e-ISSN 2395-9134 Estudios Fronterizos, vol. 21, 2020, e055 https://doi.org/10.21670/ref.2013055 Articles Mexico-Guatemala cross-border labor market: a construction from the experience of the workers Mercado de trabajo transfronterizo México- Guatemala: una construcción desde la experiencia de los trabajadores Jéssica Natalia Nájera-Aguirrea* https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1995-0578 a El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales, Mexico City, Mexico, email:
[email protected] Abstract The objective of this work is to build the structure and functioning of the lo- cal cross-border labor market between the Soconusco region (Chiapas) and the southwest of Guatemala, from a construction “from below”, based on the experi- ence lived by interviewed Guatemalan workers. The cross-border, economic and population perspective was the guide to link the supply and demand of workers, Received on April 24, 2020. and the places of origin and work destination, as a way to avoid methodological Accepted on August 28, 2020. nationalism. The construction of knowledge from daily life allowed to make vis- Published on September 10, 2020. ible the diversity of the participating actors, as well as the connection between the needs of workers and employers, cross-border labor networks (formal and informal) and the possibilities of crossing, staying and paid work in the neigh- boring country. The cross-border labor market detailed allows considering new scenarios considering the recent arrival of foreign immigrants to the region. *Corresponding author: Jéssica Natalia Nájera-Aguirre. E-mail: Keywords: labor market, border, workers, Guatemalans, Chiapas.
[email protected] Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es fundar la estructura y funcionamiento del mer- ORIGINAL ARTICLE LANGUAGE: SPANISH cado laboral local transfronterizo entre la región de Chiapas del Soconusco y el suroeste de Guatemala, a partir de una construcción “desde abajo”, basada en la experiencia vivida por trabajadores guatemaltecos entrevistados.