Wushu Professor Hong Chao Zhang certified Master Joseph Dodaro to Grand Master of Shaolin September 5, 2012, Grand Master of Military Gong and Grand Master Military Taijiquan September 6, 2012 after 20 years of private training.

Wushu Professor Hong Chao Zhang a government educator is one of the five founders of QI Gong Research Association at Wuhan and Shanghai Institute of Physical Education where he holds Bachelors and Graduate Degrees in Gong Fu. Wushu is a classification of all 's combat systems over the past 7,000 years continuously being researched by military Generals and government research centers. Zhang has won several Wushu gold medals in international and national competitions in China, and was is international Wushu Judge. Professor Zhang is an expert in Chinese medicine, , Tuina (massage) and treating sports injuries. He was the instructor for Hubei Providence Police Organization where he instructed officers in inna (joint locks), Dianxue (acupuncture points) to quickly paralyze a criminal, take them to faint preventing escape or attack, or escalate to deadly force and Wushu combat conditioning.

Military secretive traditional QI Gong meditative combat energy conditioning pressurized breathing force maneuvers execute the three secret treasure energies exploding the fourth Chen devastating force.

QI Gong maneuvers supply the muscles with secretive powerful energies that energize 24 hours then revitalized in the next training session. Fitness exercises fatigue the muscles causing injuries as the energy depletes in short time. QI Gong has unique routines energizing the dynamic biological life force system to energize itself at maximum force with minimum energy. Phase 1 Psyche executes meditative pressurize energy breathing force that executes explosions in astronomical amounts that opens the Yintang Dantian acupuncture energy field located between the eyebrows connecting to the spiritual world spiraling intrinsic energies into the channeling to brain and the liver. Yongquan acupuncture energy field point in the ball of the foot spirals intrinsic vitality sexual energy from the earth to the Qihai center Dantian acupuncture energy field point just below the navel developing extraordinary strength. imultaneously the Laogong acupuncture energy field point in the middle of the Palm spirals intrinsic energies in a direct channel to the Shanzhong Dantian heart acupuncture energy field point that transforms with QI dynamic life force energy the middle Dantian. Jing, Shen, and QI the three secret treasure energies exploded in the the secret weapon for China’s military systems.

Professor Zhang’s comprehensive extensive methodology has taken Grand Master Dodaro to astonishing levels that consistently increase in daily training that has shown miraculous results in his teachings inspiring others to develop a healthy life style.

Spirituality escalates the imagination to search for the secrets of the universe to help mankind develop supernatural powers to find the pathway to enlightenment. Shen Psyche the conscious and unconscious mind is the command center that destroys psychological dependencies and psychoactive substance abuse that is vital to enjoy a healthy life. Modern psychology and psychiatry has discovered China’s QI Gong and Taijiquan practiced daily with therapy has better results then medication and without side effects. the conditioning health Art that that has been researched is the best kept secret in medical history. Harvard Medical School “Health Care” is the Treatment and Prevention of Illness “QI Gong and Taijiquan are the best-kept secret in preventive medicine.” http://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/HB_web/the-health- benefits-of-tai-chi.htm " (Qigong Style) is often described as “ in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion.” There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a Military Art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems.”

The endocrine system glands secretes hormones directly into the bloodstream and simultaneously transmits electric signals that executes animal instinct and behavior.

This transformation of hormones generates Shen QI pressurized breathing force to have the heart pulsate large volumes of oxygenated enriched blood nourish the contractile muscles as the assassin feels the strength of the Panther placing enormous amounts of pressure muscles increasing cell mass. The transformation of the three treasure energies explode forth secret energy Chen exploding force that executes spiraling surges of intrinsic energies through central nervous system activating acupuncture energy field points in the microcosmic orbit thrusting channels intensifying energy as it enters into the peripheral nervous system igniting electrical energy cells eliminating muscle.