She Colontn Courier


per $1,000, and make It difficult or im- possible to meet bond payments and In- DAYS OF LONG AGO ARE RECALLED OV AUTOHAVEN TAVERN CITIES CUT FOUR terest on the Covert Act road bonds as PERE MARQUETTE RAILWAY WILL STOP they become due and keep up the coun- REMOVAL OF TWO OLO FRAME OOILDINGS BOORLE BURSTS MILLION FROM ROLLS ty highway maintenance. ITS TWO EVENING TRAINS IN COLOMA

about the year IS70. Later, when the This train will leave South Haven at Rural Districts Bring in Assessments improved Service Granted With New RemaininK I'arts of Old St. Cloud railroad was built from ('olonia to Paw Plan to Huild String of Hotels For COUNTY WILL TAKE VA- I :oo a. m. on Mondays only, making all Paw Lake, the depot was removed to its Schedule Now in KlTect—One New stops and arriving in Chicago at 8:00 Hotel Are lleiiiR Tom Down—Were Tourists Fanciful Dream of Promot- Approximating Kqualization Figures present location, and again Ibe business a. m. interests centered on Paw Paw street. Of Year Ago Resort Train on and Another to l>e Krerted in 1809 by Minot Ingraham er CATION IN ROAD BUILDING Belter Service For Coloma All Old llnildings Oone Benton Harbor's rolls total $10,574,- Put on Older refildentf of folonm have been An ambitious dream of Adrian J. With the new schedule of trains that Williams to promote an $85,000,000 100, a reduction of $2.1HH.lHMi from last reeullliiK during I be past few days The Pere Marquette railwaf: is anlic- went into effect last Sunday, Coloma All of the old buildings that stood on company for tbe announced purpose of year's equalization; St. Joseph's assess- Committee Report Recommends No Home of the kccih's and ocenrreneeH in ipatiiig a good resort business this sea- will be given better train service. The the corner of Park and Washington biiilding a siring of one thousand tour- ment is $0.11 o.l MM), down $1,050,000 the village Imek in the "Sevcniifs." in New Projects For 1932-1933 son and proposes to go after the pas- village will have two trains each way streets have now disappeared. One ist taverns along the trnnkline high- from its equalization of a year ago; tbe dayn when Ibe St. Cloud iluli'l was senger business with renewed energy. eayb day lhat will make regular stops part of the old St. Cloud hotel building ways of the l ulled Slates and Canada and Niles is in with a total of $12,270,- tiie leading bote! in one end of Ibe A vacation in new county highway The railway officials believe IhaL there in Coloma instead of but one. The east was removed in the lot east of tbe de- has collapsed with the buraling of the 010. down $792,000 from its 1030 equal- village and tiie Osgood Hotel on the pot for a hotel, whieb was conducted construction was voted by tbe supervis- is a trend toward the return of railway Jioiind trains will arrive in Coloma at bubble last Friday when the Autohav- ization. Ht. Joseph road was a popular plaee ors Monday with tbe adoption of the traffic In preference to traveling on the O:.'!.'* a. m. and (5:10 p. m., and the west for many years by Mr. and Mrs. Win. en Company's impressive suite of olllces with the travel inn people. Others Make Cuts report of the advisory committee to Ibe crowded highways in automobiles and bound trains will arrive at 11:50 a. m. Willis and later by .Mrs. Kva Wallace. at 201 North Wells street. Chicago, There have probably been a>r many In settling up the Wallace estate this county road commission, which recom- busses. The highways have become so and 7:50 (Standard time.) This new was raided at Ibe instigation of the oilier assessing districts whose rolls cbaiiReH In Coloma as in any village in mends no new county road projects in congested in many places in the stale schedule will be far more pleasing to property was sold to ilenry Pitcher and state's attorneys olllce, after a girl em- show cuts from the lo:!o equall/.ation tbe slate, if not more, for tbe business the 1932-33 program. that driving (especially over the week- Coloma people who have been very is now being torn down. Another part ployee complained that her boss, who are: Baroda. Lincoln. Niles township, wctlou of tbe town 1ms been shifted of the hotel building was removed to end I is no longer a pleasure, and Ibe much upset for several years by the talked in millions, failed to pay her Oronoko. Pipestone, St. Joseph town Face New Task several times from one seel Ion of town the other side of Washington street and people show an inclination to use the failure of the Peru Marquette trains to wages. ship. Watervliet township. A numlier to another. In tbe old stage days, the for years has been owned by Miss Neva passenger train buriness for the past make more stops here. The railway Williams according to the prosecut- of these have only slight cuts and the Tbe advisory board stated in its re- Ht. Jcmeph road was tbe leading high- few years. company has lost friends here aud has ])uVail. The other part of tbe old or's olllce, bad prepared beautifully total amounts to only $147,010. With port that during the last few years a way tbrongh tbe village and much of lost business through Its failure to co- hotel building, the scene of many lively engraved stock for investors who were the cuts of the three larger cities in- large number of roads have been built In order to accommodate tin* tourist the businesH was eenlered around Ibe operate with local officials and citizens. parties witii its dance hall. Its bar and cluded the total reduction of assess- in Berrien county, and that the com- old Osgood house, later known as tbe to be attracted to the scheme to build traffic Ibis summer, Ibe Pere Marquetlo I5ul. through the efforts of H. W. all the equipment of the inns of early ments amounts to $4.17N,!MMl. mission feels a reasonable length of railway inaugurated a new train sched- Teeter house, wblch was torn down but Ibe one thousand inns at $K5.000 each. O'Bri the local P. M. agent, and Vil- days, was razed several years ago to Increases over their 1030 equaliza- lime should elapse before any new Tbe proseeutor also said that Williams ule on Sunday, June 21sl, at which lime lage President .1. V. Thompson, tbe a couple of years ago. make room for the Salem Lutheran tion are shown by Bainbridge, Ber- construction is undertaken. This will was known as Sainimiel F. Wheeler, a the Petoskey special Was put on to railway officials have been made to When the old Chicago & West Michi- church. Irand, Benton. Buchanan City. Biichan- afford townships much needed relief in Philadelphia lawyer, before he served handle the Irallle to the resorts of realize what they were missing and con- gan railway was constructed Ibrough The old St. Cloud hotel building was an Township, Cbikaming, Coloma, (!a- the township Covert tax and give the a prison sentence for embezzlement. Northern Michigan. This train will ceded to the wishes of local people. Coloma the site of tbe business district erected in tbe year 1S(!» hy Minot in- lien, Hagar, Lake, New BuiTalo, Royal- commission more time to work out leave Chicago al 7:45 p. m., (Standard When the Pere Marquette railway naturally shifted nearer tbe railway graham. father of tbe late Lyman In- Negotiated For Watervliet Site ton, Three Oaks, Watervliet City, Wee- plans for tbe maintenance of un- time) arriving in Benton Harbor at formerly stopped more of its trains in and centered around tiie St. Cloud graham. Mr. Ingraham conducted the saw, aggregating a total of $.'P>(I,315. improved township roads to be taken 10:25 p. m. Returning to Chicago the hotel and a general store for many Watervliet bad been selected as a site Coloma there was a big iiosseiiger busi- hotel, wblch was located on the corner The net decrease from the 1.000 over as part of Ibe county road system Petoskey train will leave Benlon Har- for one of the proposed aulobavcns and ness done from the local station, but of Washington and Park streets, where years. The (5. A. B. building whicli equalj/ation of tbe county for a year under the McNitt-Holbeck bill. II was bor at I a. m., arriving in Chicago was one of the few of the earlier day the promoters had carried on some when they began to curtail the service tbe Salem Lutheran church now stands. ago Is $3,702,5S5. asserted. at 7 :•'!(> a. in. Tills will be a fast train buildings, was removed to anolber pari negotiations with the Watervliet Hoard lln business began to drift toward the Near that, corner were located tbe Tbe new bill substitutes county making but few slops between Chicago hotel, tbe I. O. 0. K. hall and the 20 to autohavens were sent to contractors all banks in the county in Benton Harbor lirst year, $10S per mile; second year. Benton Harbor a (5 to 4 defeat. The of gasoline consumed. To supply the tltled,"Coranosition and Characteristics 08.1 per cent in 1030, and of those 14 over the middle west" said the Chicago and St. Joseph, the omission of tbe $105 I»er mile; third year, $S4 per Legion boys had been playing a line state's needs for one month, 100 trains of the Population." This is a pamphlet and 15 years of age, tbe proportion in- prosecutor, "with the requirements that bank stock assessments in those two mile; fourth year. $73.50 per mile; brand of ball this season, winning the of 75 tank cars each, are needed. of 74 pages, !» by ll'/j inches, consisting creased from 80.0 per cent in 1020 to each contactor deposit $25 as security cities amounts to many thousands of liflh year. $(57.20 per mile. last five games up to last Sunday when mainly of statistical tables. 04.2 per cent In 1030. The percentage for tbe return of the plans." More than dollars. Niles. Watervliet. Coloma, Cntil tbe old county road bond Is- their winning streak was broken. Itoth Tbe urban population of Michigan in of illiteracy in the impiilatlou 10 years 400 contractors sent Williams their $25. Three Oaks and Buchanan assessed the sue Is retired in 103(5 Berrien county teams played a lilie game of ball. The Anllci|)a(e Drop In Corporation Tax 1030 was 3,302,075, representing an in- of age and over decreased from 3.0 to giving him over $10,000 in tills way. bank stock in accordance with the 1031 will have no available funds for ad- Red Sox scored three runs in the lirst crease of 1,0(50,515, or 47.3 per cent, 2.0. So far as known no local contractors act. ditional maintenance work. inning when G. Woodward, C. Warnuin The department, of stale will send since 1920. The urban population form- Of the 1,027,408 gainful workers in wej-e caught for the $25 as tbe Water- out between 1S.OOO and 10.000 tax re- Kqualization of assessments was the and W. Strejc scored. In the second ed 68.2 per cent pf tiie total population the state, 1,5(5(5,707 were males, repre- vliet project had not reached the con- Amounts Now Raised port blanks to Michigan corporations big problem confronting the Berrien and third Innings no runs were made, (4,842,.*125), as compared with (51.1 per senting (52.2 per cent of the male popu- tract lug stage. before July 1, tbe beginning of the new County Board of Supervisors when the The following table shows the tail in Ibe fourth, Strejc, L. Warman cent in 15120. Urban population, as de- lation. and 3(50,701 were females, repre- The scheme as outlined and given state fiscal year. membership convened Monday morning amounts now raised by the various and Marvin came across the plate with lined by tbe Census Bureau, is in gener- senting (52.2 per cent of tbe female pop- wide publicity in newspapers and mag- During the present year, the corpor- for the June session. townships for maintenance and im- three more runs, remaining scoreless al that residing in cities and other in- ulation. Including both farm owners azims, called for the building of these ation tax has amounted to $7,400,000 With tbe three larger cities of the provement work; the remainder of the game. The Ameri- corporated places having 2,500 inhabit- and farm laborers, agriculture employ- autohavens of similar and uniform de- but department estimates are that dur- county coming in with their rolls ag- 1930 Per can Legion scored two runs In the ants or more, tiie remainder being clas- ed 247.'.M53 persons. Of the 80,009 farm sign. lire proof and heated with oil. ing the coming fiscal year, the reve- gregating $14,031,800 under their total Township Miles Levy Mile third, one in the fourth and one iu Hie sllled as rural. laborers, 22,702, or 2(5.2 per cent, were Each autohaven was to have 21 sleep- nue from this tax will drop to about equalization of June 1030, it is appar- Bainbridge 43 $ 5,000.00 $11(5.27 ninth. StrecJ was the hurler for the unpaid family workers. The various ing rooms, rest vooms, restaurant, lob- $0,000,000. Tbe rural population of Michigan in ent that some differences are to be Coloma team, pitching a fine game, manufacturing and mechanical indus- by, dining room. etc. There were to be Baroda 15.1 3.000.00 102.05 1030 was 1,540,250, comprising 775,430 Ironed out in the committee on equal- with C. Coleman on the receiving end. tries employed 833,780 persons, the a service station, auto accessories store, Benton .... 35.4 24.233.55 387.95 persons living on farms, and 7(54,814 ization if the whole matter does not get Hill Bohn did Ibe burling for the Le- largest nnmhers being in automobile tire repair shop, geasing pit and wash Berrien .... 52.8 10,057.57 100.48 An Associated Press despatch of not living on farms, representing as a out on the floor for a decision. gion with catcher. Next Sun- factories, in the building Industry, in rack. Bertrand ... 01.5 5.000.00 81.31 June 23d states that small towns are whole an increase of 113,308, or 7.0 per Tbe following table shows tbe total Buchanan .. 40.(5 2.S1S.(M5 50.81 day the Red Sox will travel to Bangor. iron and steel and other metal Indus- Williams, when in Watervliet. Inti- more than holding their own. In a re- cent, as compared with the rural popu- assessment for the several cities and tries, and in woodworking and furni- mated that the Standard Oil Co., Sears, Cbikaming . 24.7 5.000.00 202.42 tail way, with their larger city neigh- lation In 1021) (1,420,852). The rural- townships and the increase or decrease ture industries. There were 150,311 per- Boehnck & Co. and Marshall Field were Coloma 27.7 T.IMMKIO ir.S.K4 bors. So said Charles D. Bohaunan, farm population, taken alone, decreased of each from their 1030 equalization NEARBY BASKRALL SCORES sons engaged In transportation; 283,- Galien 28.0 0.000.00 207.01 census expert in charge of the rural 00,003, or 8.2 per cent, between 1020 to furnish llnancial backing for tbe im- figures; 272 in trade, including banking and in- mense project. Hagar 32.3 3.857.53 110.45 and agricultural distribution census. and 1030, while tbe rurai-nonfarm pop- 1031 Assmt. Inc. or Dec. surance; 41,703 in public service (not The National Autohaven company Ijlke 23.3 2.000.00 85.83 Crystal Palace Blues, 0; Paw Paw In commenting on tbe announceinent of ulation increased 182,4(51, or 31.3 per Bainbridge $ 1,801.000 $ 23.000-j- elsewhere A'lassilled) ; 125,548 in profes- was incorporated under the laws of Lincoln .... 21.1 2.000.00 91.78 All Stars. 2. tbe lirst census of distribution. Over cent. Baroda ... 1,105,580 27,420— sional service; and 1(52,072 in domestic Delaware with a capital of $2,500,000. New BuITalo 17.0 3,915.07 218.75 Stevensville Independents, 5; Twin half the retail consumers still live In Of tbe entire population of Michigan, BertraiwN^ 1.430.:i50 13,350+ Niles 35.5 4,500.00 12(5.7(5 City Blues, 4. and personal service. Williams is said to have deceived sev- smaller towns and villages or on the 90 per cent are white, 78.7 per cent be- Benton ... 4,3-10,(550 27.(550+ In tbe bulletin which has Just been eral reputable business men inlet per- Oronoko .... 22.3 4.000.00 178.03 Riverside Tigers, 9; Mlllburg, 3. farm. And neither good roads nor big ing native white and 17.4 per cent for- Berrien... 1.715.140 41,800— issued there are a number of features milting him to use their names in the Pipestone ... 5m.8 8,000.00 143.38 St. Joseph Auto Specialties, 10; So. city "high power" advertising have eign-born white. Of tbe native white Ben Harbor 10,574,100 2,1HS,000 - not contained in the 1020 census re- promotion, but it appeared that tbe Royalton .... II 800.00 72.72 Bend Lyddlcks, 0. taken the trade from tbe home store, at population, 48.8 per cent are of native BMcbamin Cy 3.4(5S,550 45.550+ ports, including a presentation of the money losses incurred by these men Sodus 20.7 2.000.00 9(5.(51 Iorn Cbikaming 2.530.000 37,1)00+ about*30 industry groups, by counties; Williams was placed under arrest, Three Oaks . 27.4 0,755.00 350.02 Sodus Boosters, 15; Forest Beach In- town of 1.500, only fifteen miles from a in Canada form 24.1 per cent of the Coloma ... 2,375.125 57,125+ detailed age data for counties; a classl- hnt was released in the absence of any Watervliet .. 1(5.0 3/itW.OO 207.10 dians, 2. city of 300,000, with retail sales of 840,208 persons comprising the foreign- (Jaiien .... 1.243.525 8,525+ lication of the population of each town complainant who would press charges Weesaw .... 47.8 2,200.00 Berrien Springs Blues, 9; Clancy more than $1,000 per capita, while the born white population of Michigan. Of Hagar .... 1,055.200 33,200+ by color, sex, age, etc., and an exten- against him. Included in tiie amounts raised last Browns, of Niles, 5. big town bad only $700. tbe foreigu-ltorn white population, more sive presentation of statistics for tbe Lake 1,817,(500 090+ year in four townships listed above Bainbridge Leafs, 24; Bloomlngdale than one-half have been naturaliml. rural-farm population and the rnral- Lincoln ... 2,.'187,875 11.125— were bond and interest payments as Lone Stars, 4. Tbe population of Michigan as a nonfarm population. Why Not Slop This New BuITalo 2,000,095 (58,095+ follows; Benton, $10,500; Coloma. $3,- Skeeter Skoot will keep tbe mosqui- Niles City 12,270,010 702,000— (500; St. Joseph township, $1,550; W e- toes, bed bugs, spiders and ants, use It is time that the proper officials Niles Twp. 2,30(5,000 41,940— suw, $2,250. ( Fish lines from 5c to $2.00 at Scott's. Fly Kill—kills them Instantly. Sold at —Adv. were putting a stop to the practice of Oruiioko .. 3,250,150 1,850— The road commissioners and mem- Scott's.—Adv. a New Buffalo Justice of the jieace ad- Pipestone ,. 1,(517,575 10,425— bersof the advisory committee feel that Paw Paw Lake Notes ding to the expense of maintaining the Royalton .. 1,(504,355 13,355+ after two years of experience under county Jail by sending so many "float- St. Joe Twp. 2.108,250 12.750— the new plan that they will lie better ers" there for free board. Every few St. Joe City 0,410,000 1,050,000— Paw Paw Lake Garden Ciuh. ated in pink and green, with peonies qualified to make future plans for the weeks a bunch of men who are seeking Sodus 1,4081600 37,500— county road system. and roses adorning tiie stage and to get out of the county by riding on Three Oaks.. 2,305,200 8,200+ THE COLOMA THEATRE Tbe first meeting of the Paw Paw tables. Refreshments were served from the freight trains through New Buffalo, Watervliet Tp 1,202,000 4,000— The Incompleted Jobs Lake Garden Club was held at the a very pretty table decorated with pink are sent to the county Jail for from Watervliet CY L30S.300 0,300+ NEW EQUIPMENT -MOVIETONE THE PERFECT VOICE-SOUND ON FILM home of Mrs. llerlK'rt Ostrander Tues- tapers and roses Music was furnished 10 to 15 days. Such men should be en- Weesaw .. 