Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation
Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR CLEARING PERMITS AND AMENDMENTS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS AND/OR REGISTRATIONS OF INTEREST Applications for clearing permits with a 7 day submission period 1. Shire of Murray, Purpose Permit, Lot 187 on Deposited Plan 91426 – Reserve 37678, Coolup, Shire of Murray, construction of Murray Equestrian Centre, 5 native trees, (CPS 6229/1) 2. Shire of Woodanilling, Area Permit, Monger Road reserve (PIN11045299) and Robinson Road reserve (PIN11045241), Woodanilling, Shire of Woodanilling, landscaping, 0.81ha, (CPS 6238/1) 3. DR Palmer, Area Permit, Lot 110 on Diagram 90440, King River, City of Albany, grazing/cropping, 4.03ha, (CPS 6247/1) Applications for clearing permits with a 21 day submission period 1. Shire of Gingin, Purpose Permit, Lot 744 on Deposited Plan 32894 – Reserve 31684, Ledge Point, Shire of Gingin, maintaining regrowth around golf course and realigning access track, 5ha, (CPS 6237/1) 2. Western Australia Small Bore Rifle Association Inc, Area Permit, Lot 99 on Deposited Plan 22611, Whiteman, City of Swan, construction of rifle ranges and associated facilities, 1.1ha, (CPS 6243/1) Submissions for applications for clearing permits are to be made within the time frame specified. Submissions may be forwarded to Clearing Regulation, Locked Bag 33, Cloisters Square WA 6850, or email to Further information is available through the website or telephone (08) 6467 5020. NOTIFICATION OF DECISIONS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC APPEAL Clearing permits granted 1. Shire of Mukinbudin, Purpose Permit, Lot 14130 on Plan 225462, Barbalin North Road reserve (PIN11711791), Koorda-Bullfinch Road reserve (PIN11711785, PIN11711795, PIN11711798) and Unnamed Road reserve (PIN11711792), Barbalin, Shire of Mukinbudin, road realignment, 0.5ha, permit duration 27 September 2014 to 27 September 2019, (CPS 6060/1) Appeals against the grant of these permits must be made within 21 days of 28 August 2014.
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