subject being circle; supper, 20 cents. GENTS’ LIST started them all right, a whole herd of and carefully attended to, and be Friday afternoon, Dec. 19, at Masonic them—five or more. They bore down in delivered promptly. CIGAR CASES hall—Sale by sewing circle of Irene chap- great leaps upon Mr. Donovan, who bad - CIGARS BY THE BOX ter, O. E. 8. J. Your Grocer, barely time to find safe refuge behind a A. PIPES Dec. at Harvest El. Haynes tree as they tore past within a few feet of Wednesday, evening, 31, I_SMITH, 1-22 MILITARY BRUSHES Home hall. West Ellsworth— Main St., Ellsworth. Telephone | him. Fire? Oh, not Not until the grange I West end of bridge, Ellsworth BRUSH AND COMB SETS danger was past, and then he did puli the Dance and supper. Telephone, 7-3 SHAVING CASES trigger, only to hud that he bad forgotten POCKET BOOKS to jack a cartridge into the barrel. The SAFETY RAZORS deer, meanwhile, oore down within range N. Cushman of Mr. Head, but he was so upset by the Albert narrow escape of his companion that be to FOR RENT did not think of firing at the deer, it MONEY LOAN See Our Window. isn’t safe to ask for veniaon steak at Electrician and Contractor First-class tenement for fam- On Improved, Productive Real Estate; on Collateral and Commercial Paper. Donovan’s restaurant this week. Also dealers in Electric and Fixtures. , j Supplies of two; with conveniences. Municipal and Other Bonds of approved legality and ascertained strength. ily Moore’s Water colors for sale at Mrs. Howard Estey • Ellsworth. Drug Store, Wul- Building, to C.C. Cor. opp. P. O. ker'a, Bay View street.—Advt. C. C. BURRILL & 16 State Telephone 17-11. Apply Burrill, B,lsM"eT SON, St., Ellsworth, Me who have our sincere I Helen P Meddock*', eteward, Eugene H 2tW)«tis*mrma fHutual Benrfit Column. family, sympathy. 3mong tt)i Grangers. have never been to an M. B. gathering when Moon; eecretary, Lillian Wbeelden; — he was not pretent, and to say we shall miss E Auetln; aeeietant etew- RtdTKl* BT “AUNT MAIHJB**. This column Is devoted to the Grunge, es- Ireaeorer, Hojt him is putting It mildly. Charle* 1 Cana, Nettle pecially to the grsnges of Baeoock county. ard, Merrill, Jr.; Its Motto: and I have a new recipe I have recently tried. **.Helpful Hopeful. The column la open to all gnBgtn for the C Auetln; Pomona, Utile M Naeon; SUNDAY_SCHOOL. It not be new to the column, but don’t re- may discussion of topics of gsatrsl Interest, and Flora, Ten* McOown; lady aeatetanl etew- The Tortiire» The or pose* of ll» column are »uccl«ct'y member It, so will send it noticing along tor of Make letters -it a utuat reporta (range meetings. ard, Carrie M. Moore; gatekeeper. Ray- Lesson XL—Fourth Quarter, For stated tu the (Ms and motto Is for the with s few Love and best wish** clippings. sad concise. must ami short All communications oemii, and aim* to ne helpful hopeful t> all and so the sick mond Camber. sympathetic greetings but not be ts- of Rheumatism Dec. C4rt given It In thi* le-pect. Corn •KDOWICK. 344. cause lle impure bleed name of Toxt of tho Lesson, Josh, vii, 6-1S. mu Mention* hu«t be signed, but the You, 8. J. Y., and Esther, know bow Saturday, Me. 13-Meeting of Hancock Dec. 6 Sedgwick grange held it# regular writer will not be ted rmUM-n. is of resistance Memory Verse, 13— Golden Text, prl except by p much I appreciate your help. Lyall It Pomona with New Century grange, Ded- meeting, Paet Maeter G M Allen in the incapable be b* or Communications will subject appro*al so I learned Numbers Laving sickness in her family, ham. chair. One application was received and and tmtmert xxxii, 23—Commentary by rejection by the ert tor of »h- column, but none j _ orcirery white in Ellsworth a few days ago. Hope one elected to membership. Officer* wer* Rsv. D. M. Stearns. will be rejected without iiood res-on. Address seagirt, 471, socth dies isue. seems we shall hear from her and. the many \ elected. CS»ke and ooffee were eerved at useless—but the all comma* > teadon* to ! Seagirt grange met Noe. 2», with twenty- Although oar lesson is in chapter vii. Tmr others who still retain an interest in the recee*. At th* next meeting lb* Ant end fame of Scott’s Amkbicab. six members and two visitors praaent, A Emulsion be are asked to read to chapter iL tiCworih, Ms. family of M. B.’a. eecond degree* will be worked. fine program was carried oat. Tbe next for rheumatism is ending with the words, "So Joshua RRCIPBS. Tbe newly-elected officer* an: H H relieving meeting will be held Dec. 8. and Dew took the whole laud, according to all Hale, Foeter Pierce, oeeneer; based on WORRY AWD Kl'lkY. Bfovoi Cake — One-half maeter; logical principles • * * cup sugar, officers will be chosen for tbs ensuing that the Lord said unto Moses Berthe Orcutt, lecturer; Frank Leighton, There are two little demons «e |b#vt to com- one-half cup flour, two well-beaten eggs, y«r- and scientific facts. This and the land vested from war (it 23). _ eteward; Denial Allen. aeeieUnt eteward; bat. one small teaspoon baking powder, ptnch oil-food The section tells of the conquering and BAT VIEW. 1487. KAUBECBT COVE. Ella Sadia W Allen, promptly melee* And their name* a e W’orry aod Harry; of salt, two tablespoon# cold water, added Thuraton, chaplain; destruction of mauy cities after the the deuce with nerves and all Bay View grange elected officers Wed- Inee Allen, eecnlary; Horeoe active, red, They plsy four last. 1 used cream tartar and aoda with treasurer; life-sustaining taking of Jericho, but liegins with the that, nesday evening ns follows: Master, Allen, Mn W H IVrvewr, good success, instead of baking powder, gatekeeper; b^ood corpuscles and i»* defeat at Ai and the reason of it. Bat still we keep on with our flurry. Julien Emery; overseer, Leon L Smi’.b; Mr* Frank Pomona; Mra i like the lemon for flavoring. —8. J. Y. Ceyaa; Leighton, 11 Defeat seems strange after the word Lona A Pant body -bu din g poop- ries We hurry through breakfast, then ©C like a lecturer, Rich; steward. G M Alton, Flora; Nellie Perveer, lady "There shall not Hungry Cask — Two cupa of light Of the Lord to Joshua. shot. Russell; secretary, A£ Cbilman; treas- aeeietant *te«ard. regulate the functions to able stand before thee brown sugar and half cop of butter, two any man be to We worry through work till the end of the urer, Charles L Sband; chaplain. Lulu acids. all the of life" but the egg yolks, one cap of sour tr.Uk with one expel poisonous days thy (l-5>. day. , Alley; assistant steward, Newell Emery; MAlWAFAqrA, 177. ItOFTH *1. CRH ILL, ful of soda dissolved in one- Scott's Eaclsioa, with catef :i fulfillment of the Lord's promises We hurry throughed inner, after which, like teaspoon it; Ceres, Margaret Rich; Flora, Foaftll State Maeter Steteon end Deputy N L conditions to as not, half teaspoonful of cloves, diet for one month, will relieve sometimes depends upon one-quarter Smith; Pomona, Nettie Robbins; gate- Heath were preaent at the meeting of W’e to be off to ou our as hurry again a “play.” of nutmeg, two and one-half the lame muscles and be fulfilled part, when teaspoonful keeper, Ralph Robbins; lady assistant Maeeepaqua grange Dec. 1. There wen stiffened abide In Me and cups of flour. This makes three layers He said, “If ye My We hurry the baby as fast ss we can. steward, Lois Lelaud. forty-nine mem here and eight vie it or* in joints and subdue the unbeata- words In shall ask what baked in Washington tins. abide you ye Kindergarten andfhigh school >nd college, pie attendance. A fine enpper waa aemd ble sharp pains when other will and It shall be done unto bet. Filling for aame: One cup sugar, one- ye you." you OCEAN VIEW, 508, CENTEX. and an intcraeling program prevented. remedies fail. Arc raced through in our borry to maJte him of boil until (John xv. 7). quarter cup water; together Ocean View grange held its regular B*war# of ofcoAeAf imitat:on§ a roan. it threads without then add one n t? nu't; wtii luai iibu stirring, meeting Nov. 27, with John Dokrrr, enxivAit, 381. and intttf on of bis forty-one patrons th*purity SCOTVS. Till brain is a .Jumble, his nerves all raisins snd two whites forbidden to appropriate anything of cup chopped egg presents. It was voted to send tbe worthy At tbe meeting of John Dority grange AT ALL DMUOOfSTS 1 upset. beaten stiff. This is sufficient for filling the goods of Jericho, and unknow n to master and bis wife to tbe State grange. Saturday evening, forty member* were Then we wonder why half of the world's in- and on J. Y. Joshua there had been transgression. frosting top-delicious.—8. Tbe fourtb degree was conferred and a preaent and vtaitor* from lb* follow- in his efficient; We do not wonder that he igno- chicken supper was served. Tbe lecturer ing grange*: Schoodlc No. KB, Ctaabman, As we rampagejaiong In our flurry. rance of this rent his clothes and fell GIVKS I P FARM. fem. Sister Luella Brown, a Pamela, Benton, Rising Star 1 am sure this very^good reason'* sufficient, pro presented Lamoine, upon his face before the ark and that of recitations and 4». Then no it is due to our W’orry.aod Harry. program readings, and Schoodlc No. being Relieves Neuritis dust New Haven Railroad to Abandon he and the elders of Israel pot songs. special business, the evening waa given heads aud he said: Do you think, after all, It^is worth what we Uod Farm. upon their that Blaeberry ovar to tbe who presented an ex- p»y* BARVRHT HOME, 403, WIGHT RLLS WORTH. lecturer, "O Lord, what shall I say when Israel The New York. New Haven A Hartford cellent of music and Rheumatism In nervous prostrati >n and numberless Ills? Harvest Home met Dec. and program comisting by their ene- R. R. Co. has surrendered tbe U grange 6, turneth their backs before W option orchestra, and a “None So Deaf as hy can't we take time to live, day by day. elected officers as follows: W farce, mies? What wilt Thou do unto took in tbe fail of 1811 38,000 acres of Henry Thy For truly «nd surely, it's Hurry that kills. upon Tboae Who Won't Hear.” in Glass, master; Clarington J Carter, over- Chest Sore — lands tbe towns of lurisbes great name?" (Verses (I. 8.1 Lillian Stubbs, tn October .Vnudiu*. agricultural Cberry- CoMs, Coughs, seer; Josie L Clark, lecturer; James W We do well to consider whether our —Sent by S. J. T. field and Debloit, having decided to Throat and Umbago Over Night Bnerman KLl^WORTH MvRKKTS. name or His name is most In our es- abandon its of a ob- Carter, steward; Cunningham, project giving great For only V» cents can **’ a bV* assistant steward; M Cunning- ! fo\i timation. Joshua was Jealous for the Dear M. B- friend*: ject I**««>n in farming, owing to the many George yellow bo* of yellow MUST A RINK ar.d ham, Minnie 8 treas- honor of Jehovah. The Lord explain- On arriving borne after a moat enjoyable investigations into the affairs and methods chaplain; Bryant, The quotation* below fire the range of •Sncrre drugwiwa will tell you that If it urer Clara [Isn't better than ary r4a»?«*r. Hnti or week in Fort 1 found of tbe and tbe of tbe 1 Carter, secretary; James retail price* in KlU worth: ed the cause of the defeat by the sad spent Fairfield, company attitude poultice you ever oaetf, money bark. me and Grindle, gatekeeper; Let tie A T Guptill, ARISE absorb* in- announcement that Israel had sinned, awaiting Thanksgiving greetings Interstate Commerce t om mission tow ard Don airy Prodooo. | BEOri HURT Aurilla and tnai* why tt only taw-* a and He letters from the which gave me in the matter of en- Ceres; PUrtsr, Pomona; Agnes Hatter. stantly.1 had stolen and dissembled, nieces, railroads, especially few minute* to get rid of earache, -ad- M Allie said that He would not is* with them much pleasure. terprise* other than tbe business of trans- Cunningham, Flora; Cunning- Creamery per ft.....30 gw ache. toothache, backache and neuralgia. assistant steward. Dairy..... 30«tt Mt'StTAni.NK won t blister: and t* *i- more until the sin was confessed Thanks to “Are” and *4M. A. P.” for ham, lady any portation. If# the real good old- It waa voted to send the j way* ready. and HM2>. Al- cards. 1 did not knowjw here the latter vii This tract of farm lands ia owned master, Ray- put away (verses great F*e#b native, per dot...... 8) fashioned muitard planter brought up to mond to State It though only one man had sinned, note living at present—had sort of lost track of by Jasper Wy man, of- Mil bridge, and tbe Cunningham, grange. Werner©..... «5 date with 14 other Ingredient* added. I alttftya *ati*he* was her — until the showed Installation of officers will be the second Foal try. that the Lord said that the nation post-mark Bar Freeman estate, represented by George 8. Nothin* *o good on earth for br--n- Carter as Fowl...I* guilty. "Israel hHth sinned: they have Harbor. 1 truat yon all had a pleasant Freeman of Cberryfteld, from whom, in Saturday in January, with Clara tie cMUa, eorr throat, croup. *tiff n«K k. Chicken*.St«1S lamenee*. sore rmieeie*. iurnba* have taken" season, to on William F. Curran and installing officer. Hattie Carter and A K transgressed: they (verse Thanksgiving though many 1811, Cyrus F. Hay. rorna. bunion* and callous***, chiib’a. r.» such Cora Grindle and Bher- 11). Consider how the welfare of a days there cornea the mingling of joy Stack pole, of Bangor, secured an option, Guptill, assistants; Be*t loo**. per.too iftgiT and treated feet Druggists #m»*h«ra Re sure It* a £ HOY'S 141'ST A R1N11 family or a church may lie affected by and sorrow. Holidays, particularly those wbicb they in turn transferred to tbe man Cunningham, marshals. Bated.. .1**S> Straw* the wrongdoing of one person. connected with family gatherings, always Maine Central railroad, wbicb company NORTH BROORAVtLJLK. 11 On the morrow Joshna to memories of tbe to it RAINBOW, 2UBi, uw.•.it« began bring past mind. passed along to tbe New York, New Ba ed. 18 Rainbow held Us meet- search for the guilty one. and. proba- Haven A Hartford. grange regular A Vegetable*. MI-O-NA STOPS ALL bly by lot. the guilt was found to he Dear Aunt Madge: Tbe New Haven officials. President ing Dec. 4; number present, forty-five. short was • in the tribe of Judah. Then the fami- Where sre the letters for oar column? Meilen in particular, manifested much program presented. Far* tip*, lb. tt Onion*. Oft Never In its have the Oieiy. buocb. 30 Lettuce, head, 17 STOMACH DISTRESS ly was found and then the household history helpers of interest in tbe wbicb lies cloae property, Cai bag* lb. Od Curtate, ib. 03 j Aunt Madge so “shirked" their duties as dur- LAMOINR, 264. and finally the individual, and Achan to tbe Washington County railroad, and He t*. lb 01 Bqnaah, lb. Cd ing the past year, or have I forgotten? Has The officers of La mo ins Fcraioe* pk Id fur lb, 03 suffer with that uncomfortable to realise that his sin tied found at once entered a to newly-elected nip#, Why t>egan that upon project demon- each, 10 tabooed word “busy** anything to do are: Thaddens Pumpkin*. of fullness headache, dlzrb him out (xiii. 18 and Golden Texti. strate tbe of grange Hodgkins, master; feeling with it? 1 am it has In productivity tbe land, as a positive my case, but Mrs T Fruit. ; ness, sour, gassy, upset stomach, or Joshua then urged Achan to make means of Wesley Cousins, overseer; Shirley I am going to send a few lines anyway, for interesting farmers, tbe plan I heartburn? list relief at once — de- confession, which he did, and. the Holt, lecturer; W’ K Salisbury, steward; Omagra, doe Sftd Lemon*, dot, M this is Thanksgiving week and everybody being to divide tbe territory into 100-acre 1 are to-day now assistant Mrs Alma O eaberne*. qt. 1* Grape fruit, each, i> lays dangerous. Huy stolen found in bis tent, Roy Bmilh, steward; — things being will b? busier than usual; even gou may have tracts and dispose of it to settlers, with ! a fifty-cent bo* of Mho na Tablets Mr* Grace Or*c*rt#«. he and all his were stoned and burned a few things to do beside planning now to fill tbe expectation that thereby a large Coggins, chaplain; Hodgkins, ! Their action is sure, safe and irnuied Misa Eunice secre- ft Rice, ft and the sin put away (xix. 2oio the trnated walls of the shun. t, putting away of sin there will always level and clear of tbe New Audrey Hodgkins, lady f, ao«*d Bye meal. otftuft earthly call! entirely woods, Hu ft— Gran meal, ft i end build* the diges lie Achan's “1 steward. gar— pet 01 strengthens up blessing. confession, Haven _ November, “gray robed priestess of tbe began farming operations in a Gift -olaied. Ofti* Oil-per gal- tire organ*, thus assisting nature In I coveted. 1 took" Vel ow, C 0* Linseed. OS saw, (verse 21), year,” Is almost over, and December, grayer small way in 1812, in which year 100 acres VKRONA, 206. the of the f<>. Powdered, 10 K rrowct, 11 prompt digestion takes us back to Eden, where Eve and almost colder, is bere. Then comes tbs ware planted to potatoes, with a yield of The newly-elected officers are: R A Molasses. gal, your entire system is benefited, you saw and desired and took the forbid- Christmas ruth, and before we have time to will health. over 100 barrels to tbe acre, a high record Whitmore, master; M G Clay, overseer; Meat* and Froelaloa*. enjoy good den fruit. think, winter is half gone. I never regret tbe l)o not suffer another — get a for quantity, w hile tbe quality was de- Anna Bennett, lecturer; George M Hall, ft: day of the short, dark Beef, Fork, ft: (. A Our affect our hearts for passing days when we live bo* of Mtoua Tablet* from eyes good cided to be the finest. In 1813 a like area steward; John Whitmore, assistant Bteak. 3dfl«& Chop. S3 so much by lamplight. Roa#t», 1***> Ham. ft 38 Pareher. Take them a* directed and or evil (Sam. ill. 51). and we are prone was planted, with a repetition of fine Ellen per g* I wish I had time to‘write a “truly** letter; steward; Hall, chaplain; Bradbury Corned, 10*l§ H boulder. 17 *ee how you get relief. to follow our inclinations: therefore V* enl: Bacon. quirkiy perhaps I will before long, and am crops. Leach, treasurer; Jennie Whitmore, secre- A|V hoping Bleak. »#4» Bait. Id we need to pray. "Turn away mine Prof. J. A. Boosted, who has of von may be showered with letters from all charge tary ; Rodney Baunders, gatekeeper; Hose Roast*. 1#*30 Lard 1ft eyes from beholding vanity" (Ps. tbe band. F.sthkb. tbe of soils of tbe U. 8. de- Po- Lamb: _ department Newcomb, Ceres; Mary Blunders, exit. 37). When we behold the Lamb, SO ft* beauty partment of agriculture, examined tbe mout; Hattie Dorr, Flora; Elisa Picker- If it ia ever of the Lord and follow Him fully, as allowable for an M. B. to land Froah Ft*h. for tbe New Haven, and declared it ing, lady assistant steward. Caleb and u-e the word it is from Joshua did and as Simon busy, surely to be admirably adapted to general agri- Halibut. 