PUNE | FRIDAY, 4 JANUARY 2019 11 ll . <

ST ATE OF Authorised Officer ’s De tails : Mr . Ashish K umar Gaut am STATE B ANK O F INDIA MIDC, SATARA Mobile No : 7875559441 Plot N o. 5 23, R ahimatpur Road, Ganesh Chowk, MIDC, Phone : 7875554516 Satara, T al & Dist- S atara E-Mail : [email protected] o.in Email- [email protected] o.in E-A UC TION S ALE NO TICE SALE OF MO VABLE & IMMO VABLE ASSETS CHAR GED T O THE B ANK UNDER THE SE CURITIS ATION AND RE CONS TRUCTION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND ENFORCEMENT OF SE CURITY INTERE ST A CT , 2002. The u nders igned a s A uthorized O fficer of State Bank of I ndia has t aken over p ossession of the f ollowing property/ies u/s 13(4) o f the S ARFAESI A ct 2 002. Public at l arge i s informed that e -auceon (under S ARFAESI Act, 2 002) of the c harged p roperty/ies in t he b elow meneoned cases f or realisaeon o f B ank’s d ues will be h eld on “AS I S W HERE IS B ASIS a nd A S I S W HAT IS BASIS”. Outs tanding Dues f or R ecov ery of which Name of Borr ower (s) Name of Guar an tor (s) Pr operty/ies is/ ar e Being Sold Mr s. Sa vit a Ramchandr a Bhise & Nil Rs. 14,74,964/- as on 18/07/2018 in ter es t ther eon with Mr . Ramchandr a Kisan Bhise inciden tal e xpenses, char ges & c os ts incurr ed / t o be incurr ed. Da te & Time Da te and dme f or Names of Title of e-Aucdon: Reser ve Price submission of r eques t lef er Deed Holder s Descripdon of pr operty of pardcipa don / KY C Documen ts/ Pr oof of EMD et c. Mr s. Sa vit a Im mo vab le property situ ated at Divisio n&Sub -Divis ion of Da te - Rs. On or be for e 01/02/2019, Ramchandr a Satara S ub-Registrar Class-II, S atara s ituated a t Kodoli, 05/02/2019 13,56,000/- be for e 5.00 p.m. Bhise & Tal. & Dist- Satara, S. N o. 2 53/2, P lot No. 2 , “Anantvihar Time:- Fr om below which Mr . Apartment”, 1 st Floor, Flat no. F-1, A dmeasuring 4 68 11.30 a.m. t o the Ramchandr a Sq.g. Built up,. o wned by Mrs. S avita R amchandra Bhise 5.00 p.m. with pr operees Kisan Bhise & Mr. R amchandra Kisan B hise. W hich i s b ounded as On unlimit ed will not be or t owards North: By O pen Space, On or t owards S outh: ext ensions of sold By F lat N o. F -2, On o r t owards East: By Road, On or 5M inutes each to wards West : By Staircase Property will be a vailable for inspecdon on 2 8/01/2019 between 10.30 a .m. t o 1 .30 p .m. K indly contact o n- 7 875559441 E- Auceon is being held on “A SISWHEREIS”and“A SISWHATISBASIS”and wi ll be conduct ed “On Li ne” . The auc eon wil l be conduc ted through t he B ank’s a pproved s erv ice p rovider M /s E -procurement T echnologies L td a t t he w eb p ortal h ip://sbi.auceoneger.net F or te chnical help kindly contact to Mr. Akash, Mobile NO. 9833398547 e-mail: @auceoneger.net; ak as h.k arhe @a uceon eger .ne tE-auc eon Tende rDocume nt con tai ni ng onl ine e-a uceon bi dform , Dec lar aeon, Ge ne ral Ter ms and Condi eons of onl ine auc eon sal eareavail abl einhip: //w ww.sbi. co. in, and hips: // sbi. auceon eg er.ne t The in tending pur chase rs / bidde rs ar erequi red to de posi t EMD amoun teithe rthr ough NEF T/ RTGS in the Ac coun t No .: 376 08 12 27 66 , Name of t he A/C: S BI P arking Account , N ame of t he Beneficiary: SYS S USP B R P ARKING A /c- I NB, I FS Code: SBIN0004174 or b y way of d emand d rag drawn in favor o f State B ank o f I ndia A/c. M IDC, Satara, d rawn on any Naeonalized or S cheduled B ank. To the best of knowledge and informaeon of the Authorised Officer, there is no encumbrance on the property/ies. However, the in ten din gbid der sshould ma ke their own in depe nden t in quiries regardin gtheen cumb rances ,etle of proper ty /ies put on auce on and cl aim s/ ri ghts/ due s/ affeceng the pr ope rty , pr ior to submi hng the ir bid. The e-A uceon adv erese me nt doe s not cons etut e and will not be dee med to cons etut e an ycommi tme nt or any repr ese ntaeon of the ba nk. The pr ope rty is be ing sol dwith al lthe exi seng and futur e en cumb rances wh ether known or unknown to th ebank. The Au thoris ed Office r/ Sec ured Cred it or shall not be res ponsib le in any way fo ranythirdpartyclaims/rights/dues. The s ale s hall be subject t o rules/ condieons prescribed under t he S ecuriezaeon and R econstruceon of Financial Assets and Enforcement o f S ecurity Interest A ct, 2002. The o ther terms and c ondieons of t he e-auceon a re published i n the f ollowing websites. sd/- 1. h fp://www.sbi.co.in, 2. hfps://sbi.aucdondger.net Authoriz ed Officer Da te: 03/01/2019 | Place: Sa tar a St ate