172 Subpart F—Antarctic Specially Protected Areas
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§ 670.26 45 CFR Ch. VI (10–1–18 Edition) Common Name and Scientific Name ASPA. Detailed maps and descriptions Ross Seal—Ommatophoca rossii of the sites and complete management [73 FR 14939, Mar. 20, 2008] plans can be obtained from the Na- tional Science Foundation, Office of § 670.26 [Reserved] Polar Programs, National Science Foundation, Room 755, 4201 Wilson Subpart F—Antarctic Specially Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230. Protected Areas ASPA 101 Taylor Rookery, Mac. Rob- ertson Land § 670.27 Specific issuance criteria. ASPA 102 Rookery Islands, Holme Permits authorizing entry into any Bay, Mac. Robertson Land Antarctic Specially Protected Area ASPA 103 Ardery Island and Odbert designated in § 670.29 may only be Island, Budd Coast, Wilkes Land issued if: ASPA 104 Sabrina Island, Northern (a) The entry and activities to be en- Ross Sea, Antarctica gaged in are consistent with an ap- ASPA 105 Beaufort Island, McMurdo proved management plan, or Sound, Ross Sea (b) A management plan relating to ASPA 106 Cape Hallett, Northern Vic- the area has not been approved by the toria Land, Ross Sea Antarctic Treaty Parties, but ASPA 107 Emperor Island, Dion Is- (1) There is a compelling scientific lands, Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Pe- purpose for such entry which cannot be ninsula served elsewhere, and ASPA 108 Green Island, Berthelot Is- (2) The actions allowed under the per- lands, Antarctic Peninsula mit will not jeopardize the natural eco- ASPA 109 Moe Island, South Orkney logical system existing in such area. Islands ASPA 110 Lynch Island, South Orkney § 670.28 Content of permit application. Islands In addition to the information re- ASPA 111 Southern Powell Island and quired in subpart C of this part, an ap- adjacent islands, South Orkney Is- plicant seeking a permit to enter an lands Antarctic Specially Protected Area ASPA 112 Coppermine Peninsula, Rob- shall include the following in the appli- ert Island, South Shetland Islands cation: ASPA 113 Litchfield Island, Arthur (a) A detailed justification of the Harbour, Anvers Island, Palmer Ar- need for such entry, including a discus- chipelago sion of alternatives; ASPA 114 Northern Coronation Island, (b) Information demonstrating that South Orkney Islands the proposed action will not jeopardize ASPA 115 Lagotellerie Island, Mar- the unique natural ecological system guerite Bay, Graham Land in that area; and ASPA 116 New College Valley, (c) Where a management plan exists, Caughley Beach, Cape Bird, Ross Is- information demonstrating the consist- land ency of the proposed actions with the ASPA 117 Avian Island, Marguerite management plan. Bay, Antarctic Peninsula § 670.29 Designation of Antarctic Spe- ASPA 118 Summit of Mount Mel- cially Protected Areas, Specially bourne, Victoria Land Managed Areas and Historic Sites ASPA 119 Davis Valley and Forlidas and Monuments. Pond, Dufek Massif, Pensacola Moun- (a) The following areas have been tains designated by the Antarctic Treaty ASPA 120 Pointe-Geologie Parties for special protection and are Archipelego, Terre Adelie hereby designated as Antarctic Spe- ASPA 121 Cape Royds, Ross Island cially Protected Areas (ASPA). The ASPA 122 Arrival Heights, Hut Point Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978, as Peninsula, Ross Island amended, prohibits, unless authorized ASPA 123 Barwick and Balham Val- by a permit, any person from entering leys, Southern Victoria Land or engaging in activities within an ASPA 124 Cape Crozier, Ross Island 172 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:07 Oct 30, 2018 Jkt 244202 PO 00000 Frm 00182 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\45\45V3.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB National Science Foundation § 670.29 ASPA 125 Fildes Peninsula, King ASPA 152 Western Bransfield Strait George Island (25 de Mayo) ASPA 153 Eastern Dallmann Bay ASPA 126 Byers Peninsula, Living- ASPA 154 Botany Bay, Cape Geology, ston Island, South Shetland Islands Victoria Land ASPA 127 Haswell Island ASPA 155 Cape Evans, Ross Island ASPA 128 Western shore of Admiralty ASPA 156 Lewis Bay, Mount Erebus, Bay, King George Island, South Shet- Ross Island land Islands ASPA 157 Backdoor Bay, Cape Royds, ASPA 129 Rothera Point, Adelaide Is- Ross Island land ASPA 158 Hut Point, Ross Island ASPA 130 Tramway Ridge, Mount Er- ASPA 159 Cape Adare, Borchgrevink ebus, Ross Island Coast ASPA 131 Canada Glacier, Lake ASPA 160 Frazier Islands, Windmill Fryxell, Taylor Valley, Victoria Islands, Wilkes Land, East Antarc- Land tica ASPA 132 Potter Peninsula, King ASPA 161 Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo) ASPA 162 Mawson’s Huts, Cape (South Shetland Islands) Denison, Commonwealth Bay, George ASPA 133 Harmony Point, Nelson Is- V Land, East Antarctica land, South Shetland Islands ASPA 163 Dakshin Gangotri Glacier, ASPA 134 Cierva Point and offshore Dronning Maud Land islands, Danco Coast, Antarctic Pe- ASPA 164 Scullin and Murray ninsula Monoliths, Mac. Robertson