Two Hundred And Eighty Fifth Edition

Well here we are in 2017 and may it be a happy and satisfying year ahead. There will be lots to look forward to in the Village Hall with their varied programme of events and congratulations to the committee for their hard work. Their decorating skills know no bounds and the hall looks very spick and span. Diary Dates are always at the back of the BB News so put the dates in your diary please. The front cover will be explained in an article by Bryn Jones and a fascinating tale it is. To think that the might once have had an inn sign outside painted by J F Herring who with Stubbs is one of our most celebrated painters of horses. After a bit of a lapse in time but we are now getting Police Updates again and these can be found on the village website. Click on News and the dropdown will show Neighbourhood Watch so click again and you will find the updates and any other reports that might come our way. Neighbourhood Watch in Bishop Burton is still on-going and the co-ordinators do keep in touch if there is a problem. Please, please dog owners clear up after your dogs. I have had requests to bring this to your attention again as drives and front lawns have been targeted and the residents do not think it at all amusing to have to clear it up. They should not have to as all dogs within the 30mph area should be on leads thus the owner must know what is happening. Right - grumps over - and now to thank all our contributors and delivery boys and girls who keep the BB News going. They do a great job and we are indebted to you all. May we please have your articles for the March 2017 edition by the 23rd February. Susan Leeding – Editor (still!!) [email protected] – 01964 551277


URGENT CARE SERVICES - HAVE YOUR SAY NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group has launched a formal public consultation on the proposed changes to our Urgent Care Services. The consultation ends the 17th January 2017. They are encouraging people to get involved by completing the online survey – once on the website click on “urgent care”, to have your say click on “how to have your say” – this will then enable you to complete the questionnaire. If you need further information before completing it there is a link to the consultation document when you have clicked on “how to have your say”. In summary, they are looking to replace the six Minor Injury Units with two or 3 Urgent Care Centres. This may mean Beverley will close and you may need to travel to Bridlington or Goole. I would encourage everyone to complete the questionnaire. Margaret Hebb – Parish Clerk

HULL CITY OF CULTURE 2017 Our neighbouring city of Hull launches its year as City of Culture 2017 on New Years Day, with a spectacular fireworks and laser display. The programme for the first few months looks very comprehensive and caters for all tastes. Online information is available at their web site: We wish them a happy and successful year. Joan Pillmoor

THANK YOU Rene Stickney would like to thank all her friends and neighbours for their kindness and help during her recent bouts of ill -health. She is most grateful and wishes them all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.


BISHOP BURTON COUNTRY FRIENDS A very Happy New Year to everyone from the Country Friends. Our winter programme continues with a talk about Barn Owls given by Robin Arundale, which proved to be very interesting and informative. In December, Margaret Hebb, (our leader!) gave us a fascinating insight into Cambodia. Margaret and Les had been there and spent almost a month visiting parts of Cambodia that most tourists never get to. Lots of wonderful slides of ancient temples, wild life and a potted history of Cambodia’s turbulent history. On Monday 9th January at 6.45pm we are holding our annual festive party. This is open to everyone, so for £11.50 why not enjoy a proper, Yorkshire feast, (roast turkey and all the trimmings) cooked by Jenny Winn. For details and/or tickets please call 551624. Why not give us a try! Forthcoming Meetings:- Monday 13th February 2017 - 7.30pm – Village Hall – ‘Patchwork Quilts from Ties’ by Su Woodcock. Monday 13th March 2017 – 7.30pm – Village Hall – ‘The Origin and History of Nursery Rhymes’ by Jane McKeown. So, why not make 2017 the year that you come out on the second Monday of the month to listen to a variety of talks and meet with other Country Friends! Sue Brooks – Programme Secretary

COFFEE MORNINGS It has been decided, with regret, that owing to falling numbers the Coffee Mornings will no longer take place. Janet Oxtoby


Florence Foster Jenkins

Saturday, 14th January 2017 Bishop Burton Village Hall

In 1940s New York, heiress and socialite Florence Foster Jenkins is a passionate opera enthusiast, who is dedicated to becoming an opera singer in her own right. Despite her lack of talent, her manager and -law husband St Clair Bayfield supports her ambitions and helps to convince Florence that her dream can come true. But the protective fantasy that he helps to create is threatened when Florence decides to give a public concert at Carnegie Hall. Certificate PG - Director: Stephen Frears Cast: Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, Simon Helberg Doors open 7 p.m. Film starts at 7.30 p.m. Pay on the door £5. (Students £4.50) Refreshments and ice creams available.

