October 15, 1983
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CACC NEWSLETTER 5/11/10 12:53 PM CACC NEWSLETTER October 15, 1983 DOES REVOLUTION IN CENTRAL AMEIRCA THREATEN THE U.S.A.? SENATOR WILLIAM PROXMIRE Vs. COMMANDER TOMAS BORGE Senator William Proxmire states in his August report from Washington: "Looked at realistically, even if all the countries of Central America came together in union against the United States, they would pose no genuine military threat to us. They just don't have the economic or military resources to be a threat to us." Tomas Borge, Minister of the Interior of Nicaragua and sole surviving founder of the Sandinista National Liberation Front tells a visiting group of Canadians: "If all the Nicaraguans would have to die, as a price for the solidarity that we feel for Central America, for the Latin American revolutions, we would, without vacillating, give our lives. Imperialism doesn't understand that." (Intercontinental Press, September, 1983, page 517) Borge makes it clear that the Nicaraguan Revolution is subordinate to the World Revolution to which Konstantin Chernenko, the Soviet second-in-command, refers when he states: "Soviet power gave the world dictatorship of the proletariat, and world revolution priority over any national sacrifices, however hard they may be,' Lenin wrote. The Soviet Union has repeatedly proved its loyalty to that behest of Lenin." (Soviet World Outlook, February 15, 1983) I wonder if Senator Proxmire could say: "Even is all the assets of the countries of Central America were added to those of the Soviet Union and the Communist Empire, they would pose no genuine military threat to us." As Tomas Borge and Konstantin Cherenenko make so clear, the revolutions in Central America are not isolated phenomena. If these revolutions are successful, these countries will not be left to their own resources even as Cuba has not been left to its own resources. The countries would be militarized, and consistent attempts would be made to inculcate suicidal fanaticism into the youth. Propaganda against the U.S.A. would be designed to create hatred of this country. Airports would be built from which planes and missiles could be targeted, and possibly launched, against the U.S.A. Submarine bases would be constructed which would enable Soviet submarines to prowl the Caribbean, blockade the Panama Canal, and launch missiles against the U.S.A. if hostilities developed; massive armies would be available to overwhelm the borders of the U.S.A. I doubt that Senator Proxmire can believe or contend that such a situation would pose no genuine military threat to the U.S.A. An appropriate statement for Senator Proxmire and all true lover of freedom to make, would be: "Looked at realistically, if all the countries of Central America came together in union against the United States, and in cooperation with the Soviet Union, the military threat to the United States would be magnified greatly. This must not be permitted." LESSONS FROM THE FORMULA FOR THE COMMUNIST CONQUEST OF THE U.S.A. (Part 4) This is the fourth installment in this series. The formula for the communist conquest of the U.S.A. is: "External encirclement, plus internal demoralization, plus thermonuclear blackmail, lead to progressive surrender." The process of INTERNAL DEMOARLIZATION is being discussed. file:///Users/jason/Desktop/SR%20PDFs/web%20pages/october15,83.htm Page 1 of 8 CACC NEWSLETTER 5/11/10 12:53 PM Destruction of the Family While individuals are the atoms, the family is the molecule with which society is built. Strong families make strong nations. Since the reverse is also true, undermining the family is the preferred way to weaken a nation. Classical communist doctrine taught that the family was a creation of the capitalist economic system, and that the destruction of capitalism would lead to the absolution of the family. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels stated in their famous Communist Manifesto: "On what is the present family, the bourgeois family based. On capital or private gain. And, "The Bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course… with the vanishing of capital." When the communists conquered Russia, they proceeded to enact legislation that would undermine the family. Progressive education was introduced, divorce was made easy, and family loyalties were undermined. Experience soon taught them that these policies weakened the nation so they were abandoned in Russia. They were continued in the countries which had not yet been conquered since weakness would make conquest easier. It is in the family that the virtues which maintain civilized society are learned. Family members learn loyalty, obedience and love. They learn to subordinate self to others and to share their possessions. Transferred to the largest family, the nation, these virtues given integrity and strength. Who can deny that the family I n the United States is being attacked and weakened? Social forces, aided by "progressive legislation" are ministering to the