OPErel Ta...DES DIRBCToat. 295

< Si);%04: FARMERS co'Jlttinued. Barber A. Lanton Bell T. East moor, Ellington, Morpeth Al'mstl'ong J. Paperhaugh, Barber G. Rock, Bell T. Eshott Armstrong J. Eals, Alston Barber T. Rock, AInwick . Bell T. Make-me-rich, Horton grange, Armstrong J. Fair spring, Ryal, Stam- Barclay Mrs. J. East Ord, Berwick Dinningtont Newcastle . fordham, Newcastle Barclay J. Tweedmouth Bell T. Woodtoot, ~laley, Armstrong J. Hindley steel, Henshaw, Barkas G.Robsheugh, Dalton,Newcastle Bell W. Berry hill, Stanton, Long Bardon Mill Barker M. Heron's close, Fenrother, Horsley, Morpeth Armstrong J. Little Swinburne, ChoHer- Hebron, Morpeth Bell W. Cowpen, Morpeth ton, Hexham Barnup W. East Denton, Newcastle Bell W. East shows, Hexham Armstrong J .Lit. Swinbrn.fm.Bellinghm Barras M. Killingworth, Newcastle Bell W. Harlow field, Haydon bridge ArmstrongJ. Reedsmth.Birtley, Hexhm Barron J. & G. Nesbit, Dodley, Stam- Bell W. Limestones, Plainmellor, Halt- Armstrong J. Stobhill, Morpeth Castle, fordham, Newcastle whistle Morpeth Barron J. Moor, Stannington, Morpeth *Bell W. , Rothbury ArmstrongJ .Shortmr.Gunnerton,Hxhm BarronM.Ouston,Stamfordhm.Newcastl Bell W. Newbiggin,Woodhorn, Morpeth Armstrong John Atkinson, Bays Leap Barron Mrs. Cockels, UIgham, Morpeth Benson R. & M. Fallow field, Hexham farm,Heddon-on-the-Wall, Newcastle Barron W. Backworth, Newcastle BensonA. Reedswood nook, Bellingham Armstrong Misses,Wall town,Haltwhistl Bates J. Hole-of-the-HiU, Highlaw, Benson J. Grindon hill, Haydon bridge Armstrong Mrs. E. Kirkhaugh, Alston, Mitford, Morpeth . BensonS.G.Wood hall mill,Haydon brdg Cumberland Bates J. Hole-in-the-Hill, Beuridge, Benson W. Linacres,Warksburn,Hexhm Armstrong Mrs. M. Hardriding, Hen- Mitford, Morpeth . . Berkley J. Mount Pleasant, , shaw, Bardon Mill Bates J. M.· Heddon- on - the -Wall, Gateshead Armstrong Mrs. M. Branchend, Blen- Newcastle Best J. Park, Lilesburn, Hexham . kinsopp, Bates J. Milbourne, Newcastle *Best 1. , Bellingbam Armstrong R. Holbank, Ridley, Haydon Baty J. Morewood, Thorngrafton, Best W. Aydon, Gateshead Bridge Bardon mill Bewick I. & R. East Brunton, Newcastle Armstrong R. Knaresdale, Parson Baty J. Kenton, Newcastle Bewick R. &I. Middle Brunton,Gostrth Shield, AIston Baty Mrs. M. Hallington, St. John Lee, Bewick G. Soutbwitton, Longwitton, Armstrong T. ChoUerton, Hexham Hexham Morpeth Armstrong T. Chipcbase, Gunnerton, Baty W. Cattle market, Hexham Bewick J. Whinnetley, Haydon bridge Hexham Baxter Mrs. H. Greenhough, Knares- Bewick J. Prior house, Haydon bridge Armstrong T.Grindn.mill hl.Haydn.Bdg dale, AIston Bewick Mrs. E. Mickley, Gateshead Arlllstr.ollg W. Scotscoltberd,Bardn.Mill Beal Mrs. M. , Acklington Bewick R. Glebe, Hartburn, Morpeth Armstrong W. Edges green, Beal T. Lane head, Acton, Acklington Bickerton G. Barmoor Armstrong W.Bogg,Henshw.Bardn.Mill Bean W. & Sons, Saltwick, Stanning- Binks T. & R. West Steds, Lorbottle, • Armstrong W. Catton, AIlendale ton, Morpeth Alnwick Armstrong 'V. Winsbields, Henshaw, Bean J. Merley hilI,Dinningtn.Newcastl Binks J. Pepper moor, Long Houghton, Bardon Mill *Bedlington G. Oving'ham, Gateshead Alnwick ·Arthur C. Holywell, Hulne pk. AInwick Bell J. &R. Lough green,Haydon bridge Birkett M. Watch trees, Featherstone, Arthur G. Newburn hill head, Newburn Bell J. & W. Denwick, Alnwick Haltwhistle hall,·Newcastle . Bell R. & J. High Chibburn, Wid- Birkett Mrs. M. Lambley, Haltwhistle .A.rthur G. Tbreepwood, Haydon Bridge drington, Morpeth Birkett W. Slaggyford, AIston Arthur J. Hathryside, Fenham,Newcstle Bell R., G. & J. Edlingham, Alnwick Birkley J. Smallburn, Shipley, Alnwick Askel J. Mains bank, Heugh, Stamford- Bell Thomas, Jobn & Robert, North Black E.