1 WEBSITE TABLE OF CONTENTS May 28, 2020 HOME: Welcome to INHN by Thomas A. Ban, Barry Blackwell, Samuel Gershon, Peter R. Martin & Gregers Wegener (May 23, 2013) Contact: Website address: inhn.org;E-mail address:
[email protected] Mailing address: Translational Neuropsychiatry Unit (Prof. Gregers Wegener) Department of Clinical Medicine Aarhus University Skovagervej 2, 8240 Risskov, DENMARK: About INHN: Objectives: The Network, through its members, is committed to documenting, preserving and disseminating all contributions relevant to the history of neuropsychopharmacology. It will also analyze material relevant to contemporary research, education and mental health care to generate new information and educational material related to the history of the field. The raison d’etre of the Network is to facilitate communication between neuropsychopharmacologists of different generations and professional backgrounds, and thereby provide a more solid foundation for future development of the field. Membership: By invitation. List of members in alphabetical order with country of current residence. 2 Operating committee: Thomas A. Ban,Barry Blackwell,Samuel Gershon,Peter R. Martin & Gregers Wegener Central coordination: Network coordination - Thomas A. Ban; Website coordination - Gregers Wegener;Projects coordination - Peter R. Martin. Projects & projects coordination: One: Historical dictionary of neuropsychopharmacology (Dictionary): Thomas A. Ban (
[email protected]) Two: EDUCATION (Historical drug inventory of psychotropic drugs (Drugs): Eric