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Fee 'ilr-frq Fee"fu qrcfiq €e +s osBt STATE BANK OF INDIA The Listing Department, The Listing Department, BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of lndia Limited, Phiroje Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, 25th Floor, Dalal Street, Plot No.: C 11, 'G'Block, Mumbai - 400001. Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051. cc/s&B/sKt2021t232 04.08.2021 Madam / Dear Sir, SEBI LODR, 2015: OUTCOME OF BOARD MEETTNG FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30.06.2021 ln terms of Regulation 33 and Regulation 30 (6) of the SEBI LODR, 2015 and other applicable provisions, we forurrard herewith a copy of the Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Bank along with the Limited Review Report for the quarter ended 30th June, 2021, approved by the Central Board of the Bank at its Meeting held on 04th August, 2021 at Mumbai. 2' The Central Board Meeting commenced at 10.30 AM and concluded at 01 .15 pM Please arrange for taking the above disclosure on record and dissemination Yours faithfully, (ShamW K.) Asst. General Manager (Compliance & Company Secretary) elsrg cni cIEg fuflrI @ bank.sbi g +91222274O84L149 $qt qii d-€ frlrFr, tq{ srrfu d-€ frqFT, Shares & Bonds Dept, \ *9r zz 22747476 t 74 / 3t oidte ir{, tnrid\e Arq, Corporate Centre, q +91 22 22742842 l4rrl qfd6l, dc i-o,rac, raqi ca. de d-o rcc. l4thFloor, State Bank Bhavan, & +91 22 22A55348 qr<n orqr sls, q-qrq orqr i-s, Madame Cama Road, +91 A 22 22740527 lic{ - uoooQi, ql{fl li.r$ - sooo?9, qrtrl Mumbai - 400021, lndia SIATE BANK OF INDIA CORPORATE CENTRE, NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI .4OO O2I UNAUDITED FINANCIAT RESUTTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2I in crore) Slqndolone gonsolidoled s. Yeor ended No- Podlculors 30-06.202r 31.m.2021 30_06-2020 31.o3 202r 3t.03.2021 N.O6.2U20 3l.mro2l (llnoudlledl (Audltedl I lJnoudiledl (AudlHl I llno udltatll I 66.5m.38 2_65.t50-63 (o] lnleresl/ dlscounl on ddvonces/ bills 4l . i 43-53 40.213.71 44.101.tl 1,71,429.14 42.472.23 41.256.67 45.711.40 1.76.780.19 (b) on 20.369.83 20,376.88 18.705.48 7?.AOA.O9 22.349.O8 22.t57.22 20,483.60 87.130.62 (c) on bolonces wllh ol lndiq qnd olher inler-bonk funds 1.035.07 1.365.93 1.794.42 4.317.53 r,r03.07 1.133.71 r,836.35 4.541.43 (d) Ollrers 3,016.00 3,145.12 1.8?9.37 9,595.87 3.035.57 3. r 8s.03 1.904.62 9.663.24 Olher 2 income 11 ffia]L 1A 225 3' 7 0a7 aa 41.?56.64 21.{5.99 35,397.98 r8.M4.36 I _G5_855-r 4 3 77.347-17 81.32&-96 7 3.43.970.62 4 39,858.82 34.219.O9 3a.38a-a2 40.30r -32 I 56 0lO l7 5 20.466-35 23.592,17 14O77 L9 82,652.22 1.50.429.60 (q) Employee cosl 12,538.29 r 3,382.78 I 1.865.06 50,936.00 r 3.4r 5.04 14.240.12 12.6s8.22 54.330.83 (b) lo Buslness 11 .419.40 t7.570.56 9.31O.44 58,3?7.02 (c) Olher operoli4g expenses 7.928.06 10.209.39 6,212.63 31.716.22 9.353. r 5 12.053.08 7.306.41 37.701.75 6 IOIAI. EXPENDIIURE 57 936.51 72-436.64 42.252-54 6t-576-39 7 8 't ond of wrlle 10.05r.96 I r.05i.03 r 2,50r .30 44.0i 3.03 r 0,5r 0.24 t,5t 6.zl 12.562.76 