VILLAGE HALL NEWS Many thanks to all of you who have attended events at the village hall, use the village hall as hirers or participants, donate items for sale or have purchased items and, of course, all those volunteers who give their time for free. Without you all the Village Hall would not be able to function. The only regular donation that the Hall receives is £750 annually from Bishop Burton Parish Council. The Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the Parish Council for its donation. The Village Hall is a charity and the Committee aim to run it so that the occupancy is high. This high occupancy enables the hourly rate to be low, with special rates for villagers and regular groups (if you

[5] wish to book it ring Jan on 552364). This, along with the events that the Village Hall Committee put on helps to raise funds to maintain the Hall. These funds have recently been used to purchase new replacement windows. I hope you have all noticed the difference and it should help to keep all events cosy during the winter months. Fundraising for a new kitchen As all users will have noticed, the kitchen - which is now over 25 years old - is in desperate need of a replacement and this year we are starting to raise funds to do this. We have a good start with a generous donation of £1,000 from the former Events Group towards a new cooker and £100 from BB Country Friends towards a dishwasher. Any further donations would be gratefully received. Raffle of original prints by our resident artist John Sprakes. John has very generously donated two framed numbered prints (see below) to be raffled to raise funds for the new kitchen. These are from his Journeys Into Light series. Tickets are available from Jan –

552364 at £5 a ticket. The raffle will be drawn on the Saturday, 25th March at the Jazz evening – “Piano Divas”. If not present the winner will be notified on Monday 26th March. The pictures when framed are19x23 inches. Apologies to John for the quality of the above images. The real thing can be viewed at Jan’s.



Sunday 12th February sees The Owdyado Theatre’s production of “A View from the Edge” presented at the Village Hall. Doors open 6.45 p.m. A home-made 2-course supper will be served at 7.15 p.m. Tickets for the show including dinner are £15. Show only tickets are £8 and the performance starts at 8 p.m. Licensed bar. Tickets must be purchased in advance from Jan 552364 or Margaret 551315. Private eye and troubled sleeper Charlie Daniels is hired by the seductive Elise Hillerman to investigate the disappearance of her husband –a prominent gallery owner. Meanwhile, writers Charlotte and Dan struggle to write the script of their new noir-inspired theatre show about an art forgery ring. As scenes spin, fragment and entangle with each other one question arises: whose reality is real? A View from the Edge is a slick and surprising show where the search for the truth provokes a mind-bending journey through the world of dreams, imagination and ‘real life’. With its sharp wit, quick pace and a heavy dose of noir style, from the classic to the neo, A View from the Edge also takes influence from cult filmmakers Charlie Kaufman and David Lynch. A View from the Edge is a highly original show that will not only delight and intrigue you but will keep you guessing ‘til the end. Pay attention now. It’s about to get weird… A View from the Edge is ‘Owdyado Theatre’s fourth show and will be touring across the country throughout 2017.


MANUELLA The painting If you happen to visit the Tate Gallery in London you might like to view an oil painting of a horse, , painted while at Richard Watt’s Stud Farm in Bishop Burton in the early 19th century. The painting features on the cover of this month’s newsletter and is believed to be the only one in the Tate that features our village. The notes below are based on the Tate’s catalogue entry T02362 the unique identifier of the painting and on the Wikipedia pages for the horse and the painter. The painting is inscribed ‘MANUELLA’ bottom centre and has the name of the artist ‘J. F. Herring/1825’ bottom right. It is painted in oil on canvas and measures 40 × 50 inches. It was presented to the Tate by Mr Paul Mellon KBE through the British Sporting Art Trust 1979 The Tate’s understanding of its provenance is that it was originally painted for Richard Watt, Bishop Burton, near Beverley, Yorkshire, thence by family descent until 1976; Arthur Ackermann & Son Ltd., from whom purchased by Paul Mellon 1976. The horse Manuella, by Dick Andrews out of Mandane, was a bay filly foaled in 1809. She had never raced in public until her then owner, W.N.W. Hewitt, entered her for both the Derby and the Oaks in 1812. Her training performance was however sufficiently spectacular to make her second favourite for the Derby; but her chances were deliberately spoilt by her jockey Sam Chifney Junior. He pulled Manuella up in the Derby (which she lost) in order to lengthen the odds and thus enhance the value of his own substantial bet on her for the Oaks the following day (which she won, now ridden by Bill Peirse). Dick Andrews and Mandane were also respectively the sire and the mother or dam of Altisidora after whom the pub in Bishop Burton is named. This makes Altisidora and Manuella sisters. Altisidora was also trained by Richard Watt and won the St. Leger in 1813 but died in 1825 the same year as the picture of her sister was painted.


