1922 Ii I )( L Ic.=~==.=.-= ~~ I
.;2.::J..352-/ .z<0 UBiiRY USE ONLY The y-os Angeles Plan I II ------ . I' \ 11 -, \ , I t t\, ',.','" ~ \ '~ .•...\ J : ~ " , i I {, I 1 II I . t, I ,I, 1, j " 'I \ II' \1 I I' I r, ::::- .... ,( - L A Selected Traffic Program ~" \' comPiled by I:, - I ; Theb Losi1 Angeles Traffic Commis~ion I December, 1922 Ii I )( L Ic.=~==.=.-=_~~ I \;\\ ~ ~~1 •• --------LLL\llL'/=O=e=;;;,~,..I"«l~~J>=". ~;;;o. ..wrE========================== ll\et\ll (~i\\e ~\s l\I ,\ .,..cft\C1-' rPO'Ir\O'ri Origin rI . and Objects of the Los Angeles Traffic Commission HE LOS ANGELES Traffic Commission was created to fill the pressing need of an organization to solve the constantly increasing Dedication Ttraffic congestion problems of the City of Los Angeles. H. Z. Osborne, Jr.,Chief Engineer of the Board of Public Utilities, was directed by the Board of Public Utilities to make a comprehensive survey I and report on the subject of traffic congestion and detailed methods of relief. HIS REPORT of the Los An- The preliminary report on this subject was adopted by the _Boar oJ. Public geles Traffic Commission is re- U-.ill.i.t.if.LQ.!1I2..~~mhe.r )2th, 19211. an_cL.su12§.!:9~entlyJ?y the Honorable City Tspectfully dedicated to the Hon- Council on January 4th, 1922. In this report it was recommended that the orable, the Mayor and the City Council repre"sentatives-of-tne"val'ious civic and industrial organizations working on of Los Angeles, with the hope that it this problem, should be called into a con ference to secure the benefit of the may prove helpful in the solution of work 'Of each, and at the same time, to avoid duplication of the work and the traffic problems of this city: to adjust conflicting recommendations before they were finally presented to the Honorable City Council for adoption.
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