13 g^ Coo. m Haddock. ON 8m«lu,lb, 1ft lo the New — Peter was exhorted to do. all will tie Thanksgiving following culture a loose with — loam, subsoil an MAK1AV1LLR. 441. Oyster*, qt, SO Bcaitop#, ut, 60 well (Ps. xxvii. 4; Num. xxxli, 12; Year's day. advantageous formation in either drought Mariarille grange met Dec. 6. with a Clam*, qt, 3* John xxi. 22i. or excessively rainy weather. Predictions large aeaembly. Tbe meeting waa earned Floor, Grain and Fend. There was a cause of Is- Dear Aumt Madge and M. B. Sitter* secondary seemed to be very favorable for tbe aoc- on practically by the aiatera. Two candi- Flour—per bbl— Oat*, bo 00 I feel as though I had started the week & » 8 h rael's defeat at Ai. and that was un- ceaa of tbe New Haven's and date* were instructed in the final 60*0 or la—bog 1 ft* as it project, degree*. 100ft Mix the and (airly well, ia Monday evening and I Cam, bag 170 feed, bog 100 derestimating enemy thinking President Meilen had fully made up bis A good program wa* rendered. Officer* Corn 1 79 1 M have washed and done the u<>it of my iron- meal.bag Middling*, bg tnat 2.000 or 3.tJUO men were sufficient mind to tbe land when be elected Cracked corn, 1 70 ing, made a call and written to ••Jennie.*’ and, purchase difficul- will Dec. 13. to such a 2-5). conquer city (verses fearing lest Autt Madge be Heft alone again. ties and di»aster» crowded thick and fast There will be a Christmas tree Wednes- When the siu of Achan was law kcuitpixi, waiupni sen weasraae. put away 1 felt It my indispenaible duty to aend a Hoe upon tbe New H»ven, leading to bis re- day evening, Dec. 31. All are requested A bushel of sell shell go and the Lord Joshua to tothe column, for with all her Liverpool weigh encouraged go army of niece* tire me lit. I to come and help make a joyous evening. pounds. sad a bushel of Turk's Iplaad «a!t and take Ai. “Fear not; nei- it must be discouraging not to eteo one uc ui me ibali weigh TO pounds. up saying. get a iiHi'iaiiriueiH rimu Dll now, All tbe children are requested to furnish letter. If “Jennie." with all her infirmities The standard weight of a buthsl of potatoes ther be thou He also said. (or the re*sou» dismayed," stated, decided to ibtadou something for entertainment. Adult# are in good order aod fit for ts so and weakness, makes the effort to shipping, “Take all the of war with write, it of M people tbe enterprise at ons of the side lines requested to bring cake, pie, doughnuts, pounds; spplss, pounds. should be a rebuke to os who are in health The standard weight of s bushel of beans to h. ii. .%!«>«>KK, thee" (chapter viii. 1, 2>. which there it so ao against much objection coffee or milk. good ordar and At for la SO and much better able to write than she ehipping. pounds; KiUwortP, He. This time tbe was takeu and de- — of wheat, beet*, and city I know it is the and Messrs. Curran and Stack pole are now rula-baga tarnlps teas, nearing holiday t there SO pounds; of corn. M of ontone. M stroyed. as fully recorded in viii. 3-29. BAST 252. pounds; are many things to keep us busy, but let us conducting negotiations with seven! par- SLCKH1LL, pounds; of carrots. English turnips, rye and Then offered burnt Indtan Josjpia offerings not be ao absorbed in our own iuterests.ua- ties outside of Maine for tbe purchase of Bast Bluebill grange bald tta regular meal,A0poncd*;of parsalpe.iS pounds, and of barlrv and buckwhsat. SS pounds; of otU; peace offerings unto the laird, selfish though they may be. that we can’t and it with a the land, not successful in this be- meeting Saturday evening, small St pounds or svsn measure as bf agreement. wrote a copy of the Law of Moses and snatch a few minutes to send a line to the fore tbe expiration of their option, on Dec. attendance. Worthy Deputy Ueath made read every word before all tbe congre- column, fur none of ua. I am very sure, would IHUB-MARK Jl. they propose to organize a syndicate to some interesting remark*. There waa a DEDHAM. 30-35). want to see the column go out of existence. gation (viii. purchase the property outright and de- tong by Dora Uutcbtnga and Walter Gar- RUBBERS Chapter 9 tells of Joshua forgetting Has it never occurred to you that even Aunt A. A. Colbv has sold bis place at the velop it sgricultunlly on a large scale. ter and a recital ion by Willi* Snowman. his Instructions from the other Madge might get discouraged t And now. as village to Leelie Burrill. cap- Then are At tbe next the year is drawiug to a close and the time ia about 6,000 acres of partially meeting arrangements will tain to loose his shoe from off bis foot Mra. F. A. Black is visiting her nearing to draw up those anuual resolutions, burned over blueberry land, tbe other be made lor tbe installation Jan. 3. sister, (v. 13-15i, for he made a league with Mrs. Alfred Tracy, at Hancock, let us make this one very prominent with a 30.000 acres being entirely of natunl Waller Uarter waa elected delegate to the tying Gilieouites without consult- big N. B. at the beginoing—that we will be gnaa land. It is believed that potato cul- represent tbia grange at tbe coming ses- Ellis Goodwin, formerly of Dedbem, ing his captain: be asked not counsel more of her and thoughtful more helpful to ture can be carried on with as much suc- sion ot tbe State grange. end for some years of Nevada, baa been at the mouth of the laird (lx, 14i. We the column. cess in Washington county as in Arooa- Tbe newly-elected officer* are: Nellie visiting hi* sister, Mrs G. W. Brewster. cannot expect that He will direct us if Yes, I am doing my usual Christmas knit- 9m tkat the Hub-Mark te oa u>e took. M Wood, master; Walter K over- Dec. 1. B. Carter, _ we fall to acknowledge Him (I’rov. ting, but tnat is as far as I have got yet, as I rubber before you buy. It u your user; Fannie A Long, lecturer; John A 6l. : have been sewing some for myself. G. A. Grey went to last Standard Firet lii. Magazine sod Newspaper Notes. Willis Beverly, Mass., ineuranceof Quality ""Have been interested in Deli's and Horton, ateward; Snowman, as- week. letters, ia time Rnbbar Footwear fur erery purpoM In chapter x. 7-13. we learn that Gil- It that you started to make up sistant Annie M would like to ask her if made-over garments ateward; Kidley, chap- gal continued to be Joshua's your Christmas list. For the one who en- Mrs. Dora Littlefield la in •OLD BY headquar- would be acceptable to "Nell." lain; Arthur B Wood, treasurer; Manila L visiting ters. from which be set forth and to good you can mska no better Lioooln. I am getting anxious about “Irish Molly", joys reading Garter; secretary; Wesley Robert eon. gate- CENTURY HOOT SHOP, which he returned. Gibeou was a selection than a to the Boston great it has been so long since we have had a re- subscription keeper; Lisxie M Wood, Geres; Mary A Misses Ethel Fogg aod Marcia Burrill RLUVQBTI. city, and because of her submission to from her. Should think Evening a a port "Lyall” might Transcript, providing daily Curtis, Pomona; Alice D Moore, Flora; spent few days last wsek in Brewer. W. H. BUAISDEIX, and Israel five made war with her report.il briefly, lots of others that we feast of the best in literatun in addition ■ kings Dora M Hutchings, lady assistant steward. ■Dec. 8. B. FRANK LIN see at the annual __ (x, 1-5). gathering but seldom bear to tha canfuliy arranged and edited news. L R. from. YOUNG, are received MOUNTAIN VIEW, WEST WEBT BROOKLIN. The Gibeonites appealed to Joshua, Subecriptiona for any length 4*4. ED BN. coaaa. “Will report “Mol” as on a vacation. Her and he took all the people of war and of time and also, where the paper la not Tbe newly-elected officers are aa fol- Mias Gwynn, an evangelist, is eyes are troubling her badly, and she had to bolding all the men of valor and went wanted daily, for any or com- lowa: DO Hall, matter; Samuel her*. mighty lay aside her needle and rest them. singla day Leigh- meeting* Mra to their relief, for tbe Lord had aaid to I don't bination of days. Naatiy engraved certi- ton, overseer; Carrie Higgins, lec- feel as though I could close without School doted Wednesday, after a suc- • • * him: “Fear them not Not a of the loss we have ficates an furnished with ail subscriptions turer; Jobo Garter, ateward; Reuben speaking sustained in the cessful term taught by Adp Herrick, of man of them shall stand before thee" death of Mr. Rollins, which, of course, is noth- intended for Christmas gifts. Sample Brown, assistant steward; Gladys Hig- Brooklin. (x. 6-8). After an all night march tbe compared to the loss sustained by the dear copies of various issues of tha Transcript gins, chaplain; £ P Higgins, treasurer; Henry Bridges baa moved his men of Israel came suddenly upon tbe will be sent free of charge by tbe Boston Mr* Minnie £ Hadley, secretary; G N family from Sooth Burry, where have armies of the five and slew them Dr. Hobson’s Ointment Heals company on request. Rich, gatekeeper; Mr* £lva M Hall, they spent kings Transcript Caras; the summer. with a great slaughter, and the Lord Itchy Karma Delia Lnreey, Pomona; Mr* Edith Bleb, The sensation Dec. 1. B. constantly itebieg, burning Muriel — east down great stones from heaven BOl'TH DEER ISLE. Flora; Tripp, lady aaaietant _ and other disagreeable forms of ecsema. Them and slew more with hall- tetter, salt rheum and skin ateward. upon eruptions Mrs. Martha Maiana, of 8aletn, Mass., CENTER. ■tones than Israel slew with tbe promptly cured by Dr. Hobson's Stgema oiDMnrst. Geo. W. Fitch, of Mendota. ia bar niece, Mrs. Annie 111., visiting Tracy. Charles Ferrear has moved to sword (x. 9-111. says: “I purchased a box of Dr. Hobson's NIOOUN, 388, KOBTH ELLSWORTH. Pretty Eczema Ointment. Have had ever Mrs. Sadia Alexander, of North Haven, Marsh. Want In some miraculous the Eczema Nicolin grange held ita regular Tell Your Grocer You way daylight since the civil war. have been treated meeting by ia with her mother, Mrs. Maria Judkins, Past Mias Verm was prolonged till the battle was fully many doctors, none have given the benefit Saturday evening, Master Chart** C. Smith la teaching the winter that one box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint- who has been ill. won. for the Lord for Israel Camber in the chair. Thirty-tour mem- term of school. fought (X, ment baa." Every sufferer should try It. Rebeoca Bryant has gone to Mountain- ber* and two eiaitora were Offi- Poor’s mustard 14-42). As the Lord commanded Moses We’re so positive it will help you we guaran- present. William Andrews and family, of Stickney tee it or money refunded. At ail Druggists’ or ville to care for Mrs. Minnie who cer* were elected aa follows: and Moses Joshua, so did Joshua and Eaton, Master, Sorrento, are Mrs. by mail, 00c. visiting Andrews’ It for you baa just returned from Knox hospital. L A W He haa It or will get left nothing undone (xl. 13, 14). Pfeiffer Chemical Co. Philadelphia * Harry Wbeelden; overseer, Nason; mother, Mrs. Emms Campbell. St. Loul Doc. 1. Sub. Minnie H 1j lecturer, Danico; chaplain, Dec. L B. K1TTRRY TO OARIBOU. 3bbrrti«rmmt«. Follies Bernard Rogers, the oldest practicing lawyer in MactfUa, died in Bomerviile, ANO JOY AT Mass., laat PATHOS m,n where the Ice le Wednesday, aged seventy-five. Some JtoU thin; rock the boat on eummer dare: Fred D. Seymour, of Oalsis, tged fifty- soma cannot swim, but CHRISTMAS TIME IN lump right In. three, was one of the twenty-eight victims *™ many- man>p "»)• Byni .kT't” of the Aoadia house fire in Boston which men quit thle vile of tcare lodging And go to mwt untimely doom I last week. SOLDIERS’ HOMES L nloaded gun» fAr years and years Louis Have cut Noiskey, of Trenton, N. J., off men In life'• full bloom. wounded by s bullet which, fired at s mink A few men thaw out dynamite by another hunter, glanced from a rock, In ovens and are la m pathetic a* it heard no more. died in the hospital in Bangor last Wed- A gas leak with a candle light la to many of the old Still nesday. Joyous others seek, and life Is o’er, veterans Whlla Confederate who, by others, groping in the dark Charles R. Clason, of Gardiner, was on For something that CiliUSTMAflTfate and circumstances, are will cure a cold. awarded the Rhodes Saturday scholarship Drink acid, and life’s gentle spark to depend entirely upon the gen- for as the result of a close com- forced Ooea out before It's very old. Maine, of their comrades and their petitive examination, held at Augusts,- ially All these who have prospered since the are tricks that folly breeds. with five other candidates. frltud* And repetition dulls them There are no pensions for these not; war. Men still perform such silly deeds A Portland fishing boat one day last except the meager sums And this old soldiers quit bright and festive spot week took In her nets an eight-pound salt the various states, But there's one other us they K<‘t from Roms bids pause. water salmon and three large shad. The It ends full many a worthy's days— the veterans are dependent on these of these fish at this time of the of Some men while playing Santa Claus catching funds to keep them out of in Indgulflcant Still let their whiskers And a blase. year these waters is rare. -Detroit Free the ;worhouse. Dress. From the recent experiments made at fiftieth anniversary of the battle Tlio several coves about Passimaquoddy bay, was celebrated last 0f tiettyshurg WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS. near Fast port, it is expected a quantity of The twenty-year-old boy of this July. seed oysters wiir be planted early in the Is now a gray haired veteran of How the le bottle Oey Spent by the President spring. The waters near Hast port are de- The old soldiers are crossing seventy. end Hie Family. clared most favorable for the experiment divide the score, and be- the great by Christmas In the home of the presl- of oysters growing on a large scale. have there will ,te many years passed lent Is much the same as f In any other Arthur W. Shaw, formerly of Freeport, few left American home, be except perhaps there who was in June, 1912, sentenced to from About twenty years ago It was dls- Is more of It Mr. Taft following the three to five years in the Massachusetts that many of the bravest sol- custom colored of his predecessors, devoted state prison for the theft of |15,000 from war were to the diers of the drifting he day to his little or no husl- family, the A. W. Shaw Boot & Shoe Co., was, ..rliouses because there was nowhere iii"is transacted. There r, being were tur- last Wednesday, grunted an unconditional them to go and Iwcause their from e;»(* f For Joy g4>ee gallopin' aroun*. Your the Best at the Methodist parsonage Nov. 25. Pocket-Knife, T We run old Trouble out o' town and eeling present. .. ,o Christmas cornea tn Bill- ] Schools began Dec. 1, with Phebe Dur- Frances Dow, Joe Besse, Clifton Lord, villa Many articles of merchandise are gain in No. 6 and Hattie Saunders at No. 7. Mildred Lord, Russell Lord and Bernice Tobacco-Cutting Machine —Atlanta Constitution. 4 In Perkins were home from Waterviile absolutely prohibited transmission « Jobn Staples and Hoy Benson, who have the therefor* before Thanksgiving. Because it cuts the tobacco off the plug a* you use it malls, inquire iWben had employment in Aroostook, are home. are Dec. 1. C. Now that the holidays _ fresh tobacco for When mailing. The following students have returned —insuring you every pipeful. here the mails are Hooded with Christ- Broad Rsalm of Toya to Bluehill academy after spending a week “You speak your lines perfectly, Mr. machines chop up tobacco months before it reaches your mas to and coming Thera Is Dothlug material on earth, presents, going Della Jen- X,” said the worried stage manager; “but animate or In at home: Uray, Mary Nevells, the little of tobacco lose their aroma. When from all of the world. Inanimate, relating any somehow you don't look the married pipe, pieces you parts nie Marion Peaalee and Lena quite our from a Staples, man. look The average person knows little way to civilization, simple Try to married, please.” smoke them, they bum fast and hot, and bite your tongue. from a Wtllins. about the laws and regulations pin to a complex steam engine, postal 8. X. a of trees or Dee. All the natural flavor and of the seed to forest _ of this country and consequently la single giant 2Utt)cru*annu& moisture, fragrance observable forma of apt to make a mistake. Do you know from the lowest NORTH PENOBSCOT. tobacco are pressed into the Sickle Plug, and kept there creation to man himself, tn the animal — thst yon cannot mall tobacco any Frank Hutchins has sold his farm to nature’s own the natural leaf In our by protector wrapper. form to a friend in France or that that Is not represented toya CHECK CHRONIC Nathan Oray. It takes a of minutes to whittle off a you cannot mall patent medicine to a only couple pipeful— Chrystal Hutchins, a student of Caatine friend in If you have one Forgottsn. NOW and are rewarded a cool, sweet, smoke Hungary. her vacation at RHEUMATISM you by satisfying Them are pmeenta for all the girls and normal school, is spending there? The law* of thl* coun- no tobacco in the world can postal the boya borne. that ready-cut-up give you. to foreign try prohibit the mailing any And even the baby has so many toys KHKUMA Thoroughly Drives Out Mrs. Carter, who has been ill a long in country of matter liable to decomposi- That ah# doesn't quits know what to do Deep-Seated Uric Acid Poison. Convenient—no bulge your pocket. Economical—no with Mrs. Fannie — such ta confectionery or confec- with them ail. time, spent Thursday to pay for no loose tobacco to get and wasted. tion. mouth There is only qne way to be free from package spilled few ’Cause the toys am *o big and her Hutchins. tions Did know that, with Rheumatism — the accumulated Get a of Sickle at your dealer’s yon la so amalL impuri- plug today. ■ Ethel Hutchins commenced the jHiviua, juu Miss ties caused by an excess of Uric Acid for and other was to countries (Canada excepted) any pack- Them am slippers grandpa school here Monday, but obliged poison must be expelled from the body. things too. 3 Ounces Slice it as et or letter contain)ng gold or silver close Wednesday on account of illness. That is what RHEL'MA will and do a ahawl of the loveliest do, arti- And for grandma H. a Intances. Jewelry or precious Dec. 8. it If suffer from any blue. _ thoroughly. you you of cles? It la true Nor can you send While for father and mother and all form of Inflamma- SOUTH BURRY. Rheumatism—Sciatica, 10c any or letter containing articles the rest or “*1 packet they tory, Arthritis, Muscular, Lumbago There’s exactly the present they say Bert and Frank