A Terahertz Molecular Clock on CMOS Using High-Harmonic-Order Interrogation of Rotational Transition for Medium-/Long-Term Stability Enhancement
566 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 56, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2021 A Terahertz Molecular Clock on CMOS Using High-Harmonic-Order Interrogation of Rotational Transition for Medium-/Long-Term Stability Enhancement Cheng Wang , Member, IEEE,XiangYi , Senior Member, IEEE, Mina Kim , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Qingyu Ben Yang, and Ruonan Han , Senior Member, IEEE Abstract— Chip-scale molecular clocks (CSMCs) perform I. INTRODUCTION frequency stabilization by referencing to the rotational spectra IGHLY stable, miniaturized, power-efficient, and low- of polar gaseous molecules. With, potentially, the “atomic” clock grade stability, cm3-level volume, and <100-mW dc power, Hcost clocks are increasingly important for the emerg- CSMCs are highly attractive for the synchronization of the ing electronics. For instance, augmented/virtual reality high-speed radio access network (RAN), precise positioning, (AR/VR) devices, real-time multi-person online gaming, and and distributed array sensing. However, the medium-/long-term autonomous driving all require radio access networks (RANs) stability of CSMCs is hindered by the transmission baseline with high capacity (∼1-Gbit/s throughput per node), high den- tilting due to the uneven frequency response of the spectroscopic 2 ∼ system and the molecular cell. To enhance the medium-/long-term sity (one million nodes per km ), and low latency (1 10 ms) stability, this article presents a CSMC architecture locking to the [1], [2]. It leads to the stringent requirements for clock high-odd-order dispersion curve of the 231.061-GHz rotational synchronization. For example, the international telecommuni- spectral line of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) molecules, which is cation union (ITU) specifies a maximum relative timing error selected as the clock reference.
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