1,094,475 27,475+ There are three county road projects day afternoon, June 23rd. Tbe follow- by Cholly Bosner and his Chicago or- couraged to leave Berrien county and authorized under the 1930-31 program June 25 - 26—Thurtday and Friday Adults 25c—Children lOe ing officers wen- elected: President, chestra. A very pretty scene was pre- which have not been completed, and Mrs. Albert Daniels; vice president, the riding on freight trains is uo ser- $00,500,555 $3,N34,445- Ben Lyons and "TUC UAT UFIRPCC'' and on Friday Night. Fred a old- sented on tbe golf course, the young ious crime, even though it. may be dan- which are to be finished during the Mrs. Emma M. Karpen; secretary and Net decrease .3,834,445 Ona Munson in IIUI IlLinEJj iiine country store, added. Groceries, ladies in their pastel gowns and the next year. These are as follows; treasurer, Mrs. Noah Selgel; chairman gerous. Why does not the New BuITalo gifts. G-A-B. young men in their summer togs, under No. 01—Pipestone township—one of publicity, Mrs. Edwin W. Ahern; Justice do as the Benton Harbor and Last year $04,344,000 the bright rays of the ten large Hood mile in 1031 and one mile in 1932. chairman of marketing. Mrs. Alexan- St. Joseph officers—round up tlnr men June 27 - 28 Sat. and Sun. Special Price—Adults 25c—Children 10c lights that illuminated the course. The Resolutions of Respect For Supervisor No. 103—Weesaw township—Two der Bennle; by-laws committee, Mrs. and give them a start out of town with hostesses were assisted in tbe decora- miles to be-built in 1031 and two miles "A TAIIOR MAHF MAN" featuring William Haines. With a thousand N. B. Lauren, Mrs. Edwin W. Ahern, the advice not to return? Roy Clark tions and the serving by Mrs. J. H. to be completed in 1032. n i mum itmiiL omn |aut{hs made t0 ytiur mea9Urt. And a Novelty Mrs. Fred Bernstein. Balfour. Mrs. Clarence Soderberg and Monday the following committee was No. 128—Buchanan township and Miss Myrtle Green. MOTOKBOATS MIST appointed by Chairman Baker to draw city—Four and one-half miles to be June 30-July l-Tuet.-Wed. BIG SPECIAL PRICE TO ALL-lOc completed in 1031 and the remaining CABBY Ml'FFLEBS up resolutions of respect for Hon. Roy a w h ,nv The L. Greenberg family of Chicago Clark, supervisor from the third ward four and one-half miles completed In .Mra nd ii i "MAN TO MAN" And a Comedy 1932. are at their summer home on Forest Miss Frances Steimle, deputy county oPBenton Harbor, whose death oc- treasurer, who has charge of the sale curred recently; (•has. Moon, Leon D. July 2 - 3—Thursday and Friday Adults 25c—Children 10c Betfcb for the season. Lansing—Governor Brucker has ap of automobile license plates, was In- Case and Wm. Fette. The resolutions w proved the Reed hill directing motor "A SOI niFR'S PI AYTHINn" 'th Harry Langdon, Ben Lyon and Noah Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Macintyre and jured In an accident near tiie Stump were submitted and adopted, and made MI ST NOT THROW GRASS OR ft uuLI/ILI\ 0 TLftl iniHU Comwlyhigbspots of the World War, sebool, Tuesday morning, when her car boat operators in inland waters and lla two children, Gordon and Ethel Lyle, a part of the recorded proceedings of Also Fred's Old-Time Country Store on Friday Night. collided with a trucft driven hy Bich- connecting waters of the Great Lakes DIRT IN STREETS OR GUTTERS are at their summer home at Ueech- the Board. ard Price of the Dowagiac Creamery to equip their craft with adequati wood Point for tbe season. Co. Miss Steimle was badly bruised mnlllers. Sponsors of the measun Equalize On Basis of Year Ago. and cut about the head and wns re- claim noisy boats were ruining many Notice is hereby given to the resi- Tbe J. W. McNichols and the Alex- The equalization committee adopted moved to Mercy hospital in an uneon lakes as resort centers. The boats also dents of Coloma that the throwing of ander families arrived here last Satur- tbe plan Tuesday to equalize tentative- scions condition, but later returned to must have mulllers on the Great Lakes grass, dirt, or rubbish of any kind Into day from Chicago and have opened ly on the basis of the county's equali- her home. Miss Elizabeth Burke of when operated within one quarter mill any of the streets or gutters of tho vil- their summer home on the Beebwood zation of a year ago, which was $94,- Fan Claire, census clerk in the county from shore. lage Is strictly forbidden. Help keep Boad for the season. 344,000. Whether or not there will be school commissioner's office, who was tbe village streets and gutters clean any material change from that figure Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Muter and their riding with Miss Steimle, escaped in- Congressman Ketcham to Speak at and sanitary. will depend on the majority sentiment maid motored over from Chicago last Jury. Hartford Park Opening E. A. TURREL, of tbe board. It is safe to say that Thursday and remained until Monday 49tf Street Commissioner. getting their summer home at Fairview Hartford will open its village park there will be no increase. None of the Beach in readiness for the season. They The heavy rain of Monday night for the season with a specially ar three cities, whose rolls are below the 1030 equalization, had been consider- plan to return July 2. and Tuesday morning caused a slump ranged program this Friday evening, Steps looking toward the enlarge- ed by the committee when the board in tbe price of berries offered on Hit and at which Congressman John C. ment of the fruit market at Benton The Cottagers' Country Club has en- adjourned Tuesday night. Benton Harbor market on Tuesday, he- Ketcham will be the speaker. The af- Harbor were made al tbe meeting of gaged Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hall, of Or- cause of the berries being covered with fair is being sponsored by tbe llarlford The equalized valuation of the coun- the city commissioners, Monday even- lando, Florida, to take charge of the sand and some of them were of poor Conimeclal Farmers' Club and a six ty was slashed nearly a million dol- ing, when the purchase of an addition- dining room, howling and refresh 1 lars a year ago, and there is consider- ipiality because of tbe hot weather o'clock luncheon will be given at, tin al five acres of land adjoining the mar ments. They will act as host and host- able sentiment on the board in favor of over the week end. Prices ranged from Hartford House preceding the park pro- ket site was authorized. The land will ess at the club. The club will open reducing the total of assessments $1.25 to $1.75 for the better berries gram. be purchased from Friday Bros, at a Saturday, July 4th, with a dinner and $1.00 to $1.25 fo the poorer grade. again this year. cost of about $10,000, to be paid for out dance. of the earnings of tbe fruit market. Tills is a good time to paint and Road Commission Opposes Reduction A very elaborate and impressive Peter Wade, a Bridgman fruit grow redecorate your living room. (Jet your II was also decided to erect a number of new stalls for loading fruit, as the party was given by the Misses Dorothy er, was the lirst to report the theft of decorating supplies at Scott's drug Members of the Berrien County Road Commission are said to oppose 12(5 stalls erected last year have all and Ferne Erlcksou at the Ellinee club his tuck and 127 cases of strawberries. store.—Adv. ROLLER SKATING al Williams Park, house and miniature golf course, when He was held up by live men in Chica- any further reduction in Ibe equalized been rented and there Is a lively de- Paw Paw Lake, Every Afternoon about 200 young people were enter- go, Tuesday morning and robbed of his value of Ibe county, holding tiiat it mand for more. Tbe earnings of tin and Evening. We Teach You to Roller tained on Friday evening. June 19th. entire load. Several thefts of this na- Have your berry tickets printed at would automatically reduce tbe county market from May 17 to June 20, 1031, Skate in a Surprisingly Short Time. The club house was beautifully decor- ture were reported lust year. The Courier office. highway levy, which Is limited to $5.00 amounted to $2,882.50. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH.

selves merrily in a smhll stretcb of Squth American Bird fully there, lookin? after his poultry. RIGHT HAT WITH RIGHT GOWN water. Spraying Potatoes Bank of North America Thing of Rare Beauty It is reported that lie had not un- As Bungary's only considerable Given Odd Prerogative IS IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION The obtaining of six specimens of During August Best dressed for years and had nut lake, the Balaton, would scarcely he There were a few banks during Co- "the most beautiful bird In the world" WORLD washed for 80 years. large enough to harbor four grown lonlnl times, but no commercial banks —the Cock-of-tbe-Rock—In a remote whalps as well as Its yachting so- OUR COMIC SECTION as we know them. One of the ear- Dynamite Center region along the Rrazll-Veneiuelan cieties. It Is presumed that the Grower Will Be Well Repaid WAR liest Is said to have been established Elkhart. Kan., is the dynamite border, has been reported to the Na- whales will be sold, like the baby On July4,7We for Careful Work. In South Carolina in 1680 for the con- center of southwest Kansas because tional Geographic society by Ernest hippopotamus born at London last G. Holt, leader of an expedition YARNS venience of a group of planters. Not of its unique allowance of explosive las* year, before they reach an in- much Is known of this bank and It which has been collecting natural August Is usally the month which within the city limits. Nearby towns convenient size. by Lieut. Frank E. Hagan did not long survive, but William history material for the society in makes or breaks a potato crop and, forbid the unloading of dynamite, Events in the Lives of Little Men therefore, the potato grower will be Paterson, who afterward promoted but this city has no such ban and South America. Photographipg Wills Th« remarkable bird, which has well repaid for careful spraying In the bank of England, is said to have consequently is the basis of opera- n Legal circles are concerned, for this month. In the opinion of Insect He "Faded" 30 Generals investigated it. In 1680 a number of D tion within a large radius. Shipping been seen alive by but few travelers, residents financial reasons, at the recent in- citzens of Boston united to establish is described by Mr. Holt as "a most and plant disease specialists for the His ability with the dice once al- contracts require that the transpor- novation by the government In pho- cnpnY gorgeous creature, orange or flame Ohio State university. lowed a buck private of the American a bank of Issue, in disregard of the tation company remove the product tographing all wills. A supercamepa ROOT LET A colored, with a double crest, and to Whether heavy rains occur in Au- army to triumph over more than thirty British laws. to n safe distance and explode It if and dark room were provided for of his generals. Gypsy Smith, the But largely because there was not my mind the most beautiful bird In gust and September or the drought customers fail to claim it within 48 t&ioo 6IRL the experiment, which is said to the world." Tbe beauty Is concen- continues. It Is equally Important to English evangelist, was a witness to a stable monetary system there was hours,—Indinnapolis News, (lOOV? HIM COT THE have had considerable success In the trated In the male, for in few bird spray, say the specialists. During the Incident wblch establishes Its little banking done in this country [ET A CIPL t>AV United States. The photographs of species Is there h more striking con- normal August weather two troubles truth. prior to the adoption of the Constitu- the wills will be placed on the most sfeiKEW trast between the resplendent cock bother potatoes In Ohio, they say; Smith was an Aqultanla passenger tion in 1787. On July 17. 1780. an In- durable paper, and authorities main- when she sailed from Brest In July, and the very drab and demure fe- one Is the hopperburn disease and stitution called the Pennsylvania bnpk tain will outlive the present copies 1019. So were thirty-two American male. In size the Cock-of-the-Rock the other Is sunscald. They are sim- opened in Philadelphia, supported by provided by lawyers. Is between a robin and crow. ilar In appearance; both start to kill generals, a scattering of women war about a hundred subscribers and in- workers and several thousand soldiers Around their camp at Salto do the leaves at the tip or margin. The tended chiefly to assist in procuring Wings Added to Bicycle and sailors. One night all the offi- Hua. on the BnUtll-Venezueia border. withered portion turns brown, becomes supplies foe. Washington's troops. Feathered wings have been added cers. and as many enlisted men as Mr. Holt's party found monkeys so dry and brltfle and tends to roll. This bank, formed at the instance of to a bicycle by a mechanic In Aus- could afford to leave their dice game, numerous that the meat of the ani- All the food that is stored In the Thomas Paine, continued only about tria. who expects to make great attended tbe regular ship's concert, re- mals was made a regular Item on potato tuber Is manufactured by the a year and a half, after which the speed with tbe device. A tiny gas- sumed after the war. their menu. They also shot curas- leaves, ami when the leaves ripen and special need for it had lapsed. 1 oline motor mounted over the front The British custom of collecting sows or bush turkeys. die pernmturely. or insects and dis- The first modern commercial bank wheel causes the wings to flap by money for the Home for the Widows The Cock-of-the-Rock was found eases cut down the leaf area, the po- In this country was the bank of North means of a rope and pulley arrange- and Orphans of British Seamen was after the camp was moved eastward tato yield is reduced, say the special- America, in which Itobert Morris was ment. The wings have a horizontal adhered to, Gypsy Smith was master a leading figure, and which was or- V/TOUE and more from the Rio Maturnca to the foot- ists. * « as well as vertical motion. The or- of ceremonies. ganized November 1.1781. and opened fashion - consci- hills of the Serra Imeri. a long, tor- Plants that are kept free of leaf- tificinl feathers are declared to be 'This Widows and Orphans Home." ous women appreci- tuous and little-known range of hoppers are not affected with hopper its doors on January 7. 1782. In 1804 weatherproof. the evangelist explained simply to his ate the importance of mountains that extends under vari- burn, and bordeaux mixture spray It entered the national banking sys- Feel 100% Younger huge audience of gold braids and en- tem. In view of Its history and tra- I wearing the right hat ous names to tho frontier of British protects the potatoes from leaf hop- IF YOU feel older than your years—if In the Files listed men, "depends entirely on dona- with the right cos- Guiana, where it culminates In Mount pers In two ways—it acts as a repel- ditions. It alone among national you are "run-down" and unhappy—if Tbe boss eyed the stenographer tions such as yours for its support. hanks was not required to include tume. This season in Roralmas common point In the boun- lent and kills insects that suck the you long for the vitality and enthusiasm with a cold eye. Your generosity will be appreciated, particular with the daries of Venezuela. British Guiana Juice from the copper-treated plant the word "National" in its name. of youth—you can fight weakness and JOHN ADAMS deep In the hearts of those you help." program of dress ver- and Brazil. "Young lady." said he. "that filing THOMAS JEFFERSON Late blight, wblch usually occurs According to Polk's Bankers' Ency- aid Nature by taking Fellows' Syrup. Died July 4,1826 He paused for contributions. clopedih. issue of March. 1931. there satile as It Is, the call cabinet is supposed to he very exact Died July 4,1826 In the fall If the senson Is wet. Is an- It builds up the weakened system by How Is it you can't find what you After some minutes of silence. Smith are 6,994 national banks in the coun- restoring what Natuie demands. The Insistent for a List of Active Members other menace, say the specialists. A t are looking for?" tried again. And once more none of try. 10.049 state and trust companies, result is an immediate improvement in whole wardrobe of good coating of bordeaux mixture appetite, Vou eat better, sleep better, Wide-Brimmed and Lace^Trimmad. in League of Nations "I'm looking for my lunch." the thirty-two generals, none of their and 533 private banks. hats, ranging from as prevents this disease from getting a and feel years younger. The League of Nations now has a staffs, not a doughboy or sailor, con- simple a headpiece as the jaunty roll- bine the suppleness and grace of ft foothold. Sprays, under 300 pounds There is new pleasure in living as your membership of 64 states Here Is the Now It Can Be Told tributed to the fund. Smith flushed, •our-own beret to the chapeau of ut- dainty sheer fabric with the flattering pressure, applied eight or twelve times Ant a Constant Puzzle stamina and strength return. After the roll oi member slates: Albania. Ar- but his poise remained, most formality. depth of color, draping qualities and "Ah tells yuh, Mose. Ah done a season during the growth period of to Students of Nature first few doses of this wonderful tonic gentina. Australia, Austria. . found out de dlffunce 'tween de men "Of course." the evangelist drawled the results will delight vou. Ask your When It conies to the ultra-formal wearabllity which are generally asso- the vines, will give increases of ap- The ant presents an Inexhaustible Bolivia. Bulgaria. Canada. Chile, and de women at las'." In his very British accent. "I cawn't druggist for the genuine Fellows' Syrup. there Is no more eloquent way to "say ciated with heavier silks. proximately 30 or 40 per cent in yield, wealth of delight Should one have China. Colombia. Cuba. Czechoslo- "Say what yuh please. It's dls beg you, you know. So I'll Just say it" than via the bat which Is wide- There is quite a subtle line of dis- Ohio experiments have shown. longed to live In the midst of a vakia. Denmark. Dominican 1 ei ub- way: A nmn'll gib $2 fob a $1 thing 'Goodby,'" brimmed and lace-trimmed. Even tinction drawn between these sheers primitive society, he may literally ICooiniM. :U;1 He. Esthonla. Ethiopia. Finland. The evangelist turned toward the greater heights of formality are which are so smart and so delightfully dat he want, an' a woman'll gib $1 find one In the ponerlne ants of the France. Germany. Great Britain. Inbreeding Is System exit But before he reached It a achieved In the chapeau which is made wearable the year round—cool in sum- foh a ?2 thing dat she don' want" north—dwellers of the damp sun- FELLOWS Greece. Guatemala. Haiti. Honduras. doughboy sprang from his seat A all of lace as Is the exquisite model mer and the kind one "loves to wear" Requiring Much Skill flecked soil of our deep woods, and Hungary. India. Irish Free State, great roil of real American money was shown to the left In the group Illustra- under one's coat when the mercury Sweet Revenge Here is some breeding advice for shunners of light Italy. Japan. Latvia. Liberia. Llthu- clenched In his grimy hand. He The New Step-Papa tion herewith. drops. For instance crepe andante Is, "Did your bees turn out well last breeders of pure bred dairy cattle and They live their lives entirely un- SYRUP THE FEATHERHEADS anla. Luxemburg, Netherlands. New glanced scornfully at the generals and This stunning transparent lace hat In the final analysis, a triple flat chif- year?" with an application to those farmers der ground, writes C, Parker Hask- Zealand. Nicaragua. Norway. Pana- the remainder of the audience. FANNViS MOT^Q MAQQlEPf- is being worn with a handsome black fon. while crepe cantata, as it is called,' "Well, they didn't produce much who use the same bull, year after ins in Nature Magazine of Washing- TOOMPLfc uvcki-- ma. Paraguay. Persia. Peru. Po^an!, "Here's somethin' to start the bail Bagpipes Help Launching OU BOY |~ IS TOAT A LAUGH ?i 'supper gown." It Is also the sort one is a triple crepe of the georgette type. honey, but they stung a couple of y^ar. breeding him to his daughters ton. save for the flying queens and step-wapa/. Portugal. Rumania. CI Salvador. rolling." piped the "buck." And he UAVl-HAWUAW!! FANNYS loves to wear with most any of one's Each bespeaks a trend to thick yet duns that had been pestering me."