Images in… BMJ Case Reports: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2016-215385 on 13 May 2016. Downloaded from Penile fracture Anurag Chahal,1 Sahil Gupta,2 Chandan Das1 1Department of DESCRIPTION Radiodiagnosis, All India A 32-year-old man presented to our emergency Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India department, with pain, swelling and a dorsal curva- 2Department of Surgical ture in his penis. He had severe pain and lost Disciplines, All India Institute tumescence with a snapping sound during vigorous of Medical Sciences, New sexual intercourse. On examination, he had a swel- Delhi, India ling with ecchymosis on the ventral aspect of his fi Correspondence to penis causing an acute dorsal angulation ( gure 1). Dr Sahil Gupta, There was no blood at the meatus/haematuria.
[email protected] Taking the typical history and examination findings Figure 3 Ultrasound images showing ventral into account, the diagnosis of penile fracture was Accepted 1 May 2016 haematoma (H) displacing the corpus spongiosum (CS), made. Ultrasound showed a focal tear in the medial and central urethra (U) displaced towards the left with wall of the right corpora cavernosa with haema- the corpora cavernosa (CC) seen dorsally. toma tracking ventrally and displacing the corpora spongiosa to the other side (figures 2 and 3). The patient was taken for emergent haematoma diagnosis is usually clinical and requires prompt evacuation and corporal repair. surgical intervention.3 Sometimes, the presentation Penile fracture occurs when an erect penis under- may be occult and the patient may present with goes a blunt trauma during sexual intercourse or pain with or without swelling.