New Bills Flood Our Legislature at Today's Meet
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Tt- • T f-T*! - m ^ m READ SPECIAL SHOW IN TODAY’S HERALD NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAJLLV CIRCULATION THE WEATHER for the month of December, 10!^ reeccaat ar u. a. Weather Barcaa. Hew tiarca 5,209 Blember of the hndlt Borean o l Fair and continued cold tonight Ctrcnlatlona V *■ € ( and 'Wednesday. VOL. XLni., NO. 90. (Classified Adrertislng pn Page 18) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1929. (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN'Di SMTHCALISON Loyal Troops Quell NORWALK COPS GRAYSON NOTE IN A BOTTLE TIME CLAUSE NEW BILLS FLOOD NEW PRESIDENT Revolt Near Madrid Found in Salem Harbor— Said NABCONHCrS by Friends of Lost Aviatrix TORENAWIN to Be in Her Handwriting. OUR LEGISLATURE Hendaye, Franco-Spanish Front JDST TOR CHAT tercepted by loyal government' Salem,’’ Mass., Jan. 29.— troops who brought the revolters to A F fffi CHASE CRIHRBILL ier, Jan. 29— A Spanish artillery “ 1928. We are freezing. Gas regiment stationed at Ciudad Real a halt. • Little news of the revolt was leaked out. We are drifting Al Wears Famous Brown revolted this morning, but the available in Madrid, due to the ,olf Grand Banks.— Grayson.” AT TODAY’S MEET mutiny was quickly quelled by loyal strict censorship enforced, but re Follow Two Escaped Prison This note scribbled on a Poll RoToals. That Senate Is government troops, according to a ports circulated say the revolt of piece of memorandum paper Derby as He Meets Mr. report from Madrid. the Cuidad Real troops was but a: ers to Danbnry When and found inside a small ex Ciudad Real is an important part of a widespread plot among tract bottle was picked up in Hedged to Vote for It Early Adjonmment So That , railway city in the interior of artillery troops. These reports say Salem harbor by Charlton Hat BLODGEH SUGGESTS Hoover— They Talk on Spain, 95 miles south of Madrid. the plot fell through because the Their Auto Upsets and field, son of a late sea captain, Despite Opposition of The revolting regiment started to Cuidad Real contingent started its- it became known today. Members Could Have General Subjects. march toward Madrid, but was in inarch too soon. They Surrender. At first, because of the date, TAX LAW CHANGES the note was thought to be a P re s e n t Coolidge. Tune to Devote to Com hoax but examination of (h e ! handwriting by friends show-' Miami Beach, Fla., Jan. 29.— AMERICAN GIRL M AY RULE Norwalk, Conn.. Jai\. 29.— Arthur ed that it resembled that of Washington, Jan. 29.— In the mittee Hearings— Many ■V\’earing his famous brown derby of State Commissioner Gives Landry, 28, and Leo Landry, 27, of Mrs. Frances Wilson Grayson,' face of opposition from President campaign days, a cigar cocked whose ill-fated airplane Dawn Revere, Mass., who escaped from Coolidge and President-elect Hoo Empty Seats In the House; jauntily at an angle and at perfect ■ the penitentiary at Norwalk, Mass., disappeared after leaving New Governor and Legislature AS QUEEN IN THE BALTIC York Dec. 23, 1927. The plane ver, the Senate will retain the ease, ex-Governor Al Smith went on Sunday, were captured In Dan calling today on President-Elect irried Mrs. Grayson, Bruce “ time clause” In the administra Reason for Them. The Important Bills. bury today by local police after a oldsborough, Lieut Oscar tion’s new cruiser bill, an incom -Herbert Hoover. wild twenty-five mile chase, and gOmdal and Fred Koehler. He was graciously received at the plete poll of the Senate revealed EsteDe Manville Who Re CHORAL CLUB UP returned here under heavy police Hartford. Cohp., Jan. 29.— The Hoover retreat on the Belle Isle guard with three burglary charges today. Hartford, Conn., Jan 29.— Wil rising tide of new legislation and for twenty-five minutes, the over them. The poll revealed 59 Senators liam Blodgett, State tax commis cently Wed Count Folke- N EW YO RK SHIVERS showed no sign of abatement as the victor and vanquished in the most According to the tale of the pair pledged to enact the bill with the sioner, gives Governor Trumbull TO ITS REPUTATION they walked out of the Massachu State Legislature came into session memorable campaign the country time limitation Included, sixteeu and the legislature ten reasons why ever saw. sat in the sun parlor of BernadottO; Is Mentioned setts institution, stole a Ford car here today, transacted some neces nearby and drove to New Haven, opposed to the time clause and the lax laws should be changed, the Hoover home and chatted. AS MERCURY DROPS sary business, and adjourned so