FR9700401 KEK-CP-015 KEK Preprint 94-46 LAPP-Exp.-94.09 June 1994 H Non-resonant Diagrams in Radiative Four-fermion Processes J. FUJIMOTO, T. ISHIKAWA, S. KAWABATA, Y. KURIHARA, Y. SHIMIZU and D. PERRET-GALLIX Submitted to the Proceedings of Physics at LEP200 and Beyond, Teupitz/Brandenburg, Germany, April 10 -15,1994. L.A.P.P. B.P. 110 F-74941 ANNECY-LE-VIEUX CEDEX • TELEPHONE • TELECOPIE 50 2794 95 National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, 1994 KEK Reports are available from: Technical Information & Library National Laboratory for High Energy Physics l-lOho,Tsukuba-shi Ibaraki-ken, 305 JAPAN Phone: 0298-64-1171 Telex: 3652-534 (Domestic) (0)3652-534 (International) Fax: 0298-64-4604 Cable: KEK OHO E-mail: LIBRARY®JPNKEKVX (Bitnet Address)
[email protected] (Internet Address) Non-resonant diagrams in radiative four-fermion processes J. Fujimoto, T. Ishikawa, S. Kawabata, Y. Kurihara. Y. Shiniizu » and D. Perret-Gallixb * Miuanii-Tateya Collaboration. KEK, Japan bLAPP-IN2P3/CNRS, France + The complete tree level cross section for e c~ —» e~utud-y is computed and discussed in comparison with + + the cross sections for e e~ —• e~utud and e e~ —• udud. Event generators based on the GRACE package for the non-radiative and radiative case are presented. Special interest is brought to the effect of the non-resonant diagrams overlooked so far in other studies. Their contribution to the total cross section is presented for the LEP II energy range and for future linear colliders (-/a =500 GeV). Effects, at the W pair threshold, of order 3% {e~Ptui) and 27% (udud) are reported.