— and granddauRhters. It is from V. males. They may be seen iu midsum- Two kilted Scots loudly played Slam. South Africa. Spain, Sweden, tossed 1500 carelessly to the floor of prettiest summery garden-party frocks. sheer weaves with a mat surface. Boston Transcript A. Rice, author of "Breeding and Im- mer cautiously warming their young bagpipes to give a Scottish at- Switzerland, Uruguay. Venezuela and the stage. Then he turned and strode The adorable bonnet-effect which They are designed for soft suits, provement of Farm Animals." He under the coolest and dampest of mosphere at the launching in Dum- Jugoslavia. swiftly away, Intent on resuming the tops a most lovely gown of gay-flow- blouses, afternoon and evening frocks. Gallant writes: "Inbreeding is a system that stones. While the larvae lie neg- barton. Scotland, of the gayly be- The nations not in the league are dice game In which he was already ered chilton in the picture is of supple A summer costume from the show- Pretty Girl—I want to try on some should be practiced only by the better lected in the brood chamber, the fingged motor vessel Lochfyne. Lady these: Afghanistan Brazil. Costa heavy winner. light-as-a-feather straw. It has a bow ings of a Paris couturier Is Illus- shoes If It Isn't too much trouble. class of breeders who are able to queens work as do the workers, for Stamp christened the vessel, and the Rica. Ecuador. Eg.vpi. the Hedjaz • • • of light blue velvet ribbon at one side trated In the picture herewith. Crepe Polite Man Clerk — Certainly, discern weaknesses and who know the the colonies may number but ten or pipers played "The Road to the and Nejd. Mexico. Soviet Russia, (U. to match the blue in the print of her cantata, described above as a triple ma'am; no trouble at all; I only Inherent weaknesses of their animals Deliverance Day a dozen individuals ail told. The Isles" as It slid down to the water. S. S. R.). Turkey and the United frock. The beautiful lace border flat chiffon, develops this suit. The wish you were a centipede. through a thorough knowledge of the For four long years to Dellveranre members flght among themselves Stotes of America. which encircles the brim Is arranged coat is of double fabric, In that it Is Individual's ancestry. Moreover, it day. September 13. 1918. the Cure- for the spoil scattered half dissected Tit for Tat Ready to Break Doyen of St Mlhlel refused to seek on the floor, as the first humans Mrs. Nagger—It was a comedown with consummate art with a view to lined with self-material which makes JAMES A. GARFIELD should be practiced by breeders who framing the face In a flattering way. it very practical. The original model Find Builders' Secrets JAME5 MONROE. ^ will season their inbreeding operations the shelter of a cellar when Allied fought in the early day of man's ex- for me when I marled you. "The success of a review depends LQ4 Stricken bij an assassin^ Juli^ 4,1881 It is through a handsome veil that is In brown, for as every fashion-wise in Cupola of Pantheon on the costumes." Died July 4,1831 by a very rigid selection, by a very shells dropped Into his occupied city istence. Mr. Nagger—Yeah; everybody said the last hat In the group attests to the woman knows brown is consider one Architects who have been repair- "Yes. It hangs by a thread."—Hu- ruthless weeding out of undesirables. Instead, the plump, genial little man The ant offers a wealth of socio- I took you off the shelf.--Pathfinder enchantment of lace. Smart Tarl- of the way-up modish colors for sum- ing the cupola of the Pantheon, morist ence it was! Some of Adams' letters Used In this way, Inbreeding is the whom many American soldiers met logical, ethnological and biological Magazine. ELMO 8COTT WATSON problems. What Is the tie which slennes are showing the greatest en- mer. The blouse Is a lovely fresh which with tbe Colosseum Is the to Jefferson run to 3,000 and even most valuable system of breeding sat smilingly and even joyfully as Ger- T WAS the Fourth of July, binds the advanced ant guest or pet thusiasm for veils this season, wear- green worked with white, for most most important of Rome's monu- 4,000 words and to these Jefferson re- a breeder can use. It Is, nowever, a man officers who were billeted In St. 1826. In Qulncy, Mass.. an- sponded In kind. One of the most —a vicious parasite In attractive ing them more as an added trimming every smart costume has a touch of ments. claim they have discovered EVERY OUTDOOR two-edged sword. It also has the Mlhlel scurried for cover. They were cestral home of the Adams touching of them all Is Jefferson's garb—to Its host and enables It to than an item of utility. Though you white about It this season. The sep- the secret of the building methods GIRL NEEDS greatest likelihood of harm. If out- welcome missiles, these Allied shells, flies family, John Adams, second last letter to his colleague. Deplor- exploit every instinct of Its bene- of the ancient Romans in flinging crossing Is the safest system, inbreed- to the little priest President of the United ing the interruption but asking per- fnctor, while destroying the very the vast arches of the dome up from ing is certainly the most dangerous, He broke his four-year habit of WELL-THAT TAKES A LOAD LET ME PRESEMT MYSELF, States, lay dying. From mission for bis grandson. Thomas brood of Its host'/ tho already high building on which not because of anything inherent in scorning the dangers of shell fire only opp mind/- i was twinkin FEUX.MYBOYt-lM YOUQ. . Washington. D. C., John Randolph, to pay bis respects to What Is the marvelous Instinct carry It rests. The discoveries are of ex- the system but because of the In- when the city wns delivered and the TME OL* GlQL VOAS GE.TTIN QlP£ MOTHED IKI-LAWS MEVA) HUBBV.' Quincy Adams, sixtei President of the Adams on a visit to Boston he said: whereby a parasitic young queen treme importance from a technical heritance Involved." Germans who had withdrawn sent SETTLE ON 05 ! United States was hurrying—if that Like other young people he wishes may persuade the workers of the U£U HEM-AKn JUST WON- point of view, it is said, for Michel- back their planes to bomb the houses. DERED IP I COULD TOOCU MMJ word can be applied to the laborious to be able In the winter nights of old host species to assassinate their own typhoid angelo himself, who built the dome Many stories are related of the cure's Foa A HUNDRED TiL NEVT progress of a stage coach over the in- I age to recount to those around him Sweet Clover Superior queen In her favor? At what time— of Saint Peter's, admitted that he conduct during the trying four years. adequate highways of that day—to what he has heard and learnt of the certainly In preollgocene years—did FQlDAY?/ , t was baffled by the dome of the Pasture in Corn Belt In his study he maintained a collec- his father's bedside. About noon the heroic age preceding his birth, and the true ant first spilt from the stock s Pantheon, und previous to Michel- Do you love Summer sports? If Bluegrass. which forms the bulk of tion of shell and shell fragments which \ dying man opened his eyes at the which of the Argonauts individually of Its mysterious, subterranean angelo. Brunsellesclm builder of the you do—take this beauty hint Be- our pasture. Is a plant which makes had barely missed him. "Little kill them sound of ringing bells and booming he was In time to have seen. ... It wasplike ancestor? How did the ant dome of the Florence cathedral, fore going outdoors always smooth little growth during the hot. dry sea- souvenirs of Providence," he called cannon which drifted Into the open was the lot of our earty years to wit- first come to America, supposing It on your skin Plough's Peroxide son of summer. For this reason it them. made careful measurements and (Vanishing) Cream. This dainty window. Mrs. Clark, his daughter-in- ness nothing but the dull monotony to have originated to the eastward? quick! studies of tbe Pontheon dome In has failed to produce profitably In He was suspected by the enemy cream assures perfect protection law, bent over him and In answer to of a colonial subservience; and of our much of the corn belt country. Blue- throughout the period of occupancy. I preparation for h\s Florence labors, from sun and wind, prevents im- Ibe unspoken Inquiry in his eyes re- riper years to breast the perils and Star for Every State purities from entering the pores and grass thrives best during the cool, His quarters and his papers were but was never able to solve the m.v^- minded him that it was the Fourth of labors of working out of It Theirs SfW holds face powder on for hours with moist weather and this condition does searched countless times for evidence in Flag of the Union tery of how the old Roman arcid- ly, the fiftieth anniversary of Amer- are the halcyon calms succeeding the natural beauty. not exist except In a few limited sec- but wifh definite results upon only one Since the admission of New Mex- tects worked. n independence. "It Is a great day" storm which our Argosy had so stoutly K tions. Bluegrass on hundred-dollar- occasion. This wns when two French ico and Arizona into the Union In To banish skin congestion (dirt- lie said, "it is a good-day." weathered. Gratify his ambition then, per-acre land is questionable In any military bicycles, abandoned In 1014, 1912, our flag has borne 48 stars. Cylinder Made Air Pump clogged pores) use Plough's Cleans- About one o'clock in the afternoon by receiving his best bow. . . . ing Cream. It removes deep-set dirt section of the corn belt and sweet were found secreted on church prop- With the addition of two more stars A new device that can be screwed ke spoke again. "Thomas Jefferson And so they continued to the end. and other impurities and brings to clover Is proving a much superior pos- erty. At the same time church decora- for these two states. It was neces- Into the spark plug hole of one of Bom JulH 4,1872 these fine old stalwarts. Jefferson at your skin clear, fresh beauty. ( gurvives" he said, but the last word sary to rearrange the position of all (D WMtira NiWip»p«r Onion the auto's cylinders turns that cyl- ture plant In this region. Sweet clover tions, wantonly defaced, were recov- Was indistinctly and Imperfectly ut- the age of eighty-three and Adams at stars In the flag. In that year Presi- inder Into an air pump that will pro- To keep your skin young, replace consist, and minutes made of them. grows during hot, dry weather, as Its ered hy the cure from refuse dumps tered. After that he spoke no more. the age of ninety-one. which came to dent Taft issued an Executive order FLIT its natural oils with Plough's Cold The committee then appointed Mr. Jef- roots are deep. It Is a splendid plant and replaced In his church. He LvfCft Seller In 121 Coantriet duce two and a half cubic,feet of He could not know that at the very them within an hour of each other on providing for the specific arrange- Creaffl. It erases wrinkles and re- ferson and me to draw them up in to feed with corn or cane silage, and promptly wrote upon them an Indict- free air per minute. This much air moment when he was saying "Thomas that Independence day one hundred ment of the stars In tho flag, and Axents. 11.35 itarU butlneaa maklnx !(• M stores youthful beauty. form, and clothe them in proper dress. dairy cattle thus supplied will pro- ment cf "vandals." weekly. New Idea, no competition, •very FINNEY OF THE FORCE Harvey's "Detecative Was Wanted Is sufficient to spray oil paint, germi- Jefferson survives." the sage of Monti- and fifty-five years ago. also designating one for each state. merchant a proaoect. Send M.O. for equip- Each of PlouRh'i Peroxide. Cleantlnff The subcommittee met, and consid- duce well and with great economy. For this offense the Cure-Doyen was ment. returnable It not iatliflad. Pr««» cide, Insecticide, and liquids, says and C«ld Ore ami U economically pneed cello was breathing bis last In far off Five years later. It was the Fourth Beginning at the npper left corner "WAT DETECATWC <3AVi£ ME ered the minutes, making such obser- taken across the frontier to Brley for Novelties.Inc..1529 Milwaukee Ave.,Chlc««o, HE SAYS IFMDODDNT .f Populor Science Monthly. at 23c, 33c and 30o. ... Virginia. For it Is one of the most of July, 1831. Again the bells were and following each row from left to A DOLL AO. AN' SAID Tb LOOK AQOU^ vations on them as then occurred, Internment But the; kept him there SEE ANYONE - WHISTLE | • On the down stroke of the piston Interesting coincidences In American pealing and the cannon booming. But right, the stars represent the states EXCHANGK Chlcaco Inc. propertlaa for HEQE-"WATb FUNNYf -"W'S IS when Mr. Jefferson desired me to take only two and one-half months until, Improved farms by Owner. In the cylinder to which the device history that on the fiftieth anniver- In New York city they were suddenly in the order In which they ratified EDWIN E. WESTBRGREN WELL.HEQE GOES •••• them to my lodgings, and make the still calm and genial, he was returned mS3 Wallace St, - • - Chlcaxo. I1L WHEUE I FOUND TWAT PJSTOL!!- is fitted, the piston sucks in outside sary of the Declaraiion of Inde- stilled for James Monroe, fifth Presi- the Constitution (for the first 13 draft. This I declined, and gave sev- farrnHvol/ to St Mlhlel and the flock he had air through a spring-operated valve. pendence Its last surviving drafters dent of the United States, lay dead In nn.wr, JT mtiltniTlTin slates) or were admitted to the eral reasons for doing so: urged to wait patiently for the far-off Our |5 Offer Is $10 Value On the^ip stroke, this valve closes and signers passed from the scene of his home on Prince street, far from "1. That he was a Virginian, and Why not build a silo? day of fretdom. Union. On# dosen ribbons for any modern type- and another opens, allowing the air BEAUTY CREAMS their labors in behalf of the republic the scenes of his youth in the hills of Here Is the pattern of the star writer. 100 sheets standard welxbt car- I a Massachusettenlan. 2. That he • e • • • • bon. Half Krosa rubber tipped pencils. to flow Into a storage tank or into forever—together I old Virginia, and far from his be- field, with the name of the state sub- Mention machine and color, tl with or«1er, was a southern man, and I a northern The cowpea Is always a good hay pav ooetman M and postal charKe8.C the pipe leading to the spray equip- The death of these two men on the loved home "Ash Lawn" near Char- "Made in Germany" stituted for each star: one. 3. That I had been so obnoxious crop. A Ribbon Co.. Harrison. New York. ment If more olr Is needed than TOURIST ROOMS WANTED | day which they helped make famous lottesville. It was from the Univer- Records of the United States ma- First row—Delaware, Pennsyl- A NATION-WIDE ORGANIZATION for my early and constant zeal In pro- can he obtained from one cylinder also ended a most unusual friendship sity of Virginia there that he had rine recruiting service show that It vania, New , Georgia. Con- FimlllM having twe tr mar* roeai anil* , moting the measure, that every draft The hens will pay well for some kind PARKER'S in this way, two of the devices can able, can rtallie kandioaie Ineeae. Roem and a famous correspondence. This marched away as rf young lieutenant was necessary to reject a soldier with necticut Massncbusetts, Maryland, HAIR BALSAM •uit be nedeMty deaa aad subject to Impee- of mine would undergo a more severe of green feed throug|>oot the entire he used at the same time so as to tlon at Hi timet. A itrictljr hlih-eUw serrlee friendship and this correspondence is to win the approval of his fellow Vir- a glass eye who volunteered for en- Sonth Carolina. IRWfM DaBdraff-Stopa Hair Sal scrutiny and criticism In congress than year. Impart* Color and Charming Summer Costume for dlMrialnatlng teurtrti In tbe bettor dau ginian. George Washington, on revo- listment in the corps at Louisville, Second row—New Hampshire, Vlr- double the output It Is designed to henei. Give detalli with aidrete. also one of the unique and most hu- one of bis composition. 