THE PARTY LINE UNITED WORKING FAMILIES NEWSLETTER / WINTER 2020 Our 2020 Primary Slate Meet Our New Staff Fighting For a #BudgetForTheMany PAGE 3 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 WORKER STRIKES AND POLITICAL POWER THE Letter from the Executive Director Dear Member, In September, I attended a conference in the UK for rank-and-file PARTY members of the Labour Party, where I was struck by the importance of erecting party-line alternatives to an unconscionable status quo. LINE Our aldermen did the hard work of erecting alternatives in the fight The Party Line is published over the 2020 city budget, introducing ordinances that would tax the by United Working Families, wealthy and re-open the city’s mental health clinics (see page 7). Their an independent political ability to articulate an alternative vision--and to take a unified stance organization by and for the against any budget that didn’t include their core principles--is an 99%. The Party Line is published inspiring departure from the recent history of Chicago City Council. twice a year with content from the member communications This work is directly connected to the struggles of the workers who have committee. gone on strike in recent years. Most recently, the Chicago Teachers Let us know what you think, or Union and SEIU Local 73 won momentous victories not just for submit a piece of your own: themselves but for our schools, students, and communities--including a
[email protected] nurse and a social worker in every school, every day, and enforceable class size limits for overcrowded classrooms (see pages 4-5).