Grindle have liable to customs duty In the countries Young Gout — get a bottle of RHEL'MA from like best. to be to a sloop — addressed That does not apply purchased twenly-flve-foot G. A. Parcher for 50 cents it is guar- certain to find Canada or Mexico or to articles for- And wherever I go I am used scallop fishing. anteed. there and left some- Santa Claus has been and the warded post. Tbe postal The herring season is over “For six years I was a on by parcel thing behind. cripple of Intoxicat- I’m who have weirs here are laws prohibit tbe putting But, although it Is Christmas, sorry people returning crutches from Rheumatism. One bottle ing liquors (ardent vinous, spirituous because to their homes after a successful season. of RHEUMA cured me — Santa completely.” or If to No one has a present for good malt) In the malls. you try Mrs. Osmond Clark, of Ellsworth, is a J. K. Greenberg, 2238 Cottage Grove Ave., a Claua send to a frleud !u some distant city 111. -New fork American. guest at H. A. Boneey's, and Mary Turner, Chicago, small flask of tine whisky Its'destlna- dead let- tlon will be Washington—tbe Addmsa Plainly. ter office. Address the box plainly, so there can One would be surprised at tbe tre- Print- be no danger of its going astray. Cannot Live number of violations of the some Pain “‘ “ mendous ing is better than script Unless because In the same house with Tuttle’s Elixir. postal laws and regulations dreadful catastrophe happens, the gift Family LUMBERMEN of of tbe average person In and soreness from hard tbe Ignorance is sure to reach its destination per- The lameness resulting work, l Require an over-shoo that combines comfort and strength. pack- often using the mall*. Nearly every fect condition. exposure, or violent exercise pave the way for Goodyear Glove Rubbers tbe malls at age that through —a. _ should be goes' serious trouble and always avoided by, y Meet these requirements. The GLOVE la by the one this time of tbe year opened rubbing the limbs and body with brand of lumbermen's rubbers is postofflce department. Some persona a of the leading sellers In the world. A CHRISTMAS MENU. jj are to sending a package ] [ m&US 1U -.lie UKuaivaiieusa tu«iv accustomed rub- but Tuttle’s is no batter fitting or wearing Purporting to contain nothing pho- ber. the best gum rubber is < > Is a of a menu Only W hen Here suggestion j ; as in the tographs through the mall* < used, just lighter grades In ] | for a Christmas dinner: Elixir of the QLOVB brand. those have been opened < 1 packages > Raw Oysters Clear Soup. Family Tou can get all styles and sises the some of them have been ■ poatofflcee > Fried Smelt. With Butter hoc. J ; You are the third generation which has known and ► of rubbers under the QLOVB brand handker- > Patties. found to contain writing, Chicken used Tuttle's Family Elixir as the most reliable and sure for but only one grade—the BK8T. With Oyster StufBng. remedy chiefs or which Is a violation ! Roast Turkey Jewelry, J < • rheumatism, lumbago, backache, toothache, Rlc* Croquettes. Sweet Potatoe. cramps, chills, sprains, •f tbe laws and to a fine. ( and the other common ills postal subject > bruises, of humanity. MERRILL Maine < Green Corn Pudding. | A HINCKLEY, Bluehill, | > Cranberry Jelly Compounded purely of gums, essential better get a bottle today Mid you can 1 and extracts — hence reet in celery Salad. Salted Almonds. oils, vegetable per- easy every sense of the word. Statistic* fectly adapted for both internal and ex- Ask your If he cannot Pumpkin Pie. Mine Pta. druggist. supply with your > ternal nee. Guaranteed under the pure send us flDeTm with Midge—Were you pleased Plum Pudding. 1 stamps, together food iawof the United States Government. Euname, and we will send you Chriatmaa Christmas Cak* pjromptly, presents? <. 1c. Cream. j [ Since it is impossible to forccce when prepaid, a large siae bottle. Y * year; *1.00 lor in this Maine-built Gray born in Bedgwick Sept. 11, cock county) yacht, The constitutional provision permitting the l!ne. Machine*. months; 50 own* for threw monthsMf p*M IS®, and had therefore entered bis ; | music Talking Sewing Machines and let Sir Thomas come the legislature to issue bond* for this eighty- strictly In ads >n<«% fl 5b. 75 and 58 renu along. ■ and fifth year lie came to Ellsworth as a and SuppliM, Cabinet*. Iticycles Sundries, Va- respectively. Singleeepta* 5 cents. A11 ar purpose carries with it the requirement rwarages are reckoned at the rate of *2 pet boy, and for several worked in the ! cuum Cleaners, I’ost Cards, that the shall be divided and ex- years rear. I Here is a new name on the map of Han- proceed* mills and a* a teamster. and will — the sixteen Advertising Rates—Arc reasonable bi cock county Ob bora; officially, No. 21 pended equitably among For Cash and on tha Easy Payment made known on application. With the outbreak of tbs Civil war, he piar, “Mooue Hill.” countie*. 1 plantation; colloquially, enlisted, in in Co. 6th Maine regi- addressed “In this 1861, B, - MAIN Business communications should be TucleSam has given the name of Osborn considering question,” s*y* C 99 amt made ment, and was in 1862. After I f I FMFNT STREET, to, and all checks money orders pay of com- discharged I to the new office established there. If i.yman H. Nelson, chairman the ;; o* J* wL-EmEfn y •ole to Thu Hancock County Publishing poet his be remained with the Bar Harbor, “I think the discharge array Maine Oo Ellsworth, Maine. you wish to be strictly up-to-date, speak mission, average person as a sutler with a New York regiment. limi'H I U I l-l-ll I I I I > l-H-W of Osborn, not Moose Hill. would say this money should be divided tt.. Immediately after the war be went to upon the b**ia of population of the various This week’s edition of Tl.e Minnesota, where be remained hut a short fax &aiz. counties, as that would appear to give the NEWS. American In ti.fl.V) copies. Who doesn’t know the bluet, that com- time before returning to Ellsworth, COUNTY greatest good to the greatest number. LCMIIKR- f.l„ monest flower of spring? But bow many w here h« engaged in the lumber business. ,a ’*k “but on examining the matter further nOKTke*l« ami ll'nber; alao ho per week for 1912, 2,480 ever saw them blooming in this locality Later be engsged in the bakery business BLUER ILL. aoor and window frame*, and canlun pil h- Average it appear* a division in this manner midi! m bleak December? Utile Eleanor and in Bangor, remaining* there about two in Boston fort en—* *>* not properly take care of the large farm- Mrs. W. E Orindle if s:sis3iLis?*~ Mattie Royal, of Ellsworth, brought to years, when he moved back to Ellsworth WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1913. ing sections where the need of good roads short stay. The AMERICAN office on December 4, a and continued the tame business a few { YAUSXDARU, hand pahaled. Ml is most but where the has to Boston SA important, popu- Mrs. Nelli* fi. Hweet gone K.J tolor, and Meta. Aaaortrd t>e. ! little bunch of these flowers picked by years here. * tor » lation is small. Therefore, it seems fair for the winter. «U- Order early a«t l'.,.r and Co., Auborn, Me. •*“ Portland Westbrook republi- I them that day. Mr. Gray's next enterprise was ,in the that the area of firming lands should be- s few cans and alike hotel busincBLS. He built the Franklin Miss Oar* McIntyre spent days progressives, thinking come an element in basis of »»<• lol Wliblo ni'r developing a last week in Pockla/id. Og£« >a '' on most questions, voted together in The 8*rah Ware murder mystery bas house on Franklin street, and ran it for n office in Pllaarorth A bare* division in order to offset properly the noire of Kaeo I,. Maaox. aUornV been all because a Buck BJtne years, together with the stable.! James M:>rt«ll and wife spent * few the recent municipal elections, and ; revived, sport preponderance of population in certain hiinronh. week stumbled latir b»- of the hotel business, this week in Bangor. the results were eneourag!ng to i hunter one day last upon localities. disposed days : an old trunk buried in a rock pile and and w ith his son, Frank E. Gray, under Mrs. Peters has returned from a Urnt. everyone who dislikes democratic Then again it appears that certain Mary JFor the rame H. conducted a containing |**rsonai effects of Mrs. Ware. F. Gray A Bon, visit to her son, Josiah Horton, at Bar rule. j counties having large farming area may on Third atreet. No flounce is at tached to the as bay business in the Franklin house stable cptiXKMESTA signi find, have few w hile other Harbor. 1 familr of n»tj alao a baaemr et comparatively roads, three these articles were available at the time for about six years. Apply to W«tTX» f‘ }• Washington has offered nothing countie* will have many more mite* of Kbcn W. Mayo and w ife have returned worth. * of the murder Investigation, and some During this time Mr. Grig put on the good enough yet to induce the Hon. highway for the same acreage; and it from Fort Fairfield, where they have been I person bad later taken this method to streets, as a private enterprise, s sprink- William R. Pattangali, of Waterville would appear that this element should the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Frank lost. ! dispose of them. ling carl, and continued the business of to leave his beloved Maine. It is now also be given consideration, a* the counties McHouldrick. sprinkling the streets of the city, by con- PAM Bo a of road should re- U* BOOS M ,,'T‘be that turned down having large mileage E. Everett Chaaa was before a a v I o a announced he has tract with the city government and sub- arraigned the c riaparlment of tbr If the recommendation of the committee ceive perhaps more consideration than the Judge Forrest B. Snow, of the Western h allonal bank of Etlaworth. Main. the offer of the assistant of business men. until the ■ attorney- of trade scription# city Ill pleaae return to Biaaicc X»tio„,i on good road* of the Htate board counties having a small mileage. Hancock court, on "• of the United with took over the work itself. Mr. bad municipal Saturday, liana. Klleworth. generalship States, of the Gray is adopted, for the division $2*000,- “Almost immediately after the amend- two one him with an its of before while in the warrants, charging salary 85,000. will re- long this, bakery I! lad) > .lire, wai.-h 000 highway fund, Hancock county ment was adopted, the good roads com- assault on Mrs. Harsh Harwood, and \lrATi business, brought to Ellsworth the first T Bold chain attached, loot beta.. 5,05 cent, of the or ceive per fund, $101,- mittee of the Htale board of trade took the another for assault on O. M. G. Harwood. I« High atreet and the * A. Peters was ever owned here. pontoIHr-e Congressman John receive a street-sprinkler pleaae return to Palmer’t atom. 000. Eight counties would matter up and sought the advice and help Marrellus Uoggan appeared for complain- Klldwortii the of honor at the annual ban- During the active years of hi# life, he guest larger amount, an 1 seven counties would of the government gxperts at Washington, ants and Charles J. Dunn for was a to respondent. of the Maine of New always generous contributor BCM~Between Orbafacorner and quet society receive lesa. An article showing how this i They sent a man to Maine, who made an to the of the for the industrial advance- Owing prominence parties* HANDIroilardtown. larfy'aMapk leather hard. York last In- is else- every object bad. Plrrder will be city Thursday evening. apportionment figured appears extensive study of the State, geographi- the cases aroused local interest. Respon- rewarded by t ment of thv city. He is on record as mak- *». Krtxe, burry. cidentally, in his speech, he said a where in this issue. cally and economically, and it was by dent waived the of the warrant ing the first subscription toward bringing reading lot of nice things about Maine in gen- such a process of reasoning as I have men- and the right to a bearing in both cases, the railroad to Ellsworth. He was a JFoanti. eral and Ellsworth and Hancock wardens have on a tioned that the government agent laid and furnished a bond for st The lobster started charter member of the lodge of appearance his basic this original new tack in their of exterminat- out plan for division of the term of the court. op on th* northern «# county in particular, and urged all campaign Odd Fellow* in Ellsworth, be- April supreme shn/p organised ncmr-WcItwfGot(‘« Island, M*.. tainted »b; ing the short lobster and say money. The third case, an action instilutad by the Maine sons who heard him to trade, they fore the war and later disbanded, but was ootaida. light «r«#o streak around top that now have matters so that lie iiusni 'ii mii nimimuec oeueveo, Edward E. Chase against C. M. O. Har- allafctly damaged. Owner may havr -umir their vacations next summer in they they never affiliated with the spend present lodge. proving pmnorty and t»n,iaK are in a fair to corner this illegal however, that still another element wood, charging him with the char**. the old home State. way He was a charter member of Wm. 11. H. polluting Ciuiui K Oao*«, firms Inland. Mr traffic. In the have not been should be added, that of valuation of es- waters of a was continued until past, they Rice post, G. A. H. spring, empowered to search express cars for short tates by counties. The members then March 17. The is Mr. Gray was married three tiroes, tits OT.intfO. parcel post system growing lobsters, but recently this power waa proceeded, with the assistance of an ex- l*c. 8. H. Aral wife was Miss Rebecca Jordan, his 'W' A.A.V •*-%. twenty to fifty pounds, to admit hooka Principal Albert F. Richardson ha* dren by his last wife— Charles Burke, of issue upon some such method would be le perfect barmoov: we vyoaid bow la hambi* ANJiCAL MKRTINU to the parcel post, and to reduce completed his twenty-fifth year as the New York; Edmund Burke, of Boston, equitable. It was felt that by population eabmiecioa to the will of oar great Comman- take notice that the annas'. rates in fifth and sixth •head of the Canine normal sbool. There and Mrs. Mary Brown, of Mass. PLKANBIn* of the stockholder* «>f the h^.-rill third, fourth, alone be also valustion Waltham, der. would unfair, by National Hank, for Ik* election of t« !i- zones, were was no formal silver Jubilee celebra- The funeral was held at the home Sun- Comrade Hdow wm a member of Co. H. Mtb approved Saturday, by alone, but when these essential elements rectors and the transaction of all such ether P. A. A. Killaro offici- never as the Interstate Commerce Commis- tion, but the alumm and alumnae who day afternoon. Rev. Mala* infantry volunteer*, and bad business may properly com* before tit* are offset by farm acreage and road mile- meeting, will be held on the **th have enjoyed and profited by the years ating. Interment was at Woodbine ceme- enjoyed good health eince he waa discharge* dsy of .’tea* sion. The maximum of the seems to assume some ary, tttf. si 1* o'clock in the forenoon. at the weight par- age question from the war. For the last few he »*» spent under his instruction, did not al- tery. The bearers ware comrades of the year* offlice of the bank. « Main street, io the iU« f cels to all zones the second form ot and beyond equabllitv justice." — confined to bis boaae moet of the time. He Ellsworth, and Htate of Msine. low the occasion to pass unnoticed. Me Grand Army Rosooe G. Taylor, A. W was increased from eleven to Although the board of trade committee woe love and respected by all who knew him. Row. P. Hmul twenty- was surprised by a call of one of the Curtis, George F. Haskell and l). L. Fields. Cashier. The in recognised that no absolute, unvarying He was a kind haeband and father, and will j Dated the 19th of December. IfU pounds. approved changes faculty who, in behalf of present and day division sbould be made, that there would be grdaly rniaaed; therefore he It rates and weights will be in effect former students of the school, pre- EDWARD 8. STEVES A. be various considerations that fwoliJI, That w* extend oar heartfelt CARD OF THANKS. might fairly Edward 8. Stevens died at his January 1, 1914. sented Principal Richardson with a purse Saturday to hie eon. an child, alao lo E. the wish to lead Vo alterations in these it made aympathy only undersigned, expr**» oar figures, heartfelt to containing $325, and a scrap book of ap- I home on Hancock street, aged wixty-tbree hi* brothers. W thanks the neighbors *ad nut the table of division: of then* friends who no kind;* assisted u# la our of the following years. Mr. Stevens bad not That a copy reeolutlone \ great We this week another com- predations expressed by graduates enjoyed good bereavement The beautiful flow/re. » rat print Percentage Amount be placed on our record hook; that a copy be i County health for and for the few tribet** of sympathy, were greatly munication to the route of school. years, past oral to hie son; that a copy be neat to Tn* appreci- relating ated. also the tinging r.nd the loving and fOTICBI of Dec., a. 4. 1913. the esid W 1 ought Bay duties lo the public day Mrs. Bert and children will of the democratic party can be corrected, H. Ward, was ban*- Young Point to the for Interment was at Woodbine duly adjudicated toll-bridge, s great many officiating. schools. and that the first dt bis credito a of the winter with her and that the continuation of a third meeting spend part aunt, which the be held at me o®e#, Ellsworth. Mr reasons, among following are cemetery. The and blacksmith Mrs. Annie Closson, at North Sedgwick. party in the field means the foisting upon garage shop being Vkl day of Dec. a. d. 1911. sitwoo’clo * •> perhaps the most apparent: the state and the nation a repetition of bnill nearly opposite the Uranita botal is th* afternoon, at which time the said Volney Coggins has shipped on the Whenever has been SARGENT VILLE, tors may attend, their claim*, apt at * j money appropriated Tba owners are prove what we are now passing through. nearing completion. trustee, examine the bankrupt, ami tr* » American Hawaiian liner, Minnesotan, j either slate or has by nation, it always Mrs. John is son on He sounded the bugle call of “get to- Bennett visiting her Marcus Cleaves, of Bar Harbor, and Fred such other business as may properly fora voyage to Mexico. They were ready been the custom to the fore said William R, Whiv; | expend same in in Boston. v Coffin, of meeting gether” down in Maine, to all w ho were j Guy Uooldatxiro, Referee in Bsu k tcy. to leave New Y'ork Dec. 4. such a manner as do to the greatest good Klisworth Me to the common enemy, end the Lawrence A. Eaton, M. C. I., *14, has re- Dec. f*. Vo* Popuu. Dec. 10. 