4. And last- e e • B«*»ty toGrajHa* P.O. BOX 14, GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAII | lutionary battle fields. And when at Ky. ginla. New York. North Carolina, w»oo»moo»ooM In reality a "trick" hat. That Is, the produced to me his draft." on quite acid soils lacking in lime. aoo. HaJaof miNI; There would be lots of wear in blood tests, and discovered the germ "Get it a job In a bank." failed to make good that document. In debt to sell It and make his home at an eye would prevent us from accept- California. Minnesota, THATS A GOOD brim can be snapped on or taken off to When the Revolution ended success- • • • no'tipUlortlpeMr: PUT £M UP.DAVCY 1 - Y^^yr, either a black or navy suit fashioned that was causlnw the trouble -to be their becoming unsuccessful rebels last In New York city. ing you and also keep you from being Fifth row—Oregon. Kansas. West will not aoll or laim \sf BOV I •• Yt'CiE A GOOD achieve a brlmless effect. These fully, and the Republic was estab- aaythlar HAD Tb LOOK FEQ YEQ./ ^t\2DJIY- like the one pictured and In white it discredited by the army authorities, and perhaps ending their careers on Fifty years later. It was the Fourth There are more than 000.000 species drafted?" the marine sergeant asked Virginia, Nevada. Nebraska. Colo- kvS I DETECTIVE - RUN "snappy" hats are quite the thing In Heard at a Party lished, they became political enemies GAT, EH ? WEii.HEQE (T ^t-SbuSo'It would prove a veritable treasure, the but be was right though, as ten years the gallows. The choice of drafting of July. 1881. In a darkened room In of Insects known to science, and an the applicant rado, North Dakota. Sonth Dakota. KILLU fromy 1 "Separated, have they? And It —Adams the Federalist and Jefferson HAROLD SOMERS. BROOKLYN, N. Y. / ALOWG-/- QO\CK_W IS AN' IT'LL SEND YEZToVroiSPIT TO US/ Paris. The hat illustrated is a navy sort that always answers the "what to later the war office admitted. Now that document lay between them, and the White House James A. Garfield. amateur gardener often feels that at "Sure 1 did. At least I thought It Sixth row—Montana. Washington, was a case of love at first sight" the Republican. In the Presidential THE CHAIQ! blue panamalac straw with white flow- wear" question. The white coat would he Is aged ninety-five, deaf and bed- Adams. In his autobiography, gives the President of the United States, lay least half of them are camping out in might," replied Gary. "But you see, Idaho. Wyoming. Utah. Oklahoma. "Which 1 have noticed, my dear, campaign to select a successor to W, N, U„ CHICAGO. NO. 26-1931. »r petals on the bandeau. serve beautifully as a summer wrap ridden, living in obscurity at Ban- following reasons why Jefferson wns stricken by the bullet of an assassin. his backyard. this glass eye is the only part of me New Mexico. Arizona, often ends in dlvo-cc a' first slight*' Washington, Adams came out victo- Hats made of heavy •starched "chalk- to wear over lingerie frocks. gor. In Wales. In recognition of his chosen for that work. Two days previously on July 2 while « • • that was made in Germany and I rious only to be swept aside by the Too Experienced white" lace are among the handsom- invaluable work he has just been he was standing in the Baltimore and wanted to take it back there!" Fifty Years Unwashed One of the gratifying features about On the Mova "Mr. Jefferson had been now about people in favor of Jefferson four years Go over the budding currant bushes est novelties brought out this season. given the freedom o' the city. Potomac railroad station. Charles J. They advised him to mail the eye to A well-known Norfolk hermit Ed- Doctor—For your insomnia I will these heavy sheers is that they admit "Did you read the story that a year a member of congress, but had later. In 1812 through the entreaty of with a copious shower of nicotine so- Not only are they charming for brides- Guiteau. a disappointed office seeker win Ernest Colman. aged seventy- give you medicine that will make of such perfect tailoring. This with servant girl wrote?" "No, but I Imag- attended his duty In the house a very their mutual friend, Benjamin Rush inllon. Currant bushes are the great Germany, maids' wear but with the summer girl's Baby Whales Hatched whose diseased brain wns responsible ((t). 1931. Western Newspaper Union.) eight was found dead at Gissing, you sleep like a baby. the fact that there Is almost no wear ine it's full of new sltaatlons." small part of the time, and when of Philadelphia, a correspondence be- est nurse plants for aphis, which will lingerie frocks they are lovely. For the first time, writes a corre- for his terrible act, had shot down the near Diss (England), with n bruise Patient—If you mean like our out to them makes crepes of this there had never spoken In public. Dur- gan between them In which their warm speedily go to everything in the gar Insets of stiffened white lace are spondent of the London Sunday Ob- President For several weeks Gar- on the head. He was turned out of baby I would rather not take the type an especially advisable Invest- ing the whole time I snt with him In mutual esteem was evident. den. "Times That Try Men's Souls" also Introduced In many a wide straw server, the Budapest zoo has been We're All Saleamaa field lingered between life and death medicine.—Chicago Daily News. ment. By the way had you heard that congress. I never heard him uttor In this correspondence they unbur- e • e The author of this expressb n was two homes and an effort was made brim. Also sheer white hair body hats successful In hatching whales' eggs All of us are continually trying to until it was thought best to move him to evict him from a shed in which the smartest costume slips are made three sentences together. dened their hearts and minds to each F'or the home garden it is desirable Thomas Paine. During the Revolu- are elaborated with motifs of lace. In an Incubator. The four baby fish sell something—usua!ly ourselves.— to Elberon. Long Branch, N. J., where he took refuge. As the result of a No Practice of taffeta these days? Be sure to "It will naturally be inquired how it other. Both hud the highest offices to make successful seedings of snap tionary war. soon after tho British Heavy Sheer Crepe. which appeared are disporting them- American Magazine. It was felt, that he might regain public petition, however, he was al- ficrt—How was tl^e new boy acquire one of the new taffeta slips in happened that he was appointed on their countrymen could give them; beans, inasmuch as it is certainly im captured Philadelphia, and when the Every wise wardrobe will have at strength more rapidly. At lirst the lowed to remain. A whist drive was friend you dated with last night? matching color for worn with the en- a committee of such importance. both had lived long and full lives dur- possible for one planfing to continue cause of independence wns shrouded least one dress of a heavy sheer change seemed to benefit the Presi- Myrtle—Slow nnd awkward. 1 semble of heavy sheer crepes it will There were more reasons than one. ing which they had known the great to produce beans during the entire in gloom. Paine, who was a spirited held, nnd with the proceeds and do- crepe. There are handsome weaves to ^ Qua I it if Guaranteed dent but Ids strength had been so nations Column's shed was remod- think ho learned his necking by add greatly to Its swank. Mr. Jefferson had the reputation of a men of their time and had labored frost-free season. champion of Independence, wrote in be had which those who dote on good 78yrdrs sapped by tbe prolonged illness that eled nnd bo had since lived peace- mail. © Western Newipaper Dnlon CHERIE NICHOLAS. masterly pen; he had been chosen a mightily In laying the foundation of • • • "Tiie American Crisis." "These are material will appreciate. These com- 'THE Monarch Lion's the end came at last on September ((c). 1931. Western Newspaper Union.) * Head Trade Mark on Pcat< delegate In Virginia in consequence a great nation; both had read widely times that try men's souls." 19. 1881. If chickens were bothered with bird Corn, Tomatoe* and all other of a very handsome public paper which and thought deeply on religion, on But July 4 has not always been a pox last winter a repel ition of pox At Every Point of the Compass SELF-MADE MAN heavens sake, George, do yon mean to was after the Job, "let me tell yoa canned vegetables it tour guar- he had written for the House of Bur- politics and on the meaning of life; next winter may be avoided by having Age of Change Timely Hints About Seasonable Fashions both bad no further worldly ambition day of deaths for Presidents. On say you have the job finished?" Just what I want. The man I engage antee that you are buying the best gesses, which had given him the char- tiie young stock vaccinated this sum- Tills is a restless age. Change Is Cuticara Preparalluns money can buy. acter of a very fine writer. Another to gratify; both had retired to private July 4.1872 there wns born In a farm- must bo strong, straight In every way The features colors are pale yel- Dresses adopt circular cuts, some- mer. The work should be done durln the only permanent thing. Nobody Is Modern Pbiloiophy reason was, that Mr. Richard Henry life and so they opened freely the bonse near Plymouth, Vermont, a boy Await Your Approval sharp, tough as steel, and—" times In quarter sections. the month of Ansust, or when the content tomorrow with what he has lowy green and pale yellowy beige. Your independent retail Lee was not beloved by the most of great .riches stored In their heiirts and destined for occupancy of the White THE Soap, pure and fraprant. used daily, He—"I don't know if I can afford "Ah, madam," said the man, "It's a merchant will add his guarantee young stock is about half grown. today. Nothing one did yesterday is The latter Is often combined with The Chantal collection, character- his colleagues from Virginia, and Mr. minds to each other. They never saw House. Calvin Coolldge was his name. cleanses and purifies, the Olnlment, a honeymoon now." screwdriver you want, not a motor izes by distinguished looking sports to that oi Reid, Murdoch & Co. • • • good enough for today,—Collier's brown. Jefferson was sent up to rival- and each other again, but through these antiseptic and nealin;!, removes pimples or She—Nonsense! If you could af- driver." The best time to seed alfalfa In tho Weekly. rashes^ the Talouni, pure and smootb, Fabrics Include slnelllc used In dark and town clothes featuring youthful Supplant him. This could be done only years the contact established by this Began Religious Freedom ford a divorce last month you can If you paid a dollar a is ideal after bathing and shaving. colors, and a heavy novelty silk re- lines, concentrates interest on colors dn you couldn't buy better canned by the pen, for Mr. Jefferson could correspondence and tbe stimulation The first attempt to grant and try fail or late summer will vary with afford a moneymoon tids month." No Help Needed and fabrics. seasonal conditions, but in general the The now Cullcurn Shaving sembling a woolen construction. In iooda. stand no competition with him, or which each received from the keen out religious freedom may be credited Early Use of Butter Tourist—And how Is pollcc protec- addition, there are fancy silk piques Townwear fashions are nearly all crop should be seeded as soon after the Cream gives a rich, creamy lather that anyone else, in elocution and public mind and the wide Interest of the to Constantine in tiie edict of Milan, For centuries butter never was used remains moist throughout the shave. Hard to Find tion hero? for culotte tennis dresses; Rodier's black, fostering dull woolens for middle of August, as there Is sufficient debate. other bound them more closely to- 313 A. D. Tills edict grunted "both to when freshly made. It was used to Soap 2Sc. Ointment 2Sc. end SOe. Ttlcum 23c. Sbarli* A woman noted for her meanness dresses and suits. One of the latter llural Copper—We don't need none. hopsacklng called kasamoussa; a MONARCHI "The committee had several meet- gether than they had ever been In the the Christians and to ail others free moisture to insure a good germination flavor and enrich cooked fooda Cream 35e. froprielor.: Potter Uru* & tberaieal lie—"They can say wliai they wnnt, was engaging a chauffeur. I s officers is able to take keer of our- sergelike cashmere, and novelty woolen has a white georgette blouse embroid- of the seed and early growth of the CorporaUoo. Maiden. HSSS. Soper-Qua/itg FOODS | ings, in which were proposed the ar- epoch days of '70. . power of following whatever religion Greeks nnd Romans used butter as • Try the new Colienra Shaving Oeem. l.u a self-made pinn-" She—"For "Now," she said to the man who selves, by gosh I ered In red and black wool. Jersey. ticles of which the Declaration was to And what an amazing correspond- each may have preferred." slants. remedy for skin injuries. JUNE 26,1931. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. PAGE FIVI PAGE FOUR THE COLOMA COUftlER, COLOMA, MICH. JUNE 26.1931. Habit Ringing It Up "Middle" Story Poise The Ejotitt Sdentlfts who say the North pole Modeled on Stars and Stripes A Westlnghouse scientist says one Mezzanine means a story of dimin- "A friend tells me 1 lack poise, but An etrotlst is a husband who thinks Ice Is melting, though there's no Tito flag of Liberia is ideutical with CHURCH ANNOUNCWNIS i WJEpf ALL NATIONS noise can be used to silonre another, ished height Introduced between two seems unable to explain what polso If his wife had It to do over again, teiTCoity Weddings change In the ocean, never forgot to ours, except for the fact that It has Tbe little bell on the cash register, higher stories. It Is derived from Is," It Is keeping level-headed In ail knowing him as she does now. she'd CAP empty the drip pan.—San Francisco a single star upon Its field, IQ fcct. for Instance, stops the sound of moan- "mezro," an Italian word meaning kinds of situations that arise unexpec- still Jump at the chance to marry him, our flag was taken as a model for First Community Church " APPEAL 10 Mil EYE Chronicle, ing.—l.os Angeles Times. middle tedly.—Exchnnce. —Cincinnati Emptlrer. theirs. MLSS UNA Ml Til AND HAROLD June is the Month ot Roses and Every Rev. John Balfour, Pastor. Sunday. June 28—Church school at WESCOTT MARRIED IN SO. BEND AND BELL PHONE 63. 10 a. m. A place for everyone. Preach- Tills Great Picture and Bobby Jones to ing service at 11 a. m. Special music Bush is Full o/ Bloom --- You'll find und sermon by the pastor. A cordial Coloma, Berrien Co., Michigan Be Seen at the Liberty, Starting Next Bride Has Been Employed as Book welcome awaits you. BELLS F. W. COCHRUN Sunday Keeper for Coloma Hardware Co Our Store as Full of Bargains as Your Methodist Episcopal Churrh A pretty girl Is n pretty girl and a Miss Una Mutb. daughter of Mr. and Friday, June 26, 1931 shapely limb has an ap|>eal to the mas- Mrs. John Mutb of South Watervliet. Rev. E. 11. Babbitt, Pastor. culine eye, no matter where tbe locale aud Harold Wescott of Hartford were Garden is of Roses . • • • • 90 Church school—T-IU a. m. (EIIUTIMI ITS -foonil olM* inaii«r »t the may be. And Director Racul Walsh united iu marriage in South Bend, j HIS UNHONORED DUST All music lovers are particularly DOHtoffiie ill Colom». MU-higau. under proves this In his Fox production, Ind.. on June 10, 103L Tbe bride grad- ibe'AtHof Msrcb8. l*7».) urged to attend tbe worship service at "Women of All Nations," which depicts uated from the Coloma high school A welcome caller, after many kind 7:30 Sunday evening when we will tbe adventures of "Flagg" aud "yulrt," with the class of 1025 nnd for tbe past receptions, plucked up his courage spend an hour with Fanny Crosby and the tight ing und loving leathernecks as IN THE HIVOKCK COURTS live years has been employed as I took and asked his hostess why a beautiful her hymns. All the hymns sung by the Itortrayed by Victor McLagmen and Ed- keeper for the Coloma Hardware Co.. congregation as well as the special urn In the living room was always niund Lowe, and which opens next Sun- where she has made many friends. The uyudc by the choir and soloists will 1k> covered over. day at the Liberty Theatre. groom graduated from the Hartford Mrs. V.-sia S. [.••dfonl. wife of Rev. ibe compositions of Fanny Crosby. In- "Oh, It contains my husband's m Living tip to the title Walsh has In- high school In lU'-'o und Is employed by { Rapp and Prideaux Wesley K. I Gilford, former po«tor of cluded In the service will Ite the very ashes," wns the response. troduced beauties of all nations—Span- the Standard Oil Co., at Hartford, tin- Mellimlist ••luirch of St. Joseph, has interesting story of the life and work "So sorry," replied the guest, "but ish. Latins. Americans, Swedes. Daucs, when* the couple will reside. The many j Good Dry Goods for the people of Berrien County for 31 years be unmled a dlvoree from her hU8 of this talented woman. I bad uo Idea you were a widow." not to mention the Turkish and Arab- friends of the young couple In Coloma. | bnm: on u c harge of cruelty. They were Dorothy Stark Is our delegate to the ian charmers. These beauties, which Hartford and Watervliet are cxtendln "I'm not. My husband Is Just too married in I'.HJ and have live childreu. Epworth league Institute at Albion numlier more than l.'iO, offer a fertile them their congratulations. stingy to buy ash trays."—Argonaut. Mrs. Itessie Lehrke. Mies, who was College this week. At the League meet- ticld for the dame chasing proclivities 'Mr natiUHl defendant in a $10.»KK) alien- ing next Sunday evening she will give of "Flagg" and "Quirt," and even El PLACE FOR BRIDGE ations of affeetion suit tiled by Mrs. her report of the Institute. Every mem- Brendel in his famous character role, Greening-ltonikt* Dorothy Welter recently, was also ber of the League will want to hear ••nlsen." the Swedish Marine llnds his named defendant in a hill for divorw Miss Elsie Bomke. daughter of Mr. Benton Harbor Is a Good Town 11 this report. heart going hay-wire. 'oc lih-d hy her hnslmnd. August F. Lehrke. Mrs. A. P. Knlebes Is tbe member of The feminine end of the cast, which and Mrs. otto Bomke of Benlon Har- 'i The n>nple was married Deeember 7. I'or. and Elmer Grenlng. son of Mr. und i the flower committee for next Sunday. lucludes Fill Dorsay. Marjorle White We Like It!! \L, 3HSK». They have no children. Mr. Dr. R. E. Mender, superintendent of and Joyce Compton. is beaded by that Mrs. John Greening of Berrien Springs, i Lehrke rhar«es enielty and says his tbe Kalamazoo IHstrlct, will conduct Itcautlful Nordic blonde, Greta Nlsseu, were married at Trinity Lutheran wife has lost all interest In their home. the fourth quarterly conference at Wa- the most Itcautlful fair balrcd girl on church in St. Joseph, Saturday. Junej Mrs. Lucy Smith. Watervliet tiled tervliet on Friday evening. July .'Ird. the screen today. 21), 1031, Rev, Louis Nenchterleln ofllcl- PRINTED CREPES in a very good assortment suit against her husband, Wm. Smith, At this time the annual reports of the In this story, which Is the follow up atlng in the presence of a large number charging extreme and repeated cruelty. 10^ ^ work of tbe churches will be given. to • The Cock Eyed World," "Flagg," of relatives and friends. A wedding I They were married March ."iO. If-'o, and of small and medium designs in either dark or "Oulrt" and "Oisen" visit Nicaragnu, supper was served to 150 guests at the have one small child. The bill charges Brooklyn, the Scandinavian countries home of the bride's parents. The young that the defendant beat her and threat- light ground work—A special mill purchase makes Salem Lutheran Churrh nnd Turkey, and the girls In every port couple will reside iu St. Joseph. i ened to kill her. An injunction re prove more charming than in the prev- ^training Smith from molesting bis W. 11. Franzmann, Pastor. possible this remarkable 00/* ious ones. i wife was signed by Judge t'harles E. Sunday, June 21—Sunday school at Abraham-Pschlgoda White. ii ilTi a. m. English service at 10:4)0 Bobby Jones Added Attraction Price, yard Mrs. Homde llaltom, Benton Harlxir. o'clock and German service at II MM) a. The First Baptist church In St. Jo- tiled suit against her husband, John m. Tbe theme of the pastor's discourse The third Installment of tbe Bobby seph was the scene of a wedding Satur- llaltimi. on grounds of desertion. The will be "A Christian's Duty to Refrain Jones series, In which he shows bow day. June 20, 15)31. when Miss Elsie bill states that they were married From Uncharitably Judging and Con- to correctly manipulate the niblick, us Pschigoda. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FLAT CREPE—A splendid quality, good "They say auction bridge Is respon April 4. irtLl), have two children and demning Others." The text. Luke 0 an added atlractiou, will continue un- Ferdinand Pschigoda of St. Joseph, Ite- alble for n lot of nervous breakdowns.' came the bride of Edward Abraham of that the hnslmnd deserted her on 42, contains this message: "Judge not, til twelve Installments have been weight and finish in the following colors, Peach "I know It. It won't be long before A SALE W!TH St. Joseph. After a wedding trip to the A SALE March TJ. I'.rJU. It also stated that he and ye shall not be Judged." Does this shown. bloom. White, Eggshell, Flesh, Ooblin Blue, we'll have to go to an asylum for n mean that we are to refrain from all Dells of Wisconsin, the couple will re- is serviiiK a three year prison term for really good game." A REASON shooting a police officer in Couucil Judging? Does this mean that we darn side in Benton Harbor, Nile, Pandoca, Orchid, Sand and Black. A ItlntTs, Iowa. not brand certain teachings of men as splendid crepe for frocks or underwear. 99c Cottljr Interrogative THAT IS A Judge White granted a divorce de- errors, even though It Is quite apparent RIGHT SPRAYS HELP NOT JUST AN The man who aald that: "Talk In cree to JiK-ob Andrew Baker. Niles. that they are Just that? Many answer A very special value at, yd. QUAIJTY OF MELONS Bender-Wilson cheap," from Frances Ann Baker, on charges of "Yes" to this question. Whatever your We very much Incline EXCUSE SALE desertion. Baker was represented by answer is. you should be anxious to Rev. L. H. Nixon, pastor of the Meth- To Ihtnk ne'er aald with ardor deep. GILMORE BROS. Attorney Harvey Hollbrcck. lind out whether It agrees with the odist church of St. Joseph, officiated "Darling:, will you bo miner* WEST MAIN AT COLFAX BENTON HARBOR, MICH. word of God. We will let tbe Bible at tbe marriage on Sunday, June 21. PRINTED RAYON CREPES-Sold in Clifford J. Ilysell of Benton township Diseases and lasects Take Toll From charges that be married Mrs. Leone M. shed Its full light on this question next 1031. of Miss Faith Wilson, daughter Doing Well Hysell in 1!MIS and that she deserted Sunday. "A changeless Christ for a liiprotecled Yinm In Michigan Gar- of Mr. ami Mrs. Don S. Wilson of St. a regular way at $1.19 yard. Several Mrs. Flop—They tell me your daugh- him in UfJo and that he ba.s not seen " hanging world." Joseph, aud Arthur Bender of Stevens- ter Isn't doing so well In tbe movies her since that time and Is therefore dens ville. Mich. choice designs to close 77c nowadays. seeking a divorce. They have no chil- East iM-inslng, June 24—Michigan Mrs. Flip—Well, can you beat It? dren. St. Joseph's Catholic Church gardeners who anticipate the delights Briney Seel at, yard. Why, ahe Is marrying right nlong, my Rev. Fr. J. F. Murphy. Pastor. of consuming home grown cantaloupe dear. BOBBY JONES TALKS DAILY Summer schedule for services at St. can increase their chances of realizing Miss Evelyn Seel, daughter of Mr, Joseph's Church and Mission:— their desires by the use of control meas- nnd Mrs, Elmer Seel of Benton Harbor, Hu Concluiion GREAT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS ACROSS THE CONTINENT and Ralph Briney, son of Mr. and Mrs, St. Joseph church. Watervliet. Mass ures which repel tbe attacks of disease Mrs. DIggs—There are times when 1 at 8 aud 11:15. Calvin Briney of St Joseph, were unit- and Insects. feel that I have nothing more to live TOILET ARTICLES HOUSE FURNISHINGS Immaculate Conception. Hartford, at The vines may be sprayed with a 3- ed in marriage in South Bend, Ind., June 20, 1031. for, John. REGULAR UP TO $1.50 Bobby Jones, in Hollywood making !) o'clock. 4-r»0 Bordeaux solution to which has WASH C00DS REGULAR TO $2.95 VALUES Mr. DIggs—Yeah; there nre time:- At Crystal Palace at 10NTO. been added one-half pound of resln-fish- Jerjfen's Toilet Sets, Rath Salts, fan- bis series of golf-instruction motion Several hundred yard of popular fabrics, all taken from much higher pric- when you feel all talked out, I suppose, Fancy Trays, Enamel Water Pails, pictures, has a dally telephone conver Confession heard Saturday nights oll. This should be applied when the cy Soaps, Kolynos Tooth Paste, from 7:.'{() to !». at the Watervliet und lirst set of fruits have reached the size Jane. Glass Bathroom Shelves, R o o k sation with Ids wife iu Atlanta. The Miss Leona Violet Bright. "Miss P.u- ed lines. Suitings, Waffle cloths, Polo cloth, Hamasaka prints. Printed Racks. Bread Boards, C u r t a i n details of the progress of their Infaul Hartford churches. of a hen's egg and can be repeated as channn" of l!).'!!). and Donald Moulds of Frostllla, Shaving Creams. Karess daughter are said to predominate in St. Joseph Church Rectory Telephone often as disease conditions warrant. Benton Harltor were united In mar- broadcloths, Swiss dotted voiles, OAn' A Rank Growth Refills, Houbi^ant Toilet Water, Stretchers. 5 lb. pail Rexo Waterless Watervliet Gii. the talks. Tbe spray should be applied when the riage by Rev. F. L. Blewtleld al the lawns and fine voiles, choice, yard £rtC Magistrate (In English court)—Did etc., etc., and hundreds of other ar- Cleaner, Rrcad Boxes, Pott e r y Iu refusing to appear in any features plants are dry. Methodist personage in Benton Harbor, you threaten the lady next door, or Vases, etc., etc. Out they go on with a love Interest, Jones is quoted as A dust made by mixing .1 per cent of June 18. 1031. The bride has Iteeu cm- use any abusive language? ticles too numerous to mention at Thursday without limit or reserve.. saying that tbe leading lady who Inter- TAIIOR SHOP calcium arsenate In 95 per cent of agri- ployed as a nurse at the American Le- Woman—I did not use either threats ests him most is the liny one several I will do all kinds of repair work, cultural gypsum will discourage cueum- gion hospital at Battle Creek and the or language to her-but a few words Speed up t,ie sell n are thSALEe ! her beetles, and a 33 per cent nicotine 1/ fYj PorfnmAo ' !? positive orders—Everything must i and will be sold to the months old back iu Atlanta. The tele- alterations, all kinds of fnr work, also groom is employed by the Clark Equl|>- sort of cropped up. wal s nd s phone is enabling Bobby to father that cleaning and pressing of overcoats and dust will control aphlds or plant lice. ment Co. at Buchanan. RAYON PIQUES IN Entire sto'ck of Coty s and ' ;* o|d quick-Nothing. can remain-Everythin. g ifi s staked on the possi- Children's Hose The gardener should also destroy all love interest as well as could be expect- topcoats. Orders taken for tailored un..i.:. i v. (tot? i_ 0 i mi hi lltlPC Hi f llO n OV T -t Hfivc collmnr onH fnt* IL .,>.^^1 ed over "-'.HiC) miles. suits. Your business Is solicited. milkweed, pokeberry, wild cucumber, MAID A PARAGON Houbigant's $2.75 to $4.00 bilities ot the next 3 days' selling and for Thursday we have ripped, cut and slashed One lot of Children's 29c JOHN SPAEK, next to Hotel Coloma. and ground cherry in or near bis mel- PLAIN COLORS oz. Perfume, Brown Ribbed Miss Elizabeth Van Wlennn. da tigh- prices on our entire stock of Ladies* and Misses' Ready To Wear for quick and absolute SOtf ons as these plants harbor diseases Thursday JjC Stockings at 1c wblch also attack cantaloupes. Melons ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Wienan, Piquettes in a splendid range of pretty prints. La Mollador De Lux, a close-out on Thursday. LET US LOAN YOUR MONEY should not l>c planted on tbe same soil and Ransom Portlnga, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Portlnga. both of Three very soft rayon crepe in light colorings. Crepe Elite and Majorie Tbe Hersey Gravel Co., which has more often than every other year. Oaks, were united In marriage nt the tbe contract for tbe paving of the Bacterial wilt, which is usually Crepes in darker shades. Values to 95c. . \ home of tbe goom's parents on June We will loan your money for you on South Haven end of the new Twin City- known among growers as wilt, may be Selling Begins Thursday Morning Promptly at 9 O'clock 17, 1031. Following the marriage cere- iV clean-up lot. Choice, yd '. 59c Qrsit class real estate mortgages, and South Haven dunes digbwny, is making spread by the cucumber beetles and the mony. a wedding dinner was served at' look after all your interests, insurance, such progress with the pouring of ce- disease Is not controlled by the usual Hazel Hurst Lodge, at Lakeside. They 9 O'clock Special taxes, etc., for a nominal fee. We have ment that it Is expected that that part sprays. The best way of combating this College Inn will reside In tlielr newiy furnished Ladies' and Misses' Maxwell facilities for placing both large and of the road from South Haven to Pal- disease is to pull plants as soon as Lima Beans Ladies' and Misses' home at Three Oaks, where the groom Domino small amounts. Your inquiries are so- isades Park will be ready for opening they show tbe wilt aud then destroy Children's , Is employed In the office of the Warren BLOUSES House Dresses licited. BAKER INSURANCE by July 4tb. them by burning. Tbe rolling or droop- Chicken a House Featherbone Co. 1 SUGAR California Dried AGENCY. State Bank Building, ing of plants in dry weather should not Of sheer material in Of sturdy fast colored Dresses Coloma, lilch.—Adv. 60tf Ite confused with the symptoms of the 5 lb. ban Pure Cane Coffee disease. white and tints. OQ/* prints. Not afraid of A Cornell university professor points Of fine ginghams and "Are you satisfied with your new COATS One bag to a custo- Pound Every few days Henry Ford buys The cantaloupes should be picked A clean-up at .. 0%/C Good to the last out that the farmer who stocks a farm MANY PEOPLE WEltE INJURED the tub. A clean-up maid?" Promptly at 9 O'clock mer. None sold DRESSES something old. Why doesn't be Invest poud with fish can produce from 150 to only when they separate easily from fast colored prints. "Very, She's too old to pet married Drop—Lb. in some old Fords 200 pounds of food annually. the vine. IN WEEK-END ACCIDENTS lot. Values to $2.50. Some and too fat to wear my things. So 1 children ,.. 19c Group No. One $1 value think we'll be able to keep her." Sports and Dress styles in plain and 10c 29c Bath Towels 79c with jackets. To Six Chicago People In One Wreck Near fur trimmed mod- How, Indeed? Wool Jersey and Plain white, pastels, Stevensville—Two lienton Harbor "Daddy, I know why words have roots," els. Values to $19.75 plain and figured close Si.59 Said smtllnp little Flo. solid colors, colored rayon crepe dress- Women aud a Man Also Slightly In- Bath Towels "'Cause If they hadn't any roots to go at borders. A good many How could the langunKe BTOV/V Extra large white Furniture Department es. values to $5.95 jured dozen, broken assort- wil go Thursday at Liver and Onions These are excep- Mrs. George Green of Benlon Harbor ments. Values to 29c towels, with pink, Bath Towels Second Floor—Everything Must Go! the most sensation- "My wife Is glad the experts havn tional values and al bargain in the suffered a fracture of the pelvis and To close. | 7 green, gold and blue Plain pastel shades, made It fashionable to eat liver." will go quickly- severe cuts und bruises und scraUjIies "Why?" history of Benton when two automobiles crashed near the come early $69.50 3 Piece Bed Room $87.50 Living Room Suites Each llC borders and a few fancy borders and "Now she doesn't have to tell the Harbor at crossing of NIckerson avenue aud the 3 for 50c butcher It's for the cat." pew Somerleyton road last Friday. A colored numbers, 39c many novelty designs, Suites 2 Piece Genuine Walnut Color Mohair Liv- Mrs. Rexstrew and her father, D. H. and 50c values ing Room Suite Kelly, who were riding In tbe other car some slightly soiled. The Real Law Promptly at 9 O'clocck Thursdainursday iMorninMorning Ladies' and Misses' Mc will place on sale 3 with figured Mo- Ladies' and Misses' were slightly lujured. To close 29c Values to 65c. "Everybody must bow to tho law." only, regular $69.50 3- Six Chlcag^ people were more or less Lunch Cloths "I know people who scorn the au- plece Bed Koom Suites. quette reverse To close Injured in an automobile accident on 39c thority of the law," consisting of" Bed. cushions' will go the new U. S. 12 highway near Stevens- In sizes from 45x45 to "Who nre they?" Chest and Vanity. A $49.00 ville lust Friday evening and were tak- sensational close out at $39.50 Thursday at 60x()0. All linen cloths, SHEETING "Wives of policemen.** Fresh Milk is the ideal en to Mercy hospital for treatment. COATS The two curs were badly smashed up, Jap crepe cloths and Famous Wear- well Sharp and Flat Promptly at 9 O'clock DRESSES one of them having the top torn off. TUBING FURNITURE SPECIALS Rugs, Occasional Pieces, etc. floral prints. Mostly "I had n lot of shopping to do last Group No. Two Italph Crowhurst of Benton Harbor brand. 81 inches wide, A standard brand, full had both legs Injured near tbe knees $1.25 values—Broken night and spent all my money." Plain and fur trimmed Dress Coats in $2.95 Bed Lamps will go at 98c $9.75 Occasional Chairs $5.95 summer food. Full of when a gravel truck passed over them assort- Cfk for hard wear it can't bleached, soft 01 ^ "I heard you come In at eleven Black, New Blue and Tans, with silk $10.00 Smoking Cabinets at $2.98 $19.50 Inner Spring Mattresses $11.95 Plain and figured silk dresses of flat o'clock sharp." $19.75 Oak Breakfast Set $11.95 while working on the new U. S. 31 be beat. $5.95 Priscilla Sewing Cabinets $1.98 c r e p e. georgette highway near Camp Gray. Only the ments UJIt finish, yd m 1C "No, fiat." crepe linings. $69.00 White Enamel, All Porcelain soft sand prevented more serious In- Yard $9.75 Davenport Tables $2.98 crepe flannel and 39c Values to $25 Gas Stove $39.50 Jury. First Things First $12.50 Occasional Tables $3.98 $22.50 Cretonne Boudoir Chairs $9.75 sports fabrics, val- nourishment and easily Rolaud nnd Henry Hauch of Mlll- "Do you always look under the bed burg were Injured when their auto- to go at only.. $5.95 Davinette Lamps $2.95 $19.75 Simmons Double Day Beds $11.95 ues to $15 will go Daisy Muslin before you say your prayers?" asked mobile turned over In a ditch near the GINGHAM $24.50 Simmons Coil Day Beds $14.95 the flapper niece. $5.95 Table Lamps will go at $1.98 in this sensational Blue Creek flsh butchery as tbe young PERCALES $39.50 9x12 Axminster and Vel. Rugs $19.95 Stripes and checks. 36 inches wide, limited "No, darling." said the old maid, Also sport $2.98 27x54 Axminster Rugs $1.29 men were returning home from Chica- $44.00 9x12 Axminster and Vel. Rugs $29.50 sale Thursday on- Good assortment, 36 quantity at ft _ "first I say my prayers," Coats in tweed digested. Keeps you go. Only a couple of hun- $2.98 ^lagazine Racks $1.39 $79.50 9x12 Genuine Wilton ly, while they last mixtures Mrs. A. J. Jenkins of Benton Harbor dred yards. 1 inches wide. Yard JFC $6.75 Buffet Mirrors to go at $2.69 Velvet Rugs $44.00 at sustained a few cuts aud bruises when Not His Fault tbe car In which she aud her husband Yard lUC Yard lie Judge—What do you mean by hit- were driving was making a turn onto u ting this officer In the nose? pepped up these hot street in Benton Harbor and was Prisoner—It's like this, your honor, struck by a car driven by Mrs. Mar- PURETTES < I meant to hit him in the eye, but he Ladies' and Misses Ladies' and Misses' garet Niles. The Jenkins car was badly Cheese Cloth dodged. damaged, but Mrs. Niles' cur wns not MUSLIN 12 in a box, regular damaged. Yard wide, good gradei 5 yards in a package, size. 1Q Ample Proof days. Drink Fresh Three Killed Near South Haven COATS -Women's Ennalettick Shoes- Box lUC Tony Phyllis, aged 20 years, of South unbleached. for dusting. "Listen, Willie; do you know If your EXTRA THURSDAY SPECIAL Haven; Arthur Sthuzel of Ganges, Yard Pkg, 25c 3 for 55c sister likes me?" 7c "Don't she send me out when you DRESSES Mich., aged 21 years; nnd Arthur Hcott, Promptly at 9 O'clock aged 18 years, of South Huven; were come in? What more do yu want?" Enna Jettick Shoes, every pair in stock goes, for Health. • ••••• killed nnd Junior and Kenneth Wood, including our new early summer shoes in white Group No. Three Choice of all our better Coats, sports of Lacota, Fred Crocker of South Huv- and light colors. Shoes in dull calf and black en, und J. Berliner and Mrs. R. Klein Blue Rose Porch Pillows Baby Quilts and dress styles, richly trimmed with Boon of Leisure kid. Shoes with either covered or leather Cuban Sports fabrics, plain and figured flat of Chicago, were all Injured In motor Silk covered, nicely fur. Values up accidents near South Haven over the Bath salts and soap. Covered with bright The advantage of leisure Is heels. Shoes for big girls with low heels, for both crepe and g e o r- UMPHREY & RORICK week-end, Phyllis, who was tbe son of $1.00 quilted. $1.50 CQ/* mainly that we have the power of to $59.50 to go Mr, uud Mrs, Mike Phyllis, died of a cretone, well 39c choosing our own work; not cer- dress and street wear, sport shoes in different gette, long and value, each. in this sensa- COLOMA. MICH. crushed skull when the car he was driv- value 59c filled. ...UvC tainly that It confers any privilege color combination, with either leather or rubber short sleeves, all ing skidded on loose gravel on U. 8. 31 tional going Distributors for Producers Creamery of Idlenesfi—Sir John Lubbock. soles. Shoes in strap patterns, pumps or tie pat- sizes, values to $25 and he was pinned under the machine. out of Busi- Sthuzel und Scott were killed when terns. While there Isn't every size in all styles in will be sold Thurs- ness sale, DRIN K MORE MILK FOR HEALTH their car crashed Into a car driven by the entire lot and. there are over 800 pairs to day while they last the Wood brothers. Rapp & Prideaux Bad Name for Good Dogs while they Noro must not have boon as bad as choose from, there is every size from A AAA to at the sensational Mrs. Evelyn Hunt nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. last at Ralph Black and baby of Benton Har- tradition painted him. Many noble dogs EE, in every length from 2Vi to 10. price of bor narrowly escaped serious injury Benton Harbor have been named In Ids memory,— when their car was struck by n truck ITpledo Blade. driven out of a blind alley In St. Jo- seph and rolled over twice. PAGE SIX THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA. MICH. JUNE 26,1931. JUNE 26,1931. