SCOREBOARD WEDNESDAY __ Third Quarter SF—FG Color 31, 492
ZO-J'iANCHESTER HERALD, 'Hiesday, Dec. 18.1990 SCOREBOARD WEDNESDAY __ Third Quarter SF—FG Color 31, 492. Squirt B Junior House Football LA—FG Lansford 21, 11:30. ECHO Hockey NAMCO downed South Windsor, 8-2, and Fourth Quarter W. England Lumber doubled up on Bolton Ice SF—Cartar 74 run (Color kick), 1:16. Columbia, 7-2, and bowed to Central Connec ralaco, 8-4. Chris Groves had three goals, Ken Calendar A—65,619. Bantam A ticut, 3-0. Goal scorers for NAMCO woro: Ron S o ^ two and Justin Gouchoe, Adam Smith NFL standings Hainsoy (5), Grog Flaymor (3), Jon Schubort and Tim Smith one each for England. Josh Today LOCAL NEWS INSIDE (2), Kris Davis (2) and Mike McCarthy (3). Hain- AMERCAN CONFERENCE Springfield Capitals topped Vernon Pollco riogers and Kyle Gouchoe played well. Boya Baakatbalf SF Union, 6-5. Police came back to wallop South soy had lour assists and Davis had a pair fo Ea« First downs Regal Men's Shop tell to J e r ^ n Fabricating, EestCathollc at Aquinas, 7:30 V ^ ^ r , n -1 . Brian Kellogg had three goals lead in that department W L T Pet PF RA Rushes-yards 5-1. Whitney Ffetterson had four goals and an Bolton at Cheney Tech, 7:30 and Mike Boire and Kevin Low one each in the y-Buflak) 12 2 0 .857 390 220 ftissing assist^ Dana Cote a goal, John Harrison an as Vinal Tech at Coventry, 7:30 loss. Kellogg had lour goals and three assists Mite A y-Miami 11 3 0 .
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