46.102.16 which for osels s.o29.79 9.914.23 9.420.46 27.244.35 5.489.44 11 .177.41 9.620.39 29732A5 ? Exceplionol llems t,5Jv-/J 1,539.73 1,367.27 1.367.27 l0 rRofI ll Tox 2.418.86 2.1?8.37 1.370.44 7.130.65 2.780.80 2.391.10 2.008.96 8.516.25 12 4_189.34 20.110.17 7.53922 7.270.25 5_203-19 21.279.71 l3 ilems of lox r4 FOR TI{E 6 so..OO 6 1150 75 t a9 3t ,n aln a7 7 539 7' 7 77lJ25 5 203 49 ,4179 71 l5 1t3,37 - 77.5.08 63.96 - 391.90 l6 ly lnlerest 322.64 369.65 tl90-95 77 ET INIERESI 4.189.34 20.410.17 7 6.125.52 l8 loce volue of ? l/- eocl 492.46 492.46 492.46 492.46 492.46 492.46 892.46 892.46 l9 ReserYes revoluolion reserves 2,29,405.38 ,o91.7 20 (i) of shores held of lndio 56.92% 56.92% 56.92% 56.927, 56.9291 56.9m s6.9201 56.927, (iD rolio 13.66% 13.74% 't3.40%: 13.747, (o) CEI I rqlio 9.91% 10.o2% 10.147. 10.o28 [b) Addilionollier I ]olio 1.41% 1.4:27. 1.217" 1.427< (iii) shore (o) Bosic ond diluted EPS before bdroordinory ilems (nel of lox expense) 7.29 4.69 6.86 25.1 1 (Quorler numbers nol onnuollsed'l (b) Bosic ond diluled EPS ofter Exhqordinory ilems (nel of lqx expense) 6.86 25.1 I (Quorler numbers nol dnnuolisedl (iv) NPA of ossels .48 1,26,389.02 1 .29,660.69 \.26.389.02 (b) Amounl of nel non-performing ossels 43.t52.52 36.809.72 42.703.63 36,809.72 (c) %ofgrossNPAs 5.32% 4.98% 5.441 4.98% (d) % of net NPAS 1.50% 1.867, 150% (v) Relurn on ossels (Nel Assets bosis-Annuollsed) 0.57% 0.s8% o 42% oAa% kv4 I STAIE BANK OF INDIA CORPORATE CENTRE. NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI - 4OO O2I UNAUDITED SEGMENTWISE REVENUE, RESUtTS, ASSETS & TIABITITIES ln crore) s. Ymr ended Quorier ended No. Pqdiculors 30.06.2021 31.03.2021 n.o -2020 3l.03.APl 30.06.202r 31_Gt_2dlr 31.03.2021 I o 26.071.71 .33 ?1.916.7? 26.0?2.61 23,264.25 9i.032.s0 b Wholesole 19.279.50 23.767.04 19.007.87 81.742.12 19.607 .55 24.'31.80 19.340.52 83.O73.O7 c Relqil 3r.886.8r 33.840. r s 3i .8i 1.49 1,31,783.02 3t.?71.?1 33.942.8s 31 .891.44 d 12.611.74 i 9_354-04 10,758.36 64,569-16 e Olher 3.507.54 3.550.55 3.211.9? 14.647.06 f l09.rs 1.036.37 87.17 |,625.34 I 14.03 1 .O37.17 94.79 1.65r.31 Revenue 77 3r7,17 3-O7.107 -27 93_90s.38 1,U,272.{ 88.56r.35 [ess: lnler Revenue 638.44 841.66 577.O2 3.097.34 evenue 71.157-46 3.O7.10727 93.266-91 2 o 3,172.34 3,8f7.29 15.56r -38 7 1 1.62 o (ii) Exceolionol ilems t.539.73 I .539.73 1,367.27 1,367.27 o 7 .O77.30 3.172.34 5.427.02 l7.r 01.1 I 7,003.4r 2.641.62 4.910.9A 15.760.24 b 4.451.26 4.640.46 3.608.33 5.1 49.19 4.540.42 4.;95.69 - 3,58r.35 5.273.34 c - 1.383.69 I .413.t I 4.9c'4.49 9,148.8 - r.359.55 1.144.37 4.930.r I 9.51 l.4t d lnsuronce Business 308.09 631.51 799.54 2.337.97 e Olher i .0t 9.40 to4.88 1,3r 7.30 3,952.1 0 f Unollocoled - 1,222.01 - 576.79 1,1 53.40 - 4,157 .56 1 ,192.15 - 156.72 - 1.164.13 - 4.039.14 Aclivilies .35 7.212.15 32-795.96 [ess: Tqx 2.418.86 2.198.37 1.370.44 7.130.65 2.7ffi.80 2.391.t 0 [email protected] 8.516.25 Less: Nel 6_504.m 6.450_7s 1149.! 