1911. opposed to the number of Emery Bonsey, formerly a resident cf , greatest people, and fol- republicans of all factions responded and turned to Pittsfield. this place, died at his home in West Ells- lowing this iohg-establiabe*.; principle, it H> ware of OimuisBU for S&bcrtisnusts victory resulted, and in consequence the Mrs. Julia H. Sweet and son Frederick worth Dec. 7, after a long illness. He will must be patent to even casual observer* Catarrh That Contala Mercury down in that State is onoe more parly are spending the winter in Newton, Mass. a« mercury wilt surely the sense of be buried at Morgan’a Bay cemetery, in that by building this road over the Bay- destroy WHY IIK IMIKS IT. happy, peaceful, and contented. His ap- smell ami completely derange the whole j the lot. side drive morr The time is for such an or- in sell tbe regular fifty-cent bottle were held at the home victory. ripe ter Northfleld, Vt. Nahum Jordan, While there be some opposition to and •!- and in may Mrs. Merle of specific for ball price, 25 cents, Thursday forenoon, Rev. G. D. Garland ganization, getting Congressman building tbe road over this route on ac- Walls, Providence, R. X., TITLES Peters here, those who are in charge of count of an increased distance of about Mrs. Wylie Heath, of Cambridge, Mass., though I have sold a lat of it, and guar- officiating. The floral offerings wers three and one- miles, there is no doubt Frank Hinckley, of Breckenridgc, Minn., not one has been the movement have secured just the man ha\J IJJWORTM, MAINE anteed every package, many and beautiful. Much sympathy is but that tbe additional distance is more Rufus, Elnatban, Parker ana Wallace back as needed to inaugurate the club and blaze of were brougnt unsatisfactory. extended the than overcome by tbe fact that there is an Hinckley, Milton, Mass., called Starches made and family. abstracts the at half the way. doctrine as ex- abundance of material of home by the illness and death of their “I am still celling specific Dec. 8. Republican ©very necessary and coplea ifurniahad on abort __C. Mr. is kind and all the not father, Eben A. Hinckley. 1 cannot tell bow long pounded by Peters just the kind of quality along route, notice, and at tUSNUIU ffBCtl price, although to construct the but to it Dec. who medicine wanted to rejuvenate and fill only road, keep I aball be able to do ao. Any person BAR HARBOR. in after it ia while on the 8._Him. OFFICE! repair built, is to sick headache with loyalty and enthusiasm the people of other hand, the Jordan's river subject constipation, Police Officer Charles W. Murray died following BROOKS VILLE. or s New Hampshire who are dissatisfied and coad, there is no material whatever on the MORRISON. JOY & CO. BLOCK, dizziness, liver trouble, indigestion Monday, after an illness of three days of and the of to disgusted with the present management ground, expense carting it F. M. Billings it ill. •TATI ITI.IT. general played-out condition, ought Mr. Murray is survived by would certainly be such a Urge cash item 11 pneumonia. of affairs in this state. Miss Hattie Orcutt is in Oas- take advantage of this opportunity. widow and children. He had that the actual cost of the road when com- employed 1*SA MM. f.i. tu.ru his eight does not cure them, they can pleted would be greater than the cost of iine for a few weeks. tbe specific been a member of the police force for ten I will Ashore at Hass Harbor. same over the Bayside route, let alone the come right back to my store, and L. H. Billings, who has been employed years or more. The British schooner Bessie, Boston for cost of future repairs. cheerfully refund their money.” Another strong feature in favor of in Sullivan, is home for the winter. _ A banquet was given to Nova with flour, dragged oui« A PAIR of SHOES complimentary Beotia, grain gnd building this road over the B*,> side ronte even:ig, in Much sympathy is felt for the relatives John E. Bunker, Tuesday her anchors and went ashore at Bass is that it will not only be a local benefit, EASILY EARNED of Addie L. Bates, of South Brooksville, ?£„« honor of his election to the office of grand Harbor Monday forenoon, in the heavy but will add one more beautiful drive to style* Au> woman can earn SALE warden of ti»» Odd Fellows’ order. The the already long list in Hancock county, who died Dec. 4, after a brief ilinees. All tbU beautiful pair of \ HORSES FOR gale. aboea d urine a lit* Local Odd Fellows are much pleased at the which has brought so many summer so- •ixra j Few horses tor sets on satisfactory A was given J. E. Bow- kDd tie of her apare time, i has been conferred upon She pounded heavily and sprung aleak, to us, and this is one of the surprise party for woods, or for honor which journer* wid- •'or particular# ad* terms, suitable the election of one and is hard and fast and reasons so are the don, Friday evening, Nov. 28, by a transient. Island lodge through full of water. why many signing supper l lb, dreaa driving. Horses to 1st; of now and which in the new hen-house. A rough board of its members to the high office grand She will have to a petitions being circulated, k BAY 8TATK probably lighter part table was laid and served warden, which leads to the offioe of grand will, it is to be hoped, bring about the supper thereon. ^ HUBIBBY CO., Ioc.« F. H. Osgood, Ellsworth, of her cargo before she can be off. Maaa. master and later supreme representative. palled much desired results. A Voter. Dec. 8. A. Lynn, tbe old Hale Stable. HbbtrUsrmml*. HIGH SCHOOL NOTK8. GREEN LAKE. ll’brttiBtmrrit* Rob Moore is ill of measles. Written for The American by Mem- M. is wood for ber* of K. H. 8. Press Club. Quinn loading pulp Gardiner. Among visitors to school this week were Addle Carlisle, Dorothy Hagan, Clarissa Mrs. Jack Courtney and children are in Send for the Booklet of New Styles of Htrout and Gertrude Dorgan. Bangor for a few days. Agnes Marshall, Evelyn Bellatty and Keuel Higgins has moved his family to Christine Simonson were absent from the hatchery, where he is employed for the winter. school a few days last week on account of 1 ROYAL colds. The branch hatchery on Mann brook is JEWETT, closed for Ella Qoodwin was In Bangor last week the winter, and Fred Grace, NEW ENGLAND’S FAVORITE BAKING who has been in has returned to 1 POWDER A meeting of the council of the E. H. charge, the hatchery. ABSOLUTELY PURE H. A. A. held Friday morning, for the PIANO purpose of choosing an assistant manager Among the visitors last week were | for the basket-ball team. Fred Parker Frank Hodgkins, wife and W. daughter, We will mail you a handsome K7 Insures the most was elected. B. Cross man, of Bangor; Willis Mad- illustrated booklet of Jewett Styles docks, of Holden; Mr. Storer, of Grand East Thursday afternoon r meeting of for 1914. Do not^decide the question without delicious and Lake and Bert piano healthful food the junior class was called for the Stream; Spencer. purpose seeing it. It will pay you to know why New England ht selecting a class Mr. pin. Kowe, repre- homes bought*nore of these pianos last year than of any the use of senting a New York was LAKEWOOD. Arm. present — By Royal Baking Powder a cost from up. have with a other make of equal $375 They variety of samples. No choice Was is ill. more George Quinn a for and relia- great many articles of food may be made at this time. been famous over half century durability L. E. Hoyt is ill of grip. bility, and the Jew itt tone has been praised by scores of readily made at home, all de- Owing to the unpleasant weather, there healthful, Marion Hoyt is out after an illness of of international was only one session of school last Wed- musicians reputation. licious, and economical, adding much pneumonia. nesday. Jewett Pianos may be seen at eH Steinert Stores fbut and School in No. 2 is again open; Howard variety attractiveness to the menu. Reporters to this column this week are in or oe G. Moore, teacher. nowhere else New England), may purchased Maude Brooks, Albert Dorgan, Phillip oiiirect from Steinert Hall. We send pianos anywhere and Thc“ Baker Charles O. and Martin A. Garland lost Royal and PastryCook," Guptill, Paul Killam Sylvia Marshall, satisfaction. Fill out this coupon and get Martha a fine colt recently. Kt'arantee containing five hundred practical Milliken, Hazel Novels, and Basil full information. Our rental purchase plan makes receipts for all kinds of Bobbins. A by Garland is at work for the win- baking ___ easy. ter with Clarence JL Garland. buying and cookery, free. Address Final examinations for the fall term'be- Fi” 'mt “d ma" tWs COUP°" today' Royal LIBERAL ALLOWANCES Powder New gin Wednesday of this week. After the Earl Sargent, who was the victim of the Baking Co., York. M ON OLD PIANOS IN EXCHANGE examinations, school will close for a shooting accident, is able to be about. SKi?6?I&*XC8t Boston. f Ph u.se send me your booklet of Jewett — — three-weeks vacation. James 8. Garlan 1 has returned home /I • /> fy fy § Piano Style with information about lift Vamo I after a Mist Winifred Doyle visited school visit of three weeks at Livermore your rental plan M. 016106^ Of OOIIS I/O. ! Monday. Miss Doyle graduated from Falls. 1C. H. H. last and is now Name.;. STEINERT HALL t here, His shop has been left in charge of year, attending COUNTY NEWS. Castine normal school. W' ICS r K LLSYV ORTH. B. T. Dol liver. 162 Boylston St., Boston a City or Town. Mr-. Abram has There will be a dance at the hall (9 SEDGWICK. Gilputrick returned BASKET-BALL. grange from Boston, where she New Year's eve. A fish cake and i* spent a few weeks. chowder, Mr*. F. 8. Holtne* ill. Ellsworth high school basket-ball team While away she visited her daughter, coffee will be served. A good attendance J ilradley, ol *■■ in town played their first games for the season Fri- is Portland, M»»j» Henrietta Oilpatrick, who is a stu- desired. Thursday. day evening. Both teams were easy victors, dent at the McDuffie school tor girls in The of this the first team from Lamoine Mi** Alice Dully i* employed at Dr. Springfield, Mass, winning A. ELLSWORTH FALLS. Object A., 49-13, and the second from Northeast Hatnrtby’*. Forrest Mason, who his The recently tx-gan Harbor high school, 29-14. The line-up in Bewing circle will holds its annual Mr*. C. E. Cooper, who ha* been visit- duties aa superintendent of tbe sale of cooked Neighbor- both games follows: food, aprons and home- Advertisement ing in Uloehllt, i* home hood house, has announced the made at the following K H. S. candy vestry Wednesday I.AMOIM a. A. is to inform reader of The who has need of kind of in- II. O. Ford, ol Brewer, u visiting him gymnasium classes for the winter: Boys evening, Dec. 17. pvery American, any under U. Whitcomb, r. f. Farren, I. g. nu, Byron Ford and wile. fourteen, Monday and Thursday surance that all our combine broad and settle- par Haynes. 1. f. How. r. g. policies protection prompt afternoons from 3.50 to 130; high school Memorial Resolutions. Mia* Harriett*Col*, who ha* been nurs- E. Whitcomb, c. Staples, c. ments with the lowest possible rates. boy* and boys over fourteen, Tuesday and Whereat, Ood, in His infinite wisdom, has ing 111 Pitt*field and Portland, la home. Hhem. r. g. Springer. 1. f. Friday 3.50 to seen fit to remove our beloved brother, Wil- afternoon*, 4.50; girls, Wed- McOown, I. g. Emery, r. f. Mr*. 8. J.CIoaeon he* rinsed her home liam T. Doyle, he it nesday afternoons at the same hour. Time, fifteea and twenty minute halves and I* with her daughter, Mre. Fred Retoit-d, That Irene chapter. No. 97, O. C. W. & F. I_MASON, The students of Gilman high school Referee, Flanagan. E. 8. has lost a devoted brother and past Bridge*. have decided a. u. S. SECOND. N. E. II. ELLS W ORTH, MAINE to publish a school paper worthy patron. Columbia chapter, O. K. 8., held it* an- Treworgy, r. f. Ober, 1. g. entitled The Rudder. Tbe editorial Renolved, That we extend our heartfelt election ol nlBcer* Joy. i. f. Graves, r. g. imal Friday evening. board: James sympathy to the bereaved sister owners will Bunker, T4^ editor-in-chief; M. c. c. and,brother, be protected from fire their Jan. 2. Whitcomb, Lurvey, Property by placing Instillation Miss associate and qpmmend them to Him who doeth all McCrae, *13, editor; Misa Anderson, r. g. Iveney, 1. f. in Lurlinc things well. Officer* Hinnewaukon chapter, Stanley, '14, and .Miss Delroa C. Haynes, 1. g. Beavev, r. f. Retohed. That a copy of these resolution* R. A. M-, were elected Tuesday evening. Reynolds, '15, literary editors; Philip Time, fifteen and twenty minute periods. be spread upon our records, a sent to Installation Jan. 6, Hunker, 'Id, and Chandler Referee, Flanagaa; umpire, Gilpatrick. copy Graves, 17, the bereaved a to Thh Ells- Fire family, copy Insurance <)e**n* ol local editors; Miss Cora '14, alumni The next game will be with t. C. and lamily, Koxbury. Froet, played worth American for publication, and our editor; Clarence at Me**., returned to their cottage last week Lurvey, '17, athletics; Hampden academy Hampden next Fri- charter be draped in mourninR for thirty with E. J. WALSH, ELLSWORTH. and will tpend the winter here. Kenneth Iveney, *15, is the business day night. Ellsworth high won both days. Mabkl F. Loro, manager. The first number of The games from last The Carrie M. Smith, ‘•Aunt lletaey” Stanley expect* to go Hampden year. Rudder will be published during the second team will not play this week. Frank S. Loro, aocn to South Hlueblll to a|arnd the win- THE— winter terra. The freshman and classes Committee. ter with her (later, Mr*. Allan Henderson. sophomore Dec. 9. p, are at present planning to have teams Master Sumner Bridge*, who ha* been play this winter between the halves of the CLARION. hi* H. H. ISLES FORD. MARLvE LIST. visiting grandparent*, Oandage tlrst team games. and wile, several weeks, baa returned to K. K. Stanley spent with Hancock < oiinly t'urra. Whether it’s a range or a fur- Thanksgiving I -*- hi* home in Haven. his West Sullivan— Sid parents. WEST TKEMONT. Dec 4, schs Lavinia M nace—il it la a “Clarion”, it ia Dec. 8. H. Snow, Rockland _ The furnace has been installed at tbe Hid Dec 8, sch Wawenock. New York | Calvin Gordius gnd wife are home from sure to meet every requirement BUSBY. Neighborhood bouse. McKinley. Southwest Harbor—Sid Dec 2, schs Wandrian j (Br) Cheverie, N S, for Cartarett, N J, with M.vje the Wood <'o. Samuel has rock by Bishop commenced A. L. Phippen been chosen janitor Edwin l/i us cut his hand while plaster; Jennie 8 Hall Iligu school Monday; pa badly 8ld Dec Sold new 8. sch Rebecca M Wall. St John Bangor. by of tbe school building. ■ Sborcy, teacher. cleaning tish Recently. 81d Dec 4, sch Catherine A Butler, for Grand ! Mrs. Alva and Manan, N B Fannie Allen baa returned Irom Ella- Stanley youngest daugh- T e W. T. I. society will meet with Mrs J. P. In Port—Dec 8, three lumber schooners ELDiUDGE, ter are guests of Mr*. Rena Feruald. Webster Dec. 11. worth and Bangor. Henry Main ^frppt. "FLT.swrvrrru. School begins to-day. The Lena Sperry la home front Oaatine nor- primary Eugene Gordius and family, with his BORN. grade will be Misa Ina mal school for the holiday*. taught by Jordan, parents, are home from from McKinley. of Seal Harbor, and Mrs. will teach BARTER—At Dec to Mr and ha* returned from Perry Merl who cat his last Stoniugton, 4, IRA B. Mr* l.ncy Emery Farley, leg week, Mrs Ernest a HAGAN, Jr., the grammar grade. Barter, daughter. [Florence "Holz's Sanitary Bakery, Hanover, New Harapabire. is now getting around by the aid of a Effle.J Dec. 8. a. Civil cane. HUNTLEY —At 8tonington, Nov 30, to Mr and Tommy Dear, Engineer, Sherman Scam moo, of Franklin, wa* in Mrs Austin C Huntley, a son. [Albert andL Mrs. 8. A. Reed on Gardiner. Just as as can be. Surveyor. town la*; week on buainesa. NEW SCHOOL BUILDING. spent last week J quick you LINSCOTT—At Dec to Solicited. been Few towns in Maiue have Clark's point with her niece, Mrs. G. W. Egypt (Franklin), fl, Mr. Jones and wife are here Correspondence Mi** Angle Treworgy, who ha* up to this time Mr and Mrs George Linscott, twin daugh- a more Lunt. ter*. ELLSWORTH FALLS, ME. P. 0. Box 7. visiting in lamolne, is home. produced attractive and better ap- and are to for tea. LUNT—At going slay school building than the one just W. H. Webster and family have re- Ellsworth, Dec 5, to Mr and Nfrs Mr*. Charlene Conary and little daugh- William T Lunt, a daughter. [Ruth Mar- Two loaves of bread, a dozen flni»lxtd on Islesford, in tbe town of turned from where ter, of Kllawortb, visited her aunt, Mr*. McKinley, the* spent garet.] UR COATS 1 Cranberry Isles. At a town the summer. WHITE—At Isles. Dec to Mr aud crullers Elsie Jordan, Iaat week. special meeting Cranberry 2, Large new line received at held Mrs Joseph White, a daughter. just April 7 last, the town voted to build ! F. W. Lunt and wife last And a 25 cent food. Ell* Jarvia, who ha* been home on spent angel a new school building at Islesford, and week in visiting their two-week*' vacation, returned to her ! Rockland, daughter MARRIED. For you and the girls, some appointed John H. Fressey, John E. Bun- Mrs. O. A. Tolman. achooi in Lamolne DAVID FRIEND’S Saturday. ker, John I). Waiter Had lock cookies, too—Oh, any kind, Pbippen, Mrs. Ashbury Lopaus pleasantly enter- FREEMAN —WALLS—At Southwest Harbor, Slate Matter C. H. Stetaon and County ” All kinds of and Leslie K. Bunker as building com- tained her Sunday school class of girls at Dec 3. by Rev J N Walker, Miss Katherine They all are Good repairing promptly done Deputy Norris L. Heath viaited Arbutua iniltee. her new home Nov. 29. B Freeman to Fred A Walls, both of South- west Harbor. It's a Dozen Fresh Doughnuts to a ELLSWORTH grange Iaat Friday. They were enter- At the first of the Earle Farley and wife are receiving con- meeting committee, HARDY—ANNIS—At Deer Isle, Nov 29, she is to gratulations on the birth of a by Dime, that's what saying tained Oil* Carter. l>ealie It. Bunker was daughter, Rev H W Collins. Miss Lena A to by chosen chairman born 4. Hardy Steam Ariel 8usie, Dec. Harry C Annis, both of Deer Isle. Tommy. Laundry and Bath Rooms. There will be a debate in the and John E. Bunker Plans public secretary. There will be a Christines concert and HUTCHINS—LEIGHTON — At Winter Har- •NO PAY, NO WASH RIB.” hall Dec. 17. from the office of Arthur T. the Dec Rev E ArilOEZ, grange Wednesday evening, Richardson, tree at Methodist church Christinas bor, 1, by 8 Drew, Miss Clyda All kinds of work done at short notice. of Cor. Main and Franklin Sts., Ellsworth laundry better or of Bout b west eve. under the of Mrs. E. Eugenia Hutchins, Penobscot, to Alvah Goods called tor and delivered. Subject, “la the world growing Harbor, approved by tbe management Phone 61-2. B. Reed. Leighton, of Winter Harbor. » or**?” to attend. State board of health and State H. B. ESTEY & CO. Ail are invited superin- PORTBR-STANLEY-At Northeast Harbor, The ladies’ aid society will hold a sale State St.. live. 8. Asox. tendent of school, were accepted, bids Dec 3, by Rev C F Lee, Miss Mabel E Porter, Estey Building. Ellsworth. Me and serve ice-cream and cake at the of Medford, Mass, to Gilbert M of | were asked for and Stanley, a contract signed with Methodist church, Dec. 17. Proceeds for Isles. NORTHEAST HARBOR. Cranberry There’s A ^Professional Cams. Builder Kobie M. Norwood, of Southwest salary of the pastor. SNOW—GOTT—At North Brooksville, Nov26, Photographer Dec. IS to Rev N Bein'* (tore will be open from Harbor, tbe contract price being |3,541, Mrs. Letitia Hprague. who has spent the by J Palmer, Miss Clara Mae Snow, of Brooksville, to Adelbert H Gott, of Cas- Dec. 31. 