Manuella was sold to Lord Sackville in 1812, and soon after that became one of the brood mares at the Bishop Burton stud farm of Richard Watt, a noted owner and breeder of racehorses. One of her successful sons was Memnon, winner of the St. Leger in 1825. Richard Watt must have commissioned the portrait of Manuella in the same year as her son Memnon's St. Leger victory: a graceful tribute to a mare. The Tate comments that though evidently no longer in prime racing shape, Manuella is still of remarkably elegant conformation. The painter Manuella was painted by John Frederick Herring. The Tate observes of his painting that “The pastoral background, remote from the racecourse, is unusually finely handled for Herring, and is convincingly rural in an unstudied manner not found in his later rather overcrowded agricultural scenes. Certain elements in T02362, particularly the treatment of the heavily gnarled tree and the receding view, suggest that in this instance Herring deliberately attempted to emulate James Ward.” Herring, born in 1795, was the son of a London merchant of Dutch parentage, who had been born overseas in America. The first eighteen years of Herring's life were spent in London where his greatest interests were drawing and horses. In 1814, at the age of 18, he moved to Doncaster where he was employed as a painter of inn signs and coach insignia on the sides of coaches. Employed subsequently as a night coach driver, Herring spent his spare time painting portraits of horses for inn parlours, and he became known as the "artist coachman" (at the time). Herring's talent was recognised by wealthy customers, and he

[9] began painting hunters and racehorses for the gentry, including Richard Watt.

In 1830, John Frederick Herring left Doncaster for Newmarket where he spent three years before moving to London. In 1845, he was appointed Animal Painter to HRH of Kent, followed by a subsequent commission from Queen Victoria, who remained a patron for the rest of his life. In 1853, Herring moved to rural Kent in the southeast of England and stopped painting horse portraits. He spent the last 12 years of his life at Meopham Park near Tonbridge, where he lived as a country squire.

A highly successful and prolific artist, Herring ranks along with Sir Edwin Landseer as one of the more eminent animal painters of mid- nineteenth (19th) century Europe. The paintings of Herring were very popular, and many were engraved, including his 33 winners of the St. Leger and his 21 winners of the Derby. Herring exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1818-1865, at the British Institution from 1830-1865, and at the Society of British Artists in 1836-1852, where Herring became Vice-President in 1842. Bryn Jones - December 2016

FACTS ABOUT CHRISTMAS The biggest Christmas present of all times is the Statue of Liberty. The French gave it to the U.S.A in 1886 as a gift! Traditional colours for the holiday is red, green and gold and they have their meanings – green (eternal life), red (blood of Jesus), and gold (royalty). The first Christmas trees were decorated with apples, white candy canes and pastry shaped stars, hearts and flowers. Candy cane is the most popular Christmas candy – it’s shaped like a cane as it symbolises the shepherds that visited Jesus. Thank you for this Dorothy.



A bust inscribed with the name of Francis Watt has recently been restored to its rightful location in All Saints Church, Bishop Burton. Francis Watt inherited the Bishop Burton estate in 1855. He became a major benefactor of the church, funding the major renovation that was completed in 1865 and the reredos (altar screen) installed in 1874. Unfortunately we have at present no information about the origins of the bust. Is it really Francis Watt or just a present? Who commissioned it? Who made it? Who paid for it? The only clue is the inscription on the back which in addition to recording the facts of Francis’ name and date of death reads “A(followed by 4 or 5 illegible letters) Sculptor Rome 1857”. Francis would have been 44 or so in 1857 shortly after he (probably to his surprise) inherited the Bishop Burton estate on the death of his uncle.

For more information, please refer to the village web site where the complete version of this article may be viewed containing more information about Francis Watt and his life.

Bryn Jones - December 2016



Dear Friends Many of you will know that I will be moving out of the Benefice to a new job in January. The official announcement was made in All Saints on Oct 30th and my last Sunday here will be January 8th. I’m going to take up the post of Succentor and Minor Canon at Southwark Cathedral, London, so it will be very different to here! A Succentor is someone who helps the Precentor who is in charge of all the worship, liturgy and music in the Cathedral. This covers routine worship on Sundays and weekdays, and also other special occasions. If you’re interested, the Latin name ‘Succentor’ means “1. A chanter who takes up the chant after the Precentor or who presides over the left choir 2. A Precentor's deputy” (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary). I will be working with the Canon Precentor, Rev. Gilly Myers, and be part of the large team which serves the Cathedral. I’m aware that it is unusual to stay for such a short time as a Rector and I know that it has come as a surprise to many of you. Those of you who know me well have been encouraging, however, sensing that this is an opportunity which will make full use of my skills and experience. There will now be a gap before another Rector is appointed to take charge over the four churches in the Benefice but I know that the Archdeacon and Bishop are already arranging the next steps. I have enjoyed getting to know you all and working amongst you. On Sunday January 8th there will be a farewell ‘bring and share’ lunch at Walkington Village Hall starting at about 12.45pm, after our morning services across the Benefice, to which you are invited. We look forward to seeing you there as we prepare for the next stage of our journey. I will be installed and licensed in Southwark Cathedral on Sunday Jan 22nd, at Evensong at 3pm.

