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Municipality of North Cowichan Regular Council AGENDA Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 1:30 p.m. Municipal Hall - Council Chambers Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER This meeting is open to the public. All representations to Council form part of the public record. Proceedings will be streamed live and archived at 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Recommendation: That Council approve the agenda as circulated [or as amended]. 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 5 - 11 Recommendation: That Council adopt the minutes of regular meeting held March 4, 2015. 4. PUBLIC MEETINGS & HEARINGS 4.1 Development Variance - 1043 Maple Bay Road 12 - 19 Purpose: To hear from staff, the applicant and members of the public regarding a proposed variance to reduce the minimum side yard setback requirement to accommodate a new single family dwelling at 1043 Maple Bay Road. Recommendation: That Council issue a development variance for a new single-family dwelling at 1043 Maple Bay Road, that varies Section 56 (6) (a) of the Zoning Bylaw, in order to reduce the minimum side yard setback from 3.0 m to 2.88 m. 5. PUBLIC INPUT Opportunity for brief verbal input regarding agenda items from registered speakers. 6. DELEGATIONS & PRESENTATIONS 6.1 Crofton Seniors' Society 20 - 20 Purpose: To hear Carol Donnelly, on behalf of the Crofton Seniors' Society, regarding building an age friendly community. 6.2 Safer Futures - Youth Lens Purpose: To hear Christy Villiers provide an introduction to Safe Youth Cowichan and the idea of adopting a "youth lens" for decision making. 1 7. BYLAWS 7.1 "Fees Amendment Bylaw, 2015," No. 3568 21 - 26 Purpose: To increase fees for water, sewer, moorage, and other services. Recommendation: That Council read a first, second and third time "Fees Amendment Bylaw, 2015," No. 3568. 7.2 Chemainus Business Improvement Area 27 - 36 Purpose: To start the process to re-establish the Chemainus Business Improvement Area for a three year period. Recommendation: That Council 1. give notice that it intends to create a new Business Improvement Area for Chemainus, unless a valid petition against this service is presented within 30-days after notice had been given, and 2. that Council read a first, second and third time "Chemainus Business Improvement Area Bylaw", No. 3569. 8. REPORTS 8.1 Sponsorship – BC Sports Hall of Fame 37 - 45 Purpose: To consider a request from the BC Sports Hall of Fame to sponsor the induction of Emily Zurrer into the BC Sports Hall of Fame. Recommendation: That Council support the induction of Emily Zurrer into the BC Sports Hall of Fame through (choose one): 1. $6,000 medal sponsorship. 2. donation of $________ to the BC Sports Hall of Fame “Heroes in You” youth education program, OR 3. donation of an EJ Hughes framed print for the event auction. 8.2 Columbia Institute Centre for Civic Goverernance Conference Purpose: To hear from Councillor Marsh regarding a panel at the upcoming Columbia Institute Centre for Civic Goverernance Conference, 8.3 New RCMP Detachment 46 - 53 Purpose: To consider the March 10, 2015 recommendation from the Protective Services Committee. Recommendation: That Council: 1. approve the direct award of a contract to Process Four Design Ltd. for up to $35,000 for a pre-design and cost analysis of the new RCMP detachment; and 2. authorize staff to issue a request for proposals for a detailed design of the new RCMP Detachment. 2 8.4 Arbutus Avenue Mailbox Pull-off – Paving Request 54 - 57 Purpose: To consider the March 11, 2015 recommendation from the Public Works Committe to review a request to pave mailbox pull-offs on Arbutus Avenue and install a rail at the top of the Maple Bay public park/washroom path. Recommendation: That Council direct staff to install a short section of fence at the Beaumont Avenue entrance to the pathway to Maple Bay Beach next to the public washrooms for public safety. 8.5 Crofton Sewer Area Inclusion 58 - 62 Purpose: To consider the March 11, 2015 recommendation from the Public Works Committee to include 1721 Chaplin Street in the Crofton sewer local area service. Recommendation: That Council direct staff to draft a bylaw to include 1721 Chaplin Street, within the Crofton sewer local area service, subject to the owner agreeing to: 1. pay the sewer connection fee $3,400, 2. pay the capital cost contribution for a single family home of $1,246, and 3. obtain a plumbing permit for the sewer service installation as part of the building permit for the proposed residence. 8.6 Oil Tank Replacement Program 63 - 65 Purpose: To consider the March 11, 2015 recommendation from the Public Works Committee to seek Council support for an oil tank replacement program for the Silver Park Mobile Home owners. Recommendation: That Council authorize a $2,000 rebate to 18 property owners of the Silver Park Mobile Home complex on Boys Road to upgrade their old, unprotected oil tanks (or convert their furnaces to an electric or propane furnace or heat pump) in order to protect the lower Cowichan River aquifer. 