St. 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 June 30, 2019 13th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Parish Office Spirit and Truth Newsletter Phone: 281-324-1478 Fax: 281-715-5533 DRIFT [email protected] Dear St. Philip parishioners, in a recent Daily Mass Mailing Address Reflection, we were made aware of DRIFT in our PO Box 2363 daily lives. Another alert was to recognize that small Huffman, TX 77336 things always lead to greater things. Am I less pa- Office Location tient, more sarcastic (especially to those closest to 2308 3rd Street me), more self-centered, than a year ago? That first Huffman, TX venial sin, over months or years, can lead to greater Hours: Monday-Friday wrong things. It is so easy to justify: “it’s not so bad, not even wrong really, just a ‘little imperfect’.” Yes, deviation from expected or ideal behavior, is DRIFT. Pastoral Staff

Pastor Matthew gives us good advice; stay “on the straight and narrow.” And James Rev. Richard Barker cautions of being lured by our desires. Deacon Deacon John Sarabia Secretary "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, Windy McMichael that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For Maintenance the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those Wilber Sorto who find it are few.” Mt7: 13-14 “. . but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his Mass Times own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown brings forth death.” James 1: 14-15 Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am Driving on I-45 in H-Town rush hour, it is essential to “stay in your lane,” and

Daily Mass not DRIFT into danger. New cars feature lane departure warning systems, Tuesday: Noon designed to warn the driver when the vehicle begins to DRIFT. They detect even Wed-Sat: 8:30 am small values of DRIFT and can immediately induce a steering input to correct direction. Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of “computer take the wheel,” in our Adoration daily lives we could have “ take the wheel” as the country song lyrics Friday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Reconciliation: (Continued on page 7) Saturday: 3:30-4:30pm

Independence Day Mass Come Adore Our Lord Schedule We have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday immediately following the 8:30 am Mass and Our parish will offer 8:30 Daily Mass. continuing until 4:00 pm. At the beginning of adora- The church office will be closed tion we gather together in the day chapel and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Father Barker lead- We welcome you to our parish. If you would like ing. It is a most blessed time of prayer! to become a member, please fill out a registra- tion form located on the counter by the All parishioners are invited to spend time with main entrance. before the Most Blessed Sacrament. Adoration takes place in the Day Chapel. Visit our website: or text App to 88202 to download our mobile app. Come for a few minutes or an hour. We are in need of additional scheduled adorers. If you’d like to sign up to have a permanent hour please contact Ms. Janet Hays at 281-852-3444. Altar Floral Bouquets  were given in honor of 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit The Precious Blood of Christ The Effects of the Holy Ghost Blessed Mary Mother of God Charity: Love for God and for others. Joy: Happiness in living the Christian life. PRO-LIFE News Peace: Inner calmness, even in difficulties. Patience: Kindly putting up with the faults of others. Benignity (Kindness): Sympathy and concern for the needs of others. Goodness: Giving good example for the needs of others. Longsuffering: Extraordinary patience in enduring suffering. Mildness: Being gentle in our words and deeds to- ward others. Faith (Fidelity): Loyalty to God and the people we are committed to, such as one's parents, spouse, good friends. Modesty: Respecting ourselves and others in conver- sations, dress, etc. Continency (Self Control): Proper balance in our de- sire for pleasure. Chastity: Proper attitude toward others and control over our sexual desires. 2

Join Us for Daily Mass

Three more wonderful reasons for attending daily Mass.

1. God is calling you to a deeper relationship in your heart and you find yourself pondering something that you heard later in the day. Also, When we first start going to daily Mass, we feel a the lectionary readings seem to provide the exact strong calling. The workings of divine providence words needed in difficult times. help to remove obstacles. A good daily-Mass pray- er is: "Dear God, you know how much I need you 3. Breakfast with Jesus. to get through the day. If it is your will for me to attend Mass, make is possible for me." He usually Daily Mass is like the time that the risen Lord does. cooked fish on a charcoal fire and served bread to the apostles on the beach. :12 Jesus said 2. The Word of God to them, “Come and have breakfast.” He wants to feed you, too! He loves you so much, He wants to Hearing the Word of God proclaimed every day become a part of you, and to give you daily bread. fosters a deeper understanding of scripture and What better way to start the day? the desire to know more. The Word becomes alive

Knights of Columbus Devotion to the Pro-Life Donation Precious Blood of Jesus Houston Coalition for Life Traditionally, the Catholic Church dedicates each 17,836 Visits to Big Blue Bus (since 2011) month of the year to certain devotions. The faithful 7,300+ Moms Chose Life! are encouraged to honor the Precious Blood always 92% Success Rate and especially during the month of July.