Best wishes, Rachel



The traditional candlelit Carol Service on 19th December was well attended joined by the Bishop Burton Village Choir to swell the numbers - and the singing! It was lovely to see our beautiful church full and decorated for Christmas – thanks to those who helped with the decorations and with the welcome mulled wine and refreshments afterwards. A great opportunity to meet and mingle with friends and neighbours at this festive season. The Carol Singing round the village on the 20th December was successful and great fun – sorry if we missed you this time! We ended up in the Altis for a well earned warm up!! The splendid sum of £203 was raised for the All Saints “Loo and Kitchen” project – thank you for your generous donations. Christmas was celebrated with a Christingle Service on Christmas Eve and Midnight Mass. Sadly we shall be saying goodbye to our Vicar Rachel who is moving to a post at Southwark Cathedral in January. There will be a “Bring and Share” lunch on Sunday 8th January in Walkington Village Hall to bid her farewell. Everyone is most welcome to come along to wish her well. Next stop 2017...The Friends have some exciting Events planned for next watch this space! Happy New Year! Sue Thomas


Date and Cleaning Flowers time 1st Jan Mrs M Hayward Mrs A Cherry & Mrs J McDonald 8th Jan Mrs M Wray Mrs A Cherry & Mrs J McDonald 15th Jan Mrs M Cutland Mrs Danforth 22nd Jan Mrs S Thomas Mrs A Danforth 29th Jan Mrs S Brooks & Mrs J Mrs A Danforth Biden 5th Feb Miss H M Swann Mrs J Oxtoby 12th Feb Mrs A Danforth Mrs J Oxtoby 19TH Feb Mrs H Hayward Mrs J Oxtoby 26th Feb Mrs M Wray Miss H M Swann 5th Mar Mrs M Cutland No Flowers in Lent


Minutes of Bishop Burton Parish Council meeting held in Bishop Burton Village Hall on Monday 26TH September 2016 at 7.30pm.

Present: Councillors: Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr David Oxtoby; Cllr Jack Wray; Cllr Trevor Thomas; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Leonard Byass.

Cllr Pollard was present for part of the meeting. Members of the public – None.

09.1114 Apologies for absence: Cllr Mark Hoddinott; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington; Cllr Jonathon Dolton. 09.1115 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. Cllr A.Oxtoby in respect of 09.1121. 09.1116 Open Forum – no matters arising 09.1117 Minutes of previous meetings – Minutes of the Full council meeting of 25th July 2016, and planning meeting of 15TH August, were previously circulated. Resolved minutes were a true and


correct record, proposed Cllr Wray, seconded Cllr D.Oxtoby. The minutes were duly signed by the chair. 09.1118 Matters Arising: a) Lambing Sunday 2017 – Clerk has met with Rod Towse of ERYC. ERYC to consider the best approach. Fall-back position “road closed” as in 2016. Resolved Clerk to continue to progress. b) Signage on fence – Sign is still there. No further information received. Resolved Clerk to enquire. c) Humberside Police re College Student Behaviour – No further information received to date. Resolved Cllr Hoddinott to continue to progress. d) Johnsons pond – No action to date. Resolved Cllr Gray to progress. e) The Green – damage to posts and green. Still no progress. Resolved Clerk to contact a solicitor and arrange for a letter to be sent. f) Bus standing Westbound -The bus standing has now been completed. The surface is plainings rather than pavers. This has been reflected in the invoice. A letter has been received by the users of the bus stop thanking the council. Resolved Agreed the surface looked appropriate and to leave as is and see how it fares. Cllr Gray to look at constructing a seat on the rear wall of the bus standing. g) Stiles – Dalegate and Cottage Field -Still to be addressed. h) Data Protection Registration – Parish Council is now registered. i) Notice board – 1) Near Shop – this has been planned, however the top catch is sticking. Resolved Cllr Thomas to resolve the matter. 2) on war memorial wall – matter has been looked at. The notice board needs reconstructing. Cllr Thomas has kindly agreed to arrange this. Resolved Cllr Thomas to progress. j) Duck signs -The Duck signs have been ordered and should be in place by the 10th October. k) Rattan Row – The area where the garage was is an eyesore. Concern has also been raised as there appears to be no- longer any retaining walls. Resolved Clerk to write to occupant enquiring of plans and raising council’s concerns.


