Folklife Center News, Fall 2004
F O L K L I F E CENTER NEWS FALL 2004 • VOLUME XXVI, NUMBER 4 American Folklife Center • The Library of Congress ONLINE INFORMATION STAFF RESOURCES Administration The American Folklife Center’ s Peggy A. Bulger, Director Website provides full texts of Gene Berry, Assistant to the Director many AFC publications, informa- Doris Craig, Administrative Assistant tion about AFC projects, multi- media presentations of selected Michael Taft, Head, Archive of Folk Culture collections, links to Web re s o u rc e s Acquisitions and Programs on ethnography, and announce- David A. Taylor, Coordinator ments of upcoming events. The Research and Programs The American Folklife Center a d d ress for the hom e page is Ilana Harlow, Folklife Specialist was created in 1976 by the U.S. h t t p : / / w w w. l o c . g o v / f o l k l i f e / A n Congress to “preserve and present Guha Shankar, Folklife Specialist index of the site’s contents is American folklife” through pro- Processing and Cataloging available at h t t p : / / w w w. l o c . g o v/ grams of research, documentation, Sarah Bradley-Leighton, archival preservation, reference ser- f o l k l i f e/a f c i n d e x . h t m l Processing Technician vice, live performance, exhibition, publication, and training. The The Website for The Ve t e r a n s Catherine Hiebert Kerst, Archivist Center incorporates the Archive of History Project p ro v i de s a n Maggie Kruesi, Cataloger Folk Culture, which was established o v e rviewofthe project, an online Judy Ng, Processing Technician in the Music Division of the Library “kit” for participants re c o rding oral Valda Morris, Processing Technician of Congress in 1928 and is now one histories of veterans, and a brief of the largest collections of ethno- Marcia Segal, Processing Technician p resentation of some examples of g r a p h i cmaterial from the United Nora Yeh, Archivist, Coordinator v i d e o - and audio-re c o rdings of vet- States and around the world.
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