Election Watch
ProducedElection by the Institute for Public Policy Research W (IPPR)atch Issue No. 3 2015 KNOW YOUR COUNTRY n November 27th, 2015, registered Namibian voters will teen regions and their constituencies. region for which they have been established, advising the head to the polls to cast their votes in the Local Author- During the Regional Council elections, “each constitu- line Minister on regional development concerns; and assist- ityO and Regional Council elections. The election of leaders at ency shall elect one member to the Regional Council for the ing the local authorities situated within the region. this level has been viewed as a means of bringing govern- region in which it is situated”1 through a ‘First Past the Post With the 2014 amendments to the Constitution, the ment closer to the people, by focusing on creating develop- system. For example, the Hardap Regional Council will be National Council – known as the House of Review because it ment, and delivering essential services. This bulletin provides made up of eight members – one from each of its constituen- considers all bills passed in the National Assembly – will now an overview of the two elections, and a graphic illustration cies (Gibeon, Mariental Rural, Mariental Urban, Rehoboth be made up of 42 members – 3 members from each Regional (see the centre-spread) of all the 14 regions and 121 constitu- Rural, Rehoboth East Urban, Rehoboth West Urban, Aranos Council (up from 2 members per Regional Council previ- encies in Namibia. and Daweb). The smallest Regional Council will be that of ously). “The National Council’s members are the only MPs the Kavango East region, made up of six constituencies, and who are elected to represent territorial constituencies and are KNOW YOUR REGIONS & CONSTITUENCIES the largest will be those of the Ohangwena and Omusati therefore expected to raise regional concerns during debates Following the work of the Fourth Delimitation Commis- regions – each made up of 12 constituencies.
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