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. PAGE SEVEN NOTICE OF HORTGAGB MORTUAGB KAMA Old Timer Showed Boys Short Shrift Accorded FORECLOSURE When beauty is only rouge deep, it's Cane fish poles, 15c und 20c ut Scon's Default having been made In the con- Old Game of Football Bible in "Fine Writing" Good Will Nfemgfe Spans Canilnenu attd Oceani Cencer Is seldom, If ever, found Buy Hcratch pads at Tho Courier of- Buy your cigars and cigarettes at dltiuna of a certiiln uiorlgMgo made by Default having been made In the con- among full-blooded American Indians. not hard to set- through. -Adv. fice at 15 cents pt r pound. Scott's. They are always fresh and Harvests first Tomatoes Charles \V. Towsley and Cora Towsley. Poth on the stage nnd In the field of "Refined" versions of Holy Scripture cum "WANT ditions of a certain mortgage made by ADS" kept In good condition with our elec- hiisband and wife, morlb'ugom, to Clara M. Ball, morttsagor, to The State Go to Bcott's for all your fishing tac- When a film star is low on publicity, AUTI1UR SWIFT—Air brush paint Your slant on life depends on whelh- H. Winkler, proprietor of tho Coloma KerUtnand Kolberg and Helen Kolberg. sport, there nre those who long for go back as fur as tho Fourth cen- tric molslner.—Adv. Bank of Coloinu, a Michigan corpora- kle—everything to catch them with.— there Is always the divorce court. ing. Phone 153, Coloma. 40tf or you are looking up or down. LOST AND FOUND (iardens. west of town, is the flrst in husband and wife, mortgageoa, dated tion, moi tgagee, dated December 2(1. the good old days nnd claim that the tury of our era, when the pagan em- the 16th day of April, A. L). IMO.and Adv. Howard Slenker and Wm. Taubbe, this community to harvest tomatoes of 1926, and recorded In the olllce ol the modern performunce Is but the shell peror Jullun forbade Chrlstlnns lo use LOST—Between Paw Paw Luke and recorded in the olllce of the Ueglstet Register of Deeds lor Berrien County, If you feel all out of sorts, take Rubber stamp Inking pads and rubber For jHilxotl, itch or any Nkln Irrita- both residents of Benton Harbor, and this years crop. On Wednesday, Juae of Deeds for the county of Berrien and Michigan, in Liber 164 of mortgages, on of tho rcnl thing. This lias been the clnsslonl Greek and l.alln wrllem the Coloma school, a blue skirt, with 24th, be picked and marketd a Jumbo State of Michigan, on the I'Jth day ol The production of citrus fruits In Kexall Laxative Salts. Sold ut Scott's. stump Ink at The Courier olllce. tion, use Gypsy Cream, sold at Scott's. Harry Roberts of South Haven, were page 174, and on which suld mortgag.! claimed more than once by old-time In their schools on the ground that black and white woven In. Reward. basket of tomatoes of the Penn State April, A. U. mo, in Liber 173 of mort- there Is claimed to be due and payable United States has practically doubled —Adv. -Adv. all Injured and taken to the Butter- gages, on page 676, and the Interest on foothnll funs nnd nt Yule, for one, It they had no right to do so, as they had Museums In the United States have Phone 70 F 4, Coloma. 40t2 variety. at the date of this notice the dum ot - since 1020. worth hospital In Grand Rapids for the money uecurcd by said mortgage Three Thousand Nine Hundred Nine Is believed Hint the old-timers may be rejected the religions beliefs underly* Good time to brighten up that old more than 32,000,000 visitors each year. Miss Thelma Hilfer left Tuesday for not having been paid when the same und 60/100 (13,909,60) Dollars, Includ- WANTED treatment on Thursday evening of last became due and payable according to right. Ing them, writes a columnist In the Make Scott's drug store your candy furniture—use Dri-Kwik Enamel, iu Detroit, where she will visit relatives ing interest, and an attorney fee of Take that corn off with Uexall Corn week. The three were passengers iu an tbe terms of said mortgage, and the One Hundred t»100.00) Dollars, and no it wns the old. giant guard, Pudge Manchester (Eng.) Guardian. Some store. If you want the best, you can beautiful colors ut Scott's.—Adv. for a week. undersigned having declared the full suit or proceedings at law have been Solvent, 25 cents at Scott's drug store. WANTED TO BUY—Alfalfa or clov- overloaded elevator In the Morton Berrien county was visited by a fine amount of said mortgage due and pay- rely on our candy.—Adv. instituted to recover the money socured HelTelfinger, who put doubt In Ihe Christians thought tliat the depriva- Use Nyseptol Tooth Paste, safe, —Adv. Mrs. Ellen Knlebes will entertain er in Held. Phone Coloma 0i0.'{. 40t2x Hotel In Grand Rapids which dropped rain on Monday night aad Tuesday able forthwith, as provided in said by this mortgage on any part tlmreoi. mortgage, on which mortgage there If mind of Old Ell. lie returned to the tion wns smnll, but others, notnbly « Are you troubled with bolls or car- cleansing and healing to the gums. A the G, R. (». W. CIuhm at her homo Fri- five stories. The men were in the Fur-j morning which was more than welcome Now thereiole by virtue ol the I W.\NTEI>—VEAL and CHICKENS. claimed to bo due at the date of tlllb of sale in said moiigage and the statui- campus nt the nge of fifty and after certain A poll I« irliis. who before his huncles? It you have tills inisfortune, HOc tube that sells for 2r»c nt Scott's.— Home Is not what It used to be be- day evening, June 20, nlture City attending a cortven'ion of by the farmers, nnd those who reside notice, for principal and Interest, the Illglie'.i cash price paid for young veal in such case made and provided on wntchlng Ihe Vale varsity for awhile conversion hnd been a Sophist oi Mey- use Nynls 'Boll Salve. Sold at Scott's Adv. cause It gets lonesome staying alone so the Veterans of Foreign W.irs. in the cities and villages also rejoiced, sum of Kight Thousand Five Hundred Monday, the 24th day ol August, 19.11. iiiul chickens. Fred Hciiaer, Phone Coio- Twenty dollars, and an attorney's fee turned to Tad Jones, coaching at that rout, began to Improvise a Christian drug store.—Adv. much. The man at the bottom need not be for lawns were biirniug up and gar- at 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door oi ma 220. 4-11 f of Thirty-live dollars, as provided foi the courthouse. In the City ol St. Jo- "literature." The Bible as It stood Mr. nnd Mrs, L. W. Krnke hnve re- lonesome because there are many pas- Willie digging marl from tho pit dens were in need of moisture. Straw- In said mortgage, and no suit or pro- time, ami complained; "They don't E. Sylvander Is here from Austin, seph. Bel l ien County, Michigan, the The Goodrich Trnnslt To. opened Its turned to spend tiie summer at Colonin, sing him all the time. on Geo. Haslauger's farm on M-00 in berries hud liegun to show the effects ceedings at law having been Instituted premises described III said niurtgiige charge the line properly." was not deemed to be a suitable In- to recover the moneys secured by said excursion season between Chicago and nfler a two years' absence at Denver, Ills., dolling up his Hummer home In FOR SALE Howard township, Cass county, a Mr. will be sold at public auclioli to "Well, why don't you go In there strument of literary Instriicllon. so of dry weather and other crops were mortgage, or any part thereof. satisfy amount then due. with costs and the twin cities last Sunday hy bringing Colorado. North Coloma Miss Jane Allen left last Saturday Mordner came uihiii the remains of a beginning to suffer. All kinds of veg- Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue attorney fee. to-wit: the following des- and show them the way you used to the old teacher, along with his son, ill K'K I PASS. ( Ol PE for sale. of the power of sale contained in said a. large crowd of visitors over on the for Detroit for a visit with her father, liiimaii skeleton, and with them a stone etal ion were greatly helped by the sev- cribed premises In the County ol Bei - charge?" Jones suggested with a who In inter yenrs heenme known as Rabbits' feet hnve not lost their sig- Truth may he mighty, but It Is fre- F. A. Allen, and Mrs. Allen. Mrs. M, C. Swalosh. 40tf mortgage, and the statute In such cast lien und State of Michigan: S. 8. Alabama. on which bad been carved the tigm-es eral hours' rainfall. The raiu followed made and provided, on Monday, the llilli the lender of the Apollimirlan heresy, nificance as good luck amblems. One quently less Interesting than some good Lot Thirty-two (32) ol the Original smile. AWNING FOR SALE for store front. 171. The skeleton was badly decom- several days of real summer weather, day of August, A. D. mi. at ten o clock Plat of the Village ot t olonia, Berrien •et himself to put the Bible Into "fine commercial rnhbltry In Michigan, dis- lies we've heard. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar KIImark and in the forenoon, the undersigned Will, •Til do It," said Ihe fifty-year-old The renin ins of Herman Tnmaske of posed. and disinlegnited when exposed the mercury having risen to the 'JO's for County, Michigan. i: Mrs. M. C. Kilmark SIM-III the wek-end Inquire of J. K. Guy al I. G. A. store. at the front door of the Court lions'- In Pudge, earnestly. He charged the Vale writing." Tiie historical books of the Sodus were found in n rooming house posing of from K,000 to 12,000 rnhblts to the air, so lhat it could not be saved. several days. the City of St. Joseph. Berrien County. Dated May i!6th, 1931. Hods, Reels, hooks and lines—every- taking in the sights around Detroit. 131 f STATE BANK OF COLOMA, varsity line the way he used to when Old Testament were lo he turned Into in Benton Harbor conducted by Mrs. every week, sells all of the front feet The skeleton is lielieved to have been Michigan, lhat being the place where Per llaiold Lyon Cashier. thing to catch lisli with—at Scott's the Circuit Court for the county oi he was a guard, back In Ihe good old epic verse, the Psalms into Pindaric Marie Baker. Benton Harbor police to concerns maniifacturlng good luck FOR MALE Med davenport, dresser, that of some memlier of an exploring W. M. CUNNINGHAM, Acme Photoi drug store.—Adv. Use Tiny Tot Talcum Powder; It I Berrien is held, sell at public auction, Attorney for Mortgagee. and Coroner Kerllkowske of St. Joseph charms. to the highest bidder, the prenilses des days nnd In a few nlnutes had ripped odes, and Ihe Gospels into Socmtlc liest for babies, smooth as velvet and dining chairs, rocking chairs and other parly sent out from the trading posts cribed In said moilgage, or so inucn Business Address, Hioh-school students of four continents intorchanged messages of were summoned and determined that Miss Olga Millers lias been enjoying fnrnlliire. Mrs, Pearl it. Smith, next established at Niles and St. Joseph Benton Harbor, Michigan. the Vale team to shreds nnd hnd Tad dislogues. But the reign of Julian An indication of the rapid growth of sheds water. Sold at Scott's. Adv. thereof as may be necessary to pay the (May 29-Aug. 14) good will over the telephone on the anniversary of the first Hague death had resulted from a heart attack a week's vacation from her duties at to l.iitlicran parsonage, Coloma. 4!it-lx prior to 1771. amount so as aforesaid due on said pleading with him to get out of the wns short, nnd so was the survival motor bus service throughout the coun- John D. Carmody Peace Conference last May. Beginning in California, the words were and that no inquest was necessary. the State Bank of Coloma. Cleanse your blood with Spring Tabs, mortgage, with six per cent Interest, game before he ruined the lenin be- of this "literary Bible." Iry Is seen in the fact that the Gray- and all legal costs, together With said relayed from state to state, and from Ca.mda, Mexico and Argentim, tin1 old-fashioned sulphur and cream of PUIS FOR SALE -Diirocs. See Ivan Preliminary steps are being taken for yond repair. Justice Elizabeth Forhan of Benton notind bus llni>s have placed orders for Experienced Auctioneer attorney's fee, to-wlt: MOKTOAOK KORECLOBUKK until they reached Washington, D. 0., while at the same time similar People who are always getting the tartar blood medicine. Soid at Scott's. iiyna. Phone 201-M, Coloma. 40tf the observance of the one hundredth The Northwest Quarter of the houih- The old hoy went away nt last, Harbor has become the second woman S3 new coaches since January 1st nnd worst of it are those who are never cant uuarter of Section l-'olir H), Town- mestages were converging on London from all Europe and from Au»- —Adv. anniversary of the village of Cassopolls. Solidlt Your Buunets Uelault having bMn made In tin' condition* Ghott Slorie* Revived have engaged 2.r»0 new drivers. Ten of ALFALFA IIAV for sale $10 |ier ship Six lli) South, Kange Nineteen (1»> imimhllng lhat foothnll had heoomd a tralla and Java. Then the New World and the Old were united by admitted to the bar in Berrien county. looking for Ibe liest of it. The affair will probably be staged some Phone 52-FI3 WATERVLIET,MUh West, i

TflrE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA, MICH. 4 It will be remembered that Colonel Jackson—L. C. Clark was gored by House recently announced that he was WINS CAPPER AWARD QUITS U. S. FARM BOARD JOB STABILIZATION News Review of Current | a bull at his farm, west ot Jackson. HOOVER IS PLEASED CAPONE IS GUILTY; corresponding with leading Democrats The bull caught Clark against a fence t (Copyright, 19)1,In all with a view to promoting Roosevelt's countries br the State News i and charged him repeatedly. His con- TASK IS UNDERWAY presidential prospects. Among the WITH MIDWEST TRIP FACES PRISON TERM General Pershing's North American Events the World Over guests nt the luncheon was Henry dition Is serious. Newspaper Alliance. Morgenthau. like House a close friend in Brief Flint—Mr. and Mrs. Santord Rus- World rights re- Gratifying Receptions Ten- Will Plan to Check Future served. Including the of Woodrow Wilson, and It Is believed sell, and their son, Hershel, 6 yenrs Promptly Confesses Charges Scandinavian Re- he lias associated himself with House old. were burned by the explosion of dered in Three States. Unemployment Waves. Muskegon—Willis Wood's dash for Before U. S. Judge. Story oi the A. E. F. production In whole President Hoover Delivers Addresses in Three Middle In this movement with the sanction a can of paint placed on a kitchen or In part prohibited.) of Roosevelt, although the governor freedom ended suddenly. Charged Washington.—President Hoover nnd Washington.—Tho federal govern-, stove at their home. Chicago.—Al Capone pleaded guilty West States—Moves Toward Restoration has not yet declared himself a candi- with carrying concealed weapons. bis party are much refreshed and ment's effort to apply the principle of —WNU Service Mt. Clemens—The Macomb County to 5.000 crimes against the prohibition date for the presidential nomination. Wood was taken to his apartment at pleased with the recent visit through advance planning In the huge construc-j of Economic Prosperity. Building Committee has set July 1, as laws and admitted at the same time By Gen. John /• Pershing the rerjuest of his attorney. He the Midwest, which Included stopovers tlon Industry as a means of modify- the date for the laying ot the corner- that he had failed to share his profits. A L CAPONE. the world's most no- jumped from a second-story window nt Indianapolis, Ind., Marlon and Co- ing future waves of unemployment has stone tor the new Court House, here. In the form of Income taxes, with torlous gangster, will have to lumbus, Ohio, nnd Springfield, III. In been Inaugurated. Announcement was! By EDWARD V. PICKARD to the pavement. His leg was broken. Gov. Brucker will be asked lo speak. Uncle Sam. His pleas were made CHAPTER XXV—Continued. their personal attention to the enforce- mitting attention, for in no other serv- spend some years In Leavenworth each of these cities I'resldent Hoover made of the appointment of Donald not otherwise be transported until Pontlac—Mrs. Emerson Knokle and when he was arraigned before Fed- It thus appeared quite clear that ment of this order. ice was unpreparedness so evident and after June. penitentiary. Before Federal Judge Coleman — William Ferguson, 60 delivered speeches dealing with the H. Sawyer. New York consulting engl- n ESPONSIBILITY document shows the land, naval and her 18-month-old son. Marvin, escaped eral Judge James H. Wllkerson, the French were so Intent on their Vice In Army Denied. so difficult to overcome. Apparently Wllkerson in Chicago he pleaded guil- yenrs old. Justice of the peace for economic crisis, office and patriot- neer, as director of the new federal for the existing air armamenta of the country, giving death when a leaking gas stove filled Thereby the world's most notorious plan that Premier Clemenceau pre- About this time a cable was re- there was earnest effort at home, but ty to indictments for evasions of In- several years, killed himself In the Ism, outlining especially his personal employment stabilization board. CHAPTER XXVM economic depression the exact number of men, warships the house with fumes, because a neigh- schedule In the general conduct of gnngster became a certainty for aumed to cable Washington ns to how ceived from Washington that some it was too often misdirected. Every one In authority realized that come tax payments nnd for conspir- garage at his home by hanging. His The Industry represents nn annual in the United States und aircraft maintained for military bor made a chance call .tnd discovered the nation's affairs. Leavenworth penitentiary, probably onr units were to be handled. Upon publication at home had made a sweep- On the part of the allies, especially all resources the allies could muster ncy to violate the prohibition law. He wife found the body. He had been In expenditure between $8,000,000,000 and should be laid to and naval purposes. The* total number Mrs. Knokle and the boy unconscious. At Indianapolis, where the Presi- within three weeks, and United States the receipt of the cable from Wash- ing charge of both immorality nnd the French, lack of mechanics and de- would be required to meet successfully will be sentenced on June 30, pmb- 111 health. $10,000,000,000, about 80 per cent of frozen confidence of army reserves is also given, though Firemen and sheriff's officers resusci- dential party were overnlgb nuests, Attorney George E. Q. Johnson's as- ington about the disagreement between drunkenness against our men. No lay In procuring motors and material, the great offensive of the central pow- ul'ly to from two to four years In Owosso—Jolted to the floor from the which goes directly or Indirectly Into rnther than to frozen this Information was not asked by the tated them. Mr. Hoover addressed the Indiana Re- sault on the Chicago politico-criminal Petaln and myself I wrote at once to such statement could be based on fact such as spruce, had given them a set- ers expected In the spring, but to use assets, according to league. prison. Sixty-eight members of Ca- rear seat when the automobile In wages, and long has been viewed by M. Clemenceau, quoting the cable and Muskegon—A labeled half-pint bot- publican Editorial association. At alliance achieved Its greatest triumph. nor could It serve any purpose except back. Due to these conditions and them effectively close co-operation I'resldent Hoover, The data gave America's total land pone's gnng also are under indictment which she was riding went over a President Hoover and