The Challenger Medal Roll (1895) (Updated December 2, 2015 Copyright 2007, Glenn M. Stein, FRGS Author of Discovering the North-West Passage: The Four-Year Arctic Odyssey of H.M.S. Investigator and the McClure Expedition. To reproduce or distribute, contact him:
[email protected] Obverse side, full size Reverse side, full size The Challenger Medal, natural size. Click on image for larger view. INTRODUCTION My intention is to provide anyone who seeks it, useful information regarding the medal commemorating the 1872-76 worldwide voyage of HMS Challenger, which (in hindsight) celebrates the beginning of the modern science of oceanography. The author would be pleased to receive any additional information about the Challenger Medal, and in particular, be made aware of other existing examples of this medal. Please contact me at
[email protected]. BACKGROUND "The objects of the Expedition have been fully and faithfully carried out. We always kept in view that to explore the conditions of the deep sea was the primary object of our mission, and throughout the voyage we took every possible opportunity of making a deep-sea observation. Between our departure from Sheerness on December 7th, 1872, and our arrival at Spithead on May 24th, 1876, we traversed a distance of 68,890 nautical miles, and at intervals as nearly uniform as possible we established 362 observing stations." Professor Sir Charles Wyville Thomson But the work of the Challenger Expedition had only just begun. A group of specialists, men learned in their own subjects, would spend years describing and drawing the specimens that filled storehouses and laboratories.