Consider making an act of love to the Precious Blood every day this month attend daily Mass, pray the Chaplet of the Most Precious Blood, adore our Lord in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and pray the “ Prayer of St. to the Precious Blood of Jesus”.

“Save lives and help women choose life by giving them Precious Blood, the opportunity to view their unborn children on ultra- Ocean of the Divine Mercy; sound machines at pro-life pregnancy centers.” This Flow upon us! initiative is funded by Knights of Columbus state and Precious Blood, local councils with matching grants from the Supreme Most pure offering: Council’s Culture of Life Fund. Precure us of every grace! Precious Blood, St. Philip Knights of Columbus Council 9794 recently Hope and refuge of sinners: donated $1,000 with matching donation from The Atone for us! KofC Supreme Council, contributing to the purchase of Precious Blood, an ultrasound machine to be used in the metropolitan Delight of holy souls : Houston area, as part of this national campaign. Please Draw us! Amen. continue your prayers and support for PRO-LIFE. St. Catherine of Siena

5th Sunday Rosary

Our St. Philip Knights of Columbus will lead the Ro- sary with parishioners Sun- day, June 30, 2019 Remember SPCC Parish Sunday Masses. The Rosary will begin as follows: with Your Summer Donations 4:30 pm—5:00pm Saturday Vigil on June 29th Thank you for your financial support of St. Philip this 8:00 am—8:30am Sunday Mass Summer! We continue to 10:30 am—11:00am Sunday Mass work very hard to fulfill our stewardship responsibilities Please adjust your schedules to join us for our sweet parish families. in this wonderful tradition.

As you and your family begin preparing for your various In God We Trust Family VBS summer travels, we ask that July 12-14 Weekend you to remember your Sun- day gifts to the parish before you travel. You can continue supporting St. Philip at Join other Catholic families for our website, or our “In God We Trust” Vacation Bi- smartphone app giving feature. ble School (VBS) at the Christian Renewal Center, July 12-14: Thank you for your financial support; your contribu- tions will help us continue the ongoing work at our Register by June 30th to avoid a parish. Late Registration Fee.

Women’s Guild Luncheon St. Philip Sewing Club July 23, 2019 July 13th — 2nd Saturdays of the Month Chinese for Lunch We invite fellow parishioners, novice or experienced sewers, to join us in preparing items for those in ALL LADIES are invited need. Let’s attend Saturday morning Mass as a way to Join us for to prayerfully begin our ministry work. We will then begin our ministry work from 9:30a – 12:00pm after Mass at 12:00 noon. morning Mass in the parish hall.

We will then proceed to Tai Li Chinese Restaurant, 7948 FM 1960 E., Humble, TX 77346.

Breaking Bread Cookbooks

Cookbooks can still be purchased. The price is $20 each, or $15 for two or more. To get a cookbook, please call Dianne Truitt at 713-823-4948. Contact Andrea Wight at 225-892-3392 or 4 [email protected]

Let us REJOICE in goodness! The Precious Blood will be offered at Mass as follows:

June 30th at the 11:00 Sunday Mass.

July 7th at the 8:30 Sunday Mass

July 13th at 5:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass

Please remember to show a sign of reverence with a head bow pause to the Precious Blood of Jesus if you choose not to consume. Thank you to our Ministers of the Chalice who have said YES to make this possible!

