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Proceedings of tlre Environnrex.rJt pubtic Hearin Basaprabhu Kore g ol Ml s. Chidanand Sahakari Sakkarc f<a.t<ttane f,fiyamit, Village, Chikkodi Taluk, Nanadi & Kerur Belagavi Distr.ict, X".""r"t" State expansion of existing Morasses for the proposed tasea aisiittery i.i ,o KL,D to oe-o7-2o2o at 11'oo o" 110 KLpD is i::::i,T,:# ;;;;;;";.v premises Nanadi and Date : 09-07_2020. Time : 11. oo AM Venue : M/s. Chidanand Basaprabhu Kore Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Niyamit, Nanadi & Kerut Village, CfrittoO fafut, Belagavi District. M/s. Chidanand Basaprabhu Sahakari ..Kore Sakkare Karkhane Niyamit, expansion of Molasses based distillery r.omlo for the Vilrage' -,-;; ;;110 KL'D at Nanadi chikkodi raruk' Beragavi District, & Kerur Karnatur.u- i,uru. In th,s regerd pubric on 0s-07-2020 proceedines |"""Xff I:: ;:::::t* ",'riloo-orlrie or the pubric Name & Add ress of th Proposed e I M/s, Chidanand Industry Ba saprabhu Kore Sahakari Sakkare I Niyamit, Ka rkha ne Nanadt & Keru r Village, Chikkodi Taluk , Belagavi District. Name of the Officers present Annexure - 1 I Representatives of the Proposed Industry present Annexure - 2 publ Details of rc Pa rticipated Annexure - 3 I Details of pu blicat ron arranged in Annexure l the News pa - 4 I pers fo r public hea ring I Power Po l nt Presenta t o n m a d e n An nexu re - 5 th e PU b c hea r ns I As per the Notification issued by the Ministry of Environment Change, Government Forest and Climate of India on 14.09.2006 (amended pre requisite for to date 01.12.2009), such project to conduct Environment it is a E public hearing prior nvtronment Clearance Certifica to award of te. Accordingly Djrector, MoEF, standards terms of Reference GOI has finalized the of the said project vide letter informed M/s. Chidanand dated: 18-12-2019 and Basaprabhu Kore Sahakari Niyamit, Nanadi & Kerur Sakkare Karkha ne Village, Chikkodi Taluk, Belagavi State request District Karnata ka to KSPCB to conduct Environme proponent nt public hearing. The p vide letter Dated 25-02-2OZO roject requested KSPCB to conduct Hence the Enviro nment public public h ea ring Hearing is condu cted Ka rnata ka State Pollution at the project site by the Control Board under the Chairmanship Commassioner and Additional of Additional Deputy District Magistrate, Belagavi. I I i detailed EIA proponent has submitted the ::tf'ff#"n'":i::"^:'[I;: rhe project state Pollutioi,"; ( ; -:"#;'"ni ensri'n to the Karnataka t;;;";'uution contror Assessment Notification' tn"'*l:: tf it Environmental lmpact il;r'urtl"n1"nt to '",1"#i:x,:F,:m:*:;::::""i.i':::"xI'T;il"::;';#;il.'019''31',^1 I aui rv n"*,'" J#=" ;, flXI; InI-- *u nuo u L.,.+l : :X;,:ll J"ii:,_i::i. t " news Paper ;y;fi. groups and "Kannadamma" fide residents] invironmental from the *nu and objections o" at tne proieit'Jil'*J[''"t-"d *"';; others rocated :11"'1"0,!lrt:"-lJ:'""r:"-itheir vie :""fi'ff:: ariected neoole could send ;;;il ;;;;;"ject control Board/ Deputy commissioner' email to *"*"*li?i"t" oJ;;" or throush Hearing Committee' u"nn""i an"'"tan, Environment Public under the chairmanship of was held on The Environment Public hearing 99^-911920 Belagavi District' j""'", n- ooo','"nal District Magistrate, Additionat oeputy commis-s Belagavi. Pollution Control Board' Officer' Karnataka State Sri lagadeesh I H, Environmental "yffiffi ;*mH T:;:#'3?lTl;"ilffili"' ""'n,I.-lttn,nn"o,, ;::' o;n"'"I?,'J i'J;H i ffi ::; the different:: "' ?: : : ffi""T' i "i ii: w"lcom":i*', all officials3L1i? of he has the ""'jli"h media Chikkodi and "'i"'""'i*o"i p'o:"d' all surrounding-to villagers' Public' Departments, '"pr"'"ntutluJ'^oi'tnu and environmentalists' from the Ministry of Environmental clearance explained the need for Environmental He briefly Government of lndia and Forest and cii*ut" ctung", of the Public Environment, i"a explained the procedure Hearing ut o"' t'i"'o-t'']t"ii"" at seven Public ;;:;;Jtt' tupt for the Public Hearing hearins and about the ;r"d' different ofrlces' Deputy Commissioner & requested to the Additional The Environmental Officer the Presidins officer of the Additional o'"''tt :ll^^::: instructed the industry 'uni'=i'"t"l"u"itn"''start the proceedinqs' Later Environment n"j''ng i; about the expansion 'uu"t tn"i'J'lin'J'o*''u"*vprabhu to th€ presentation representative una '""* Kore Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane tn'O#"d public' project of M/s' Belasavi District to the Niyamit, Nanadi & *"*::l;i:;"';ilr'oo'1"i'o' Environment (I) Consultant of M/s Equinox Industry representative and Environment -"oiutt PvtLtd,forthepro5ectffi;";';;';;"'t""m€ntalimpactsandmitigationmeasuresof M/s' Chidanand Basavprabhu Kore recommended tn""lli""-'ion sahakarisakkare-"il;;il;;,Iii-r.runuoi&KerurViuase,chikkodiraruk,"r. enclosed with the tn" power point presentation is also Belagavi District' The t"p' "i Procledings vide Annexure-5' are as followsi The views expressed by the Public r, 1) o R n t potassium and to the farmers; contains I feel this scheme is very helpful :h1itn you to io be supplied to the farmers' I request same can be used as rertirizllana farmers' supply this kind of fertilizer to the 2) M a had ev Ph.,l: Rc stdent of Ex a m ha- Expansion of this will have no objection from our end. I request you to create an employment opportunity to the youths and the farmers of this area. 3) Anil Patil: Resident of Nasalapur. This Industry is very helpful to our farmers, it creates jobs and it also helps to get compost for agriculture land from raw materials. 