l) Merchant Navy day – Flag was not able to be obtained for this year. Resolved Flag to be obtained for next year. Cllr Hoddinott to source flag. m) Bryan Mere Green- carried forward 09.1119 Playground a) Annual inspection -confirmed will take place in September. No report received as yet. b) Weekly Inspections – No matters arising re the equipment. In respect of grass cutting it was Resolved that a more formal arrangement needs to be put in place. To be discussed under 09.1125. c) ERYC Playground Inspection Course – Cllr Wray attending. 09.1120 Kerbing around the village – Four quotes were opened. In respect of the kerbing they were – C.R.Reynolds; PBS ; Wright Civil Engineering; M.B.Roche & Sons Ltd. During the contractors meeting on site it had been agreed that Bullnose concrete kerbing would be used and that it would be 150mm proud. It was queried whether this was appropriate for the setting it was felt that block sets similar to that already around part of the green may be more appropriate. It was confirmed that block sets could be used but they would add £5,000 to the price. It was queried as to whether this height was required. It was pointed out that without this height drivers would not be deterred from driving on the grass. It was queried whether the kerbing was needed at all. It was commented that without the kerbing draining water from this area would continue to be a problem as it no longer flows to the drains but pools as erosion has caused the drains to be proud of the verge edge. Cllr Wray pointed out that ERYC had agreed that they would pay for a new drain to be put in in front of the bungalows (10;11) which would hopefully solve the problem of the flooding. This would be part of the same contract and has also been quoted for alongside the kerbing. Cllr Gray commented that he may be able to get reclaimed sets cheaper. It was Resolved that the kerbing work was necessary and should go ahead in order to prevent further erosion and improve the drainage. It was Resolved Cllr Gray to enquire as to whether he can source suitably sized reclaimed block sets for an acceptable price. If he is able to do this, it was Resolved that the contractors would be contacted to ask to quote


for laying the reclaimed sets. Should reclaimed sets not be found it was Resolved that the lowest price contractor should be awarded the contract – subject to a detailed review of the quotes to ensure they are on a like for like basis. Councillors requested to see the proposed kerbing and alternative block sets prior to making a final decision on kerbing type. It was Resolved that the lowest price contractor should be invited to present to councillors the two kerbing types under consideration. It was Resolved that following this meeting a decision should be made as to the kerbing type to be used. Resolved once the above matters are resolved Clerk to write to inform contractors of the decision. 09.1121 Lease on Cottage Field – The Field rent is currently collected through an agent. Advice has been sought and the Council has no requirement to use an agent. Review of the lease does not appear to require collection through an agent. Resolved to inform the agent that the Parish Council will invoice for the rent in the future. Resolved when the tenancy agreement requires renewal an appropriately qualified agent will be used. (Cllr A.Oxtoby left the meeting whilst the matter was discussed and was informed of the outcome on his return.) 09.1122 A1079 – No further update has been received from Nigel Leighton since the email stating the actions to be taken re:Positioning of speed cameras and speed limits along A1079. It is understood the outcomes were expected within a month. The matter has been chased. Cllr Pollard agreed to chase. Resolved to await the outcome of Cllr Pollard’s efforts. 09.1123 Review and approval of: a) Severe weather plan – Cllr Wray confirmed there were no changes from the previous year. b) Emergency Plan - Cllr Wray confirmed the only changes are updated telephone numbers. Resolved to adopt the plans, proposed Cllr Gray, seconded Cllr Thomas, the chairman duly signed/initialled the documents. 09.1124 Npower update – a Goodwill Gesture of £150.00 has been agreed. Still to receive in the bank. 09.1125 Grass cutting – It was unanimously Resolved that the matter should not go out to tender and that the current contractors original offer of two years at the same price be accepted. It was Resolved that the current contractor be asked to quote re the


Playground and that if acceptable the cuts should start immediately. Resolved that the clerk contact the contractor to this effect and request a price for strimming the playground. Resolved price to be circulated to councillors for comments and agreement. Resolved once price agreed, clerk to write to contractor confirming price and requesting cuts start immediately. 09.1126 Bonfire night 5th November 2016 a) Cllr Wray confirmed that he would organise the bonfire, and that he was in the process of arranging the first committee meeting. Resolved clerk to contact the police, fire brigade and insurance. b) Bonfire account now up and running – current balance £663.00. c) Parish Council Donation. It was unanimously Resolved that the Parish Council would donate £150 to the bonfire funds. 09.1127 Wall around the war memorial a) state of repair – Cllr D.Oxtoby has been advised that the wall as it is is likely to last another 10 years and rather than repair the best thing to do would be to take down and completely rebuild at an estimated cost of some £6,000. (Note: it is grade 1 listed). It was Resolved rebuilding at this time is not appropriate if it will last another 10 years. It was queried whether apprentices could rebuild the wall as a project. Resolved Clerk to enquire whether there are any apprentices that could take it on as a project. In the meantime it was Resolved Cllr D.Oxtoby to obtain quotes for pointing the wall where required. b) no climbing signs – Cllr Gray has obtained and fixed the signs. 09.1128 Website and Transparency code update. a) Grant Application -£1,868.62 now received b) Website – template website has been received from ERYC. Clerk to populate. 09.1129 Planning ERYC have approved the following applications: a) Re: Application number: 16/02043/PLF; Proposal:Change of Use of Residential Use to Mixed Residential and Retail Use Including Retention of Existing Buildings and Country Store for the Sale of Equestrian, Porcine, Poultry, Canine,


