She Colontn Courier VOL. 36 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. JUNE 26, 1931 NO. 49 per $1,000, and make It difficult or im- possible to meet bond payments and In- DAYS OF LONG AGO ARE RECALLED OV AUTOHAVEN TAVERN CITIES CUT FOUR terest on the Covert Act road bonds as PERE MARQUETTE RAILWAY WILL STOP they become due and keep up the coun- REMOVAL OF TWO OLO FRAME OOILDINGS BOORLE BURSTS MILLION FROM ROLLS ty highway maintenance. ITS TWO EVENING TRAINS IN COLOMA about the year IS70. Later, when the This train will leave South Haven at Rural Districts Bring in Assessments improved Service Granted With New RemaininK I'arts of Old St. Cloud railroad was built from ('olonia to Paw Plan to Huild String of Hotels For COUNTY WILL TAKE VA- I :oo a. m. on Mondays only, making all Paw Lake, the depot was removed to its Schedule Now in KlTect—One New stops and arriving in Chicago at 8:00 Hotel Are lleiiiR Tom Down—Were Tourists Fanciful Dream of Promot- Approximating Kqualization Figures present location, and again Ibe business a. m. interests centered on Paw Paw street. Of Year Ago Resort Train on and Another to l>e Krerted in 1809 by Minot Ingraham er CATION IN ROAD BUILDING Belter Service For Coloma All Old llnildings Oone Benton Harbor's rolls total $10,574,- Put on Older refildentf of folonm have been An ambitious dream of Adrian J. With the new schedule of trains that Williams to promote an $85,000,000 100, a reduction of $2.1HH.lHMi from last reeullliiK during I be past few days The Pere Marquette railwaf: is anlic- went into effect last Sunday, Coloma All of the old buildings that stood on company for tbe announced purpose of year's equalization; St. Joseph's assess- Committee Report Recommends No Home of the kccih's and ocenrreneeH in ipatiiig a good resort business this sea- will be given better train service. The the corner of Park and Washington biiilding a siring of one thousand tour- ment is $0.11 o.l MM), down $1,050,000 the village Imek in the "Sevcniifs." in New Projects For 1932-1933 son and proposes to go after the pas- village will have two trains each way streets have now disappeared. One ist taverns along the trnnkline high- from its equalization of a year ago; tbe dayn when Ibe St. Cloud iluli'l was senger business with renewed energy. eayb day lhat will make regular stops part of the old St. Cloud hotel building ways of the l ulled Slates and Canada and Niles is in with a total of $12,270,- tiie leading bote! in one end of Ibe A vacation in new county highway The railway officials believe IhaL there in Coloma instead of but one. The east was removed in the lot east of tbe de- has collapsed with the buraling of the 010. down $792,000 from its 1030 equal- village and tiie Osgood Hotel on the pot for a hotel, whieb was conducted construction was voted by tbe supervis- is a trend toward the return of railway Jioiind trains will arrive in Coloma at bubble last Friday when the Autohav- ization. Ht. Joseph road was a popular plaee ors Monday with tbe adoption of the traffic In preference to traveling on the O:.'!.'* a. m. and (5:10 p. m., and the west for many years by Mr. and Mrs. Win. en Company's impressive suite of olllces with the travel inn people. Others Make Cuts report of the advisory committee to Ibe crowded highways in automobiles and bound trains will arrive at 11:50 a. m. Willis and later by .Mrs. Kva Wallace. at 201 North Wells street. Chicago, There have probably been a>r many In settling up the Wallace estate this county road commission, which recom- busses. The highways have become so and 7:50 (Standard time.) This new was raided at Ibe instigation of the oilier assessing districts whose rolls cbaiiReH In Coloma as in any village in mends no new county road projects in congested in many places in the stale schedule will be far more pleasing to property was sold to ilenry Pitcher and state's attorneys olllce, after a girl em- show cuts from the lo:!o equall/.ation tbe slate, if not more, for tbe business the 1932-33 program. that driving (especially over the week- Coloma people who have been very is now being torn down. Another part ployee complained that her boss, who are: Baroda. Lincoln. Niles township, wctlou of tbe town 1ms been shifted of the hotel building was removed to end I is no longer a pleasure, and Ibe much upset for several years by the talked in millions, failed to pay her Oronoko. Pipestone, St. Joseph town Face New Task several times from