4) Sidram Mina DDa Gadade: Resident of Kerur. The price of fertilizer produced by this factory is increasing like chemical fertilizer day by day. Farmers depend on compost and ash from the factory, because the land around our factory is barren, it requires a lot of compost and ash. chemical fertilizers prices are highly increased and it is burden to farmers. Therefore, The Factory Administration should reduce the rate and facilitate the farmers. Deputy commissioner, either the state Government or the central Government shoutd reduce the GST, reducing the tax will help the industry to reduce the prices for farmers. To help the farmers, I would request to reduce the compost and ash prices and supply to the farmers at lower rates. s) Alaoou a Bhimoouda Patil: Resident of Kerur. since the establishment, the industry has provided all kinds of facilities to the farmers. Administration officers and working staff of this factory helped the farmers at the right time. Therefore we have no objection to expand the unit. 6) Siddu lytaoadum: Resident of Chandur. our farmers request is to establish soil resting centre in this factory area. This is our request as well as demand. 7) Babasaheb Kenchannavar: Resident of Kerur, This industry does a lot of work in this area. The fact is that as the industry develops there will be more benefits to farmers and for employment in this area, 8) Pintoo B diqer: Resident of Exa mba. Chidanand Kore Sugar Factory Governing Board headed by prabhakar (Anna) Kore, is doing well in public sector, in the matter of farmers bill, social sector and educational sector. By establishing this unit will help our youths to 9et an employment opportunity. Zonal Senior Environmental Officer, Dharwad informed that M/s. Chidanand Basaprabhu Kore Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Niyamit, Nanadi & Kerur -village, Chikkodi Taluk, have submitted proposal to the Government for expansion of 30 KLPD or 30000 liter ethanol per day to 110 KLPD or 110000 liter pr day distillery at this place. The proposal needs to be approved by the Government as it is a mandatory requirement to obtain environmental clearance certificate as per EIA notification dated 14-09-2006 of MOEF, GOI. As per Environment Impact Assessment notification, before issuing environment clearance certificate environmental public hearing needs to be conducted to collect public opinion and this is a part of EIA notification. For this reason we have arranged an environmental public hearing meeting to collect your opinion. The Board has given press Notification in the state I level neVvs paper hke "Deccan Herald", "Vilay Karnataka" and Local ne!'/s Daper "Kannadamrna" and was published 30 days before about conducting this environmental public hearing at this project site. For the reference of the public and the villagers all the relevant documents, executive summaries were kept in different offices to collect more details. The main purpose of this environmental public hearing is to ensure that who have failed to submit the written opinions, shall also participate and express their opinion without any fear and hesitation because the opinion expressed by you is being video recorded. Keeping view of all these things, he informed the gathering to express views without any doubts. The environmental consultant informed about environmental pollution control measures proposed for the expansion project of this distillery. About eight members who attended the meeting expressed their views after understanding the presentation. They suggested that the ash which comes out of the industry must be converted into compost to distribute to the local farmers. By this industry farmers will be benefited and their children, unemployed youths can get job opportunities. Some of them said that compost, ash coming out of the industry must be provided in the form of fertilizer to the farmers at lower rate. They requested to have one soil testing center. Considering all the opinions expressed in the EPH the proceedings will be prepared and same will be submitted to the Government through Head office, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board along with video recordings.