A '■ 1 "V nvonufuntmi LOCAL AFFAIRS. morrow evening at 7.30, the pastor, Kev x. tjrrttttmmte. H. B. Mathews, will lecture on “The In- side of the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIN WEEK. Cup”. Emilie Young’s dancing assem- Walter Pio—Tenement* to let. yUs blies Notice of foreclosure—Celia Alexander. have been suspended until after th< The Burrill National Bank Notice—Annual meeting. holidays. Lost —Havings Pass Book. W R Parker Clothing Co.—Sale. The factory of the Mutual Shoemaker* Found-- OF Dory. of Ellsworth resumed this ELLSWORTH Bankruptcy notice—William H. Ward. operations Isaac L Hodgkins—Repair work. week, under the management of P. B Edgar R Page —Fox trapping. Russell. The has a numbci J H Kresnahan— Notice. factory good -Service I will 2 H C Austin—Furniture. of orders on hand. pay you cent, on 'ISafety he two factors per your E G Moore—Rexal) store. only worth considering in selecting a bank H C I. Morang—Dry goods. Assignment of supreme court justice* for t)ie transaction of your business. J A [G check balances of 500 or Haynes—Groceries. for the 1914 have been announced $ over,' Bur rill national batik. year A Holt—Bakery. Justice Spear will preside at the April The UNION TRUST COMPANY of El Isworth with a Lost—Watch. | interest term in Hancock county and Justice crediting monthly. Lynn, Mam.: Capital of $100,000 Cornish at the October term. pE Bay State Hosiery Co. Surplus and Profits, $100,000 [B Unsurpassed service and monthly Interest should be an Miss Annie R. Emery left Saturday foi Stockholders' Liabilities, $100,000 Inducement. Write us to day. State some amount as an SCHEDULE OF MAILS Haverhill, Mass., for a short visit, after A protective capital for depositors of over $300,000 with re- [p AT balance < BLLSWOKTB POSTOFFICB. which she will go to tc sources of over averaire and let ns show you what you are losing. Jonesville, Micb., $1,600,000 provides both safety and service of the b; /n effect Sept. 29, 1919. spend the remainder of the winter with highest standard. [C This is a convenient bank for the of Hancock and her uncle, Rev. W. F. Emery, and her people jp MAILS B8CBIVBD. Washington counties to do business with. Our directors are sister. ip 83 Main 9 to 9 to 1. men interested in the affairs of these counties. Their aim is f7Z St., Fbom a to Hours, 4; Sat., Wbut—7.18 m; pm. S. stimulate and assist in the business interests of Hancock and Fbom East—11.06, 11.67 am; 5 47, 10.52 p m. Mr4. William Cousins left last Thurs- J= Washington counties. It is a home bank intended to MAIL CLOSSS AT POSTOFFICB day for to a few stimulate j& Philadelphia, spend home industries and home enterprises. We are interested in f:; Ooino 11.80 a m; in. weeks with her West—10.80, 5.16,® p husband before be anil* every corporation, mercantile firm and individual. As our busi- 15 Goino East-6.46 a m; A46. 6 o m. for the Booth for the wdnter on the house- ne«s increases every year, it is proof sufficient of the satisfactory service we render. If you are not a customer we invite lb yacht on which he is employed as chie! already, Registered mail should be at you to one. postofflce half engineer. became J|[j an hour before mail closes. Ex-Chief Justice Emery, ef Ellsworth was a recent of the Rhode Union Trust of Me. WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. guest Island Company Ellsworth, State Bar association at its annual meet- i For Week Kmling at Midnight Tuesday, ing and banquet in Providence Dec. 1, and Women Who Bank December 9, 1913. made a brief Address on the function o! [From observations taken at the power the judiciary. station of the Bar Harbor A Union River I with the Eastern Trust * Ranking Co. know Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is Fred, the fourteen-year-old son of Fred already given in inches for the hours what a twenty-four Coleman, who was so severely splendid way'it Is to safeguard their funds ending at mlduight; snowfall is, of coarse, injured by a “Look most to No matter and mak» reduced to water.) fall from a stone wall last September, your spending. how properly, simple, economical, and busi- Weather Precip- and has never fully recovered, has been ness-like payments. Thousands of women already Tempcrature condition). itation much comes in, if more goes out, you will be taken to Bangor for an examina- always with us: us X-ray bank let tell you how you can enjoy this 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon tion and possibly an operation. poor.” mail. Full Information sent Wed 84— 88— rain cloudy .20 privilege by cheerfully The Thurs 33— 38— sophomore class of Hadcliffe