Agenda for the meeting of Bronington Council A remote meeting will be held using the Zoom Platform On Wednesday 17th February 2021 at 7.30 pm

(Should any parishioner wish to attend this meeting please see below for details how to access the remote meeting)

No. Agenda Item Presented by 1. Apologies Stg Item 2. Declarations of Interest Stg Item 3. Police Report Stg Item 4. Open Forum Stg Item - Residents can raise issues with the Community Council in open discussion - Matthew Phillips, Planning Department at WCBC will speak to the meeting regarding planning responses 5. Minutes Stg Item Adoption of the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 20th January 2021 6. Matters Arising Stg Item 7. Correspondence Stg Item 8. Accounts Stg Item 8.1 Financial Year 2020 – 2021:- To receive RFO’s report and approve payments to date 8.2 One Voice :- To consider renewal of membership for One Voice Wales – 2021 – 2022 8.3 WiFi:- To consider payment for Wifi at Whitewell Parish Rooms for 2021 – 2022 8.4 Internal Auditor:- To approve instruction of Internal Auditor 8.5 SLCC:- To consider membership 9. Grant Application Process Stg Item To agree action regarding the Grant Application Process 10. Barry Barlow Play Area VB / RM To receive report 11. Planning Stg Item 11.1 Applications Received:- P/2020/0880 - conversion of barn into two holiday lets at Wolvesacre Hall, Iscoyd, Whitchurch (amended plans) P/2020/0738 - Application for outline planning for a house of agricultural occupancy at Halan y Dddaear Higher Lanes Higher Wych ( amended plans) P/2020/0847 - Construction of agricultural building at Halan y Dddaear Higher Lanes Higher Wych P/2021/0031 - Conversion of garage to create a granny annexe at Essex House Chapel Lane Bronington P/2020/0850 - Demolition of garage and extension and erection of garage / store at The Graigs Lower Wych Malpas P/2021/0014 - Replacement outbuilding for garage, home gym, office and storage, new access and change of land to domestic at Corner Cottage Smokey Lane Ty Broughton 11.2 New Applications Received:- To consider any Planning Applications received after the agenda has been distributed 11.3 Decisions:- Approved:- P/2020 /0557 - Ash House School Lane Bronington P/2020/0581 - Forest Nurseries, Ellesmere Road, Bronington 12. Highways Stg Item To consider request for vehicle speed activated signage in the 40 mph zone at The Chequer on the A525 13. Neighbourhood Watch VB To receive report and agree action 14. Community Room 14.1 Signage:- to agree to pay £87.47 plus vat for a sign to go on the Community Room and the fixing of sign 14.2 Use of Room:- to agree that the Library, serving the local community, can use the Community Room FOC once a month until they are able to use their library van again 14.3 Use of Room:- to agree that Bronington Rainbows and Bronington Brownies can use the Community Room FOC, when they restart, for one year initially 15. Land Opposite Shop in Bronington BM To receive update and agree any action(s) 16. Bronington Shop BM To receive update 17. Bronington School VB to receive report from representative to Bronington School 18. Training VB To receive report regarding training course The Council as an Employer 19. Complaints Procedure BM To receive report and agree action 20. Chairmanship Stg Item To consider the nomination process 21. and Area Committee Meeting (One Voice Wales) BM SS To receive report from representatives regarding meeting on 26th January 2021 22. Any Other Business Stg Item PART TWO 1. Press and Public Stg Item To resolve to exclude the press and members of the public as the items to be discussed are either of a contractual or sensitive nature and relate to employment matters. 2. Clerk’s Salary Stg Item To review the Clerk’s salary for the financial year April 2021 – March 2022

Signed:- Ruth Shackleton (Clerk) Date:- 10th February 2021

How to Join the Community Council Remote Meeting:-

Parishioners are welcome to join the remote meeting and may speak during the Open Forum part of the meeting. (Please note, where there is a Part Two to be considered the press and members of the public will be excluded from the meeting as the items to be discussed are either of a contractual or sensitive nature.)

To register to join the meeting please contact the Clerk via email:- [email protected] You will then receive an invite to join the meeting.

Should any parishioner wish to speak during the Open Forum part of the meeting please request to do so when registering to join the meeting and please state the subject matter you wish to speak about.

Bronington Community Council 2021 Meeting Dates: -

Wednesday 20th January – REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM Wednesday 17th February – REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM Wednesday 17th March – REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM Wednesday 21st April – REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM Wednesday 19th May – Venue TBC Wednesday 16th June – Venue TBC Wednesday 21st July – Venue TBC Wednesday 16th September – Venue TBC Wednesday 15th October – Venue TBC Wednesday 17th November – Venue TBC