THE ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LAGUAGE USED IN JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN FILM Fafa Gandhy Khwarizmi the Graduate of English Education Study Program Peradaban University Bumiayu – Brebes E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: +62 823 2294 3707 Abstract This study is aimed to analyse figurative language realized in Johnny English Reborn film. The writer use descriptive qualitative to analyze the figurative language on Johnny English Reborn film. The findings of this study show the calcuating of figurative langguage, they are; 16 repetition, 11 hyperbole, 9 understatements, 9 synecdoche, 8 metaphor, 4 parallelism, 3 simile, 3 personification, 2 irony, 2 symbol, 3 tautology, 2 litotes, 1 allusion, 1 paradox. And there are some of 21 figurative language that are not found in Johnny English Reborn film such as; alliteration, oxymoron, onomatopeia, antanaclasis, metonymy, apostrophe, para rhyme. It can be conclude that in analyze script besides find figurative language in script, we can also understand the meaning of the dialogue and conversation that contain figurative language. 1 Keywords: sociolinguistics, figurative language, Johnny English Reborn film. A. Introduction According to Kridalaksana in Chaer (2010: 3), sociolinguistics is used to be defined as a knowledge that studies about kind of language and the variety of the language, and the relation between linguistics and kind of function of languages in a language society. “Language varies according to its uses as well as its users, according to where it is used and to whom, as well as according who is using it. The addressees and the context affect our choice of code or variety, whether language, dialect or style” (Holmes, 2001: 223).