irrr:it ii-rirlrn'ration of a 6rime reported under section 154 Cr. P'C.,at P.S' 'ir.t';: t. FIRNo..3:rI,,121. Date tI a.3' Zt I L;rsi. n;.ii.i.li?..l\. .. sub-Divn..S 4.D.4.R...... P.s '8.[\{'-]t1'R'*Year ..2ti.2 ...

Sections . (iii)Acr _ Ac,i ,i:;= A,g$Eit.l: !3""1'??i!i!kif? hlitkti,i;' '

c:-2--i.....Tme 1I.1298[ nRE' ' (b)occurrence of offence : Day ..."..1ru.tl=:1..D.A.y...... Date .).a.,e3-'.-2

Police Station: G D. No P,I).&.J.D.R.n..PS .ril)E .tN1.....1.f!.cJ+.. .D:T...tA'.A.3.,.-?.t:-z,.t"" ""' '"" ' "Atthe .+ i',vpe of rnfr)rtrration : Written / Cra I T'/ P tr' D 5 placeo1occurrence:(a)DireciionandDistancesfromp.s...sctLtT.t/.,"8A.-5/,,,..1.{,.11N...*.P?.'-€'.QA'...i.+..No""5:$"" " '. .fl*x,e*i.d.r.+.+.,...ps...[1.$fi.Jfr.R,.4....ht.s-'r..&.&a.x.u.R.A.r.Pfrl(H*nNh.k.,P.....8.*8,,Jc:.R.t}..0,L-0.C-4*. (b)r in case outside limit of this Police station, then the name of P.s. -... N-.+...... District

6. ComplainVlnformant :

6tLtDs }+ 717 lv}/o-s'/t 7. Deiailsof Know/suspected/uriknown/Accuseclwiihful!particulars. ,{A tu *N -

9. Particulars of properties stolen / lnvolved : (attach separate sheet, if required) : ' "' ' ' "

r eF 7-l+E 12. f:lRCcntents:(Attachseparatest',eet,iirequired)'rAl F CI8..:th1 n'1 L NR) 7-rDN C$t\aPL4rN PL&! /v/1 NtllLH :Ls -r'R6AT-A-J> 49 r=v( Hf'Rf 2;;2-// c-"d.in) ^r'T -lg A'i-'TAcit€D

.r3. of offence(s)uls i l 't'q's "ap",i2'tE'e'rr'Q'l'c)":r'y""" Action taken : since the above report reveals commission '.1J.5.(

i directed P'R'4'D'J"f""" ,"n,.,"r.o'rn;"'.-ill. ,o in. ,".tt,nr, -'.A.3'i:" ";=;;;;* ": "+' to!!-,f take up'!l-:,':!.!-l:!;::: the investisation .. --,t-.", ,-e*..t:J..ar.+.7.€. ....-rH.D....C:. AS R "' " jurisdiction' FIR read over to the complainV informant 'iraris;feri'ed to PS. On point of adr-'ritted to tre correctiY

, kil ^! Signature of the officer-incharge, Police Station with ',-1']o')t Uv(i"' ''- " *\'' N'D"4 \- \\ ') I Na me : .. M. A. D.. t *.A.R.. -C.li.' "'/ A' " " " " " "' l.\- \ L,lo Rank : ...s. ..f ,,...c.8...-.P.aU)..e.8. ""' : Signature/ Thumb lmPression of complainant/ Informant ,'--..::,1, ltu wgal #tate Electricity fristribution f;omp6;np Lir,rpl;tted \ {A Governntent of West Belr',gal. Enterprise} AttZce af the Station Manager Custonrer Cerre Centre Bariora., Bankurc. WfrTffffIi ffift '- il "Ge Dt. lr!emc No.- ZI/CA|VP - s -L6'Mar-Z1 .& I U,

'i' - it e A Jfiter' I t t Ch a rg e, 3 or j,,. r ct t' o ii c e S ta ti o n llistnct- Eitrikttra "ry the E!ectricity Act"ZU03 antl ArnenrlrilentAct- Sub - llRregar.ding corrtytissioning oJ an oJfence U15-135ti) (a) af District' Bonkura 2007 tt; lktncrn Gttosh s/p copinath chosl't, vilt+ P.0.- PakhQnna, P.S. Bariora,,