other advocates adding: tle of nitro-glycerlne was discovered Marion he spoke at the dedication of The abject refusal of Capone to fight to cause unnecessary anxiety to par their own Increased programs the among commanders would be Impera- who addressed the In- effectives as 130,957, including 13,080 for the liquor law conspiracy. Ca- railroad crossing. Mrs. Anna Scblaack, of the long-range planning Idea as a "May I not suggest to you, Mr. Pres- In garbage about to be thrown Into the memorial to the Inte I'resldent against the mountain of evidence piled ents and relatives and perhaps satis- French and also the Italians were un- tive. With this In mind I proposed to diana Republican Edi- officers. The National Guard was listed pone's rule as king ot gangland is 65, Is In Memorial Hospital with a key factor In the effort to "flatten ident the inexpediency of communi- able to take more than a small pro- burners at the city Incinerator plant. Warren G. Harding. Following the up by the government was regarded fy on the part of some one an un- Premier Clemenceau that the com- torial association and at "10,774 average dally effectives" ended. broken back. out" the waves of economic Inflation cating such matters to Washington by City officials said the plant would have Marlon speech he motored to Colum- as his farewell to power and perhaps worthy desire for sensation. In reply portion of our 1,500 flying cadets who manders In chief nnd chiefs of staff Its guests In Indian- and was not Included In the total Owosso—The board of education and depression. cable. These questions must all b« were on the ground nnd who, under President been wrecked by the blast resulting, bus, Ohio, where he viewed the G. A. the actual breaking up of the entire I cabled In part as follows: get together to examine the situation apolis. Tho Chief Ex- forces because It was reported "not T UAN BAUTISTA has adopted a recommendation that The board, which Is made up of the settled here, eventually, on their Hoover had the explosive not been found. Be- R. national encampment parade nnd criminal business organization he and Samuel R. McKelvle. "There has never been a similar agreement, were to be Instructed by and. If possible, determine a general ecutive expressed his available to the federal government ^ Perez, obeying a the budget tor the coming year be secretaries of commerce, treasury, ag- merits, through friendly conference them. cause of the label It Is believed the spoke to the veterans at a reception In his predecessors had built tip In ten body of men to lead as clean lives as program of combined action. hopes and plans for renewed pros- without measures of mobilization." demand made by the cut $35,000, or 15 per cent, making a riculture and labor, with Mr. Sawyer between General Petaln and myself, About this time the contract for bottle had been mislaid. the Buckeye cnpltol building. Following yenrs of ruthless effort. The same Washington.-Samuel R. McKelvle, as our American soldiers In France. M. Clemenceau at once approved the perity which shall he wrought out of The total strength of the naval congress of Venezuela, Dr. L. O. Howard. In executive charge of Its work, was and cables of this sort are very likely, tax rate ot $14.90 a thousand, the the Ohio visit the President and hte evidence that could be used In his wheat member of the federal farm They have entered this war with the planes we had made In August wns suggestion. It was also favorably re- the nation's great natural resources force was fixed at 100.8S<1 Including resigned from the Pontlac—Oakland County road com- created under one of the series of un- I fear, to convey the Impression of se- lowest in years. party proceeded to Springfield, where case can also be used to convict his board, has retired from active service highest devotion to duty and with no formally abrogated, the French pov- ceived by General Foch. who. It will by a people with renewed courage; 10,420 officers and 17,500 enlisted presidency ot thnt re- missioners are considering a plan to Chicago.—Dr. L. O. Howard, head employment measures sponsored at rious disagreement between us when Battle Creek—Weather records were the remodeled Lincoln shrine wns allies. It was pointed out. Some of with that organization and returns to other Idea than to perform these du- ernment being unable to meet Its con- be recalled, was chief of the French and he vigorously defended the course personnel of the marine corps. The public. utter evading cover several of the county's gravel of the bureau of entomology In the the last session of congress by Senator such Is not the case. ..." consulted to find the driest days In dedlcnted, nnd nt which President his lending lieutenants hnve already bis large live stock ranch In Nebraska. ties In the most efficient manner pos- ditions due to the delay In receipt of general staff. I proposed thnt the of his administration in the crisis for some time the roads with three Inches of fine gravel Department of Agriculture at Wash- Robert F. Wagner of New York. total armed air forces, Including ef- the last 30 years before the centennial felt the lash of federal Inw. Clemenceau'i Reply. sible. «. machine tools and raw materials from meeting be held nt my headquarters, oral and written SIIK- mixed with a special asphaltlc oil. Hoover was the principal speaker. He ington, received the 1031 Capper gold and denounced panaceas for recovery. fectives In the army and navy, were committee set Oct. 3, 4 and 5 as dates The sentencing of Cnpone on his In nnnounclng the final step In the M. Clemenceau's reply, translated "Engaged In healthy. Interesting ex- the United States, a possibility which but the French selected Complegne, gestions ot members The substance forms a smooth hard chose this as the occasion on which medal and $5,000 for distinguished After alluding to the Russian five- placed nt 27,321 officers nnd men, for the city's celebration. A parade pleas of guilty to three Indictments, organization of the board, Robert P. Into English, follows: ercises In the open air, with staple had been forecast In my cables to the Petaln's G. H. Q. of congress that ho Burface which Is said to answer the to reinforce In the minds of the Amer- service to American agriculture. The TARIFF GROUP WILL year plan, Mr. Hoover proposed what of which 13,1.>5 were credited to the three miles long Is planned. two charging evasion of Income taxes Lamont, secretary of commerce and "My Dear General: I hasten, with- diet, officers and men like trained War department. In Its stead we later At the meeting. January 24. lOlfl. step out of office. The refjuirements of an Improved highway ican people the consciousness that award Is given nnmmlly by Senator be called an American plan. Said he: army air corps and 14,100 to the naval FINISH PROBE SOON chairman of the new agencies, pointed out losing a moment, to reply to your made an agreement whereby we Robertson, for the British, spoke first, drive against him Ionia—A 6-week8-old baby died here, the safeguard of liberty Is obedience Arthur Capper of Kansas. and one chnrglng conspiracy with 68 "We plan to take care of 20.000.000 air force. Tiie total number of air- Juan Vicente and Is less dusty than a gravel road. out that It was directed to arrange should be dependent upon the allot- suffocated In bed. The child was to the law. of his men to violate the dry laws, letter dated January 5, 1018. I found and suggested n general statement as increase In population In the next 20 planes In the armed forces was listed Gomez was managed by sup- Ludlngton—Seated at controls of the planning of federal construction ment that might be made us accord- sleeping with her parents. The vic- "As we scan our history even since was deferred until June 30 by Judge To Complete All Investigations myself in the position of cabling to to: (1) Mutual support between allied yenrs. We plan to build for them 4.- ns 1.752 Including 065 army craft and porters of Juan Vi- his own plane and escorted by seven in all Its branches for six years in ing to the number of divisions we tim was Eva May, daughter ot Mr. his day, who can doubt Lincoln's own Wllkerson on motion of District At- the ambassador of France at Washing- armies, (2) Situation as to reserves. 000,000 new nnd better homes, thou- 787 naval planes. Three army and cente Gomez who were determined others, Lieut. Marshall E. Callander, WANTS U. S. TO ASK Before December Session. advance as a measure of preparedness might have In France. that the veteran should resume the and Mrs. Howard Utter. There are words that our nntlonnl heritage Is torney Johnson and Defense Attorney ton because the two contradictory re- (3) Question of troops In Itnly. (4) sands of new and still more beau- two navy dirigibles, Including the Los Detroit transport pilot and former war for future unemployment relief. Early In December I signed nn place he held for 20 years from the two other children, the^ oldest four •worth the keeping?'" snld the Presi- BIG ARMAMENTS CUT Michael Ahern. • sponses which I had received from Situation as to the transportation of tiful city buildings, thousands of fac- Angeles, were added. aviator, was married to Miss Dorothy Washington.—Despite the difficulties The statute, the announcement went agreement with Lord Northcllffe of time of Castro's downfall until May, years. dent. "And It was Lincoln who stnted Considering the Inw In the enses, Oeneral Petaln and from yourself, the American army and facilities given tories; to Increase capacity of our Japan promptly followed the exam- A. Mitchell, of Abilene, Tex., while involved. It developed lhat the tariff nnd restnted In Impressive terms that the maximum of two yenrs that may on, provides for presentation currently when you did me the honor of calling the British air board that we should It in France. railroads; to add thousands of miles ple set by the United States. „„ 1020. He retired then on his own mo- soaring over this city. The marriage. Caseville — Charles Fredericks, of League of Nations Association commission hoped fo complete all the send 15.000 enlisted men to England Its keeping rests upon obedience and be Imposed for conspiracy, the prece- to the President of advice upon the on me, obliged me. In the Interests of Petain Favored Defensive. to our highways and waterways; to tion and when Perez wns elected to It Is believed, wac the first In which Richmond, employed by a road build- Investigations assigned by congress be- trends of construction so he may be and maintain that number in training enforcement of Inw. Hopes to Get Action. dents for punishment In Income tnx the common cause, to seek an arbi- » General I'etnln thought that for the Inst nil 25.000.000 electrical horse pow- C*UROPE rather ex- succeed him the, constitution was the bride-groom was at the controls ing firm, was killed when he came In fore the December session convenes. in their aircraft factories and air serv- "There can be no man In our coun- cases, and the fact that Capone In prepared to recommend to congress tration between the two commanders present the nllles would be forced to er. Wo plan to provide new parks, pects that when amended to permit Gomez to become of his own plane. contact with wires carrying 4,600 Chairman Fletcher said such a re- In chief. ice stations. This plan proved to be try who, either by his position or his Chicago.—Drastic reduction of arm- pleading guilty. It wns regarded as a the appropriation of funds to provide remain on tbe defensive because of schools, colleges nnd churches for Secretary of State commander-in-chief of tiie army and volts. Fredericks attempted to raise port appeared possible because of "I need not conceal that I placed beneficial to both sides, as far as car- to be responsible only to congress. Birmingham—The tax rate for the Influence, stands nbove the law. That, aments of all countries Is urged upon likelihood that Capone.will he sen- work In times of stress. It also con- lack of men. He said the French army this 20.000,000 people. We plan to se- Stimson gets over the wires so that a crane could paas present progress. Work on forty-sev- templates that the board shall co-op- full confidence in the American gov- ried out, but especially to ourselves An ncademlc, rather than active type, city of Birmingham will be the same the republic cannot admit and still the government as a policy to be fol- tenced to n term ranging between two had ninety-seven divisions with an In- cure greater diffusion ot wealth, a de- there for his visits to under them. en Inquiries for the senate, covering ernment with regard to this. Uowt vfcr, in providing us with trained men nnd I'resldent Perez left the task of put- this year as last, or $13.50 a $1,000 live. For ours Is a government of lowed by the United States delegation and four yenrs In the penltentlnry. erate with states, municipalities and fantry strength of from 5.000 to C.000 crease In poverty and a great reduc- various capital cities Kalamazoo—Kenneth Nash, 18, soph, eighty-six Items, Is nbout half com- It was not to the American govern- saving us the necessity of establish- ting down Insurrections—three of valuation. It was announced at the laws and a society of ordered liberty at the disarmament conference to be The highest Income tnx sentence on other public and private agencies with men ench, some thirty-odd of these di- tion In crime." it will be revealed omore at Western State Teachera' pleted. a view to eliminating the wide swings ment that I addressed myself. 1 ing extra schools for teaching them which hnve occurred since he took meeting of the city commission follow- safeguarded only by law." held In Geneva next year In a state- n plen of guilty so fnr Imposed In the visions being In reserve and the rest From Indianapolis the President and that the United States College, died after collapsing sudden- Since June a year ago. President between inflation nnd depression ID cabled to the ambassador of France, ourselves. Due to the nonshlpment of office—to General Gomez nnd his army ing the presentation of the board ot During his visit through the Mid- ment over the signature of George W. federal courts In Chlcngo Is eighteen In the trenches, besides eight cavalry his pnrty, which Included Mrs. Hoover government will con- ly while waiting his turn at bat as Hoover has approved eight decreased the Industry. which was my right and my duty. In air personnel from home we lacked of 12.000 men. review's report. The total valuation west the President stressed three Im- Wlckersham, chairman of President months. divisions, two of which were dismount- and their son Allan, went to Marlon, sent, under certain member of an Intramural class team. rate recommendations, three for In- order to give him directions for the 4.500 of reaching the number specified, Gomez, In fact, has been almost ns of property In the city was listed at portant points In his personal pro- Hoover's crime commission, as presi- Capone Is free until June 30 In bond In view of the tremendous im- ed and six mounted. Ohio, and took part In the dedication conditions, to niter Its Efforts at resuscitation with a pulmo- creases and five to leave the Hnwley- conversaflons which might take place nnd Inter the need for line troops pre- much the ruler of the country since $22,148,740. This Is $1,296,100 less gram. These Included: dent of the National League of Na- of $50,000 on both the Income tnx nnd portance of the construction industry Ail divisions he thought could be of the mngnificent memorial to War- stand on reparations ter were futile. Smoot levies unchanged. either with the secretary of war or vented our completing the number. retiring ns lie was before, and his re- than the valuation In 1930. Dependence on Individual Inltlntlve itons association. conspiracy charges and In ball of $5.- ns an economic factor, this control Is kept up until April If there should be ren G. Harding. Mr, Hoover deliv- nnd war debts. And Economists nre working on twenty- with the President of tbe United Brltiih Wanted U. S. Men. W. A. Castle turn to the presidency In the election Plymouth—The assessed valuation Kalamazoo—The farm residence ot nnd energy rnther than on n bureau- The conference should "lend to an 000 on his conviction and sentence to expected to prove effective as a step no fighting, but later on. even without ered the chief address In which he In this country there four other senate cases. Among these States. When General Robertson came for set for June 10 was considered certain. of Plymouth will be more than $1,000,- Mrs. Kate Larrabee, two miles outside cratic dictatorship of government to acceptance by all of .the drastic re- six months In Jail for contempt of toward general stabilization. a battle, he would have to break up severely condemned the "friends" are Indlcntions thnt this may be true. are boots and shoes, furniture, bells "It might very well have happened the conference regarding the shipment He Is getting to be nn old man but 000 below the 1930 valuation, a reduc- of the city, burned to the ground dur- meet the economic crisis. That was duction of land, naval and air nrma- court, which Is on appeal. five divisions to maintain the others, who betrayed Harding's trust. Former Undersecretary of Stnte William A. nnd chimes, cement, agricultural Im- that later on I should have addressed of troops for training with the Brit- retains his youthful vigor und pictur- tion of more than 15 per cent. The ing an electric storm here. After the at Indianapolis. ments. and not mere ilmlfatlon at ex- Federal officials, spurred by a vic- the six mounted cavalry divisions Senator Freylinghuysen. president ot Castle gave out a statement the other plements. pig Iron, lumber, cattle hides Rural Boys and Maidens the American government, but I Insist, ish as mentioned lu my diary, wo be- esqueness, nnd probably is the man tax rate for 1931 has been lowered house had been spilt In two by a oolt Integrity In public office. That was isting levels," It Is declared. Signing tory over Capone, indicated definitely Lord Northcllffe. would have to be reduced to four, and the memorial association, presented day to the effect that the government and vegetables. on this point, that I have done noth- gan to discuss the details of the dis- Venezuela needs. one mill, making a rate of^ $12.60 on of lightning the occupants escaped In at Harding's tomb In Mnrlon. tbe statement with Mr. Wlckersham Is they looked toward New York as the Are Washington's Guests before the end of the year the total the memorial to the association, and does not consider Its position ns sig- Several senate Investigations—In- ing of the sort. I had not authorized athletes are ready for their task. For- position to be mode of our forces force would have to be reduced by each $1,000 of assessed valuation. The their night clothes and were uninjured. Fealty to the law. That was as he Charles H. Strong, secretary of the next major objective in their drive Washington.