10 summer at and was called to H. Alden Naaon will be charge. Work was commenced August 1 with McKinley, tine. In Your Town SCOTT Seal Cove by the illness of her ALICE the daughter, SPECIALTY MADE OF Mr* E. B. Kimball will entertain the understanding that the building Mrs. James Kelley, is home. Mrs. Kelley SEAVEY—THOMPSON—At Derry, N H. Dec “Jyst as you are, I wouldn’t change a 5. by Rev George W Farmer, Miss Irene E typewriting, accounting and *• man * club evening, should be on or before Novem- is well at the in Bar Har- That is the of modern GENERAL CLERICAL WORK. literary Thursday completed doing hospital Seavey, of Northeast Harbor, to Frank P thing.” spirit pho- \ Union Safe of Dec. 11. ber 15, in time for the winter term of bor. Thompson, of Haverhill, Mass. Long in uncomfort- Agent Deposit &,Trust Co., rort- tography. exposures and, for furnishing Probate and Surety Bonds school. A. & Son were Edwin H. Humill, who has been em- STOVER-BICKFORD At Winter week for George Gilley Harbpr. able and conscious attitudes are a thing of Oliver Dr. Frank R. Ober left Iaat his L. W. the Dec 6. by B F Miss Luella Agent Typewriter; typewriter supplies awarded hot-water ployed by father, Kumill, Leighton, esq, the heating con- Merle Stover to Fred the In Cor. Main and Water Sts. w the winter, be will past summer, left for his home in Bickford, both of past. fact, having your portrait (over Moore’s Drue Boston, here, during to-day Winter Harbor. Me. tract for the sum of f307. Tbe building taken in a modern studio is as as Store). Ellsworth. lie one of the aurgeou* in a children’s Newton I’pper Falls, Mass., where he will pleasant was and heating in first- join his wife and son, who have been with an informal call on friends. Make Mr*. Ober will remain at home. completed plant good hospital. her parents. I>IKI>. class working order on November 10, and j an appointment to-day. i-?»i* A. Wilson and wile left last Dec. 8. Thelma. PERCY„T. CLARKE, school, both in the primary and grammar BATES — At South Brooksville, Miss Abbie winter. | Thursday for Miami, Fla., for the Bates, 44 2 1 rooms, commenced Monday morning, Augusta aged years, months, The Studio, Attorney at Mr. ha# a contract for a SEAL HARBOR. day. Hooper Law, Wilson cottage December 8. Mrs. Harry Otto baa gone to Boston for BONSEY—At West Ellsworth. Dec 7, Emery ELLSWORTH ME. is of MAINE. This building bungalow style, a few weeks. O Bonsey, aged 70 years, 3 months. BANGOR, clc3rrt'o£tuirus. with two school with basement of BOYLE —At Bar Harbor, Dec 2, James rooms, Bert Martin and wife are Boyle, Prankiin 9 a. m. 9 m. occupying of St John, N B, aged 80 years. office, p. Thursdays. concrete walls and cement floor the full E. L. Martin’s house. CARLISLE—AtSurry, Dec 6, RobertTCarlisle, PLUMBING. size of the building. It sets back from Ernest Martin and wife left last week aged 91 years, 9 mouths, 24 days. and the chiidreu York for the winter. the town highway, gives for New’ GOODWIN—At North Franklin, Dec 4, Mrs Hot Water Heating, Furnact [)R. WILLIAM SEMPLE, a good playground in front. John Carter has moved bis family from Marion Goodwin, aged 20 years. is of The workmanship throughout high Harbor Brook into the Bracy house at GRAY — At Ellsworth, Dec 5. Beniamin Work and Jobbing. OSTEOPATH. fulfilled glass, and Mr. Norwood not only Bracy cove. Franklin Gray, aged 84 years, 2 months, 24 his contract in every way, but the com- days. 506 Eastern Trust Bldg., Bangor, Me. Mell Jordan and Roy Clement returned HONEST WORKS HONEST PRICES mittee is satisfied he did more, and the HART—At Bangor, Nov 26. Albert B Hart, last week from Wytopitlock, where they IN ELLSWORTH TUESDAYS jind FRIDAY'S outcome ia a geuerai good feeling between 1 of Brooksville, aged 82 years, 7 days. | have been bunting. — contractor and committee. HARTSON — At Verona, Dec 2, Mrs Eliza Twenty Years' Experience. The school children of Islesford have a Georgia Knowles and Beatrice Pierce Hartson. 708-1 *j Personal attention to all details. Telepho Telephones: Office, 1259-18; Res., feeling of pride in the new building, and left last Monday for Bangor, where they MONROE—At BloehiU, Dec Mrs Susan C 4, or mail orders promptly attended to. are already raising a sum of money to be have employment. Monroe, aged d9 years, 11 months, 21 days. used about the schoolrooms. A benefit supper and dance was held at MURRAY-At Bar Harbor, Dec 8, Charles W Commission fHerdiants. Dec. 8. | Spec. the fire house Saturday evening, for Pearl Murray. EDWARD F. BRADY, who has been confined STEVENS—At Dec The advertisements below some o Clement, to the Ellsworth, 6, Edward 8 Grant Ellsworth, Me. represent house for some time with rheumatism. Stevens, aged 63 years, 1 month, 14 days. St., the leading houses of New England. Our EABTHROOJv. Telephone 6—6. readers will doubtless find them of value. Dec. j Artie Merchant is 1U of measles. 9._P. aniimt«rwTH. Keep A Bottle Handy! Mary DeMeyer, who has £>een ill, is WEST EDEN. WANTED-LADIES You never know were resumed after a re- how sr>on you ’ll slowly improving. Schools to-day To Know I Make Switches | CA need a reliable Medicine cess of one week. ! Family Freddie Joy and w ife, of Bangor, visited From Y'our Combings. Mrs. O. C. Higgins has been visiting “L F.” home here last week. Atwood’s Medicine his her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Jellison, at N. W Red HARRIET MILLIKEN, 60 has j years, been the old A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eden. c°fir.i^ioN merch**1* 175 TREMONT ST„ ROOM 57, England standby—for colds, Henry A. French Nov. 29. Aaron Bunker, A. L. Richardson, G. M. dyspepsia, constitution and other Rich and Ivory Higgins left to-day for a Boston, Mass. complaints. Mrs. Smith writes; Arthur Clark and Amber Richardson, hunting trip to Nicolin. APPLES Hrar<5, Maos. who have been visiting here, have re- Mrs. Lula Lurvey. with two children, FOX TRAPPING ‘*Vour'L. F.’ Atwood’s Medicine is Walter Orlaud 1 fine. turned to Bradley. Vilda and Lloyd, spent the past week Bray, Me., we have facilities It it certainly all 1 have taken 24 greatly improved right. it with her A. and at Blood caught fox, 34 mink; parents, Gray wife, b v«r*. and wouldn’t be without it. Nahum Bragdonhnd two children, Thomas North for Wheo Mrs. Cove. It good blood—blood that nour- Callahan, handling. ay father wa* very sick, I got a Salisbury are Mr. Monroe, N. H., caught 23 bottle for him and it helped him at once." of Bar Harbor, viaitiug Bragdon's Dec. ishes the whole and enables body, fox with methods. SHIT THESE ALSO: (signed] Mas. Km* Smith Mrs. Ed. Grindle. 8._M. Page mother, •very organ to perform its func- for testimonials | !j Befrtfiared. Get a bottle TO-DA Y Stamps 1 ww and who have HANCOCK. tions owe and terms. Warranted keei> it handy. 35c at all stores, N. G. Hardison wife, naturally. Many people MEATS, EGGS, and all Saasiif* FREE write us. The annual Christmas sale of the ladies’ snov sets. j lately moved into their bungalow, had a It to HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA, land, water, 4 ! aid aociety will be held Thursday evening Bait and scent in jars Farm in last week—-8-24. which relieves scrofula, pint Products. telephone put of this week, at the town ball. Aprons, eczema, for sale by £dga* R. Dec. 8. <***• fancy work and ice-cream will be for sale. psoriasis, and all blood humors. Page, Oriand, Mains. hare until are called to Had- Sargent, vice-president; Miss Edith cottage they COUNTY NEWS. ®tetunnrat*. COUNTY NEWS. COUNTY NEWS. Mare. Giffin, secretary; Miss Olive Tracy, treas- Held, urer; Miss Marion chairman of en- Samuel Moore and wife returned Nov. Tracy, SOUTHWEST HARBOR. NORTH CA8TINK. PROSPECT HARBOR. tertainment committee. Mrs. C. E. Grover SB, from Massachusetts, where they bare A. Leach ia via.tin* In Buck*- a Mias Eva and her brother Donald in Mr*. A. It Mrs. Frank Shaw, who baa been away will entertain the club Jan. 5. Mayo bean vlattlng trlenda and relative* well. Is leave to-day fora week's visit in Massa- and port. several weeks, home. Mrs. Martha Bunker Dunk lee and Brighton, Stoneham, Winter Hill chusetts. celebrated tbelr Hall, ol Brockton, Maea., U in town C. B. Colwell has gone to MUbridge brother, Freeman Bunker, of Boston, who Danvereport. They Uapa Mrs. Alice Gilley, of falesford, is anniversary on Nov. on business where be has regular engagements with have been visiting relatives here, have spend- forty-third wedding Familiar Feature* Well his cornet. ing a few weeka at Southwest Harbor, the 1, by occupying a bo* at Oaatle Square Miaa Carrie Withem bae returned to bar KnoWn returned home. to HiiDdretl* of guest of Mrs. Wiliitnu Mason. theater. Tbelr many friends are all glad achool In St. Albane. Ell»Worlh Mrs. Delia M. Noonan, who has been D. W. Joy spent several days at his Louis Von who sold his bouse to me tbem home again. Webeter has to lsleeboro Citizen*. here, has returned to her home in at Jones last week. He was Gaertner, Oreyeon gone visiting camp pond K. D. to Mr. Reeve, was expected with Dec. after a abort vacation. Uouldsboro. accompanied by F. W. Bunker, of Boston, Saturday 5_T. to work, bis companion, Mr. Ur, for a few weeks' Forrest and Jesse Noonan have gone to and A. R. Joy, of Prospect Harbor. OTIS. Mrs. Helen Conner, of Cantina, la tpend- in hia old home. to Dec. 5. 8. stay a few at ber home her*. A where they expect ing daya familiar burden In a Medway, Mass., _ Arden S. Young 1c very poorly. many home Stuart, who has bad success in find lor the winter. Principal Mrs. Marshall, of Port Clyde, is The burden of a employment The son Roland and Stephen "bad bark”. SOUTH GOULDSBORO. former schools with basket-ball teams, is little of Salisbury from her her brother, Clarence Hutchins. Miss Beulah O. Gove returned wife ia III. vIsiUng A lame, a weak or an School commences this morning. making plant to organise the high school achlnc back School this of vacation Saturday. re-opens of Mc- Master Richard Devereui. Caaline, Often telle Miss Helen Freeman baa returned to her pupils for this popular game. Jobn Salisbury, wife and child, you of kidney ill., with several new visited hie uncle, Dnncan ltunhar, last morning, pupils. are at home in Mil The friends of Mrs. A. Freeman are Kinley, visiting the Salisbury Doun'e Pilla are bridge. J. week. Kidney lor week Mrs. R. W. Nutter and granddaughter, homestead. kid- L. of East Franklin, has glad to know that she is so far recovered of have E. Sargent, W. Dunbar left for Portland neys. Mias Georgia Blance, Brooklin, went to Ban- Frank moved his here. from her long illness as to be able to take Mrs. Kben Warren, wbn concluded their visit and returned home. family to bl» vessel, the Htlmuod Here la F.lleworth Pall, for treatment for her infant aon some Thursday Join ves- quite lengthy walks on pleasant days. gor teaiiuiony The sale and supper in the church Iheir The club met Friday witb Mrs.: week with F. Blake. prove inertia. Unity Mrs. of Northeast weeks ago, returned borne last sale and try Dec. 3, was well attended. Proceeds, Sylvester Brown, C. C. Larrabee and arranged for a tbe who ia much better. Mr*. Boy E. Webster »nd eon Arv*rd, of Mr*. H. I. Moore, Flleworth j Harbor, who attended the wedding of bar baby, very Palu, to be held Thursday afternoon, $30. are ol Daniel Webeter supper j Alden of who ha* been Isle*boro, guests wye: "Soma I arrived from sister, Katharine B. Freeman, remained IJyer, Kaalbrook, year, ago, cam. ham. Dec. 11, at Columbus ball. Mrs. Sarah J. Sargent has and wife. trorn over to her Anna In town several on wsa a the winter with asaist daughter during days business, Ihe hoapilal where I bad wife ente-- : Salisbury Cove to spend I undergone Opt. Arthur Strout and the trip of the newly-weds. guest at the home of K. L. Grover and Mrs. Mary I- leach left Saturday for even- her sou, E. C. Sargent. jperation. All that winter 1 tainedat tea Friday, followed by an wife. st Grover resi- to tbe winter with m(ITO The Methodist aid will hold a Other gueata tbe Maseachusetta, spend Moore William has moved his society Pie with a aevero attack of Percy j Stanley family were: Grover her children. of ing party young people. Christmas sale at the hall Thurs- dence tbe past week John kidney and Earl Gordon, to Steuben. All are sorry to have them banquet and Wife, of Blnehill, and of and who :rouble. The pain In back waa day of this week, and the Congregational wife, Brewer, Sydney Doyle. Arthur P. Guilford, spent Thanks- my .|mw! were out-of-town go. They have lived here four years, and of West Sullivan, Dec. 8. Davis. weak with bis has gone to unbearable and medicine sewing society will needle work, _ giving family. aod have many friends. All hope to display doctor', guests. gained Vinalbaven to resume with ice-cream on sale, at the same hall The fall term of school Trema Ashing. treatment failed to do me see them back again in the spring. taught by any good Tbe Methodist fair came off as planned j on Tuesday, Dec. 16. Moor* cloeed after a and Mr*. Adeii* Sounder*, who ha* been I loan’a were Dec. 8. H. Friday pleasant Kidney Pilla, however, went Thursday. The articles exhibited __ dl- j evening, Nov. 27, the profitable term of fifteen weeks. The visiting Mr*. A. A. Leach and Mr*. W. Bv was well Friday bride-to-be, rctly to the aeat of the sold early. The chicken supper | GOULD8BOU9. for Orland. trouble, not only Miss Katharine B. Freeman, gave a bride- thorough work accomplished wsa a credit Ordway, latt Friday patronized, as well as tbe entertainment j tijring the backache, but Miss Kidder has returned home cake party to her chosen attendants, in- to teacher and pupils. The school gave ! Missi s Annie L. Dunbar, Annie B. Con- ftreugtheninj which consisted of music, Ruby in tha evening, : and from a visit in Sullivan. cluding husbands of the same, and a an entertainment in the evening. A song ner end Hattie Donhar have resumed my kldneya Improving my condition recitations and Lbe laughable farce, "Tbe j merry hour was enjoyed, cutting the cake by Mrs. Atwell Kdgrcomb, illustrating : their school work after * week's vseation. in every way. I know of W idow Hat.-’ All took their parts The primary school commenced to-day; many other Merry its tbe cotton fields of the wts teacher. The mar and hading hidden treasures. The South, very came from who have taken with credit. The society netted #50. Miss Wyman, gam j Miss Emm* C. Ward well people Doan » fell heir to The teacher and ex- Kidney school will commence in a week. groom the wishbone, which Impressive. pupils Dark Harbor where abe baa bean Pilla with aa association met with the Saturday Juat aatl.lartory rwuiu, The library course insured After the of him good luck. Each changed gift*. exercises, cake, and to teach in Blue- Yoo conllnua Perry, a student at Maine teaching, left Sunday may publishing the e0- librarian, Mrs. Arthur Strout, Monday Carolyn were sold. guest had brought a gift of some kitchen coffee and home-made candy bill. Iloraenlent I Doan'. for and to Central Institute, who has been home two gave Kidney pm, evening, business, arranged and when in turn the Proceeds, will be used lor curtains utensil, offerings (6.07, when they ftrat me to much. for some of tbe leading maga- week, returns to Pittsfield Tuesday. Arthur Mitchell, of Portland, and Leon helped subscribe were forth and tnd s clock tor the schoolroom. brought the accompanying Pupils j Por .ale by all dealers. Price SO zines, and voted to buy a desk for tbe use The bibie class held its busi- Bird, of Brockton, Me** who were called cenu. monthly rhyme read, the laughing gave perfect in attendance: Ida Salisbury,! applause I of H. B. Ward well and Poster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, New of the librarian. The Bangor Commercial ness meeting and social at the home of H. here by be deaths York, of the wit of the givers. Helen and Florence Willey. •ole proof hta Miss have returned agent, for the Foiled Suie«. The Ellsworth American and the J. Hovey. Gandy and apples were served Dec. 8. Spec. slater. Sylvia, Remember the name — have b-en home. Doan's and Bar Harbor Record, already by the gentlemen. VHVKM AN-W ALI.~- lake no other. contributed to the reading room. The Dec. 8. Jen. GREAT POND. *»• shocked A pretty boon wedding took place on This community greatly three with an library has been open week, Wednesday afternoon, December 3, at tbs Miss I net Williams closed her school when it wns known tbet Hoses B. Ward- each week. PARTRIDGE COVE. increased attendance Fifty residence of John T. R. Freemen, when Friday. wall, aged eighty-three, and his sister books were taken out Saturday. The in- School commence* to-day, taught by residents of his daughter Katharine was married to Mr*. E. R. Williams made a business Sylvia, aged nearly eighty, terest shown is very gratifying. Mr*. Dority, ol Bangor. the Perkins district, had died within a Fred A. Walls. About thirty guests wit- trip In Ellsworth last week. C- close Dec. 8. Frank Burkhart, of New York, has nessed the which was few boors of each other —a fitting __ ceremony, per- Gene Chick and T. ti. Mclninch are' hi* family here for a short time. formed in tbe under an arch of flr to a pleasant and hfe-long companion- WEST FRANKLIN. joined parlor working tor Georg* Croabyio Aurora. were the last of a large Clarence who ha* been engineer and evergreen. ship. Tbey from No. Young, era Lewis Shumsn has returned J. Colboru and Burns Arery very to the home, and were de- eac h a i on one of Arthur Holt'* boat*, i* at home. at J30 the officiating clergy- family occupy Promptly successful Colburn kj 33 plantation. trappers. recently voted to its in tenets. Mr. Wsrdwsll was loaf th in ■ who man, Rev. Alonzo Walker, entered the j Robert Rowe, of Brookline, Mae*., caught a mink which measured Galen Orcutt and wile are up from Bar j thlrty-alx for many yean a teacher of prominence, jM^^nettcr return* room accompanied by tbe groom and bia have ever made ha* been visiting Morton Emery, Inches from tip to Harbor on a vacation. beat As took tip. and was entitled to the teacher’s pension. ^^you home man, Lloyd Uarroll. they to-day. Th* from thie and other was interested in local and k if Jk 8.3. Scammon will have a crew again their the Miss Gladys sporting people Hs public before—yours wife place* pianist. Friend* of Robert Farren and gave slates hare been in • fund of information this winter at Goodwin’s aiding. Mayo, played the opening chords of tbs very tacky getting affairs, and possessed you will only gdK them a evening. surprise party Thursday from and tbs game. Mr. Pierce, of Boston, got a mouse In regard to historical events which was Norman Smith has had some repairs bridal chorus l»b*ngrin, Wil- There were thirty-on* present. The time and dear. Dr. of win specify Hp, Miaa Dora Parker, of Jons*, Penney Iranis, worthy of note. They in full posses- J^k made on the interior of his house. aftd maid-of-bonor, wa* pleasantly spent with game* a dear and bob-oat. Wallace faculties Denvers, Maas., entered followed by tbe got large sion of their until suddenly will have some rooms were 8. 