Vatican Express VBS — A Huge Success

“St. Peter’s Square” at SPCC hosted 48 campers and 32 volunteers week of June 10 – 14. Our young parishioners spent the week learning all about The Vatican, the , the Swiss Guard, St. and more. We talked about the treasures in the Vatican Museums. The greatest treasure the Vatican has, we have right here at St. Philip’s too: the Eucharist. We were able to re- ceive this greatest treasure when the whole camp joined Father Barker for Tuesday noon Mass. St. Jerome and his wounded lion joined us on Wednesday, and ‘ Francis’ came to answer our questions on Thursday. On Friday, the kids learned what a Conclave looks like to elect a new pope. * rotation—The kids played Eucharist Bingo, painted the Sistine Chapel like Michelangelo, learned about being , and about Adoration and the Monstrance. * Games— They played ‘Apostle Musical Chairs and gave their group leaders ‘St. Peter’s beard’. * Crafts — Campers made St. Peter light catchers, papal flags and monstrance. They participated in a a papal march around the church campus. * Music — Everyone learned to sing ‘Standing on the Rock’ a major theme of our week, and lots of other catchy songs we will all be singing in our heads for many weeks to come. Thank you to all the teen volunteers who came out the previous week to decorate the hall and classrooms to give the kids the feeling of being at the Vatican, and all the volunteers who made this week possible for our parish children. Also, a huge thank you to all of you who contributed supplies and monetary funds for VBS; we could not do it without your generous assistance. Please plan to join us next summer, Monday, June 15 through Friday, June 19 for “Parade Around the Our Father “VBS!


July 3 – St. Thomas: Inquiring, Doubting, Amazed

the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe." Eight days later, his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood among them, and said, "Peace be with you." Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing. Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." Thomas PRAYER: Almighty God, let us proudly rejoice as we : 24-29 Now Thomas, one of the twelve, celebrate the feast of St. . May called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus we be helped by his patronage and, believing, have came. life in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son, whom he So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the confessed to be the Lord. Amen Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see in his hands

Mary’s Blessings Update Dear parishioners; Your social ministry, Mary’s Blessings, has been back in opera- tion for almost six months now. We have not been as busy as we used to be, but that is understandable considering we were out of mind for so many for so long. We have had to reduce the area we serve until our income base returns to our pre- Hurricane Harvey level.

During the first five months of this year, we have had the resources to serve 31 families. By comparison, we served 60 families the first five months of 2017. Thus far, this year we have spent $5,534.54 on rent, utilities and gift cards for gasoline St. Gemma Galgani and perishables to aid the needy in our immediate area. Though our parishioner 3/12/1878 – 4/11/1903 base is not as robust as it once was, Mass attendance continues to steadily grow. We prayerfully encourage parishioners to increase their monthly contributions just Pray for us and those a little more so that we may assist those in need. Thank you for your charitable do- we serve. nations.

Patron saint for the poor “Whoever cares for the poor lends to the LORD, who will pay back and the unemployed. the sum in full.” Proverbs 19:17 6

DRIFT Continued from page 1) Independence Day Prayer


As an engineer, “DRIFT is DEVIATION from an ex- pected or desired outcome caused by control insta- bility.” In GM Manufacturing, we had routine inspec- tion sampling of critical dimensions to assure that ALL parts were within designed ranges. When DRIFT in the specification began appearing, alarms would God, source of all freedom, alert quality control to IMMEDIATELY re-calibrate the this day is bright with the memory process. Without ongoing inspection, thousands of of those who declared that life and liberty are your gift to every human being. “scrap” components could be installed in cars with unsafe or unreliable results. (How much “scrap” do Help us to continue a good work begun long ago. we generate by accepting DRIFT in our behavior?) Make our vision clear and our will strong: that only in human solidarity will we find liberty, In the past, we vacationed on a small cruiser in Puget And justice only in the honor that belongs Sound, using Navigation Aids. We carefully pre- to every life on earth. plotted speed and compass headings towards land- marks (lighthouse, red/green buoys, etc.). It was not Turn our hearts toward the family of nations: uncommon, after about one hour, to realize that a to understand the ways of others, combination of ocean current, compass, and speed to offer friendship, and to find safety only in the DRIFT (unstable control!) led us frighteningly far common good of all. from our expected destination. (How many times to We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. we notice how far we have drifted from The Best Version of Ourselves?)

So it is with life! After months/years of DRIFT, we all- to-often find ourselves examining our conscience for Reconciliation, thinking to ourselves, as St. , Germany (1098-1179) wrote: “Where am I? How did I get here? Whom can I ask to comfort me? Dear God, what will become of me?”

I seem to have a “bottom 5” set of behaviors that I just can’t seem to eliminate from my life. My pledge is to work on these by not letting myself DRIFT into complacency and self-justification, but to re- calibrate, say “it’s NOT OK,” and to stop deviating from what I know to be righteous.