20.410.47 7.539.22 Shore in of 163.37 -;25.08 65.v6 - 39r.90 less: 322.68 369.65 490.95 1.482.36 Net 6,504.00 6.450.75 4,189.9 20,110.47 7,37?.?1 6,125.52 4,776.50 22,&5.45 3 d l r r r.55 .60 I -44 .86 b I i.55.086.09 1 1 .97 .649 .9 1 I I .39.154.28 11 .97 .649 .91 1t .79 .455.44 12.21.624.66 11 .62.28A.73 12.21.624.66 c 17,70,306.42 18,1s,o24.48 17.7 6.503.65 I 8.1 9,067.05 r 5,65,337.54 t8,19.067.05 d lnsuronce Business 2.37.323.29 1.A8.265.99 2.37,323.29 e 47.560.59 46.307.46 44.815.45 46.307.46 t Unollocoled 47.590.93 6A.643.69 56.612.43 68.643.69 48.355.48 6?.272.72 57.204.79 69,272.72 Tolol 45.57.OO5-65 45.u.129-63 11.17.931-57 15.31.429-63 48.80-594.86 48_tts.618.55 4 o Treosury operolions 14.01 .635.68 13.26.432.08 12.03.883.45 13.26.432.08 13.91.364.65 r 3, r 5.e38.88 11,94,977.00 13, r 5,938.88 b Corporoie/ Wholesole Bonking operolions I t.6t ,314.09 11 ,68,462.70 11,45.218.44 11 .68.462.70 11 .79 .124.13 I 1.85.545.78 1t .60.686.87 I 1.85.545.78 c Reloil Bonking operolions 16,37,382.70 16.82.902.21 14,43,419.48 16.82.902.21 16,54,968.37 16,99,i37.03 14,6t ,405.07 r 6.99.537.03 d Business 2.32.758.79 2,24,t01.8s |,76,626.24 2.24,101.85 e Olher Bonking operolions 32.871.O7 32.314.4? 32.563.84 32,314.42 f Unollocoled 95.392.77 1 .O2.757.45 83.754.54 1 ,02.757.45 1,05,519.18 I ,12.,5t 9.03 92.738.20 i .
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    CITIZENS’ CHARTER OF INDIAN BANK PREFACE 1. Indian Bank strongly believes that a satisfied customer is the most important factor for growth of its business. 2. In February 2006, Reserve Bank of India set up the Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI) as an independent autonomous watchdog to ensure that customers get fair treatment in their dealings with Banks. The BCSBI has published the “Code of Banks’ Commitments to Customers- January 2014” and “Code of Commitment to Micro and Small Enterprises – August 2015” which set out minimum standards of banking practice and benchmarks in customer service for banks to follow. Indian Bank is a member of the BCSBI and has therefore voluntarily adopted the above Codes as its Fair Practice Code in dealings with its customers. The complete copy of the Code is available at http://www.indianbank.in/ 3. This document called the “Citizens’ Charter of Indian Bank” provides key information on various facilities/services provided to customers in the branches of Indian Bank. The Code together with the Citizens’ Charter will thus ensure high standards of accountability, responsibility and transparency in the Bank’s dealings with customers. The Charter also provides comprehensive information on Bank’s Grievance redressal mechanism. It also specifies the obligations on the part of the customers for healthy banker-customer relationship. <Please click here for Policy on ‘Customers Grievance Redressal & Compensation for deficiency in services’> 4. This is not a legal document creating rights and liabilities. Loans and advances may also have specific terms and conditions not mentioned in the Charter. However, all terms and conditions will comply with the principles and commitments undertaken by the Bank in the Code.
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