one seel Ion of town the other side of Washington street and people show an inclination to use the failure of the Peru Marquette trains to wages. ship. Watervliet township. A numlier to another. In tbe old stage days, the for years has been owned by Miss Neva passenger train buriness for the past make more stops here. The railway Williams according to the prosecut- of these have only slight cuts and the Tbe advisory board stated in its re- Ht. Jcmeph road was tbe leading high- few years. company has lost friends here aud has ])uVail. The other part of tbe old or's olllce, bad prepared beautifully total amounts to only $147,010. With port that during the last few years a way tbrongh tbe village and much of lost business through Its failure to co- hotel building, the scene of many lively engraved stock for investors who were the cuts of the three larger cities in- large number of roads have been built In order to accommodate tin* tourist the businesH was eenlered around Ibe operate with local officials and citizens. parties witii its dance hall. Its bar and cluded the total reduction of assess- in Berrien county, and that the com- old Osgood house, later known as tbe to be attracted to the scheme to build traffic Ibis summer, Ibe Pere Marquetlo I5ul. through the efforts of H. W. all the equipment of the inns of early ments amounts to $4.17N,!MMl. mission feels a reasonable length of railway inaugurated a new train sched- Teeter house, wblch was torn down but Ibe one thousand inns at $K5.000 each. O'Bri the local P. M. agent, and Vil- days, was razed several years ago to Increases over their 1030 equaliza- lime should elapse before any new Tbe proseeutor also said that Williams ule on Sunday, June 21sl, at which lime lage President .1. V. Thompson, tbe a couple of years ago. make room for the Salem Lutheran tion are shown by Bainbridge, Ber- construction is undertaken. This will was known as Sainimiel F. Wheeler, a the Petoskey special Was put on to railway officials have been made to When the old Chicago & West Michi- church. Irand, Benton. Buchanan City. Biichan- afford townships much needed relief in Philadelphia lawyer, before he served handle the Irallle to the resorts of realize what they were missing and con- gan railway was constructed Ibrough The old St. Cloud hotel building was an Township, Cbikaming, Coloma, (!a- the township Covert tax and give the a prison sentence for embezzlement. Northern Michigan. This train will ceded to the wishes of local people. Coloma the site of tbe business district erected in tbe year 1S(!» hy Minot in- lien, Hagar, Lake, New BuiTalo, Royal- commission more time to work out leave Chicago al 7:45 p. m., (Standard When the Pere Marquette railway naturally shifted nearer tbe railway graham. father of tbe late Lyman In- Negotiated For Watervliet Site ton, Three Oaks, Watervliet City, Wee- plans for tbe maintenance of un- time) arriving in Benton Harbor at formerly stopped more of its trains in and centered around tiie St. Cloud graham. Mr. Ingraham conducted the saw, aggregating a total of $.'P>(I,315. improved township roads to be taken 10:25 p. m. Returning to Chicago the hotel and a general store for many Watervliet bad been selected as a site Coloma there was a big iiosseiiger busi- hotel, wblch was located on the corner The net decrease from the 1.000 over as part of Ibe county road system Petoskey train will leave Benlon Har- for one of the proposed aulobavcns and ness done from the local station, but of Washington and Park streets, where years. The (5. A. B. building whicli equalj/ation of tbe county for a year under the McNitt-Holbeck bill. II was bor at I a. m., arriving in Chicago was one of the few of the earlier day the promoters had carried on some when they began to curtail the service tbe Salem Lutheran church now stands. ago Is $3,702,5S5. asserted. at 7 :•'!(> a. in. Tills will be a fast train buildings, was removed to anolber pari negotiations with the Watervliet Hoard lln business began to drift toward the Near that, corner were located tbe Tbe new bill substitutes county making but few slops between Chicago hotel, tbe I. O. 0. K. hall and the <!. A. of town and later torn down. The I. of Kdneation, for the pnrcbaase of tbe Bank Assessments Figure In Kqualiza- maintenance. This money received busses und people drove their own cars. and (irand Rapids, Now. it is believed, the residents of Co- R.
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