It seems so simple, just not easy! With diligence, maybe I will someday be able “to enter by the nar- row gate.” Sincerely in Christ, Tim Logsdon

Jesus, I Trust in You! 7

Mass Intentions Please Pray

Daily Masses For Strength and Healing Monday, July 1 Gretchen Figarola, Sylvia Farris, No Daily Mass Buddy Herron, Lynn Gerhardt, Marian Loftus, Tuesday, July 2 Mike McKeever, Greg Keng, Jacel Morgan, Noon - Father Barker, for his Special Intentions Kim Hearne, Dick Sulkowski, Donna Hackett,

Wednesday, July 3 Patricia Flores, Kevin Kilgore, Sr., Diana Espinoza, 8:30 am - Windy McMichael, Special Graces and Blessings Brittany Vasquez, Windy McMichael,

Thursday, July 4 Charles Gardner, Dennis Billodeaux, Thelma Carrier, 8:30 am - + Ron Ellerman, for the repose of his soul + Dorothy Becker, Rosalee Frantz, Roy Lovely,

Friday, July 5 Preston Fann, Leah Dyess, Robert (Howard) Frantz, 8:30 am - Father Barker, for his Special Intentions Tammy Fann Kitchens

Saturday, July 6  8:30 am – Father Barker, for his Special Intentions For the repose of the souls of... Sunday Masses + Marge Amann, Bea Naquin, Laura Rucka, Saturday, July 6 Jane McMillan, James McCullough, 5:00 pm - Father Barker, for his Special Intentions Margarita Erebia, Pat Loftus, Bernard Sarbeck, Sunday, July 7 Teddy Bernhard, Annie Vasquez, Harbin, 8:30 am - People of the Parish, for their Special Intentions 11:00 am - + Joan Cass, for the repose of her soul + Louise Snoe, Joe Boreas, Joe Buchanan, Larry Keller, Lera Cordova, Doris Boudreaux + Proper Mass Etiquette

The worship area should be quiet for Receiving Holy Communion those who remain for prayer. Be rever- ent and refrain from bringing bottled wa- When receiving the Blessed Sacrament—Receive the Sacred Host ter, soda, food, candy, or gum into Mass. carefully always in front of the Eucharistic Minister. Never reach out to “take” the Blessed Sacrament from any minister. Please remain in Mass until the closing

hymn is finished. When it is finished, Mass has come to a close. Personal con- Receive Holy Communion with both versations may proceed and continue in hands free, one hand palm up with the the vestibule. other hand underneath. If you have ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ only one free hand, please receive the Dress Standards for All Masses Sacred Host on your tongue. Please honor the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and wear modest clothing. When receiving the Precious Blood from the chalice—Please take a sip, not a swallow. Lipstick residue on the chalice is highly inconsid- Men/Young Men/Boys erate of the sensitivities and health of others who must share the Shirts and pants. same sacred vessel. The white linen purificators used by our

Women/Young Women/Girls: Eucharistic Ministers are expensive, and our Women’s Guild spends Modest Dresses, Coordinated Ensem- hours and hours trying to clean them. We are throwing away too bles, Shirt/Blouses with Pants. many.

Clothing not proper:flip-flops, shorts, Thank you for your respectful cooperation! cutoffs, -t shirts, sloppy jeans, tank tops, 8

The Liturgy of the Word The Mass: Structure & Meaning Series

Most of the Liturgy of the Word is made up of read- After the Scripture ings from Scripture. During most of the year, the first readings, the cele- reading is from the Old Testament and the second brant preaches the reading is from one of the letters. homily. In the homily, During the Easter season, the first reading is taken the focus is on the from the which tells the story of Scripture texts or the Church in its earliest days. The last reading is al- some other texts from ways taken from one of the four . the liturgy, drawing from them lessons that may help us to live better In the Liturgy of the Word, the Church feeds the peo- lives, more faithful to Christ's call to grow in holiness. ple of God from the table of his Word. The Scriptures are the word of God, written under the inspiration of In many Masses, the Nicene Creed follows the homily. the Holy Spirit. In the Scriptures, God speaks to us, The Nicene Creed is a statement of faith dating from leading us along the path to salvation. the fourth century. In certain instances, the Nicene Creed may be replaced by the Apostles' Creed (the The Responsorial Psalm is sung between the read- ancient baptismal creed of the Church in Rome) or by ings. The psalm helps us to meditate on the word of a renewal of baptismal promises, based on the God. Apostles' Creed.

