Email Basics – Email Templates The following are provided to help keep your Zimbra email and usage consistent, professional, and up-to-date.

• Setting the Default Template Folder • Creating a Template • Using the Template • Editing the Template • Deleting a Template • Sharing Templates with Other Users • Template Limitations

Email templates are a convenient tool for anyone who sends out the same email on a regular basis. The Zimbra email template allows you to create a template that includes the template text in addition to being able to include input fields.

Setting the Default Template Folder

1. If you do not have a folder called Templates, create a Zimbra folder called Templates. 2. To set the default template folder, open a new Message window. 3. From the Templates option on the message toolbar, click the down arrow to set Preferences. 1. Within Preferences, click the button to Set Templates Folder and select the Templates folder. Click OK to complete. Top

Creating a Template

1. To create the template, open a new Message window. 2. Enter the subject for the template. 3. Enter the text that will be part of the template message. • To enter template input fields, use the format ${fieldname}. Input field examples are ${FirstName} or ${Department} or ${Date}. • Acceptable input field names can contain letters, numbers and the character. The names are case sensitive. When using the template, you will be prompted to enter data for these fields. • Input fields can also be included in the Subject line using the same ${field name} format. 4. If you have set a Preference, you do not need to include a signature in the Template.

Attachments can be included in the Template. Inline attachments will initially display in the message but will not display as an inline attachment when the Template is used to send a message. If the template is always going to be sent to the same recipients, their email addresses can be entered in the TO, CC or BCC fields. 5. Enter your in the BCC line. 6. Send the email to yourself. Note: If email addresses were entered in step 5, those recipients will receive the message. 7. Once received, drag the template email to the Zimbra Templates folder. Top

Using the Template

1. To use the template, open a new Message window. 2. From the Templates option on the message toolbar, click the down arrow to select the template to use. (Note: If you don’t see the template listed, select Reload Templates.) Template insertion options include: • Insert just the body of the template. This option only enters the template message text; the subject and recipients will need to be entered. • Insert body and subject of the template. This option will include the subject that was entered when creating the template. • Insert body, subject and participants of the template. This option will include the email addresses that were entered when creating the template. 3. Enter any additional email addresses on the TO, CC or BCC line and send. Top

Editing the Template 1. After a Template has been created, edits can not be made to the Template. If changes need to be made to the Template, it is recommended you: • Create a new template • Use the copy and paste function to copy the old template text to the new template • Make any changes to the new template • Email the template to yourself and drag the received email to the Templates folder. Top

Deleting a Template 1. A template can be deleted in the same manner a message is deleted. Top

Sharing Templates with Other Users 1. The Template folder can be shared with other users. • Right-click on the Templates folder and select Edit Properties. • Select Add Share. • Enter the email address the folder is to be shared with and select the rights to be granted. Top

Template Limitations 1. Inline attachments are not supported within templates. Top