college on request. cloudy cloudy Start a Account Now and Let the Fri 34— 37— cloudy fair recently gave a novel entertainment tc Savings Interest Help You. Mat 31— 88— clear clear me iresnmen, a leature or wnicn was Sun 22— 40— ram rain 1.92 “The Bine a on Blue- cloudy, * Book”, parody “The Mon 48 — HANCOCK CO. 96— rain rain, snow .27 bird”, a clever sketch written and coached SAVINGS BANK Turn 23— 32— clear clear by Miss Doris Halraan, an Ellsworth girl. ELLSWORTH, MAINE Established 1873. Irene chapter elected officers last Friday Misa F. Jude tJeorgia is teaching *it evening as follows: Margaret Jordan, North VV. Eddington. M.; E. S. Means, W. p.; Nellie A. “.MIDNIGHT SCANDAL.” NORTH KLLS WORTH. The literature club will meet with Misa Lermond, A. M.; Mabel Lord, secretary; Ada Lester Moore, of Bar Harbor, is a guest Mary A. Gay nor next Monday evening. Lord, treasurer; Cora Welch, con- Entertainment and Way Back Ball Mina of J. H. Nason. Oscar P. Cunningham, of Huckspcrt, ductress; Cottle, associate conduc- of Dirigo Club This Evening. tress. Mrs. Louise Moore is her SISISIS -W W-rW-i-O-rW-l-W-S-S -I t»as in Ellsworth yesterday on business. The entertainment and ball of the visiting m x At a athletic club will take this daughter, Mrs. Minnie Danico. Mrs. George H. Grant left Monday to special meeting of the city govern- Dirigo place THE It wirier in futtn ar.d Albany, ment last evening, at which Mayor Cun- evening at Hancock hall. The entertain- N. Y. ningham, Aldermen Clark, Moore and ment will consist of the original farce, Stilimtsrmems, Moor were present, the petition of the New “Midnight Scandal,” written and ar- Miss Winifred Doyle is home from the England Telephone & Telegraph Co.’foi ranged by Hoy C. Haines. The scene is Store" jj Castine normal school for the holiday va- "Quality to erect and on laid and works in a permission wires ago, cation. poles fifty years Notice to Washington street, from High to Watei musical review, in which some of the old- Taxpayers Miss Marguerite Coughlin has to gone street* was granted. time songs are sung by a chorus of forty- Taxes must be settled by Portland ta> enter a for a course as FURNITURE hospital are the j! The friends of five voices. Following special many Charles H. Grindal. Dec. if wish to <> trained nurse. 20, 1913, you one of Ellsworth’s numbers: retired merchants, save the cost for i > Mrs. C. I. who has been seri- being adver- Staples, who was taken suddently ill last week, are Solo, "The Mysterious Kiss” ill of measles and is tised and sold. Next week we ously pneumonia, pleased to see him out again. Mr. Grin- Miss Lilias Phillips now improving. was “All Aboard for Alabam*,” “When I Lost dal seized with sudden dizziness at once and save You.” “Snookyookums,” “Take me Pay Nokotnis Rebekah lodge willsirve sup- while on the street, and pitched from the shall have Hack to the Garden of Love,” “At the holly at Odd Fellows room next sidewalk to the street. hi.* expense. per banquet Fortunately Devil’s Ball”.Chorus Tuesday evening at 6 30. daughter-in-law-, Mrs. C. W. saw and wreaths. :: Grindal, Duet. "Girl of My Dreams.” J. H. Bkesnaiian, him and he received A Frank Crabtree returned recently from a fall, prompt assist- Mi«s Margaret King, Earl Falvey Coll, Taxes ance. He was of for igij successful hunting trip near Sprague, picked up unconscious, and So'.o, "Oh! Say! Doctor!”.Mrs A P Royal carried to his where he soon •De Pullman Porters’ Ball,” “My Blushin’ Dec. 1913 Wh.ii i- more ‘or a Christmas killing one deer and a moose. home, rallied Ellsworth, 9, appropriate Evenin’ "Kiss Me. and is now apparently as well as ever, ex Rose,” "My Star,” Capt. A. L. He Hatty and wife are spend- Do-Lu-Lu”.Chorus gift than a comfortable Rocker?’ We have cept for bruises received by bis fall. Honey, ing the winter in Bangor with their Trio, “Won’t you Be My Playmate.” Sliss and At a after Phonograph Sewing daughter, Mrs. William J. MacDonald. parish meeting the supper al Myrtle Monaghan, Reuel Whitcomb, for mother and the in « them father, children, the Unitarian vestry last Mrs. Mary Burke Brown, of Waltham* Wednesday Harold Hawkes Machine evening, several vacancies in the board o Solo, "Awfully Soft for Simon,” Repairing alt linishes and Mass., is in Ellsworth, called here by the styles. officers were tilled. The full list of off! Allon P Royal and chorus death of her step-father, B. Frank Gray. Mason and cers is as follows: Irving Osgood, presi “My Firefly Lady”.Philip Cleaning who has “When I Waltz Scissors anil Tools Miss Ruth Garland, been with dent; Mary A.
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