—The pick of the na- Calvin Coolldge, who succeeded Hard- nifying an inflexible thesis, and there cluding those of snake skins for shoes, the ambassador of France to read ail bidden tbe use of strong drink and which might be brought over in Brit- twenty divisions. XT EARLY 500 persons, most of them rate Is the lowest since 1922. The East Lansing—Michigan had an ex- stood before the remodeled tomb New York Bar association and chair- against the higher-ups of gnrtgster ing in the presidency, replied In ac- hnve been strong hints at the White sugar candy, shoe lacings, matches, tion's farm yontb—150 boys and girls orpart of my dispatch to the secretary protected by stringent regulations ish shipping. It was found that Gen- women nnd children, perished village commission has effected econo- cess of rainfall In May ot .07 inch, where Lincoln's body rests In Its great man of the national board of the crime. Foch Was for Counteroffenslve. ceptance. Gov. George White ac- House that President Hoover would lace, cigarettes, books ^nd sugar and and their leaders—have been tent of war. I regret that he did so, but against other evils nnd supported by eral Robertson's proposal was practi- when n French excursion stenmer cap- mies by reducing Improvement work. the first tjme since June, 1930, that red marble sarcophagus. League of Nations association. From the Justice department came General Foch declared that the best cepted the structure on behalf of the not oppose the scaling down of war water mixtures—have been dismissed. guests In Washington, occupying space I do not disavow anything that I their own moral courage, their good cally the same as the one submitted sized near St. Nnznire during a storm. this state has had a rain supply above This statement, which was pub- word that federal agents, nnder or- means of halting n strong nnd persist- state. Immediately after the cere- debts If he were assured this would Kalkaska—Work Is now under way "The eternal principles of truth. Fletcher said the commission found near the Washington monument wrote. l behavior is the subject of most fa- to E. M. House through Mr. Lloyd Only eight of those aboard the vessel normal, Dewey Seeley, U. S. Meteor- lished by the midwest office of the ders from Washington, already are ent offensive was a powerful counter- monies Mr. Hoover went to Colum- be followed by ample reductions In to make all the 70-odd lakes In Kal- Justice, and right, never more clearly the commodities were being covered The campers, chosen In their states "I am giving you here the explana- vorable comment, especially by our George. He wanted to bring our in- were saved. ologist, announced. The average fall League of Nations association In Chi- engaged in quiet Investigation there. offensive. bus nnd reviewed a parade of Civil European armaments. kaska County available to tourists for stated than by Lincoln, remain tbe In other studies. for excellence In raising pigs, growing tion which I owe you and I am going allies. American mothers may rest fantry and machine-gun units by bat- The submarine Nautilus, carrying for the month In the state was 3.19 cago is supplemented by three spe- 'The German offensive at Verdun war veterans attending the Ohio G. Mr. Cnstle said the government Is fishing. This Involves the cutting and solvent for the problems and perplexi- The commission proposed, and the corn, making clothing, planning meals to exercise all the patience of which assured that their sons are a credit talions only, and pointed out how Sir Hubert Wilklns' under-lce polar Inches. cific objectives which will be urged up- wns stopped not by our resistance A. R. encampment and always hns been open minded on clearing of trails leading from all ties of every nge and of our day," President approved, decreased levies and other farm and home projects, I am capable In awaiting the good to them nnd the nation." much more expeditiously this would expedition, was disabled in mid-At- on the government by the association's Belgian Girl Is Voted there but by our offensive on the Som- Next day the presidential party the war debt question and has been highways to the more remote lakes. Pontlac—The new Grand Trunk belt were the prords which the President on wood, flour, maple sugar, maple participated In educational roundtable news that the American commander Seek More Chaplains. meet the shortage of men In the Brit- lantic by the breaking down of her midwest office. These ask for a strong, journeyed to Springfield. III., for the watching the situation abroad very Existing trails are also being Improved. line around the east side of Pontlac, sent out to the thousands gathered Universe Beauty Queen syrup, hats of straw and similar ma- discussions and sight seeing. and tbe French commander have My diary notes the following: ish army than to ship whole divisions me In 1010," said General Foch. "Such engines, nnd was taken In tow by the American delegation, in which civili- on operation Is possible only when carefully; he added that no crisis lias A specially prepared map showing the under construction for three* years, there In Oakrldge cemetery. Galveston, Texas.—For second time General assemblies were held each finally agreed on a question which Paris. Thursday, Jan. 10, 1018. with all their equipment and stores. dedication of the remodeled tomb of American warship Wyoming. M terials. pigskin leather, edible gelatin, yet arisen of a nature that would lakes of the county and their approach- will be formally dedicated June 24. It Is to those who, like Lincoln, ans will dominate; American leader- morning, with excursions around the foreseen nnd prepared beforehand. In Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Hoover wns a European country boasts that one wool felt hat bodies, and wool felt may be vital to the outcome of tbe Have appointed Mnj. Robert Ba- He believed that the British gov- call for any nctlon by this country es Is being prepared and wlll'be pub- The Junior Chamber of Commerce have made these principles serve the ship In demanding armament reduction city In the afternoon. war." plnnnlng the counteroffenslve I think the guest of Governor Emmerson and of her girls bears the crown of beauty bats. con to be colonel and A. D. C. ernment would take the task of re- on the war debts. If such a crisis ITH nil the tra- lished. will sponsor the program and 400 citi- needs of mankind that the world pays and American agreement to the bud- At their assemblies they discussed leasing temporarily some shipping en- that the entire front must be consid- ngnln delivered the main speech at queen of the universe. The commission also suggested that Clemenceau's Motive Questioned. on my staff. Bishop Gwynne, should arise, he said, it was obvious Wditional splendor its homage," he said. "At his shrine getary method of limitation. choosing a vocation, adjustment to ered as a whole and not the French ns the Imposing ceremonies. Pontlac—Because she was unable to zens will be invited to ride on the Netta Duchatenu. , was duties be lowered on sulphured cher- As the Fren'.h were dead set on deputy chaplain general, British, gaged In carrying food and raw mate- this government would have to con- and ceremony Paul we light the torch of our rededlcatlon The acceptance of the Kellogg pact one part and the British ns nnother. The politicaal Implications of Presi- pay Immediately a fine of $30 Im- first train. / selected over 28 American and 7 other ries. tomato paste and canned toma- modern economic and social condi- Setting our troops nnder their control army, nnd Bishop Brent were my rials If America could see her way to sider whether a temporary change was Doumer was inaug- to the service and Ideals of the nntlon by 58 nations "paves the way toward tions. and other problems Important The plan must envisage them together dent Hoover's trip to the Middle West posed for speeding in Birmingham. Grand Haven—George Ferris, of European beauties as "." toes. President Hoover returned it is more than probable that the guests nt Chaumont on Monday. provide the men, although, he said. U necessary. Official opinion In Wash- urated as the new which he loved and served with the general disarmament and renders un- prepnring for offensive action on a were evident and not denied. The Ruth Whltmore, 18 years old, Birming- Muskegon, whose plane crashed Into Miss Duchateau's nearest competitor those recommendations with the re- to rural youth. French premier, feeling that their On Tuesday Brent nnd I dis- could not well undertake the trans- ington wns thnt Mr. Castle's state- president of the last full mensure of devotion." necessary the naval and military arm- portation of complete divisions as not common battlefield with nil the forces three states he visited have all caused ham, was brought to the Oakland the top of the Abel Abblnga residence was Anne Lee Patterson of Ludlow. quest that new investigations be made, ' plans were not working out, sought to cussed Increase In number of ment was designed to help Chancellor French republic, suc- The spot upon which Herbert Hoo- aments which In the past have been enough men would be brought over In at their disposal." alarm among the Republican leaders county Jail to begin serving a IB-day here, wrecking part of the building, Ky.. who. ns Miss Northern Kentucky, taking Into consideration the effect of create some distrust In the minds of chaplains, which we both favor. Brueninfe of Germany In the troubles ceeding Gaston Dou- ver, thirty-first President, stood wns maintained," according to the Wlcker- First Death Sentence this manner to justify the great risks General Robertson expressed accord by their votes in recent elections. sentence. The girl was sentenced to was, fined $33.60 in Justice court for was awarded the title "Miss United the drought our administration at Washington Bishop Brent had been selected hy that beset him. mergue. Premier Lav- the spot upon which Ulysses S. Grant, sham statment. with Foch, but he did not see where or Only last November Illinois replaced the Jail term by Justice of the Peace flying low over the city. He had States." Recorded at Gibraltar against my management of things in me for appointment as chaplain with Involved. In other words, the British In Berlin Dr. Karl Wirth, minister al called at the sen- eighteenth President, hnd stood 57 The three points were urged in the lind the shipping to transport Ameri- with what means such nn offensive a Republican senator with a Demo- Malcolm Hunt, Birmingham. She of- pleaded guilty. Ferris paid for repairs Other winners were: Gibraltar.—The first death sentence order to pave the way for insisting a view to his being the chief of the of the Interior, said: "We are started ate for M. Doumer years before when the memorial stand- supplementary statement, which was Farm Bd. Won't Promise can battalions on condition that they could be executed, nnd stated that the crat and sent five more Democrats to fered to pay the amount if given a to the building. Second—Anne Lee Patterson, "Miss ever passed on a resident of Gibraltar that we were entirely wrong in not chaplain corps which it was planned on the rond toward drastic reduction nnd took him to the ing guard over Lincoln's grave wns signed by Victor Eltlng, Chicago at- to organize. The bishop did not ap- would serve In the British armies. war could not be won by remaining on the house In place of itepubllcans; presidential palace, faw dsys* time. Traverse City—Miss Maine Weaver, United States." to Hold Wheat for Year was recorded here the past week. A consenting to amalgamation. How- In reparations payments. All neces- Paul first dedicated. torney, president, and Clark M. Elchel- prove of tills Idea nnd In deference However, as General Robertson's the defensive. Ohio elected a Democratic governor their automobile be- Mt. Cleuiens—Falling to pay fines 17 years old, Traverse City, high Third-Lena Thomas, Miss Mem- Washington.—The fnnn board will painter, twenty-eight yenrs of age^ over, at later .meetings with Clemen- sary steps In this direction have been Doumer The President and Mrs. Hoover berger, executive secretary of the mid- to his opinion, and upon his sugges- proposal would enable us to Increase "Give us back the troops from Sa- and sent six Democrats to congress ing escorted by caval- of $26 and costs, three men were sen- school senior, was chosen queen of phis." not pledge Itself to withhold stnblllza- was sentenced to death by the Su-' ceau and Petaln the alleged differ- taken." visited the Lincoln homestead, saw west office. tion, a permanent executive commit- our strength more rapidly, my prelim- lonika nnd we will commence offen- In place of Republicans, nnd Indiana ry through throngs ot cheering citiz- tenced to serve 36 days In Jail for the national cherry festival, in a con- Fourth—Daisy Freiberg, "Miss Ger- tlon wheat from domestic markets for preme court for the murder of an el- ences were seemingly settled amicably, there many Lincoln relics and stood tee of chaplains was appointed to inary cable to Washington reporting sives," snld General Haig. replaced six Republican congressmen ens, ns the nrtlllery fired the 21 gun cruelty to a wild duck. They are Leo test with 14 representatives of other many." another year, it Is asserted here. derly recluse woman. The dtisens of as Indicated In my cable of January In the room where, 71 years ago, Lin- study the problems Involved and make the conference recommended that It "We were not speaking of offen- with Democrats. The Republican man- INNEAPOLIS was the host of salute. At the palace the retiring Wawrgowskl, Vincent Gowllnske and northern Michigan cities. Miss Tres- 500 Cars Are Ordered Fifth—Pat Hall. "Miss Atlanta." The board Intends to pursue Its pol- Gibraltar have circulated a petition 14, which follows: the nntlonnl conference of social coln listened to the words of the recommendations direct to me from be given consideration and. In view of sives. but of counteroffenslves." Gen- agers hoped the presidential tour M president transferred his office to his Theodore Galenewskl, of Hamtramck. sle Cole, of Bear Lake, Manistee A $2,500 prize and a theatrical con- icy nnnounced on March 23 of han- for a reprieve, and they have already "For chief of staff: Have now defi- committee that notified him of his by Great Western R. R. time to time. Bishop Gwynne of the our national attitude regarding serv- eral Foch replied. would have effect In bringing these work and Its . ssoclated groups In their successor, and M. Doumer received Emil Beuschlein, game warden, charged county choice for the cherry queen's tract were awarded Miss Duchateau. dling the wheat "In such a wny ns to obtained thousands of signatures. nite understanding with French satis- fifty-eighth annual meeting, and nat- nomination. Chicago.—The Chicago Great West- British forces explained their system, ice with another army, that If ap- General Robertson remarked that of states back into the fold, and there the insignia of grand ninster of tne that while fishing In the. Clinton river, crown, was the runner-up In the con- "Miss United States" received $500; Impose the minimum of burden upon Many officers and men from the Amei^ factory to them and to me that our urally unemployment and Its social One feature of the Springfield oc- eran Railroad company took an addi- the methods of administration and the proved the plan should be regarded course the French and British could was also the expectation that It would Legion of Honor from the hands of the men stoned a wild duck on its test. Miss Weaver, tall and slender, "Miss Memphis," $250; "Miss Ger- domestic and world prices." lean warships Pittsburgh and Nan-

PAGE TEN THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA. MICH. JUNE 26,1931. jyiy FOORTH RACES ftT IN TNE DIVORCE COURTS I BAINBRIDGE NEWS Berrien County Deaths TOO MUCH BOTHER • The lady from the country hnd seen HARIfORD fAIR GROUNDS Non-support is charged in a hill for most of the clocks in the store, but Miss Margnrot Schaus, who bos divorce tiled in Ihe circuit court hy BENTON HARBOR MAN STRICKEN none seemed to suit her. Mrs Alice May Larson of Heuton Har- taught school In Midland during the The salesgirl, as a Inst resort, past year, has returned home for the WHILE PAINTING HIS HOME jii-ld of li Kjiring llorw-s oil Card!* bor against Clarence Larson. They brought forth a cuckoo clock and ex- were married lu ISO and have one summer, plained how the door Hew open and For Annual Matinee Event child. Mrs. Floyd Hansen and two children the bird cuckooed. The customer of Uenton Harbor spent last week with llittel Shapiro Fell 21 Feet When seemed Impressed but shook her head, An nftornoon of linrncss racing, cnl- Charging that his wife hit him on her parents. Mr. ami Mrs. Grunt Cus- "You don't like It?" asked the girl, iiiiK logellnT n Hold of I ho host liorsos the check, scratched him wilh her llu tls, Mr, Hansen came Saturday and Overcome by Ihe Heat Kors and that sho gets drunk and returned home with his family Sunday "I do, hut it's bother enough to re- fti Simtlmostorn Micliipin niul North- drives his car were made by Thomas night. Whilo engaged In painting his home member to wind It, without thinking 1 ern iniliiina. will In sliipil ns a Konrlh Shanloy of Kenton Harbor in a suit Mrs, (loorgo HannetTol. Sr.. of Uenton on Highland avenue in Benton Harbor of feeding the bird," (if July nllrnotion nl tlio fninons nice for divorce from his wife, lie also Harbor Is gradually improving from an last Friday, Hitteli Shapiro was over- fr.-iok nl tho Iliirlford fair uroinuls. charges that his wife persuaded him to Injury received a few weeks ago when come by the heat and fell from his lad- At Their Best purchase a car with his bonus money der to tho ground, a distance of 21 ; Two trots iind two pact's will make she fell and broke her log, Mrs, Wm, "Mother, we heard n quartette In iintl put tho title to the car in her I »annelTel, who was caring for her, has feet, J, S. Hall, who was passing the church last night," said the little boy. up tho rnriiiK oard, nlTording liorsos namo; he asserts that she Ihrcalotis to returned homo. place in his nutomoblle, saw the victim "Daddy liked to hear them sing," that liovo IKH'II i!I truiuiiiir for tho rac- sell the car and secured an injunction Mrs. Josephine Klgas nnd her son fall and ran to the scene, but the nmn "Didn't you?" asked Mother curi- ing season tiu'lr lirst opporlnnlty to rest ruining her from disposing of the Hoy and his family of Cadillac visited was dead when he reached his side. ously, machine. They were married in llM'i iinttio fur pnrsos. Tho niatinoo rncos Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaus on Satur Physicians pronounced that doubtless "Well," explained the tot, "I like and have no children. day. Shapiro had boon overcome by the heat. ht llarlford on tlio Fourth will bo tlio quartettes best when they're eight or Miss Verda Kniobos, daughter of Mr. Ills skull was factued hy tho fall. No (IrsI, ruco nitM'tliig of tlio year in lids nine singers,"—Clilcngo Dally News. and Mrs. C. C. Kniehos, came home last Imiuost was held, jieolion of .Miriiignn, and will mark tlio A "love nest" in SI, Joseph was 1'riday from Ann Arhor, where she has Mr, Shapiro was a former resident of