Feline and General Agricultural and Smallholder Feeds, Accessories and Equipment, Storage and Parking; Location: Greenacres Walkington Heads Walkington East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 8RU; Applicant: Trophy Pet and Equestrian Supplies Ltd. ERYC have refused the following applications: a) Application number: 16/01505/PLF; Retention of pedestrian access gate; Dog Kennel Farm, Dog Kennel Lane, Bishop Burton. Applicant:Ms Karen Birbeck. Applications received: a) 16/02820/PLF. Proposal: Erection of dwelling and conversion of existing dwelling to form garage and office all in connection with equestrian use (resubmission 16/00849/PLF); Location: Heath House Stables Newbald Road Bishop Burton East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 8EF; Applicant: Ms Caroline Mackevych, Application type: Full Planning Permission The plans in respect of the existing dwelling appear identical to previous plans, no objections as before. The proposed new dwelling is significantly smaller – this is welcomed. However, the materials continue to modern and out of keeping. The original objections in this regard still stand. It was Resolved that the plans should be REFUSED on the basis of external appearance. The plans as submitted give the building a very modern feeling and are completely at odds with the environment and traditional houses of this nature i.e farmhouses in the area. Unanimously Resolved that should the planning officer decide otherwise it should be referred to the planning committee. The Parish Council Resolved that any planning permission granted in respect of this site should restrict occupancy to equestrian or agricultural workers, and, that no planning should be granted that is regarded in planning terms as new housing or extends the defined settlement limits.

09.1130 Finance –year end accounts to 31 March 2017. i. Main account - Resolved To approve the receipts and payments account and bank reconciliations as circulated. Proposed Cllr Wray; seconded Cllr


Thomas. The chairman duly signed the accounts and reconciliations. ii. Firework account – funds transferred – balance £663.00. iii. Deposit account – carried forward. iv. 2016 Annual Return – The audited annual return was reviewed. It was noted that the auditors had no comments. Resolved to charge £5 for a copy of the annual review. Finance - other To Pay: Clerks salary & expenses(cheque 101474) £800.21 PKF (cheque 101475) £240.00 M.Gray (cheque101476) £2,570.40 C.Charlton (cheque 101477) £810.00 Bonfire account (cheque 101478) £150.00 Paid: Clerk Expenses re Computer (cheque 101471) £783.31 Yorkshire Water (cheque101472) £21.27 ERYC -re playground course (cheque 101473) £75.00 It was Resolved that the above be approved and paid. Proposed Cllr Wray, seconded Cllr D.Oxtoby. Unanimously Resolved: that the council in accordance with its power under section 137 and 139 of the Local Government Act 1972, should incur the expenditure noted in 09.1126 c) - cheques 101477 which, in the opinion of the council, are in the interest of the area or its inhabitants and will benefit in a manner commensurate with the expenditure

The following has been received: Transparency grant £1,868.62

09.1131 Correspondence a) Traffic Regulation order – change of speed on Newbald Road, from Coppleflat Lane to existing 40mph limit, from National speed limit to 40mph. Noted. b) ERNLLCA annual conference – Village Hotel, Friday 18th November, £85+VAT (are 10 places at half price for small councils). Noted


c) Police and Partners meetings – 3rd November 10.00am. Resolved Cllr Hoddinott to attend. d) Community led housing – It was Resolved that the questionnaire should be completed indicating that the Parish Council wished to find out more. e) School Bus – The school bus now picks up from the School Green rather than individual houses. No comments from users received by councillors. f) Heritage weekend. It has been suggested that the Village may want to organise something for Heritage Weekend in September 2017. Resolved Clerk to put an article in the magazine to gauge interest. g) Local Government Finance Technical Consultation – ERNLLA have advised that the government may be considering changing the rules over the precept for smaller councils. ERNLLCA are reviewing the matter. Resolved to keep a watching brief and consider action if required. 09.1132 Any other business a) Sign to church – Not possible to put sign on Mere railings as ERYC. Resolved Cllr Thomas to look at the possibility of putting a sign on one of the house walls. b) Thornbush near Joby – permission has been obtained to cut back.

Date of next full Parish Council meeting 28th November 2016 7.30pm in Bishop Burton Village Hall.

Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.50pm


Minutes of the Bishop Burton Parish Council meeting held in Bishop Burton Village Hall on Monday 31st October 2016 at 7.30pm. Present: Councillors: Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr David Oxtoby; Cllr Leonard Byass; Cllr Jonathan Dolton; Cllr Mark Hoddinott; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Jack Wray.


