Volume 63, Issue 8 Dick will be speaking on the results of the November 2016 2016 election and what opportunities Inside this Issue: exist in 2018 such as President’s Message 2 the governor's race. And that we can be thankful our nation Speaker Bio 3 survived one of the most contentious Task Force Food Bank 4 elections in history! Dick Wadhams, Former CFRW/NFRW Update 5 Colorado State GOP Chair Upcoming Events 9 (Continued on page 3) Member Updates 10-11 Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 Social Time 11:00 – 11:30 am Internet Connection 12 Gavel Drops at 11:30 am Cost: Our Advertisers 15-17 • $25 cash or check at the door with reservation • $26 by credit card at the door or prepaid online with reservation www.dcrw.org/rsvp • $30 at the door with no reservation if meals are available Location: November Lone Tree Golf Club and Hotel Meeting Menu 9808 Sunningdale Blvd, Lone Tree, CO 80124 • Salad Reservations due by Noon Friday, November 11, 2016 • Turkey Breast, RSVP by email:
[email protected] OR Gravy & Stuffing RSVP by phone: Jeanette NewVille at 303-730-3537 • IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AN EMAIL CONFIRMATION OF YOUR RESERVATION IN 2 Green Vegetable DAYS, PLEASE CALL US AT 303-730-3537 TO RESERVE A SPACE • Rolls & Butter No-show reservations will be charged • Pumpkin Pie & Whipped Cream • Coffee – Iced Tea With only a week away until Election Day, this election is already one that will certainly go down in history! With Donald Trump’s polls actively rising, we can only hope that in these last few days that he can pull off a victory.