The high point of the Liturgy of the Word is the read- The Liturgy of the Word concludes with the Prayer of ing of the . Because the Gospels tell of the life, the Faithful or the General Intercessions. The gath- ministry, and preaching of Christ, it receives several ered assembly intercedes with God on behalf of the special signs of honor and reverence. The gathered Church, the world, and themselves, entrusting their assembly stands to hear the Gospel and it is intro- needs to the faithful and loving God. duced by an acclamation of praise. During most of the year, that acclamation is "Alleluia!" derived from a Hebrew phrase meaning "Praise the Lord!"

Sacraments SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY FUNERAL SERVICES If you have been participating actively at least six To ensure that parish ministers can assist you, months after registration in the parish, you may ask please call the parish office before setting dates for an appointment with the pastor to begin marriage and times for funeral services. Regarding personal preparation. Marriage preparation requires six spoken remembrances at funeral liturgies, St. Phil- months. ip parish adheres to the policies of the Archdiocese

of Galveston-Houston. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Children age 6 or younger; the following documents ANOINTING OF THE SICK are required before baptism date may be scheduled: By appointment. Please call our office to make ar- parish & baptismal registrations, birth certificate, and rangements. baptism class certifications. Godmother and Godfa- ther must be good standing practicing Catholics. Please call our church office at 281 324-1478 if you

If you have been participating actively at least six are need of these sacraments. months after registration in the parish, you may call the parish office to begin baptismal preparation. 9

Parish Ministries Contact Information Pastor - Rev. Richard E. Barker Mailing Address: PO Box 2363, Huffman TX 77336 Deacon - John Sarabia (281) 923-9659 Parish Phone: (281) 324-1478 Instituted Acolyte - John Comeaux (281) 324-2044 Parish Fax: (281) 715-5533 Instituted Acolyte - Troy Hill (713) 336-3321 Parish E-Mail: [email protected] Office Staff- (281) 324-1478 Parish Website: Maintenance - Wilber Sorto (832) 677-3883

Liturgical Continuing Christian Education (CCE) Altar Servers CCE Office (281) 324-1934, [email protected] Father Barker (281) 324-1478 CCE Core Team Chairperson Sacramental Ministry Director Middle School/High School Coordinator Lynette Zaunbrecher (281) 386-9783 Becky Pursell (713) 516-7376 Home Bound Elementary Coordinator Parish Office (281) 324-1478 Carlie Richard (337) 258-4840 Adornment of the Sanctuary First Sacrament Coordinator Altar Guild (Ordinary Time) (281) 386-9783 Suzanne Burch (361) 877-9728 DJM’s (Feast Seasons) (713) 419-8097 Confirmation Coordinator Music Core Team Lynette Zaunbrecher (281) 386-9783 Director: Geralyn Moulds (281) 540-4682 Registrar Jan Williams (713) 419-8097 André Taylor (832) 233-0829 Valerie Sivil (713) 202-1310 Nursery Coordinator Organist Becky Pursell (713) 516-7376 Theresa Merka - (281) 324-1478 Adult Bible Study Usher Ministry Ray and Deb Kessler (832) 644-8078 Gary Aldrich (832) 586-6430 Spiritual Development Social Outreach / Concern Disciples of Jesus and Mary Mary’s Blessings Ministry Laity Spiritual Formation For financial assistance please call 832-764-9814 Jan Williams (713) 419-8097 Marie Hohmann (281) 360-9032 Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Face Prayer Group Prime Timers (55+) Janet Hays (281) 852-3444 Claudia Herron (832) 270-3385 Knights of Columbus Pro-Life Gary Aldrich (Grand Knight) (832) 586-6430 Christine Kasper (713) 416-5233 Prayer Chain Rosemont Assisted Living Lupe Cupples (281) 414-3705 Judy Abdelnoor (281) 360-9728 Smartphone App - Prayers Button Prison Ministry Women’s Guild Deacon John Sarabia (281) 923-9659 Dianne Truitt (713) 823-4948 Transitions Grief Ministry Lane Coco (281) 324-2163

How will I serve our Lord Jesus Christ? Please check your ministry.  Extraordinary Minister/Lay Reader  Usher Ministry Lord Jesus Christ  Altar Server/Acolyte  Music Ministry

Calls YOU Which Mass do I attend regularly? Please circle your Mass. 5:00 Saturday 8:30 am Sunday 11:00 am Sunday to Serve Name:______Cell: ______(Must be a registered single person or sacramentally married in good standing to serve.) 10