9. NOTICE OF MOTIONS 10. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES 66 - 71 1. Protective Services Committee - March 10, 2015 2. Public Works Committee - March 11, 2015 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. QUESTION PERIOD Public opportunity to ask brief questions of regarding the business of this meeting. 13. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 13.1 Review of Roles and Responsibilities Purpose: To review the roles and responsiblities of the Mayor, Councillor, CAO, staff and the Approving Officer. 3 13.2 Committee Meeting Participation Purpose: To discuss the rules regarding participation on committees by non- committee members. 14. CLOSED SESSION 72 - 73 Recommendation: That Council close the meeting to the public on the basis of section (90) (1) (c) and (e) of the Community Charter. 15. ADJOURNMENT 4 Municipality of North Cowichan Regular Council MINUTES March 4, 2015, 1:30 p.m. Municipal Hall - Council Chambers Members Present Mayor Jon Lefebure Councillor Joyce Behnsen Councillor Rob Douglas Councillor Maeve Maguire Councillor Kate Marsh Councillor Al Siebring Councillor Tom Walker Staff Present Dave Devana, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Mark Ruttan, Director of Corporate Services / Deputy CAO John Mackay, Director of Engineering and Operations Scott Mack, Director of Development Services Ernie Mansueti, Director of Parks and Recreation 1. CALL TO ORDER There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved and seconded: That Council approve the agenda as amended to add the following: 1. 10.2 Night Shift Cancellation; 2. 10.3 Planning and Sustainability Division Targets; and 3. 10.4 All-weather soccer field. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES It was moved and seconded: That Council adopt the following minutes: 1. February 12, 2015 Special Council, 2. February 18, 2015 Regular Council, and 3. February 24, 2015 Committee of the Whole (see item 6.1). CARRIED 4. PUBLIC INPUT Council received no public input regarding agenda items from registered speakers. 1 5 March 4, 2015 - Regular Council Minutes 5. DELEGATIONS & PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Animal Control Council received a presentation from Trevor Hughes of Coastal Animal Control Services of BC Ltd. which provides contracted animal control services for North Cowichan. Mr. Hughes provided a 2014 summary of complaints received and investigated, enforcement actions undertaken, dog licenses sold and animals impounded. He also recommended additional park patrols to encourage owners to leash their dogs and pick up after them. Council invited Mr. Hughes to submit a formal proposal for this additional service. 5.2. Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre Council received a presentation from Julie Scurr on behalf of the new Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre. Ms. Scurr informed Council that the new centre has been open for a year and has seen an 89% increase in the number of visitors compared to the previous centre. Unfortunately, Destination BC's funding for 2015 has been frozen, and will be discontinued in 2016. She also briefed Council on the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce's activities over the past year. 6. REPORTS 6.1. Committee of the Whole Recommendations 6.1.1. University Village Local Area Plan It was moved and seconded: That Council direct staff to revise the draft University Village Local Area Plan in accordance with the February 2015 Land Use Option sketch plan, presented at the February 24, 2015, Committee of the Whole meeting. It was moved and seconded: That Council amend the main motion to add the following words: "after a further public meeting". DEFEATED (Opposed: Lefebure; Marsh; Maguire; Walker) It was moved and seconded: That Council direct staff to revise the draft University Village Local Area Plan in accordance with the February 2015 Land Use Option sketch plan, presented at the February 24, 2015, Committee of the Whole meeting. CARRIED It was moved and seconded: That Council direct staff to change the designation of the parking lot at the corner of Lakes Road and Beverly Street, in the draft plan from "residential", to "institutional / community facilities". CARRIED 2 6 March 4, 2015 - Regular Council Minutes It was moved and seconded: That Council direct staff to prepare the necessary bylaws to adopt the local area plan and change the urban containment boundary in the Official Community Plan accordingly. CARRIED (Opposed: Siebring; Behnsen) It was moved and seconded: That Council consider Councillor Marsh's related notice of motion today regarding the Cowichan Green Community's incubator farm proposal. CARRIED It was moved and seconded: That Council direct staff to prepare a report on the possibility of entering into a licence of occupation with Cowichan Green Community (and Vancouver Island University, if applicable) for an incubator farm on the Municipality's triangular lot on Beverly Street (immediately east of Alexander Elementary School and south of the dike).