8. Scammon music. Ckks and coffee served. Lord and Gen* with Mr. a few baton their death. w c n vo 11 bride on tbe arm of her father, wbo gar* Poster, Glidden, stricken days h over his store lor a tenement. HtrasABD. finished Dec. 8. of Bath, bar* returned from eras known for their musical 'sj her away. Partridge The family order li- ..:. 1 is and cattle are in had floe luck memories will Grass green grazing After tbe brief hot impressive double brook, haring hunting. ability, and pies earn lingar Where ia the man who ever COREA. wont shan Just as for the pastures. a was at Dae. 7, E. long with those who wen to good ■ ring service, reception held, _ before saw so warm a tall as this? Foster Tracy haa opened a meat market their entertaining The l cake and biscuits and wbicb Mr. and Mr*. Walla were assisted SALISBURY COVE. hospitality. ^ from here. doable funeral at the boms Tuesday after- k and allt’ctc : Mrs. R. H. Williams has returned in receiving by Mr. Freeman, Mn. Syl- pastry jn Mist So* Haynes DeLalttr* cam* Friday Rev. Hoemer Aroostook county where she visited her A daughter we* born to Mr. and Mrs. vester Brown and tbe groom's parents. noon, was largely attended. of the good:. from Cast in* to spend her vacation with of officiated. The ^k * son John and other relatives. Beamon Crowley Nor. 25. Tba usben wan Miaa Ira Walla, Mn. McKoon, Ueettne, to cat lhat bar mother, Mr*. Nettie DeLalttr*. maanoic of which Mr. Ward- JywFh Fred McKenzie baa bought the James Mra. Georgia Young, ot Goulds boro, ia Jams* Crockett, Mn. Fred Ralph, Mia* fraternity, flour a». An interesting Sunday school institute well waa a member, had charge of his M. Clark place, and Mr. Clark has bought spending a lew days with her daughter, Katherine Carroll, Mn. Harry Rios and Ailextr.i:. Freeman was held at tb* ohurch Thursday aftar- burial service. Brother and eiatar wan There will be Anderson. Mia* Emma Holmes. Mias Lata ■•- the Irvin Springer place. Mra. George *■■ tious, t 1 sS assisted naoa and arsning, conducted by Bar. Mr. laid at real tide by elda in the family lot. some moving soon. School sfter two weeks' presided In tba dining-room, by begins to-day W of and Bar. nieces and cause William V Mn. Mn. Roderick httelock, Pittsfield, P. A. A. Tbey an survived by several BaU^r The lumber on the Dwelley place may be vacation, with lha same taacbara—Mia* Henry Oray, Clark, Ktllam, of Ellaworth. nephews. Tell ia milled by ■ is that there are ot Birch and Mr*. Mis* Hsian Ksllay and Mlases Anna, sawed here. It estimated Shirley Crane, Harbor, M book Through the generosity of friends, a Dec. our special process 280,000 of long lumber, besides a Urge Sadie Crowley, ot this place. Ada and Leonine Brown. Tbs guest 8._U I new baa bean for Ohio Winter JB \ was in of Mr*. Arthur Freeman. organ lately purchased k from Red quantity of stave wood. Dee. 8. 8. charg* CABTIMK. _ tb* The Tbe bride's was whit* crap* de weakly evening prayer meeting*. Wheat—then best a old gown la after a week Gerald McKenzie, fourteen-year ton* la sweet and and add* Mn. W. C. Brown borne, ^k MT. DESERT FERRY. chint cat *w with rail, and sbe powerful, andnnest to He train*, lad, went Hancock Thanksgiving. much to tb* aerrioe*. In Boston. ^k jtrasn^flky Mias Beulah True haa returned to New carried a abower of bride rotes. and his Mrs. Lena Stratton, a bouquet aunt, got A. M. Devtnux la spandlng a weak In York. Tbe maid-of-bonor won blue charmeus* Dee.«._R. fine deer, besides ducks and other birds. Bockland. and carried carnations. Tbs bride’s Dec. 8. Arthur Jelliaon ha* gone to Brookline, pink NORTU SEDGWICK. _CH'■’**. Mn. Orville has returned from where he ha* gifu to bar attendants wen gold friend- Vogue Mas*., employment. Martin Clark and Chari** Snow are NORTH HANCOCK. ship circle brooches, and tba groom's gift a visit in Maw York. Elmer and Aubrey Carter spent a taw building a amp. recent to bis bast man waa a gold scarf pin. The ladles' aid will meet Thurs- E. L. Kingman, of Brewer, was a last week with relatives In Nioolin. society day* beautiful Virginia Allen, who haa bean rlaiting in in town. Many and wadding presents day with Mn. Eliot. whitoohr, asm* a co. visitor and two Mrs. Florence Carter children, ware in evidence. Haverhill, Mass., la horn*. Addle Grass was a week-end guest of Mabeile Bmallidge left Batnrday for C. W. OIUSUAL Fred and Carolyn, ot West Scar boro, re- Mr*. Walls left at 6 o’clock Mr. and Boats Friend la suiting her sitter Heals, Boston for two weeks. friends in East Sullivan. two weeks with her cently spent parent*, amid a abower of rice and confetti, carry- who ia teaching in Melroae, Maaa. John Ones and Adrneh left Mon- Merle Googina returned to Higgins A. L. Colby and wit*. a Mony ing with them tba beat wtabes of boat Mr*. G. M. Allen and Florence institute daughter (or Oriand, hunting. STOP CATARRH! classical Monday. Dec a and married day 8._C. of friend* for long happy have returned from Melroae, Mas*. Mrs. Phronie Cummins, of Boston, is lib. A mothers' meeting was held with Mn. TRENTON. Mr*. Emma Hooper, who was injured in I’nleaa Properly Treated With Hy the of Mrs. G. P. Cline. Dec. 8. HpuaY. Angall last Tuesday afternoon. guest _ 3 Hervey Homer and wit* will move to an accident, U still confined to tb* house. •met This DImmc May tV-rom* L. M. Scott, of Ellsworth, was a week- Miee Margaret Connor, who has employ- Ellsworth this week, tor the winter. LYCEUM OOUKSS. Dec. O. Serious. end guest of friends in town. 1._A. ment in Belfast, is spending several days Southeast Harbor wilt have a Frank Severance, ot Ellsworth, who ha* lyceum In lbs boms of Mn. If you hare catarrh, Indicated by Mrs. Emeline Hutchins, who has been MARIA VILLE. Davenport. baen working tor Benjamin Garland, has course to solivsn tbe winter. sniffling, stopped-up head. Jr.>ipiafi seriously ia Mrs. Mary Cross ia at Bangor tor medi- The man of the Congregational parish choking, ill, slightly improved. returned home. Tbs course will open Deo. 16 with a in Uie throat and morntu< cal treat men l. wen invited to the home of their pastor of Mrs. EtU Maddocka, of Brewer, U visit- concert by tbe Collegian male quartet, there is an irriated state Henry Greely and wife, Walter Nicker- for • 6 o'clock dinner. which affords an Mrs. Carrie not a The work of down Jordan’s hill Friday evening mucous membrane ing her mother, Springer. of Chicago. They an only great cutting d» son and wife, George J. Stafford, and Then wen sennteen present. All report ideal condition for the growth of F. H. Stratton has moved hU singing quartet, b-A are also players on la still unfinished. of family Frank Spratt, of Bar Harbor, were recent a tine time. ease germs to begin the destruction borne here for numerous instruments, *Dd on* is a Paul of Bar U a from Raccoon cove to his visitors at the Stafford farm. Kuaaell, Harbor, guest Dec. 8. O. your health. reader and humorist. _ sor- the winter. Dec. 8. Mat. at the horn* at Georgs A. Frost and wife. The easiest, simplest, quickest, _ On January 12 comes Mias Marjorie PRETTY MARSH. est and to chee k i-atarrb M. B. Joy, George L. Stewart and C. E. Leslie Banker sad wile, of Brewer, era cheapest way Lacey, wbo wUl present the complete play Is by breahlng This w onder- Googina were among the lucky hunters SUNSET. visiting Mrs. Bunker's brother, Willi* Miu Doris Liscomb, at Beal Hsrbor, bis Ilyomei. “Everywoman”, impersonating all of lb* ful medicated air treatment d ■•i» last week, securing two deer. Mrs. Hamblin Is her BalUbury. been visiting ber sunt, Mrs. Benjamin tn Lacy visiting sister, is on* of lbs fore- the stomach, but is brea'bed character*. Mia* Lacey F. upset Mrs. C. E. Googina and Miss Lennie Mr*. Arthur Power*. Dec. 8. Carter. through the Hyomei inhaler, --troy- most entertainer* on tbe American plat- hs« in the Miss Edna Brown and Muw of all disease that may Tracey spent Sunday Franklin, Willard Mathew* is working in the form. MT. DESERT. BJorg, tng genns — -. tne of their W. E. and New ware of Allsn Smith been inhaled the tissue- guests parents, Tracey factory at Stonington. On Feb. 12 come* tbe “District At- York, guests George Knox went to Boeton to spend throat, uoae and are .aickiy wife. The family of nine girls were all at and wife Sunday. lungs Mrs. Annie Richardson, ot Stonington torney”, a comedy drama presented by Thanksgiving and visit relatives and healed and vitalized. home for the first time in eleven years. Charles who ha* been is visiting her sister, Mra. W. U. Small. local latent. Southwest Harbor boast* of friends. Pervear, living si refunded 0. A. l’archet Dec. 8. A.vo.v. Money by much talent in tba theatrical line. Center the past three years, has moved to whom fails 1 Harlan Power* ha* returned to Sedg- F. of anyone Hyomei George Arnold, Brookline, Maas., beck to bis borne here. costs but H-™- his T. Powers On March 12 there will be a lecture by fit. A complete ontiit NORTH LAMOINE. wick, after visiting parents, has returned home, after spending a week Dr. John Merritt* Driver, one of the Nathan and after e tew and wife. the of the tiny wife, days made a short here looking after grading Capt. A. B. Holt and wife famous Driver and for a dozen with Mr*. Dec. family, which be Urey's parent*. U. Haynes aud home here last week. 1._Sadi«. Austin Richardson place, pur- visit to their one of tbe orators on tbe years leading wife, have returned to North Penobecot. You want Good Mustard Ask for US. chased some time ago. He has had the Eugene Hagan, of Massachusetts, vis- NORTH FRANK lyoeum platform. house moved back, aod It ia being con- J. T. Freeman and wif* and Mr*. ited his parents, Ira Hagan and wife, re- Mrs. Marion Goodwin died at the home verted into a fine stable. Newell, of Boeton, who have been visiting cently. of her parents, N. R. Collar and wife, HEAWALL. Mustard Dec. 1. H. friends in this vicinity, have returned Stickney & Poor’s Dec. after an illness of sev- _ John Trevor starts to-day for a trip Thursday, 4, K. K. Newman bu purchased another home. j eral at the of Dec. X. IT across the ocean. Wale* being the objec- months, age twenty year*. horse. HALL QL ARRY. Q. AMD GET The was at the house tive Mr. Trevor has a bronchial funeral Saturday, neon returned from the Bar point. John Penney it visiting Charles New- Charlie Job aoTTB ISLAND. trouble which he to benefit Rev. G. Mayo officiating. Interment was hopes by man at Island Harbor hospital Friday. Pumpkin light. H. A. £is trip. His wife and daughter will in Bay View cemetery. Sympathy i* ex- Candege, at South Bluehiii, waa has returned Harold Grindle is expected borne from ones. Frank Dolliver recently here on busineaa leet week. to Old Town for a visit with her sister, tended the bereaved go to Kent’s Hill this week for his vacation. Dec. from a business trip Boston. Mrs. Harry Mason. John (toll, who ha* been doing muon 8._T. Goldie Mills was called home from Dec. Y. Frank Dolliver has bad a telephone in- work here, he* finish*', end left. 8._ HANCOCK POINT. has been stalled at tbs residence of Jobn Moore. Someeville, where she working, Hair Mrs. Clara T. Hodgkins, is a Falling?! WINTER HARBOR. Mrs. Ball hat been her the illness of her mother. spending Yoa Mary visiting Kodney Nesrman, with his dog “Doff”, by few Then stoo It I gbekmsl Briar. day* with friends at McKinley. and C. of Mrs. Parritt, in Bar Harbor. Dec. 8. • Hair Vkr- James Crane Harvey, Boston, daughter left for Boston Monday to Join his pa- _ cmTSo «wth Mr. Huaeey, of Albion, the teacher, who ha*. were business visitors here the first of the Minnie Ball came home Friday from rents. Docs not color the <*. EGYPT. has been away on bia vacation, has week. Caatine to her Christmas vacation. opened A* Your Dorter- fc—n spend Thelma Dolliver is home, after three the winter term. Mr. and Mrs. George Linecotl are re- A fine deer was shot last week in the William Galliaon has gone to Brown- weeks with her aunt, Sadie La Count, at ceiving congratulations on the arrival of Tbe pastor, Mrs. Emma Harrison, vicinity of Schoodic, by Nathan Sargent ville Junction, where be'has employment Went Tremont. twin born Dec. 8. good sermons here him daughters, preached Saturday Notice. and Joseph Gerrisb. on a railroad. Hia family will join John Ward ia home from Bar Harbor, Pauper Dec.».M. evening and Sunday u usual. The Ubibiaecutus club met with Mrs. later. where be has been on the contracted wits taeCtiira«i employed Dm Chips. for thoee Dec. 8. K. 5-, Havingworth to eupport end core Minnie Bumner Nov. 26, with sixteen steamer Nornmbega. or blind »«»• _ Itching, bleeding, protruding piles may Dead aaalatauee durtnr ofJ>"0 Officers chosen: Mrs. to Donu’a Ointment. Chronic cuaea The Christmas Ikleser. rears and are legal reeldents members present. Dolliver, wbe was confined In ylald 8'J*"on “• ASHVTLLE. "George forbid all poraooa trusting them Mrs. Annie soon relieved. Sully cured. Druggists sell Ia spite of the fact that ,the word Cirrie Bickford, president; tbs Bar Harbor several weeks dyspep- count, as there la of r**1 “1“ hospital sia plenty „s Philip Martin is visiting his brother ih-AAst. means literally lad rook, it will not he telr to care lor them at with fever, is at home, and slowly modatious Lewis in Belfast. typhoid for many to Isy the blame oe the eook If thSjWty^ Croup and Cough Remedy. they improving. begin the Cbrlslmu dinner with illlle appe- la a terrible disease; It attacks chil- and wife, of Steuben, Croup George Leighton tite and end it dren so are to choke C. E. Metcalf and wife have returned with distress or nansee. IS may suddenly they very apt were week-end guests of Mr*. £. A. Hanna. unless given the proper remedy at once. from McKinley and will occupy their not be fair for awg to do thst — let as bops so There is nothing better in the world than Dr. CASTOR IA The next meeting of the Wednesday forth* sake of tbe cook! The disease King's New Discovery. Lewis Chamberlain, Jar Tofuntn Rod Children. dye- of Manchester. Ohio, write* about his chil- club will be held with Mr*. John Tracy. pepsls indicates s bad Uomaek, thst is, a Constipation Poisons ton. dren: -Sometimes in severe attacks we were Dec. 8. Phcbbx. wsak stomach, rather than a bad eook, and AMERICAN ADS afraid would die, but since we If are constipated, your satire system Tlu RM YMHifi they proved you Alvays Bought for s weak stomach there Is nothing sue equal what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Dis- Is poisoned by the waste matter kept in the — Use Dr. to Hood's covery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for Doan's Beguteta cure constipation without body serious resuits often follow. Bears the Sarsaparilla. It gives the stomach and colds." Ho can 50c s New Ule Pills and will soon get sod croup, coughs you. griping, nausea, nor any weakening effect. King you vigor tone, ears* dyspepsia, creates ap- A bottle should he in in rid of headache cod other of best and #1.00. every constipation, Signature petite. sad makes the It pay home- At all Druggist* H. E. gscklsa m Aak your druggist or them. X cents per troubles. Me. at Drugglete' or by mail. H a. eating pleasure Co., Philadelphia sad St. Louts. box.—ads*. Buckles * Co., Philadelphia aad St. Louie. should be.-Adsf. to Join Mr.. Fly,. BOUNTY NEWS. They will leave ThUM- SfcbmuKutfiu* legal Notice®. Hfflal hotter* ral •*«’*•**• ,ar Mre. Mayo b,M. Bragdon teaching TAKENworth, of Brooklin, in said county and by bis mortgage dead dated October 2,1811, Imnr**"''’* administrator of the estate of and recorded in the Hancock Tbe muonic district BuckspoTt. State, Emily county registry Buck «»r« held tn the Confrege- convention will be Farnsworth, formerly of Southwest Harbor of deed, in book 484, page 111, conveyed to the * ^ Wedneedey forenoon, Dec. S, P,llow* *•»» Wednesday, Dec. Bidney Young returned to Brewer in said couuty and Slate deceased, is plaintiff, Union Trust Company of Ellsworth (Cor- I nil church 10. Tbe Harvcat Home Will Find Help in This Letter, and N. S Bunker, of Mt Deaert in said county poration), tte following deaoi ’bed real estate Tbe society will serve Thursday after a few days in town. In Welter Hawthorne officiating. the banquet. and State, is defendant, and will be sold by with all the buildings thereon, situated in Mrs. public auction sale on the twenty-seventh day said Tremont, vis.: ’■* eurroanded with bcantlful Percy Homer and infant daughter run aetet Mrs. K. F. Wells and Mm. A. E. Farna- Overworked, down, "fagged out" of December, 1918, at two o'clock in the Lot No. 1. Commencing at the northwest of are at home from at the office of A in tentimonlale many sorrowing Woodstock. N. B. women who feel as though could afternoon Hale Hamlin corner of land of J. L. Stanley on the west to-day for Boaton. Mm. Wells they Ellsworth in said county and State, all the side of the shore road so called and ^eer», sails*“r,';..l« ®Prin(f greatly Improved thirty sea; southerly by Bgccrtpture, in neaittt.tr\aJa Mrs. Gertrude Fernald la at home from She says: “I waa In a very weak, minutes in the forenoon, when the same was line of said Stanley’s lot extended to tne sea; of her attached on the writ to redeem the said well to the weye hooeebold, run-down waa original thence westerly by Stanley’s line to r^„n Oakland, where she spent several weeks. condition. Life not described real estate of and call bar The men’, mess following mortgaged point beginning, with tbe bnf'dings and rlee up bleteed, meeting which wu worth I could not was situated at Northeast Harbor in said town of wharf thereon. 