Annual Magazine 2018-19
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Mount Carmel College Carmel , Autonomus Mount MOUNT CARMEL COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) This is a tribute to all the flora of our college. All flowers and leaves have been illustrated with reference to photographs taken within the campus walls. "All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” - 1 Peter 1:24 CARMELITE | 2018 1 3 Our Foundress (1858-1902) Our Inspiration Mother Teresa of Saint Rose of Lima Mother of Mount Carmel contents mcc annual 2 0 Principal’s Report Events Emminence Expressions 1-58 59-137 138-155 158-233 The principal’s report conists of all This section documents the Celebrating the people of this This section explores creative writing the awards, achievements, degrees academic, sports and cultural college, this section is dedicated to in seven different languages and 1 8 and publications of the students as events of the past year. These were the teachers without whose efforts illustrations submitted by students. well as the teachers. organized by the departments of MCC could not function and students Science, Arts and Commerce as well who have made us proud. as clubs and associations. Principal’s Report 1 2 Academic Achievements Under Graduate Results October/November- 2017B.A / BBM / B.Com / BSc. Examination Number Number Pass Per- Distinction I Class II Class Pass Appeared Passed centage Class I SEM BA 524 291 55.53 97 173 21 BBA 120 79 65.83 53 24 2 BCom 824 557 67.6 185 337 35 BCA 46 34 73.91 13 21 BSc 573 413 72.08 155 229 29 Congratulations BVoc - Ana- 12 9 75 3 6 lytics There is a Chinese saying that says, “when sleeping women wake, mountains move”. Clearly, this saying is BVoc - H & T 38 8 21.05 1 5 2 not referring to girls dozing off in the middle of a lecture! It is important to remember that to be physically III SEM BA 449 284 63.25 65 161 54 4 asleep is not the only kind of sleep, nor is it the most harmful. To be caught in a mire of triviality and BBA 111 93 83.78 62 29 2 insignificance, is a kind of sleep that destroys the individual and her society. I am glad to see that these days, women are seen as active agents of social and economic change. But to make a difference in their BCom 689 547 79.39 140 302 101 4 own individual lives, and to alter the lives of others, a woman needs to awaken first... both literally and BCA 40 31 77.5 7 19 5 figuratively. I believe that the function of education is to be a tool of that awakening. At Mount Carmel we BSc 497 360 72.43 72 217 71 have always believed in a holistic approach to education, combining classroom discussions and formal BVoc - Ana- 14 12 85.71 4 5 3 curriculum, with projects, practical skills and value based experiences. Like in the past, the academic lytics year 2016-17 too has been filled with activities both in and outside the classroom. I take great pride in presenting a glimpse of our activities over the past academic year. BVoc - H & T 22 14 63.64 2 9 3 V SEM BA 404 278 68.81 130 135 8 1 We would like to congratulate our Silver Jubilarians and thank them for their committed service to the BSc 424 316 74.53 180 125 11 institution: BBA 114 95 83.33 66 29 BCom 541 471 87.06 232 223 16 BCA 44 35 79.55 25 10 Ms. Sujaya Sundara Department of English BVoc - Ana- 9 7 77.78 4 3 Ms. Valsamma Department of Political lytics Sebastian Science BVoc - H & T 16 14 87.5 5 9 Ms. Regina L Suganthi Department of MCA Mr. Anthony Support Staff We would like to thank the following staff members, who have retired, for their outstanding services rendered to the institution. We wish them all the best in the coming years. Ms. Nalini R Department of Physics Ms. Geetha Devi B Katti Department of Hindi Ms. Mythili Jagannath Department of Zoology Dr. Mrs. Asha Shirolikar Department of Hindi Ms. Leila Verghese Department of Psychology 3 4 POST GRADUATE EXAMINATION RESULTS OCTOBER/NOVEMBER- 2017 DEPARTMENT AND FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS M.A (ECO) / MCOM / MCA / MSC / PGDBA: SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS BIOTECHNOLOGY Number Number Pass Per- Distinctinc- Examination I Class II Class Dr. Preetha Nair •Career Opportunities and Evolution on Genome Sequence Technology by Bionivid on 18-09-17 Appeared Passed centage tion Dr. Anusha Srikant •“Creative and Analytical thinking “ by SciTal Talent Services Pvt Ltd on 28-11-2017 M.A Economics 12 9 75 4 1 4 Ms. Telphy Kuriakose M.A. English 23 23 100 -- 12 11 M.A. Public Policy 10 7 70 4 3 -- BIOCHEMISTRY Dr. Kavitha G. Singh •Attended a meeting as Doctoral Committee member on January 30th 2018 at School of Bio- M COM 44 44 100 12 31 1 chemistry, Reva University, Bengaluru. M.COM Finance & Accounting 39 36 92.31 9 26 1 Dr. Kavitha G. Singh •Attended an International Conference on “Technology in Redefining Health”, organized by Dr. Nishita K. P Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, 22nd-23rd November, 2017. M.Com IB 40 39 97.5 2 33 4 M.Sc. Biotechnology 31 27 87.1 27 -- -- M.Sc. Botany 12 10 83.33 3 7 -- Dr. Myrene R. Dsouza •Presented a poster entitled “Evaluation of Pharmacological Activities of Seed and Pericarp of Litchi Chinensis Sonn,” at an International Conference on Technology in Redefining Health”, orga- M.Sc. Electronics 9 7 77.78 3 4 -- I SEM nized by Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, 22nd -23rd November, 2017 Co-author: Vaishnavi M.Sc – Food Science & Nutri- Bhat, Ashmita Mutha. 26 26 100 24 2 -- tion •Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends and Future Prospects in M.Sc- Human Devl. 20 16 80 5 11 -- Clinical Research” organized by the Department of Biotechnology, REVA University in association with CliniIndia, Bengaluru (Oct, 2017). M.Sc. Life Science 28 21 75 14 7 -- M.Sc - Maths 18 15 83.33 9 6 -- Dr. Shlini P. •Presented a poster titled “Characterization of Biofilm Forming Bacteria from Urinary Tract In- M.Sc. Nano Science & Tech- 12 7 58.33 5 2 -- fected Patients and its Inhibition by Plant Extracts,” at an International Conference on Technology nology in Redefining Health, organized by Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, 22nd-23rd November, 2017. Co author: Priyanka K. P., Preeti S. M.Sc - Biochemistry 28 27 96.43 26 1 -- Dr. Thilagavathy A •Presented an oral paper titled “Characterization of MicroRNAs Induced Under Salt Stress in Lab- M.Sc Psychology 27 25 92.59 10 15 -- lab Purpureus (Hyacinth Bean)” in the National Conference on Research Advances in Science and PGDBA 12 9 75 1 5 3 Technology held during 26th May 2017 at CSI College of Engineering, Udhagamandalam. III SEM M.A Economics 18 11 61.11 2 9 -- •Presented a poster “Role of MicroRNAs in Adaptive Responses of Lablab Purpureus to Phosphate M.A. English 21 15 76.19 -- 11 4 Deficiency,” at an International Conference on Technology in Redefining Health, organized by Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, 22nd-23rd November, 2017. Co author: Devaraj V. R. M.A. Public Policy 9 8 88.89 1 5 2 M COM 24 24 100 12 12 -- Dr. Nishita K. P •Attended a State Level workshop on “Capacity Enhancement Programme on Intellectual Property M.COM IND 23 23 100 8 14 1 Mrs. Sowmyashree Rights,” organized by Mount Carmel College Autonomous, Bangalore, on 20th and 21st July 2017. M.Com IB 42 40 95.24 4 33 3 M.Sc Biochemistry 26 25 96.15 23 2 -- Mrs. Sowmyashree •Presented a poster titled “The Role of Orange Seed Proteins on Platelet Aggregation.” at an Inter- national Conference on ‘Technology in Redefining Health,’ organized by Mount Carmel College, M.Sc. Biotechnology 29 29 100 25 4 -- Autonomous, 22nd-23rd November, 2017. Co-author: Girish K. S, Kemparaju K, Devaraja S. M.Sc. Plant Science & Herbal 14 11 78.57 10 1 -- Wealth BOTANY M.Sc. Electronics 9 9 100 3 6 -- Dr. Shweta J Sabannavar •Presented a paper titled “Qualitative Analysis of Edible Oils” at a UGC Sponsored National Con- ference on ‘Mind Body Matters: An Interdisciplinary Insight,’ 1st and 2nd February, 2018, Jyoti M.Sc – Food Sc. & Nutri. 21 21 100 19 2 -- Nivas College Autonomous, Bengaluru. M.Sc. Human Devl. 13 13 100 11 2 -- Dr. Lalitha Rani Suresh •Presented a paper titled “Pharmacognostic Studies and Anti-Microbial Activity of Andrographis M.Sc. Life Science 26 26 100 18 8 -- Alata” at UGC Sponsored National Conference on ‘Mind Body Matters: An Interdisciplinary In- M.Sc - Maths 14 10 71.43 10 -- -- sight,’ on 1st and 2nd February, 2018, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bengaluru. M.Sc. Nano Science & Tech- 5 5 100 5 -- -- Ms. Jayanthi D. •Attended a National Youth Conference on ‘Youth For Societal Transformation’ organised by nology Dr. Lalitha Rani Suresh Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous) and Xavier Board of Higher Education in India on M.Sc Psychology 35 34 97.14 7 24 3 December 7 - 10, 2017 MCA 33 28 84.85 3 24 1 Dr. George Lekha •Participated in State – Level Conference on ‘Catholic Education Policy and Current Socio- Polit- ical Situation in India’ organized by the Xavier Board of Higher Education in India held at Mysore PGDM 46 40 86.96 16 23 1 on August 25th - 2017.