disintegration of the family with resultant one-parent families, poverty, latchkey children, illiteracy, illegitimacy, and child abuse. The black family has born the brunt of these social and economic forces with deadly results. The situation of the black family is described in the September 19 edition of the liberal NEW REPUBLIC magazine. The editors are reluctant to discuss the situation because it will lay them open to the charge of racism. Nevertheless, convinced that the situation is so series, they write: "There is a specter at once haunting and inhibiting the economic and social progress of black Americans. It is almost impossible to allude to it without being accused of racism. But it is a tragic truth on which the indices of black poverty, statistical and psychological are based. There is an epidemic--the metaphor of pathology is not inappropriate, for what is involved is the health of the black community -- of single-parent families, unmarried mothers, deserting fathers. Recent figures from the Bureau of the Census show the extent of the epidemic. Forty-one percent of black families are headed by women without husbands present, up almost a third in the last decade. The divorce rate among blacks has more than doubled in a decade, and is now double that of whites. The percentage of black children living in one parent homes rose from 32 percent to 49 percent in the same period; these children's homes may account for close to 80 percent of the black poor. Its obvious why these families are poorer; none of them has income from two wage earners, few from even one. Most are supported by the welfare system. Even more to the point is the social contagion of teenage pregnancies, which would only be exacerbated were the Administration's ware on abortion option to succeed. But even with widely available birth control information and publicly funded abortions (not exactly an ideal expenditure of social capital), the demographics tell a terrible story, presage a worse one: young women, girls really, still children themselves having children, passing on depression and helplessness from generation to generation... The fertility fate of black teenagers in the United States is by far the highest in the developed world. For every thousand black females under nineteen, most of them unmarried, there are 515 children born into all kinds of disadvantages of life: inadequate mothering or worse, the absence of a father, the chintzy and humiliating public dole as the most common source of income, the trap of dependence. Among teenagers between fourteen and seventeen in the West, black fertility exceeds the next highest rate by a factor of 2.5 to 1. For unmarried mothers of all ages the ratio of black to white is almost 5 to 1; for ages fifteen to nineteen, the ratio is almost 6 to 1. This is a demographic disaster??nothing less. (Page 10) The black family has suffered most, but a similar disintegration is taking place in the white family due to the operation of the same forces, although it has not yet advanced so far. The disintegration of family cannot be blamed upon the communists alone despite the fact that the demoralization and file:///Users/jason/Desktop/SR%20PDFs/web%20pages/october15,83.htm Page 2 of 8 CACC NEWSLETTER 5/11/10 12:53 PM disintegration of the family was extolled by Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto which they wrote in 1848. Other destructive forces are playing their role. One of these is hedonism. The Cult of Self?indulgence Hedonism is the order of the day. The cult of self?indulgence rules. The slogan is, "if it feels good, do it." Permissive sex has been promoted by music, advertising, education, and legislation. Homosexuality is first recognized as normal behavior, then legalized, and finally advertised and encouraged. Permissive abortion is made legal and those who believe it is murder are compelled to pay for abortions with their taxes. Paradoxical results puzzle those who think mechanically and amorally. The availability of contraception leads to an increase in illegitimate births. The availability of consensual sex leads to an increase in rape. There is nothing paradoxical, however, about the increase in venereal disease. Promiscuity has led to an epidemic of venereal disease, particularly incurable Herpes and now AIDS. Organizations, such as Planned Parenthood and SIECUS, which concentrate upon making contraceptives readily available and thereby encourage promiscuity, have encouraged the spread of venereal disease. The cult of promiscuity has infiltrated the schools in the guise of amoral sex education. The concept of sin has almost disappeared in large segments of Christian theology. It has been replaced by the concept of self?love. A return to the teaching of Jesus is desperately needed. He said: "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me." The communists are counting upon the decline in patriotism, the disintegration of the family, and the cult of self? indulgence to create a society without the will to sacrifice so that the U.S.