Members of the public – None 10.1133 Apologies for absence: Cllr Trevor Thomas 10.1134 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. None 10.1135 Open Forum. No matters arising. 10.1136 Planning Applications received: - a) 16/03311/PLF - Proposal: Erection of single and two storey extensions to rear, single storey extension to front and erection of detached single storey studio building following demolition of existing garage; Location: Hopper Close, Dale Gate, Bishop Burton East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 8QP; Applicant: Mr & Mrs Philip Bashford; Application type: Full Planning Permission. The Parish Council reviewed the drawings – unfortunately due to ERYC computer issues the application itself was not available. It was noted that the drawings did not contain details of the materials to be used. On the face of it from the drawings the proposed extensions (back and front) appear to be very modern and mainly of glass. The proposed new studio also appears to have been clad – which is out of keeping with the village. Concern was also raised about the proximity of the ice house to the building works. Cllr’s felt the ice house is of historical value and needs to be preserved. It was Resolved to adjourn the meeting to Monday 7th November when the application should be available. Cllr’s hope this will give full details of the materials. It was also resolved Cllr Hoddinott to visit the property to understand more about the proposals and the proximity of the ice house. 10.1137 Any Other Business a) Phone Box -letter received from ERYC. BT are considering removing the public payphone in the village. Resolved to object to its removal as: area is an accident blackspot and the mobile phone signal is at best intermittent and frequently non-existent. Phone box is essential for communication in such circumstances. b) Landscape Character Assessment – noted, no comments.


c) Bonfire – Cllr Wray updated the meeting on plans for the Bonfire and confirmed that the roads around the bonfire would be closed. d) Appeal received: Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/E2001/w/16/3158552;ERYC no: 16/00061/REFUSE. Proposal: Change of use of outbuilding within the curtilage of Westfield Farm to residential in connection with Stable Cottage, erection of ground floor extensions to Stable Cottage and construction of boundary wall and access. Location: Stable Cottage, The Green, Bishop Burton, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 8QA. Appellant: Mr Trevor Thomas. It was Resolved that a letter in support of the refusal by ERYC should be sent to the inspectorate.

Date of next full Parish Council meeting 28th November 2016 7.30pm in Bishop Burton Village Hall.

Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.40pm


Minutes of the Bishop Burton Parish Council meeting held in Bishop Burton Village Hall, Monday 7th November 2016 7.30pm. This meeting was adjourned from Monday 31st October 2016 in order to gather additional information.

Present: Councillors Cllr David Oxtoby; Cllr Jonathan Dolton; Cllr Mark Hoddinott; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Jack Wray.

Members of the public – None

11.1138 Apologies for absence: Cllr Trevor Thomas; Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington; Cllr Leonard Byass. 11.1139 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. None 11.1140 Open Forum. No matters arising. 11.1141 Planning Applications received: -


a) 16/03311/PLF - Proposal: Erection of single and two storey extensions to rear, single storey extension to front and erection of detached single storey studio building following demolition of existing garage; Location: Hopper Close, Dale Gate, Bishop Burton East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 8QP; Applicant: Mr & Mrs Philip Bashford; Application type: Full Planning Permission. After careful review of all the documents and lengthy discussion it was unanimously Resolved that the application should be refused, and should the planning officer recommend otherwise that it should be referred to committee. The Cllr’s had no objection to the property being extended, or to the proposed dimensions. However, the proposed materials are totally out of keeping with the current building and the surrounding area. The house is positioned that head of the “main” street and thus changing its character will change the character of the street. The Parish Council were disappointed with the level of detail on the drawing and request full disclosure of proposed materials. After discussion with the applicant it would appear that the ice house is further away from the development than the drawing may suggest and thus is unlikely to be affected. Cllr’s Resolved to look into the matter of listing the ice houses in the village.

10.1137 Any Other Business a) Safeguarding the Beverley and Holderness constituency - letter received from Graham Stuart re constituency boundary. Boundary commission has recommended that the existing Beverley and Holderness constituency should remain intact. Resolved Clerk to write to the boundary commission in support of no change.

Date of next full Parish Council meeting 28th November 2016 7.30pm in Bishop Burton Village Hall.

Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.40pm



From The Parish Council meeting of 28th November 2016 (including updates)  Kerbing around the village. Resolved not to go ahead, considered too expensive. To alleviate drainage problems resolved to investigate the cost of sweeping away leaves as required. Commented erosion of verges seems to have lessened since the yellow lines have been laid. To keep a watching brief on the situation.  A1079 approach to village from York. Report concludes that any “buffer” speed limit of 40mph or 50mph would make the matter worse. Report acknowledges that the siting of the new speed cameras and equipment restricts view when exiting Tall Trees. ERYC looking to relocate.  Bonfire – The event went well, those attending were happy with the road closures and the new arrangements re the bonfire. People donated generously and the funds raised covered the costs of the fireworks.  The following donations were agreed: Bishop Burton News £320; Parochial Church Council £350; Parochial Church Council clock £35; Ralph Hansby charity £350; Bishop Burton Village Hall £750. Note: a donation of £150 has already been given to the fireworks fund.  Drains – the drain on Ratten row is again blocked. It is believed that this is because of foul water joining the drain from a private dwelling. The matter is under investigation by ERYC.  Resolved up to £100 to be spent on additional Christmas lights.  Dog Kennel Lane. It was brought to the attention of the Parish Council that the turning into Ashfield Farm across the traffic is dangerous and becoming an accident blackspot. Resolved Clerk to write to ERYC enquiring if they have any plans to reduce the danger.