Land ASPA 135 North-eastern Bailey Penin- ASPA 165 Edmonson Point, Wood sula, Budd Coast, Wilkes Land Bay, Ross Sea ASPA 136 Clark Peninsula, Budd ASPA 166 Port-Martin, Terre Adelie Coast, Wilkes Land ASPA 167 Hawker Island, Vestfold ASPA 137 North-west White Island, Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, Prin- McMurdo Sound cess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica ASPA 138 Linnaeus Terrace, Asgard ASPA 168 Mount Harding, Grove Range, Victoria Land Mountains, East Antarctica ASPA 139 Biscoe Point, Anvers Island, ASPA 169 Amanda Bay, Ingrid Palmer Archipelago Christensen Coast, Princess Eliza- ASPA 140 Parts of Deception Island, beth Land, East Antarctica South Shetland Islands ASPA 170 Marion Nunataks, Charcot ASPA 141 Yukidori Valley, Island, Antarctic Peninsula ASPA 171 Langhovde, Lutzow-Holm Bay Narebski Point, Barton Peninsula, ASPA 142 Svarthamaren King George Island ASPA 143 Marine Plain, Mule Penin- (b) The following areas have been sula, Vestfold Hills, Princess Eliza- designated by the Antarctic Treaty beth Land Parties for special management and ASPA 144 Chile Bay (Discovery Bay), have been designated as Antarctic Spe- Greenwich Island, South Shetland Is- cially Managed Areas (ASMA). De- lands tailed maps and descriptions of the ASPA 145 Port Foster, Deception Is- sites and complete management plans land, South Shetland Islands can be obtained from the National ASPA 146 South Bay, Doumer Island, Science Foundation, Office of Polar Palmer Archipelago Programs, Room 755, 4201 Wilson Bou- ASPA 147 Ablation Valley and Gany- levard, Arlington, Virginia 22230. mede Heights, Alexander Island ASMA 1 Admiralty Bay, King George ASPA 148 Mount Flora, Hope Bay, Island Antarctic Peninsula ASMA 2 McMurdo Dry Valleys, ASPA 149 Cape Shirreff and San Southern Victoria Land Talmo Island, Livingston Island, ASMA 3 Cape Denison, Common- South Shetland Islands wealth Bay, George V Land, East ASPA 150 Ardley Island, Maxwell Bay, Antarctica King George Island (25 de Mayo) ASMA 4 Deception Island ASPA 151 Lions Rump, King George ASMA 5 Amundsen-Scott South Pole Island, South Shetland Islands Station, South Pole 173 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:07 Oct 30, 2018 Jkt 244202 PO 00000 Frm 00183 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\45\45V3.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB § 670.29 45 CFR Ch. VI (10–1–18 Edition) ASMA 6 Larsemann Hills, East Ant- HSM 14 Site of ice cave at Inex- arctica pressible Island, Terra Nova Bay, con- ASMA 7 Southwest Anvers Island and structed in March 1912 by Victor Camp- Palmer Basin bell’s Northern Party. (c) The following areas have been HSM 15 Hut at Cape Royds, Ross Is- designated by the Antarctic Treaty land, built in February 1908 by the Parties as historic sites or monuments British Antarctic Expedition. (HSM). The Antarctic Conservation HSM 16 Hut at Cape Evans, Ross Is- Act of 1978, as amended, prohibits any land, built in January 1911 by the Brit- damage, removal or destruction of a ish Antarctic Expedition. historic site or monument listed pursu- HSM 17 Cross on Wind Vane Hill, ant to Annex V to the Protocol. Cape Evans, Ross Island, erected by the Descriptions of the sites or monu- Ross Sea Party in memory of three ments can be obtained from the Na- members of the party who died in the tional Science Foundation, Office of vicinity in 1916. Polar Programs, Room 755, 4201 Wilson HSM 18 Hut at Hut Point, Ross Is- Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230. land, built in February 1902 by the HSM 1 Flag mast erected in Decem- British Antarctic Expedition. ber 1965 at South Geographical Pole by HSM 19 Cross at Hut Point, Ross Is- the First Argentine Overland Polar Ex- land, erected in February 1904 by the pedition. British Antarctic Expedition in mem- HSM 2 Rock cairn and plaques ory of George Vince. erected in January 1961 at Syowa Sta- HSM 20 Cross on Observation Hill, tion in memory of Shun Fukushima. Ross Island, erected in January 1913 by the British Antarctic Expedition in HSM 3 Rock cairn and plaque erect- memory of Captain Robert F Scott’s ed in January 1930 by Sir Douglas party which perished on the return Mawson on Proclamation Island, En- journey from the South Pole. derby Land. HSM 21 Remains of stone hut at HSM 4 Station building to which a Cape Crozier, Ross Island, constructed bust of V.I. Lenin is fixed together in July 1911 by the British Antarctic with a plaque in memory of the con- Expedition. quest of the Pole of Inaccessibility, by HSM 22 Three huts and associated Soviet Antarctic Explorers in 1958. relics at Cape Adare Two built in Feb- HSM 5 Rock cairn and plaque at ruary 1899 the third was built in Feb- Cape Bruce, Mac. Robertson Land, ruary 2011 all by the British Antarctic erected in February 1931 by Sir Douglas Expedition. Mawson. HSM 23 Grave at Cape Adare of Nor- HSM 6 Rock cairn and canister at wegian biologist Nicolai Hanson. Walkabout Rocks, Vestfold Hills, Prin- HSM 24 Rock cairn, known as cess Elizabeth Land, erected in 1939 by ‘‘Amundsen’s cairn,’’ at Mount Betty, Sir Hubert Wilkins.