1,children to Albert and living. sleep, and be have been held at tbe McGlaugblin family will Mt. Deaert. to wit: Lot No. 2. Bounded on west btt hnehand also, praleetb Baptist church very nervous, stomach and waa by Stanley’s A ad Hundey afternoon bad to be leave the McNeil rent this week and bad, A certain lot or of land at Mills’ on north on east true Tribute postponed, oc- parcel beginning land; by Newman’s; came In application. not able to work. an iron bolt driven in the or. the shore on south an", putor. Kev. Arthur Tarbell was cupy the home of W. H. Card. ground by road; by King's, contain- ae a devoted e “„lbf western aide of the road leading to Kimball's, one and one-fourth acres. Mre. Bock wife, celled to Hedgwlck to officiate at the ful- “I consulted with one or two ing „,^a,l John phy- known as Main St., at the northeast corner of Lot No. 8. Bounded on the east the e friend and to ber neral of Eben Tbe W. Blalsdel! was in Aroostook by mother, loyal Hinckley. meeting sicians, without benefit. I read of a lot of land described as conveyed in a cer- road; on south Anderson and Stan- tociog will be held after tbe county by Before holidays. county last week, and Mrs. Blaisdell tain deed from D. to Nellie 8. on the west on north school- t'brietian life. tbe cloeing Vlnol some one in a similar Joseph Phillips ley: by Pol; by aittii"1 Dec- •• helping Bunker, dated December and recorded house lot. "Jeeue Cne Femme. visited In Bangor a few days. 8,1898, Mr. Hawthorne eaog. U condition so I began to take It, and It in Hancock county, Maine, registry of deeds, Lot No. 4- Pasture and wood lot containing Mrs. Genie volume 880, 441; thence south ice thereon. same Newman, who has been at a Imply did wonders for me. I page running pond Being; property de- calling BHOOKHVILLE. gained 83 degrees west to the eastern line of scribed In deed from Nettie M. Mills to me Aoetin Hack, Warren Ken- her former home here a fow re- Albert end weeks, In weight and I am now In better land otSeldon B. Tracy (or Georgia Tracy); dated July 28. 1898, and recorded vol. 304. page Hchool in district No. 3 commenced turned to thence but following 78. and afterward* as snown in vol. end Walter Brewefar—aone and im- to- Southwest Harbor Saturday. health and than ever. can sauLherly everywhere convened caij stronger I said eastern line of land of to the 387, 419, vol. 402, 187. and vol. 402, — Miae Annie Tracy page page ■ ware the et- day; Cook, of W ^cate relatlvaa eepectat Interport, The schools commenced the winter not find words enough to praise northwest corner of a lot of land owned by page 188. teacher. Stephen Sinallldge; thence following Lot No. 6. Beginning at tbe shore at 8. W. *< the interment at Oak Grove terms last week, with the of Vlnol.’’—Mrs. W. H. WIs. easterly wod»nt« exception Brill, Racine, the southern line of said Smaflidge eight Newman’s southeast line on said Albion Cloeeon ruuuiug cemetery. went to Benton Fall* Ryefleld school, which opens this week. Thousands of women and men who rods more or less to said road; thence north- line southwesterly four hundred and twenty- Nov. erly following said road fifty feet more or less two feet from, high water mark to an iron Buck died at ber home Hunday 17, called there by tbe death of hi, W. H. were formerly weak and owe jg„. Card, sr., and Mrs. Card are sickly to place of beginning. Together with and as bolt; thence southeast at right angles on No*. ••>** »n Hlneaa of sister. Mm. Alice Black. their to the above described a said Ward’s land one hundred and evening. **. many spending the winter with their son and present rugged health to the appurtenaut lot, right seventy- of for all of a over a five feet to Julia Anderson’s land; thence duration. She waa born March Albert Hart died Nov. in wife. Mr. Card rallied from wonderful strength-creating effects of way purposes way atrip 25, Bangor, his severe of land four feet wide adjoining said above following (.aid Anderson’s line north- the of one ^<. held at the and wife surprised them at their Joseph Baptist church Friday after- pleasant owners or tenants of the lot of said shore; thence by shore northwesterly one P. S.—For Phillips, hundred and thirteen 1 *117* noon. The besrera were Kov and FMiik home Friday evening. Games caused a rough, scaly skin, try north of and adjoining the lot herein de- feet to first named ebe united with Orland bound, containing two hundred and April 13, 1S7S, Kabeon, Brooks Cousins snd Russel deal of amusement. The our Saxo Bairn, 3Ve guarantee it, scribed, and the owners or tenants of the said twenty- Orsy. invaders carried described. one square rods, more or less, together with church, aud to the laat Alfred and James ttindon, Myrle and Hoot premises herein Oaurrcgetional cake and cocoa. G. A. Excepting and reserving, however, out of all my right, title and interest in and to the aervlcw and Lymburner ung two selections. Mm. Hcot Parcher, druggist, Ellsworth, Me shore included within the active and generooa sub Dec. the lot above described, to Joseph D. Phillips, northwesterly and pet Lymburner presided si tbe Kev. 8. B. line of above lot to to all Ita interesta. In organ. his heirs and assigns, owners or tenants of southeasterly extending gastlel »upp<>rt C. F. Atkins, of West Brooksvitle, offici- the lpt of said north of and adjoining sea waters. The proceeeion of low prices ie Phillips same BM ibe twee me a member of Nernmieaic ated. Burial at Lakeside. The more eyes an advertisement catches moving the lot herein described, and in common with Being property included in deed from the owners or tenants o! the lot herein de- John W. Homes to Mauset Coal Company in and Hancock Pomona, and could »c. i. the more dollars <1 is worth. right along, headed by advertisers in a; scribed, a of over a of laud deed dated November 17, 1908, and recorded in _ right way strip to eeaume ber vol. 402, page 187. civayv tv relied upon pert THE AMERICAN. four feet wide adjoining the above described Ibe welter, of WEST BHOOKHVILLE. aourr’iscnunta right of way on the south. aDd extending dtbeworkln promoting from said town road to said land of Tracy. ob the northwest line of land now or form- erly of John Moore near the shore road, so tbe order Clipt. Andrew Weacott, of Brewer, is Said above described rights of way together Batltoab® an5 Steamboats. being eight feet wide, the center of which is called; thence southerly, following said line, wee t-onfcientioae In official dutiee bis Mrs. She visiting daughter, Ueorge the northern line of the lot herein particu- two hundred thirty-one (281) feet to a stake and stones; thence westerly ten rods to a la church, Hunday echool and grange, Stevens. larly described. (10) OF GREAT USE IN Said real estate is to a stake and stones; thence northerly two hun- cheerful of subject mortgage bdpful, alwaye; possessed Carl Jordan of Portland, is visiting bis MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD given by said N. 8. Bunker and Eri L. Ban- dred thirty-one (281) feet to a stake and stones near the shore road above *n aocisl aud domeetlc graven which wife at tbe home of her ker to George Howe of said Mt. Desert, dated mentioned; gmndparents, October 19, 1907, and recorded October 28, 1907, tbence following near said road easterly ten tbe of e wide BREAKING DP COLDS *ida poeaible ac<|al*illou Oept. Eben Davie and wife. In Effect in the registry of deeds for said county of (10) rods to the first mentioned bound. Be- the same to of friends, who bold In loving re- Hancock in book 443, page 465, upon which ing premises conveyed Merrill B. Igde Tbe and William H. Ward now supper social held at 1. O. O. F. Dec. 1. 1013. mortgage there is said to be du* some two KiDg by (senior, de- BMnbrar.ee ber intlueore for good; ber Kellogg's Tasteless Castor Oil is a thousand hundred dollars. ceased) by deed dated March 16, 1876, and re- hall Haturdsy evening for tbe benefit ot a eight (82,800) Dated this 26th of 1018. corded in vol. 152, folio 899, with all build- hltbful end barmonloue labor with her sick was well attenued. TO day November, brother, Thing Long Desired. BAB HARBOR BANGOR. Fobbkst O. Silsby, ings thereon standing: and being the same and her eincere and M Arthur 8. New- iHcaair.. abiding The triends ot Mrs. Davis I A AM PM Sheriff. premises conveyed by Ueorge sympa- BarllBrhor.lv. 10 afl man to William H. Ward by deed Mtndthip. [ thise with her in the loee of ber •. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. recorded in Hanc ck of deeds; mother, one knows the value of castor Sorrento. registry the tint Every oil which said was Tbe family circle la time broken Mrs. Husen Monroe, wbodied in Biuchtll Sullivan.;. T1THEREA8, William H. Ward, of South mortgage assigned by the Mt Trust to the Ellsworth Loan and Hbe Ice era be»lec. 8. ment dated October 1911 and ter buvhend live children—John U of Thompson. \ most people have found it to bard to take. Hancock. 10 03 and recorded in the Hancock county registry 16, recorded in Franklin Road. .. 10 14 said Hancock county registry of deeds in Uadgrvi. .Minn., Albert W. Ruck and of deeds, book 483, page 488, conveyed to EAST BLUEHILL. Kellogg’s Tasteless Castor Oil does away W'ash’gt’n June.Itll 00 Jll 10 45 the Union Trust Company, of Ellsworth, book 484, page 117, and, whereas, the condition jfr». Oertrode Kennedy, Boston, Maaa., Ellsworth. 1 06 11 10 52 certain real estate of ssid mortgage has been broken; now, with this It is (Corporation) consisting John Tufta it borne from Vt. only objection. pure, Ellsworth 10 12 tio 67 of land and buildings at Southwest Harbor, therefore. by reason of the breach of In Abtue and Austin H. Burk, Orland, Hardwick, Falls.jell the condition the said Nicolin. 61122*12 ,1110 aforesaid, in that of the town known as thereof, Ellsworth Loan castor oil without taste or ordor. part wC one grandchild—Jean Kennedy. He bool opened to-day, after two week*’ simple Green Lake.iell 30 12 til 19 Manset, being all and tbe same real estate and Building Association claims a fore- 37 1 28 in the deed closure of said mortgage. Dec ». vacation. Nothing is added; nothing good is taken Phillips Lake.jell 112 ,11 described as conveyed mortgage ... Ellswobth Loan akd Building Association, _ Egery’s Mill. from said Ward to said Trust Company, Arno W. its out. Holden.-ell 43 12 3d Jll 84 dated October 2, 1911, recorded in Hancock By King, president. Mr*. Evelyn Hutching? went to North- ■“ Edmund J. Walsh, its NORTH ORLAND. Brewer June. 12 00 11 53 registry of deeds in book 484, page 111, to By treasurer. ampton, Mas*., Friday. In making castor oil tasteless, Spencer Bangor.ar. 12 05 11 59 which reference is made for particular de- Dated at Ellsworth, Maine, this 25th day of Mrs Laura >1 under baa returned from a PM' AM scription, expressly including ail buildings November, 1918. Mm. K. B. Long and little «on Mal- Kellogg & Sons, of Buffalo, have dis- Portland .....ar. 4 60 m4 60 that have been or are moved on to tbe tag visit to Massachusetts. being STATE OF MAINE. colm are home from Massachusetts. Boston via. same land. This mortgage is subject to the covered a secret that bad evaded chemists County ok Hancock ss: Mr*. Nancy Dodge, of East Ruck sport, Dover ar. 8 10 8 10 aforesaid mortgage given tbe said Trust Com- Mm. Flora Thom was called to Massa- Boston via pany; and whereas, the condition of said Taken on execution wherein H. I. Gross, of at W. ». 3000 a tuning P. Dodge for, years. Portsmouth ar. has been broken; now, therefore, chusetts the Illness of her mortgage Boston, county of Suffolk, Commonwealth of to-day by reason of the breach of tbe condition Warren Moore i« IU of measles at A. L. Kellogg’s Tasteless Castor Oil works by Massachusetts, is plaintiff and Nellie 8. Bun- daughter, Misa Colina Thom. BANUOR TO BAR HARBOR. thereof, the said Union Trust Company ker, of Mount Desert, county of Hancock. Foster • at Goota better than the old evil-tasting, evil-smell- claims a foreclosure of said mortgage. State of Maine, is defendant, and will be sold camp pood. R. P M | A M I A Urioh Trust Company op Ellsworth. auction sale on the Dec.»._ ing kind. It operates pleasantly, with- Boston via Dy public \wenty-seventh Mr* Salisbury, of North Ellsworth, waa Bv John A. Peters, its of December a. d. 1913, at three o’clock in Dover lv.. president. day MAN’BET. out and does not upset the stom- 8 00 8 65 H. Higgins, its treasurer. the afternoon at the office of R. tie guest of Mrs. A. J. Maunder* last week. ! griping, via By Henry George Boston Dated at Ellsworth, Me., this twenty fifth Fuller, Southwest Harbor, in said Hancock 1 ach. Children take it easily. Portsmouth lv. 10 00;. 9 00 N. A. Saundeia and wife, of Myron King, c.f Ellsworth, has been in day of November, 1913. county and State of Maine, all the right in Burksport, not confuse Tasteless Cas- AM A M P M town the week. Do Kellogg’s equity which the said Nellie 8. Bunker, of *«r« *c*k end guest* of James Gibbons past Portland.lv. .. 11 06 12 40 subscriber, Charlotte E. Ellis, of mixed or flavored said Mount Desert, had on the 17th of tor Oil with prepared, AM AM PM PM Brookline. Norfolk county, Common- day ladies’ aid of the THE 1913. when the same was attached on tad wife. The society Methodist 6 wealth of Massachusetts, notice January, castor oils. It is the only true, pure, taste- Bangor.lv. 00, 10 30 3 10 5 15 hereby gives the original writ to redeem the following Brewer June. 6 07.10 86 3 16: 6 21 that she has been administra- who la In church will hold their Christmas sale at duly appointed described real estate situated at Frank Trundy, Bangor hospi- less kind. Bold in all drug stores, not in trix of tbe estate of mortgaged Holden.*. .* 6 29 10 66 t8 85 5 40 Northeast Harbor in said towu of Mount for Ward’s hall Dec. 10, afternoon and even- tal tr> aunant, has been operated upon, bulk, but in 25c and 50c sizes. The public Egery’s Mill.:i0 59 MARY W. ELLIS, late of BOSTON, Desert, to wit: Phillips Lake. : 6 86.tu 02 J 8 41 6 47 •ad la well. Ing. , trade mark—a J Suffolk Commonwealth of Massa- A certain lot or parcel of land beginning at doing is protected by the green Green Lake. 6 44 li 10 3 48 8 67 county, chusetts. deceased, and bonds as an iron bolt driven in the ground on the * Dr. 1. Lilac. Nicolin. 6 53 11 22 8 56 6 07 given Mr. an fell one day leaf, bearing the signature—Kellogg’s. J J J the law directs, and that she out of western side of the road leading to Kimball’s, Roger*, aged man, Ellsworth Falls. 7 06 11 85 4 08: 6 20 (residing the State of Maine) has M. known as Main 8t., at the northeast corner of 1«* w««* aud was hurt Made only by Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Ellsworth. 7 13 11 40 4 14 6 Vi appointed Henry quite badly, Hall, of Ellsworth, in the county of Hancock a lot of land described as conveyed in a cer- Aosmtsanmu. N. refiners of Wash’gt’n June. 7 26 11 60 4 20| J 6 31 taougn no umea were broken. Inc., Buffalo, Y., vegetable and State of Maine, her agent resident in said tain deed from Joseph D. Phillips to Nellie S. Franklin Road. I 7 33 U2 00 6 40 December and recorded oils. State of Maine. All persons having demands Bunker, dated 3, 1898. ■ Hancock. ; 7 41 12 10 6 49 H* ti-int and w ife and others from the estate of said deceased are desired in Hancock county, Maine, registry of deeds, £ 7 44 12 13 6 53 against Waukeag, Fy. to the same for settlement, and all in- volume 880, page 441; tbence running south Bar while hutiting in this vicinity Mt Desert lv... 7 55 12 20 7 05 present Harbor, Ferry debted thereto are to make >•3 degrees west to the eastern line of iUgal Notices. Sullivan. 8 requested pay- an a. it. •r*>’» their headquarters. To Restore 10;.i. ment immediately. charlotte E. Ellis. land of Seldon R. Tracy (or Georgia Tracy); Sorrento. 8 40 thence but everywhere following 9 15 December 1. 1913. southerly W Nt keraon, who bought the NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. Bar Harbor.ar...... 1 10 7 45 _ said eastern line of land of Tracy to the notice that H EKE Art Charles F. Sinclair. Wallace I I I subscriber bereny gives northwest corner of a lot of land owned by C*«-l ‘Nitf raon place, arrived from \1 f he has been adminis- Good Health A. Sinclair Clara L. Sinclair, and m Except Monday. THE duly appointed Stephen Smallidge: thence easterly following Massachusetts Hia wife baa been K. all of Penob- tor of the estate of the southern line of said recantiy. Mary Sinclair, Stacyville, e Stpps to leave passengers from points east Hmallidge eight The first to do is to cor- scot heirs at law of An- LAURA M. late of rods more or less to said road; thence north- t*r* teas. thing county, Maine, of Washington Junction. EATON, TREMONT, drew H. Sinclair, late of Sedgwick, by and erly following said road fifty feet more or less caused Trains Ellsworth at 7.13 a m and 4.14 in the county of Hancock, deceased, Dec 3 B. rect the minor ailments tbeir mortgage deed dated 23, a. leaving to place of beginning. Together with and as September and at Ellsworth 11.06 a 10 52 given bonds as the law directs. All per- and recorded in book p m, arriving m, to the above described lot, a d. 1909. 4*6, page 59, sons having demands against the estate appurtenant right defective or irregular action p m connect with Washington County rail- for all of a over a by Hancock registry of deed, conveyed to Letter of said deceased are desired to present of way purposes way strip PENOBSCOT. and Olivia Lufkin, both of Sherman, way. of land four feet wide adjoining said above of the organs of digestion and Lufkin the same for settlement, and all indebted In the of Aroostook and state of on to conductor. described lot on the north and " county ; Stops signal thereto are to make payment im- extending n« onh has to requested said town road to said land of gone Lynn, elimination. After these or- Maine, ‘a certain lot or parcel of land, situ- Passengers are requested to pro- mediately. Francis M. Eaton. from Tracy. earnestly Said to be held and u^ed in common Ms** f. : a v mil. ated iu Sedgwick, Hancock county. Maine, cure tickets before the trains, and Tremont November 25. 