Slr, cu|e certtre being empoweretl !,:>lt Ri"l,fii:; Ati, s/0 5ir sircry Ali, Ati & statian Manager, l3ariora custonter cotnplaint aguirtst lktnttn Ghoslt, S/o {}opinath ffi h,i the l:'!.ctr-icity A.t-200,3 anri Antendment Act.-2007 cla herebv of eler:tricity U/S-135(i) of tlte Electricity Ghr;sit, yill.r p.0. pgkysnna, P,S. Borjar"u, Di,strict;. BarlkuraJbi:t;helt tai Ac:.-TtlCi qnri l\n'tendtttent Act-70A7 ns stated below- Sanjay Lat Singh, S/0 Lt Laxmsn Lal yri rhe basis of secret inJbrrna*tn the undersigned along with Sri T-.S.H' Bariora C'C'C' entered the T.ilr,gtr ,ir T.S.ll. Batjora C.C.C, and Srl Sumit Cha.nd, S/O Sri Sttkumar Chartd, Gopinath Ghosh, vitl+ P'o'- Pakhanna, P'S' Barjora' District- Bankur1' Attricultttreqr prernises af Kanan Ghosh s/o j'ar"iirltrise checkirtg at ttbont i'30 P'M' an 16 0 j 2021' by the way ol clirect hooking During inspectian it is found that lte lvos uslng electriciS unsuthorizedly of theJt he was present at the premises but frrnt L.t.oH line oJ WBSEDCL . At the time of inspection ancl detection spot. Due to theft ofelectricity hnge amount of revenue wlten he cornes to know Ltis offence he lled away from the {-ffiFqf Detqilsaregivenbelow' af,,,aillSEi-iCLlas.sesbyKcrnanGhosh,lrisse.ss thetotal connecter)loctd1.5KW (i) tVater Puntp {2llP) 2 x 746 utatt,' LT'OH line of WBSEDCL' Aiter irtspection sptt detection ot'. theJt we removecl the l"roolj'cllelectricct!;loodsseizecl rtrtlytwc(2)ttos.itentsastttkenbasistl'tatarementiarthelow:' 5 ]. 2 care filttminitun cilble with haokinEl device {90 ft appror). 2 20 AmP MCB Starter (Kirloskar) attd handaver t tlre seizecl materials to bring @ After thnt at ttbout 1.45 !''M tt'e leJt the prernises alortg v,.tith Police Station' to the Bnriora pt:r tal

, Jt,.:..),1',i /L.t ;, {nsPect o&:in'ctr arge y''S' r-Ee " Barlura T Dist.-


l Limit'ed west Bemgat state Electricity Distributian campany (A 6ovt' Of EnterPrise)

Office of thestalion Mancger, Bariora C'C"{' gr.0fl.T iN".$"fl #[. fl{gtr .fi AW w&*4L$tg ' Pnkharrna b

{..ilr NIA .3. Consrtmer ld' q firL r!. Date oi lrtsPection ffi 5. L'atei;ary cif Ctinsunter (Dom/Com/lnd/}thers) 6" CantracLua! Loaci fin K{f) t{W) i ' 5-tAry- :t, Ctiitnecteri i-t:srl at tlte tirrte of lnspection {in '- -! rr-. . .,., \I.tt,tt : r,:!AllS: l). i:i):'i,\1..1' l"rcctrM t:tet' Lletaiis:tLU A)a ) NIaliff ". t:r r,( 0E'v\ ,,{&! tt&i ,{n-*[

e,/U s e r C on s u me r/ Re P re s enta tiv e s e nt ativ e,/ U-s e r C on s u m e r / R e P r

*") Nclne

ffi t)) IdentrtY :.*--.-*--** RelationshiP w ith Consttmer) r; n sit ne r) { (.P,t:. ! a t it rt si t i1t itIt C "tt r) Sign*ture Re p res enta tiv e ol WB SE D C L frcptc;gfisfiYeg , tr. ,'.'. (* C {,c"'r( a) TS {-} h) ldenilry: ,\H (De,si'Qnotioni ,og ,sr Fffi , . - 1 5,r^\t. c-f3'i']fliJlr*, re ,"1 a d 5'e'le fl lcf,Aat L I Signcrrure.' ,j*-U' ^''7 S]'\.kr. 4 ";:r. = Local Witness : i$F8&l I,asglWilness- Gi lYrtittr. --- ,!s uJL1 itienti4t:-" {Father's Name) {Father's Name) ru!

S,tt K,'xW'-flf",l.,-*'-'m - ryt,#*-a4* i,,ffi ;art'& ffi _"***t*, *,S1!"' -,.,-,*SdS{*6*S.r -* r;lt.s'; f ]-.,n" 5 }J"'" !"t.{r'1 d\ '::'>rF' " -ilI " fl!" "- t 1f! _ " SHXXUKE LXST

1. Dare&rimeofseizure:- {,6^03'P0U [!ZttPu 'h lJ4'f P&f

yJJ paLka'""'a P' I - Ra',"! ctvct ffi z. Flace orseizure:- 'r P'0- '

ct"-: , t/' :ized:- ;. $['tvh #",,,.^cA $Lt.J'

f4 "t. ffi e 9/tt'/3 fttx'*'ro" !r-t' C'?4 witnesses:- *toY !a{ f,:f A.Narneof rrar' 'rti -fcl '- f" 1e[,, /?r^y"{", fcc (l'o''Cnp^ ^t I ,;1 fr, t!-ru'^d,' '9,"'{r(z}rzi4 t4 ) ) 1"1-L',."'* , ,9/o ' C ' c' "1"9 t'{ [3'"'l ffi ' '" ^ ''

5. List of Seized Articles :- Nnl"vtyo,t) r-l 'P ,:' o M c{} '$*tt'ffil C aBprc lw, /.-l cto-v'i gp ("? o rt';"'' "l''. it'-- e{ rrr( r^*ui-K /+ ?)*! c;R-t ro i V

F. !

-a Wituesses:- ffi {i" Sig*ature of I ) --. -:-'ri \Y \ l" t\ Seized/PrePared bY me .'-/ / g-J,\r.4'' "t

c"l - r : /) )ur.rnr|-citr,"r^J *c* Ti<. I,l . 16,03,21