The governor congratulated Mr. where they abandoned the machine twenty-one non-coinmittal or ab making the suggestion In his bi and picked up a Packard sedan that its members might have time Hoover on his election. In Reports from Latvia. Delights Large Audience sent. This preponderance of sup ennial report issued here today. owned by Dominick Bebe, of Among other suggestions Mr. to devote to committee hearings. “ I congratulated him, wished port for the time clause insures its him luck and I meant it,” said Colunibus avenue. Then they drove Blodgett asks that all theaters be The Assembly came In with the With Old and New Songs; here, broke Into a gasoline station Seven Liners Overdue; Sev adoption. taxed generally two per cent, on “ Al,” when he emerged from the I London, Jan. 29.— Will an intention of meeting four days, this on the outskirts, pqt eighty gal The time clause, now the center gross receipts; that the mileage Hoover home. American girl ascend a newly creat week. Friday Is the last day on “ What did you talk about, lons of gasoline Into two nlilk cans, en Others In Distress; of controversy in Senate debate tax on inter-state busses be chang ed throne and rule as queen of a Parandv a Revelation. and drove into the center. which new bills may he submitted otherwise?” the governor was ask over the measure, provides for the ed to a gross receipts tax as now domain to be known as the “ United Break into Store. paid by inter-state busses; cut though many are expected to be re ed. Gale Sweeps City. laying of keels for five of the fif ported out of committee during the \ General Talk. Kingdom of the Baltic States?” In Norwalk the pair broke into teen new cruisers within the pres down the continuance of Hens from Despite the bitterness of the the Madley grocery store on Wet next six weeks. “ Oh, we had a general talk,” the This is the question that is being ent year, for five more in '1930 five to^two years, except in worthy • night, with a searching wind put- avenue, and stole fifteen dollars. cases; put a ten per cent penalty Senator Frank S. Bergin, of New governor replied. “ He told me^ asked today as the result of persis and the last five in 1931. The giant Haven, the minority leader, was some of the funny things that | ! ting the fireside at a premium, a Then they proceeded to a Modem ^^ew York, Jan. 29.— The metro new aircraft carrier would be on general property tax at the end Grocery store on> Main street, and given the honor today of presiding happened during the campaign, and j tent reports emanating from Riga, fine audience greeted the Choral polis shivered and sought the shel started by June 30, 1930. of a 30-day grace period and add a packed up a quantity of supplies. five per cent, penalty for each six over the upper body of the Legisla I told him some.” Latvia, and other Baltic cities to Club of Manchester pn the occasion Hobver’s Action ture. A neighbor heard the men in the ter of protecting doorways today as months thereafter and add It was a few minutes before 11 the effect that Latvia, Lithuania The action of President-elect of its first concert of the season at Modern store and telephoned police. a howling northwester and frigid a penalty of one dollar Many Absentees. o'clock when “ .M” rolled up to No. and Esthonia are to be banded into Hoover in endorsing President In the house empty . seats were High School Hall last nfeht. T .o Officers Edward Eldridge, Charle A. temperature played tag. All of the to unpaid personal taxes af-i 8 Belle Isle in a big blue Rolls a new monarchy. adventurers were well repaid, for Coolidge’s stand against the time unusually noticeable. Illness of Royce which has been loaned to ^ o r p e and Martin McGrath set out city’s innumera4)le missions and ter thirty days instead of sixty Aays The American girl who is being the evening was a thoroughly en in a cruising police car to invests clause apparently had little effect members or sickness In the.families him during his stay here by Joseph as at present. of members cut the attendance to a prominently mentioned as a possi joyable one. gate. As they reached the store, flop houses hung out their “ S R O” in the Senate. The bill as It passed A Standard Budget. M. Smoot, president of the Miami ble queen of the projected kingdom With the town full of grip and signs early. the House contained the time lim low point. The House prayer was Jockey Club. He was accompanied an automobile moved away from Mr. Blodgett declares the exist for the memory of "the Representa is the former Estelle- Manville, of colds, how so many of the famiUar the curb headed toward Danbury.