Legisla Tive Council
INDEX VOLS. 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358. LEGISLA TIVE COUNCIL A 4302, 4304, q 4388, 4448, 4449, q 4509, q 4511, q 4701, 4780, q 7560, q 7705. Aboriginal Affairs-Health services, q 2648, Electricity charges, 371, 373, qn 5524, 3147. Education programmes, 3145. Abo q 7046. Statement in press, q 3328. Aus riginal demonstrators, 4780. tralian Labor Patty policy on smelter, Act of Settlement 1700-Appointment of q 6557, q 6660, q 7289. Monash University aliens to public office, q 109, 186, 187, study, q 7705. q 330, q 448, 3166. Alcohol and Drug Services--Odyssey House, Acts-Proposed electronic retrieval system, 707, 709, q 963, q 964, 3366, qn 4138, q 7707. q 4243, qn 4994, qn 4995, qn 5520, qn 5521, Acupuncture, 707, 709. q 6725, qn 6726. Drug rehabilitation Advisory Council for Inter-Government Rela clinics, qn 964, qn 4996, qn 5181, qn 5520, tions-Fourth annual report, 7562. qn 8311. (See also "Health-Drugs.") Agent-General for Victoria-Proposed appoint Aluminium Industry - Monash University ment to Isle of Man, q 7458. study, q 7705. Agriculture-Proposed Select Committee, 1813. Ambulance Services-Ambulance Design Com Effect on employment, 2323. New direc mittee, qn 1471, 7593, 7596. Employment tions policy, 7902, 7913. Shortage of pot of women by Wimmera Regional Ambu ash, 8308, 8310. lance Service, q 4082. Report on mobile Agriculture, Department of-PhylIoxera aphid, intensive care ambulance, qn 4138. q 333, q 2373. Research into diseases, 2336, 3137. Cutbacks in services, 3135. Animals-Cattle straying on highways, q 108. Dingoes, q 1648. Transplant legislation, Fruit fly outbreaks, q 7389.
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