1913. way by entering his heirs and have been in good bounded and described as follows, to wit: Ellsworth to Falls and Falls tc Joseph D. Phillips, assigns, gans put especially the said M role Lewis baa returned to Beginning at the northeast corner bound Ellsworth. subscriber Hereby gives notice that owners or tenants of lot of use of the lot Phillips, working order by timely of land now or formerly owned by Kitridge H. D. WALDRON. THEhe has been duly appointed adminis- j north of and adjoining bertin ae- C*?ii after a week here in the owners or tenants of the said apetidiug Hooper; thence by said Hooper’s land and General Passenger trator of the estate of scribed, and the Agent. described. I Pearl ls»a« b. other*. N. it) W. about 220 rods to land now or D. C. DOUGLASS. MARY E. BELL, late of BROOKSVILLE, premises herein J. N. Sargent to corner Excepting and reserving, however, out of formerly occupied b> General Manager. in the of Hancock, deceased, and L«u»n and wife have returned to of fence; theuce by said Sargent’s land and Portland. Maine. county the lot above described, to Joseph L>. Phillips, bonds as the law directs. All laud owned Ellis N. 80° given .per- his heirs und assigns, owners cr tenants of their » m a abort formerly by Harding Lynn, Maas., after BEECHAM’S sons having demands against tbe estate o? the lot of said north of and E. 26 rods to stake and.stones; thence by land Phillips adjoining said deceased are desired to the same Heat loo here. of Kdtert E. Carter 8. 46H- E. 106 rods to present the lot herein described, and in common with spent for and all indebted thereto are stake and stones; thence N. 81 *«< E. three settlement, the owners or tenants of the lot herein de- to make Tix friends of Mias Olive Leach rods five links to corner of old thence Eastern requested payment immediately. scribed, a right of way over a strip of land tuMiiy wall; Steamship Frank S. Brll. N. 4 W. the old stone wall 17 rods four feet wide adjoining the above described •ill!- (leased to know she ia gaining, V following Nov. PILLS to the of a blue Brewer, Me.. of on the *outh, and extending and 12 links center large 18,1918._ right way land of after« *m m *»ful for appendi- 111. * »*>■ M W WwM) ■tone; thence N. 48 E. three rods seven subscriber notice that from said town road to said Tracy. operation (TX Unwl *1 bereny gives of citis links to at*k* and stones in the old wall; Corporation. be has been duly appointed adminis- Said above described rights way together and then THE feet the center of which is better digestion results, tlienee 8. 27 E. 67 rods seven links to stake trator of the estate of being eight wide, 1 and and stones; thence 8. 46 »gJE. 77 rod* 12 links the nothern line of the lot herein particu- Mias Mildred YYaagatt, of Northeast the food really nourishes Fall Schedule. WILLIAM T. DOYLE, late of ELLSWORTH, to land now or formerly owned by W. N. larly described. Mr*. Archer the The first and estate is to a Harbor, was the guest of strengthens body. Menus to stake and stones; thence by said Winter Fares. in the county of Hancock, deceased, Said real snbject mortgage 8 as the law directs. All said N.8. Bunker and Eri L. Bun- Bridges last week. She left Saturday for dose relief and sounder sleep, Means' land and land of J. G. Eaton 87° given bonds per- J given by gives 12 links to the first mentioned sons having demands against the es- ker to George Howe of said Mt. Desert, dated action W 31 rods Bar Harbor ami Boston, $3.50, McKinley where she wrill;teacb. quieter nerves, and improved bouod and containing 42 acres, more or less, tate of said deceased are desired to October 19, 1907. and recorded October 28, 1907, are caused with all the buildings standing Biuehill and $3.50 present the same for settlement, and all in- in the registry of deeds for said of B 11 in Au- of all the bodily organs | together Boston, county Cushman spent Sunday thereon, and being part of lot numbered 22. debted thereto are requested to make pay- I Hancock, in book 443, page 465. upon which an occasional use of Beecham’s to the of the and ment Frank T. Doyle. > there is said to be due some two fstt* with bis daughter, Mra. Roy L. by third division, agreeable plan Sedgwick Boston, immediately. mortage universal satisfac- [ town of .Sedgwick, and being the same Nov. 24, 1913. thousand eight hundred (*2.800) dollars. Ward well. He waa borne by Pills. They give of Ed- $3.00 Dated this 26th of November, 1913. accompanied and premises Andrew H. Sinclair bought day and in sureness u«cu <»» Robik M. Mra. who ban been viaiting tion safety, Deri, r.. warier, ncpituiurr «. ioo<, Rumill, Cushman, Bar Harbor Mon- he haa been ad minis- Sheriff. of action Beecham's Pills name having been recorded in Hancock regis- Steamer Boothbay leaves X duly appointed j Deputy thert re of the of quickness of detd&, book 726. page 318. Har- t tor estate try day and Thursday at 10 00 a m for Seal ELLS- Also another iot or parcel of laud, situated JOHN F. WHITCOMB, late of The annual and election of bor, Northeast Harbor, Southwest Harbor, WORTH, meeting in said Sedgwick, and bounded and described STATE OF MAINE, COLNTY OF HANCOCK SS. in the of Hancock, deceased, and eficeri of Penobecot O. E. 8., as follows, to wit: Beginning at northeast Stonlngton, North Haven and Rockland. county chapter, No bonds as the law directs. All November 24,1918. Have now or owned (1. given per- corner of laud formerly by Steamer Mlneola leaves Bluehlll and •a» held 8. elected : W. M ., Monday the estate Dec. Officers D. Eaton at stake and stones: thence north- sons having demands against on execuiion, wherein Mrs. E. W. for South Brooklln, Sedg- deceased are desired to Mrs. Annie W. P., J. B. easterly 26 rods to stake and stones to land Thursday Bluehlll, of said present TAKENBennett, of Boston, county of Suffolk, Hutchins; the same for and all indebted now or formerly owned by Ellis Harding wick. Deer Isle, Sargentvllle, South Brookavllle, settlement, commonwealth of Massachusetts,is plaintiff fcHeri; A. Mn. Helen Hellers; Known Ellis thence south- thereto are requested to make payment im- and Geo. E. of Isles, M., or widow of Harding; Rockland. Gilley, Cranberry county Equal Dark Harbor and B. Whitcomb. Benjamin Carrie b®iw 25c. scout 221 rods to land of W. N. mediately. of Hancock and State of Maine, is defendant, •HHtary, Mrs. Perkins; treasurer, Sold *v*nrwh»r«. la 10e-, easterly Is made at Rockland with steamer 1913. or owned said Means to Connection Ellsworth, Nov. 12, and will be sold by auction on tbe 31st Mr*. Mrs. The direction* with mvmry Means, formerly by j public Jennie Bridges; conductress, stake and stones; thence said Means’ land for Boston. day of December a. d. 1918, at 2 o’clock in the bos are very valuable. by subscriber hereby gives notice that land of J. U. Eaton 29 rods to land of RETURNING afternoon, at the office cf Geo. R. Fuller in the Ward well; associate conductress, and ^ be haa been daly appointed adminis- sale Kittredge Hooper; thence northwesterly THE town of Southwest Harbor, in said county of Mr*. L'na Steel Belfast and trator of the estate of Bridges. to the first mentioned bound, containing 40 Turbine Steamships', Hancock, all the right in equity which Geo. ELIZA A. GINN, late of ORLAND, on Dec. 8. Wood locks. acres, more or levs, meaning to convey the Camden. E. Gilley, of said Cranberry Isles, had the a. d. at BEAUTIFUL HAIR—A same premises Andrew H. Sinclair bought of in the county of Hancock, deceased, and given 17th day of April 1913. six o’clock and minutes in the when the Coleman Carter, November 3, 18H0. Leave Boston 5pm Monday,Tuesday, Thurs- bonds as the law directs. All persons having thirty afternoon, was on the to And whereas the said Lester Lufkin, under for with demands against the estate of said deceased same attached original writ, BBOOKLLN. SCALP day and Friday RocklaDd, connecting the CLEAN, COOL tbe name of Lester C. Lufkin, and Olivia are desired to present the same for settlement, redeem following described mortgaged 6 00 the name of Olivia J. Lufkin, steamer leaving Rockland am, Wednesday thereto are to real estate on Islesford in said A. lor a lew Lufkin, under and all indebted requested Cranberry E. Farnsworth is in Boston hair is short of per- as to If your anything by their deed of assignment dated dept. 8, and Saturday for Bar Harbor, Bluehlll, Sedg make payment immediately. Isles, bounded and described follows, ••ska. dull, thin, In book 465. 61. of said y Norris E. Ginn. wit: fect; if it is too dry, brittle, 1909, and recorded page wick and Intermediate landings. Hancock did to George 8. Orland, Nov. 29, Beginning at the northeast corner of a lot of or if the itches, immediately registry, assign Bar Harbor. Mu. Julia Jackson is visiting in Lynn, scalp all their rights to said mortgaged E. L. Smith, Agent, 1113.__ land sold by me, the said Samuel Gilley, to The Gentle that the use of Parisian Sage. and whereas the said 8. A. M. Hkukick, Bluehlll. subscriber hereby gives notice Franklin Stanley; thence following said M»*«. begin George Agent, adminis- first application removes dandruff, Sremises;entle by his deed of assignment, dated Janu- THEhe haa been duly appointed Stanley north line north sixty-eight degrees last in- 16, and recorded in book 477, page trator of the estate of : and forty minutes west twenty-four rods to an Mr*. Edna Clay was in Kockiand aua the scalp and aiy 1911, late of cools invigorates of said Hancock registry, did assign to us, JAMES HERSEY, LAMOINE, I iron post; thence north twenty one degrees of the hair. 77. flanking. and •t*k. creases the beauty the undersigned, all nla right, title and In- in the county of Hancock, deceased, given and fifteen minutes east nine and two-thirds bonds as the law directs. All having an Parisian Sage, a scientific prepara- terest in and to said mortgage and the debt persons rods to iron post; thence easterly to the Weston and wile visited in Bath demands the estate of said de- of Asa of a Oott hair needs. It contains thereby aecured; and whereas the conditions against land Gray at the Dortheast corner Met tion, supplies been broken, now, ceased are desired to the same for lot of land fo> me, the said weak. to make the of said mortgage have present j merly conveyed by the exact elements needed therefore, by reason of the breach of the con- settlement, and all indebted thereto are re- ! Samuel Gilley, to the said Geo and Edna to to make Mrs. Albert Kane is spending a lew hair soft, wavy and glossy, and ditions thereof, we claim a foreclosure of said quested payment immediately. Gilley, thence following said Gray’s line south Arthur B. Holt. six west eleven rods to Ihe of — 6°/ degrees place mortgage. ***ks at BiuebUl Fails. make it it is delicately per- la what will earn If Nov. 1913. grow Dated at Cushing, Maine, this 28th day of your money South Gouldaboro, 29, beginning and containing one acre and eighty fumed-not sticky or greasy. d. invested In shares of the rods more or less, and the alter two weeks’ November, a. 1918. sulscnber notice that square buildings School* begin Monday, and the effect Lcpsita. nereoy gives thereon. Apply Parisian Sage Lkstkr 0. he has been adminis- same teachers. Olivia J. Lure in. THE duly appointed Said real estate 1s to a ’■cation, with the One stops trator of the estate of subject mortgage is Immediate. application the said Geo E. to Bahama Baker, of aert- by Gilley Bert who was taken head from itching and freshens up ALVIN M. RICH, late of EDEN, and recorded in Hancock Uenderadon, the NOTICE or FORECLOSURE. Mooseup, Conn., about the same. it for a week and in the of Hancock, deceased, and county, Maine, registry of deeds, book 461, page fcely ill Tuesday, remains the hair. Use daily James of Brooks- A NEW SERIES county and Campbell, bonds as the law directs. All per- 24. on which there is due about one thousand you will be surprised delighted. vilie. Hancock county, Maine, by bis given Mrs. Busan Miss Alice Judge and Is now II each; sona demands the estate dollars. Judge, one of the WHEREAS.deed dated November 24, 1903, and open. Sharet, monthly pay having against Parisian Sage is quickest mortgage of said deceased are desired to the Dated at Cranberry Isles this 24th day of Miss last week lor Concord, of deeds, menu, II per share. present French left known. recorded in Hancock county registry same for and all indebted tkeieto November a. d. 1913. acting hair tonics to Geo. M. settlement, Mas*. U. A. book 400, page 829, conveyed are to make Robib M. Kcmill, Get a 50-cent bottle from and the requested payment immediately. Warren, of Castine, said county state, WHY PAT RENT" Jambs A. Rich. Deputy Sheriff. needs It. land with situated Mrs. Augusta Btaples and Mrs. Grace Parcher to-day—everyone following lot of buildings, when you can borrow so your Bradley. Me., Nov. 29, 1918. in Brooaavilieand described as follower Being a Bret and J“n** have into G. F. Oott’s •Juki, giro mortgage moved up- the same fully described in said mortgage deed reduce it every month? Monthly subscriber hereby gives notice that subscriber hereby gives notice that Msirs to which reference it made; and where- and Interest he has been duly appointed admin- THEshe has been duly appointed adminis- tenement. hereby pevmeau togethei THE * as. Geo. M. Warren by bis deed of assignment, win amount to but little more istrator of the estate of tratrix of the estate of trom GROCER SELLS recorded in Hanoock Miss Huth Allen has returned YOLK dated November 4. 1904, th.-o you are now paying for FRANK PIERSON, late of SEDGWICK, ALBERT FRANCIS, late of GOULDSBORO, county of deeds, book 436, psge 472, and In about ten Beck she been her registry rent, yean you In the of land, where has visiting to me. Cells Alexander, of Castine. in the oounty of Hancock, deceased, and county Hancock, deceased, and assigned will bonds as the law directs. All •ister and brother*. said county and State, said mortgage deed; and riven bonds as the law directs. All persons given per- Mustard whereas the condition of said mortgage deed OWN TOUR OWN HOME. having demands against the estate of said de- sons having demands against the estate & Poor’s of said deceased Mrs. A. W. has been called to Stickney has been broken and still remains so. now, ceased are desired to present the same for are desired to present Bridges For ot for therefore, 1 claim a foreclosure and give this particulars Inquire settlement, and all indebted thereto are re- the same settlement, and all indebted where her hall-sister. thereto are to make Westiord, Mae*., Tell him nothing else will suit you notice for that purpose. O. W. Tsplit, Seeiy quested to make payment immediately. requested payment im- Mr*. Ell* Prescott, is very ill. Cblia Alixamdki. Tapley Biug, Matthew Lacohlin. mediately. In ex B Francis. Castine, Me., Dec. 5. 1913. A. W. Kota. President. Bangor, Dec. 8,1918. Corea, Me., Dec. 8, 1918. Henry W. Fly* lelt Monday lor Boston Everybody knows what an unseasonable warm fall we have had, making trade hard in all lines of business, especially clothing. As a result of this warm weather we are going to throw our large stock of up-to-date OVERCOATS, SUITS, TROUSERS and all lines of winter goods on the market at prices that are sure to move them. This will be your opportunity to secure some of the best bargains ever offered the buying public right at the time of year, that you will need the goods. Our only excuse for this move is that we cannot afford to carry the goods over, and therefore must reduce our stock before January 1,1914. Sale Opens Thursday, Dec. 11,1913 -a "m*™-jtu Jan. 1,19I4. It will pay you to come early before the lots are broken.

Boston Special Overcoats Boston Suits I Special New Boston up-to-date The very latest productions, up to the minute in style- made in Special Overcoats, and a large variety of patterns to select from;, note tin the latest 50 in very styles. low prices we shall make during this sale for the fim-t coats with conveitible col* the market affords. lar. in brown mixtures, $20 Boston Special Suits in brown and fancy mixtures, wor- value. Sale price, 815.49 steds and cassimeres made and trimmed in the bc-t ]«»«- sible value. Sale XJ7. (0 Brown and gray mixed We hate to do it manner, $22 price, heavy overcoats. 50 in. long Boston Special Suits in brown and fancy mixture-, all with convertible collar, 8 but must turn wool and worth $20. Sale price, JjjlHi.40 lines, $ls value. Sale price, An extra fine assortment of Boston Special Suits in tin our shoes into *14.19 latest colors and styles. Our strongest and most pop- ular line, worth SIS. Sale price, HI (.49 Three lines of handsome money. ^ Boston Suits in brown worsteds and ea~- overcoats made as above, Special fancy si meres. A at $1.1 and Sale Hl2.Ul $10.50 value. Sale price, $4.50 Elite Shot -. Sale price, 83.98 bargain $1(5.50. price, “ “ *12.19 100 3.49 Come early before the lines are Two lines of Overcoats Buy Summer Shoes now and Save Money all broken up. in brown and gray mixtures $4.50 Oxford Shoe#, Sale $3.49 made with convertible col- price, % 4.00 •* “ 3.00 lar and 50 in long. $15 v alue Sale price. *11.19. Holiday Neckwear a mixed One line, brown 1 lot of 50c Neckwear, in boxes. Sale price, IMlc half an ex- overcoat, lined, Mackinaw Coats 1 lot of 25e “ “ “ 10r tra good coat, $15 value. We will close out all of our Mackinaw Sale 810.98 Coats, price, and Sale C«PTT»«lll. $7.50 $*> values. price, $0.49 »B07. A few overcoats in small size- that sold for $12,50 and DlUtM Mta. Co. $13.50. While they last, 87.49 Dutchess Flannel Shirts T rousers Special bargains in Flannel Shirts Sale price, New fall stock. Now is Heavy Sweaters 79c, 9S<\ $1.29 and up. time for Bt> sure to stock for winter. the to stock up the All New Stock. up winter. $7.50 Maroon sweaters. Sale price, 8*5.98 5.50 Blue or Sale 8 4.49 $5.00 Trousers, 84.19 Brown, Gray. price, Underwear . “ “ 4.50 3.59 3.50 Maroon or Gray, 82. 49 “ “ The best un-l 4.00 3.19 1.50 Boys’ sweaters, 81,19 fleece-lined 3.50 “ 279 1.00 “ “ “ .79 derweur in the city at the{V 3.00 2*49 1 lot of sweaters in all sizes. Sale Boys’ price. price, | 2.75 “ 2.29 value. While ..59 “ $1.00 they last, 45C 2.50 1.98 2.00 “ 1.79 underwear. SI Gray-mixed 1.50 “ 1.29 Sale price, 7 * Suits 7QC DUTCHESS TROUSERS Boys’ Don't Miss This give Style, Comfort and Now is the time to stock up on Underwear moderate Cost. 20 Boys’ Suits, ages 10 and 11 years, $1 and $5.50 Service at for we are to offer special bargains in 10 CenU a a values. While they last, 82.49. going Button; $1.00 all lines during this sale. Opportunity. Rip.

Remember Sale Opens Thursday Morning, Dec. 11, and Continues Until Jan. 1,19I4. Come early before the best bargains are gone, and bring all of your friends with you for you will never have a better opportunity to purchase such new up-to-the-minute merchandise right in the Christmas season as we are going to offer you during this sale. Also remember this store never advertises what it has not got, and that all our goods are sold under a guarantee of your money’s worth or your money back. W. R. Parker Clothing Co. ELLSWORTH,.- MAINE