&J.R.Grievestead,Felkington, ham, Newcastle Heugh, Longwitton, Morpetb Norbam AskeB J. Mains bank, Stamfordham, Bell A. East Ord, Berwick Black E. & J. R. Grindon, Norham Newcastle Bell A. Greenses, Ancroft Black T. & Son, Hay farm, Eta! Athey J. Newminster abbey, Morpeth BellA. , Warkworth, Acklington Black J. New Hetton, Coldstream Atkin J. Hole, Monkridge, Newcastle Bell A. Harlow hill, Gatesbead Black J. West mains, Norham mains, Atkinson Brothers, Roseden, Ilderton, Bell A. Scotscoltherd, Bardon mill Norham Alnwick Bell C. H. Cottensbope, Burnfoot, Black J. Fenham, Beal Atkinson G. 9 & 10 Out fields, Berwick Rochester, Newcastle Black J. Westfield, Ford Atkinson J. Long Benton, Newcastle Bell C. Cbesterhope, Hexbam Black R. ThrOptOIl, Rothbury Atkinson J. Whitlow, Kirkhaugh Bell E. Birney hill, High Callerton, Black W. Market place, AIllWick Atkinsolll. peepy, Bywell, Gateshead Newcastle "'Blackburn J. Riding hills, Riding, l)..tkinson J. CHfton, Stannington,Morpth Bell E. Cramlington, Newcastle Gateshead Atkinson J. Stannington, MOl'Peth Bell George,. Slaley, Hexham Blackburn 1. Slaley, Hexham Atkinson M. Shieldfield, Low Shitling- Bell Giles, Slaley, Hexbam . Blair J. Oak pool, Allendale ton, Hexham BellI. Ravensclough,Warksburn,Hxhm Blair T. Mitford, Morpeth Atkinson R. East Lilburn, Alnwick Bell J. Harlow hill, Gateshead Blakey R. High green, Berwick Atkinson R. Ancrott Bell J. Hadston, Acklington Blakey W. Greens, Berwick Atkinson ']'. Letham mill, Berwick Bell J. LowBarton,Whittinghm.Alnwck Blenkinsop G. Combhill, Haltwhistle l)..tkinson T. Rowside, Whitfield, Hay- Bell J. Wallsend, Newcastle Blenkinsop G. Wardrew, Blenkinsopp, don Bridge Bell J. Bellingham Haltwhistle Atkinson W. Linhope, Ingram, Alriwick Bell J. Demesne farm, Bellingham Blenkim~opp R. Haltwhistle Avery W. Oxendean burn, CornhilI, Bell J. Easington demesne, Easington, Bogue W. Hepburn bell, Hepburn, Coldstream Belford Chillingham, Alnwick Awburn G. Unthank, AInham, Alnwick Bell J. Holy Island Boiston J. the Buildings, Ponteland, AwburnJ.Lipwood wells,HaydonBridge Bell J. Walwick, Humshaugh, Hexham Newcastle Aynesley J. Ewesley, Long Horsley Bell J. Walwick, Warden, Hexham Bolam C. Ratcheugh, Long Hougbton, Aynsley F. Seaton vale, Monkseaton, "'Bell J. Highshield, Hexham . Alnwick Nortb Shields Bell J. Bedlington, Morpeth Bolam G. High Hedgley, Alnwick Aynsley J. Ewesley, Morpeth *Bell J. Causeway hill, Hexham Bolam G. Shawdon, Whittingham Aynsley J. Northwood houses, Ulgham, Bell J. Corbridge, Gateshead Bolam I. W. Fawden& Clinch, Ingram, Morpeth Bell J. Mortley, Warksburn, Hexham Alnwick Aynsley J.Dyke head, Harwood,Newcstl Bell J. Prudhoe castle, Gateshead Bolam J. Chat hill Aynsley J. Ferney beds, UIgbam grange, *Bell J. Coanwood, Ha.ltwhistle Bolam J. Glower-oer-him, Belford ~lorpeth Bell M. West shows, Hexham Bolam T. Boulmer, Alnwick Aynsley 1. Woodside, East Chevington, Bell Mrs. A. Cowbyers, , Bolan G. & Son, , Rothbury Acklington Gateshead Bolan G. & Sons, Bickerton, Rothbury Aynsley J. Howlet haIl, Bedlington, Bell Mrs. J. High Yarridge, West -Bolan J. Alwinton, Morpeth lVlorpeth Quarter, Hexham Bolan J. Low Trewhitt, Rothbury Aynsley L. Swarland, Acklington Bell Mrs. ~L Simonburn, Hexham Bolton G. & S. Walker, Newcastle Aynsley M. Bedlington, Morpeth Bell N. Prestwick,Dinningtn.Newcastle Bolton J. Eglingham, Alnwick Aynsley W. Newhouses, Wallington, Bell N. Prestwick, Newcastle Bolton L. West Brunton, Newcastle Newcastle . Bell R. Coalpits, Slaley, Hexham Bolton T. C. Earsdon, Newcastle Aynsley W. Witton sbields, Long Hors- *Bell R. High shields, Hexham Bolton W. Sion side: Belford Iey, Morpeth Bell R. High thorn, Ellington, Morpeth Bone G. Weetwood, Wooler Baird J.Banna moor, Eglingham,Alnwk Bell R. Melkridge, Haltwhistle Bone G. Laverick Law, Lowick Balmain G. Old moor, Bothal, Morpeth *Bell R. New rift,West Acomb, Hexbam Bone 1. Ellingham, Chat bill Balmer Mrs. S. Tweedmouth Bell T. Cramlington, Newcastle . Bone W. Ellingham, Chat hill