 Playground annual inspection report reviewed. Overall risk low. Only matter is risk of finger entrapment re gate, advised to monitor.  Bus standing Westbound – a seat to be installed  Johnsons pond – repair work to be carried out in summer of 2017  Planning approved: a) 16/02103/PLF re free range chicken production at Land West of Crawberry Hill b) 16/02373/PLF – Erection of 2 dwellings following demolition of agricultural buildings at Eastfield Farm.  Planning refused: 16/02820/PLF – Erection of new dwelling and conversion of existing dwelling at Heath House Stables.  Planning appeal – AP/E2001/W/16/3160871 (ERYC re:16/00067/REFUSE) Land South of the Granary Calais Croft. Resolved Clerk to write to inspectorate re the appoints made in the appeal document asking that the appeal be dismissed.  Improving Urgent Care Services – consultation is open re replacing 6 minor injury units with 2 or 3 Urgent Care Centres – to take part see details elsewhere in the newsletter.


Mondays Mobile Library - 3.30 - 4.00 p.m. by the Mere 9th and 23rd January, 6th and 20th February and 6th March

Every Monday Puppy Training - Village Hall - 6.00 - 7 p.m.

Every 2nd Monday Bishop Burton Country Friends 7.30 - 9.00 p.m. (see Special Dates)

Every Monday except 2nd of Month - Hull & East Riding Canine Society 7.30 - 9.30 p.m.

Every Tuesday Village Choir - 7.30 - 9.30p.m(WestfieldFarm)


Every Wednesday Short Mat Bowls 7.00 - 9.00 p.m.

Every Thursday Tai Chi - 9.30 - 11.30 a.m.

Third Thursday Book Club - Altisidora 7.30 p.m.

Every Friday Dog Training - 7.30 - 9.30 p.m.

Every Week Social Bridge - Members homes: evenings vary 7.00 - 10.30 p.m.


Sunday, 8th January from 10.30 a.m.- 2.30 p.m. Tidy up of the Village Hall - Any help would be appreciated.

Monday, 9th January - Bishop Burton Country Friends’ Festive Party with food by Jennie Winn and entertainment by the Committee. 6.45 p.m. all welcome. Tickets £11.50 available from Margaret Hebb (01964 551315) (must be purchased in advance).

Saturday, 14th January - Cinema “Florence Foster Jenkins”. Cert PG-13. Biographical comedy drama starring Meryl Streep. Doors open 7 p.m. Film starts at 7.30 p.m. Pay on the door - £5 (students £4.50). Refreshments and ice creams available.

Sunday, 12th February - “A View from the Edge”. A film noir drama. Doors open 6.45 p.m. Home-made 2-course supper served at 7.15 p.m. £15. Show only £8 starts at 8 p.m. Licensed bar. Tickets must be purchased in advance from Jan 552364 or Margaret 551315. (for more details see and article on page 7)

Monday 13th February - Bishop Burton Country Friends’ 7.30pm – Village Hall – ‘Patchwork Quilts from Ties’ by Su Woodcock.


SPECIAL DATES (continued)

Saturday. 25th February – Cinema “Bridget Jones’s Baby” (awaiting confirmation from Cine North.) Cert 15. Comedy romance starring Renee Zellweger and Jim Broadbent. Doors open 7 p.m. Film starts at 7.30 p.m. Pay on the door - £5 (students £4.50). Refreshments and ice creams available.

Monday 13th March - Bishop Burton Country Friends’ – 7.30pm – Village Hall – ‘The Origin and History of Nursery Rhymes’ by Jane McKeown.

Saturday, 18th March - BB Friends of All Saints Church . All welcome. More details to follow but please reserve the date.

Saturday, 25th March – Wendy Kirkland and her Trio present “Piano Divas”. Jazz evening. Doors open 6.45 p.m. Home-made 2- course supper served at 7.15 p.m. £15. Show only £8 starts at 8 p.m. Licensed bar. Tickets must be purchased in advance from Jan 552364 or Margaret 551315.

Saturday, 13th May - Irish Evening. More details to follow but please reserve the date.

DO PLEASE COME ALONG AND SUPPORT EVENTS IN YOUR VILLAGE. Except where stated, all events will take place in the Village Hall.

For more information on any of the above please call Jan on 01964 552364

Printed and published at Bishop Burton 1st January 2017
