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Newsletter: Volume Three - Summer Edition, July/August/September 2019 Hire Five Brand New Greeters Robert and Trevor flew up to the Bay Area near the end of August to meet with the retail departments of the Oakland Athletics and the 49ers. They hoped to convince these teams to hire Greeters they recruited from the Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area and the Down Syndrome Network.

They prayed for God’s favor prior to meeting with the A's Director of Guest Services. Afterwards she said, “I think the work you are doing is incredibly important and a true testament to the loving relationship you and Trevor share!”

She gave them a behind the scenes tour of Oakland-Alameda Coliseum + tickets to that night’s A’s vs. Yankees game! (Robert and Trevor have been to two Yankees games this year, neither of them at .) They set up interview appointments for the next day between the DGS and the 5 Greeter candidates they had recruited.

They prayed that the Athletics would hire at least one Greeter and they ended up hiring all five: Dania, Marissa, Daniel, Matt and Christian! Tears of joy from Greeters, parents, Trevor and Robert after every interview.

There are only 12 regular season games left in 2019, and so the A’s are going to fast-track approval processes so the Greeters can work the last two home stands in September. The DGS said, “I believe this is the beginning of a wonderful collaboration between the Oakland A’s and Angels for Higher!”

49ers Hire Two Greeters

Robert and Trevor prayed for God’s favor prior to meeting with the 49ers at Levi's Stadium on Thursday afternoon. The of their retail operations liked what Angels for Higher was doing, but she was unsure if they needed a Greeter.

Just then, a guy shopping in their Team Store said, “Trevor, what are you doing here?” It turned out that Michael was in town on business, had some free time and decided to visit the huge 49ers Team Store. He recognized Trevor from interactions with him at . The GM agreed to schedule interview appointments for the next day.

Robert and Trevor hoped that the 49ers would hire at least one Greeter and they ended up hiring two—one for their main store and one for their upstairs store! Trevor, Matt and Christian took a photo outside the stadium that looks like an album cover for some indie-rock group.

God has engineered Divine Appointments with people who knew Trevor in Cincinnati, New York, and now San Francisco that have helped inspire team executives to incorporate Angels for Higher's program at their venues.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen!” (Ephesians 3:20-21) Trevor On The Cover

Trevor makes the cover of the 2019 Fall USC Catalog

Trevor made the front & back covers of USC's Fall 2019 Catalog with its mailing list of over 25,000 addresses. “Fight On Together...Now More than Ever" is a great inspirational exhortation, especially with all the challenges the Trojan family is fighting through these days...

USC's looking to sell 10,000 or more 'USC Trojan 2019 Official Tee' shirts that Trevor and others are modeling in the Catalog. The shirt's available exclusively at USC Bookstores or on-line:…/New- Release/parent/Men

Thank you USC’s Retail Auxiliary Services for the tremendous honor of Trevor’s front cover photograph, your gracious shout-out to Angels for Higher on the back cover, and for bringing Trevor back for his second season as Game Day Greeter at your Bookstore!

Please visit Trevor before home games this season, stock up on these shirts, and he'll autograph them between high-fives.

Fight On! Workers needed to work from home

Workers are needed to work remotely a few hours a week inputting names onto an Excel list and/or updating Angels for Higher's website where indicated. If interested, please email your availability to Robert: [email protected]

A second Matching Grant by an anonymous donor once again was matched before it made into this eNewsletter...another generous and amazing response!

Angels for Higher needs your prayers to help us change the public perception of individuals with Down syndrome by facilitating their employment as Greeters at sports stadiums. Any large and small tax-deductible donations you contribute will also play an important role in this year's plans for expansion.Thank you in advance for your prayerful and financial partnership with our mission!

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