INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEPROSY Volume 72, Number 2 Printed in the U.S.A. (ISSN 0148-916X) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEPROSY and Other Mycobacterial Diseases VOLUME 72, NUMBER 2JUNE 2004 Images from the History of Leprosy In this issue, the JOURNAL initiates a new that the subject is important in the history of feature, “Images from the History of Lep- leprosy, and second, that the image itself is rosy.” Of all the major maladies of man- of high quality. Those who submit images kind, few have a history as extraordinary and for consideration are asked to provide as as well-documented as leprosy. We believe much documentation as possible concern- that this JOURNAL provides an appropriate ing the subject of the image, as well as doc- place in which to collect a series of images umentation about the image itself (includ- portraying the depth and richness of this his- ing the source or artist, medium, and dates tory, and issue an open invitation to mem- of creation or publication if known). If you bers of the International Leprosy Associa- would like to contribute an image for con- tion, as well as to other physicians, friends, sideration, please communicate first with and institutions who may have in their pos- the JOURNAL office (
[email protected]) to describe session valuable images from this multi- the nature of the image. Please do not send faceted history. originals; we will provide contributors with Of the greatest interest for this feature are information about the preferred methods of photographs, sketches, or other images that electronic (or other) reproduction for publi- illustrate events, discoveries, institutions, cation.