OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE FREMANTLE DOCKERS FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB SONG Time to tune in ROGER HAYDEN Over and out THOMMO’S DOIG TOP NINE Standout moments in 2011 MEDAL PREVIEW ANTHONY ZAC CLARKE GROVER 200 MORABITO Hero poster Triumph over Preparing adversity for 2012 PP606264/1022 Vol 7.3, September 2011 $5.50 inc GST We’ve changed our name but not our team. Integrated – a proud major sponsor of the Fremantle Dockers since 2008 – is now Programmed Integrated Workforce. So when you see the new Programmed logo on the Freo Dockers’ jumpers next year, you’ll know we’re not a new sponsor, but loyal supporters of the club. Programmed provides the people, maintenance, tools and expertise to help your business grow. For more information visit Proudly sponsoring Client Programmed (PROG) Insert Date 2011-08-26 Acc Dir Prod Mgr Campaign _Jobs Size (HxW) 297.0 x 210.0 Acc Coor Studio Mgr Description New Brand (PROGNB) Art Dir Studio Op Filename PROGNB000028D_Dockers_Mag_210x295 Proof/Alt # 1 Writer Publication Dockers Magazine Date/Time 2011-08-19 16:59 Notes: Grey fields for internal sign off on hard copy proof. PDF may appear on screen not at actual size. CONTENTS FREMANTLE FOOTBALL CLUB LTD 4 PURPLE POCKET Docker – Official Magazine of the The latest player news Fremantle Dockers Football Club Volume 7, Edition 3, September 2011 7 MILESTONES McPhee, Bradley, Parry Street, Fremantle WA 6160 Broughton and Palmer P.O. Box 381, Fremantle WA 6959 8 GROVER 200 Administration: Fremantle veteran reaches milestone 28-29 T (08) 9433 7000 F (08) 9433 7001 11 DEBUTS Membership: 24 RETIREMENTS Nine players debuted for T (08) 9433 7111 The club farewells F (08) 9433 7002 Fremantle in 2011 Byron Schammer and
[email protected] Roger Hayden 14 ROUND BY ROUND A look at rounds 17 to 24 26 HERO POSTER A product of the Fremantle Dockers KidZone poll winner, Communications Department.