
Sådhanå (2018) 43:28 Ó Indian Academy of Sciences

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-018-0788-z Sadhana(0123456789().,-volV)FT3](0123456789().,-volV)

An engineering-design oriented exploration of excellence in throwing


1 Structural Dynamics Team, Eaton Technologies, EON IT Park, Pune 411014, India 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016, India e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

MS received 3 November 2016; revised 12 March 2017; accepted 19 July 2017; published online 10 March 2018

Abstract. are fast throwers, and their bodies differ correspondingly from those of other hominids. One might ask why humans evolved to throw fast while others did not; whether the design of a fast thrower is unique or special and whether indeed humans remain fast within broader comparison sets of non-hominid throwers. As a non-hominid comparison set, we consider a random population of five-link robots with simplified joint angle and torque constraints. We generate 20,000 such robot models and sequentially optimize their throwing motion. Since good initial guesses are needed for each optimization, the robots are first arranged in distance-minimizing sequences in design parameter space. Each robot’s optimal throw then serves as an initial guess for the next one in sequence. Multiple traversals of these sequences, and random perturbations, are used to avoid local optima. Subsequently, regression models are used to predict throwing performance as a function of robot design parameters. From these regression models, the dominant heuristic predictor of fast throwing is found to be a long and light last link. Direct optimization of the robot design leads to much faster throwers, also with long and light last links. In striking contrast, the human arm has two equally long intermediate links of significant mass. Nevertheless, a somewhat human-like arm within the same robot set is found to be a good thrower. On combining several throwing criteria to obtain a single figure of merit, the human-like arm lies in the 96th percentile of the population. Since our human-like arm is a crude approximation of an actual human arm, we suggest that fast throwing by human-like robot arms is not inherently difficult from a mechanical point of view.

Keywords. Human arm; throwing; robots; optimization; statistics.

1. Introduction of trajectory estimation (read: throwing aim)? Consider a hypothetical researcher from the pre-human period, e.g., 5 Humans excel at fast throwing. They throw small projec- or 15 or 60 million years ago, studying throwing in pri- tiles faster than any other animal on Earth. Consequently, mates. Such a researcher might have incorrectly concluded the biomechanics of human throwing has been well studied that cannot be good throwers. Musing further, in the research literature. Yet, human throwing is a self- might another of the evolutionary dice have resulted limiting subject. It does not ask how other animals might or in, say, slender flexible elephant-like trunks that were fast might not learn to throw fast, or whether evolving to throw throwers? These speculations are meant merely to indicate fast is somehow inherently difficult, and so on. that a study of strictly human throwing is, in a way, circular Interestingly, hominids have been around for about 80 and self-limiting. million years, while Homo habilis appeared only about 3 Note that discussion of optimality in specifically-human million years ago. In other words, roughly human-like arms throwing is difficult because human arms do many things, have been around for a long time, while fast throwing e.g., load lifting, climbing, balancing, feeding, fighting, prowess has developed only recently. gripping and, generally speaking, both static and dynamic As engineers taking a design viewpoint, we wonder why manipulation of small and large objects. Hence, even if a fast throwing took so long to develop. Was the evolutionary human arm is optimized for throwing, that optimization is process slow and inefficient? Is a fast-throwing animal necessarily subject to complex multiple constraints that we design particularly difficult to find? Or, was it simply not may not be able to accurately formulate. beneficial to throw fast without accompanying development With these musings, as mechanical engineers looking at a throwing animal from a design viewpoint, we suggest *For correspondence here that some useful questions can be asked that are easier

1 28 Page 2 of 12 Sådhanå (2018) 43:28 to answer, and which may shed some indirect light on is complementary to the human-centric studies mentioned human throwing. To that end, we approach the excellence earlier. of human throwing motion from a statistical and mecha- Before proceeding with the technical content of the nistic perspective rather than a human-centric and biome- paper, we mention here for completeness some relevant chanical one. works on throwing motion of robots. Lombai and Szed- Our intention here, we emphasize, is not to undermine erke´nyi [8], Kato et al [9], Sato et al [10] and Senoo et al the human-centric and biomechanical approach, but rather [11] focus on algorithms for dynamic motion planning and to complement it. We note here the detailed and control for given robots. It is also, of course, possible to authoritative treatment of [1], which strongly adopts the model human-like throwing motion in detail [12]. Finally, human-centric and biomechanical view. For a discussion there is significant research on the biomechanics of human of gripping from an evolutionary viewpoint, see [2]. throwing (see e.g., [13–15] and [16]). Wood et al [3] discuss how some perceptual abilities that All in all, we have seen no paper that assesses human- are required by throwing preceded the evolution of the like throwing using a mechanistic comparison set as we do motor skills relevant to throwing. Hopkins et al [4] in this paper. studied neurological adaptations related to throwing and noted differences in brains of chimpanzees that correlated with variations in their throwing ability. It is thus clear 2. Robot population details that anatomy and biomechanics play critical roles in human throwing, and the ability to throw fast has We first describe the robot model. Kinematics calculations evolved over time. There are also various studies that referred to here are described in detail in the appendix. address throwing biomechanics from a injury avoidance viewpoint, e.g., [5, 6] and [7]. In contrast with the above hominid-centric studies, 2.1 Model we have found no research on the superiority of human throwing within a non-hominid comparison set. In this A human thrower uses many joints as well as flexibility. paper, we study throwing in a large random population For simplicity, we consider only 5-link rigid spatial robots of robotic arms in a mechanical design setting. Our with revolute joints. Figure 1 shows a sketch of such a study of a human-like arm within this set of robots is robot. In the figure, the n^s are unit vectors along joint axes almost incidental. Biological aspects like tendon elas- and the x^s are unit vectors along the links. ticity, joint compliance and injury are deemphasized. Some anthropomorphic arm geometries are included By our mechanistic focus on a large set of simple within such 5-link robots; for example, two short links robots and their optimized throwing motion, we with mutually perpendicular joint axes can mimic the deliberately move the discussion away from human- shoulder, with the next two longer links mimicking the specific biomechanics and into more routine rigid body upper and lower arms, and a short fifth link mimicking the mechanics, hoping for insights into throwing by both hand. Note also that the joint axis directions are design robots and humans. parameters that change from robot to robot, and so a large Our robots have simple geometry, a small number of range of motion is possible within the set of robots being degrees of freedom (five rigid links), simplified torque considered. limits and joint angle constraints that do not favour humans The robot model is idealized and simplified as follows. All and no weight (i.e., we neglect gravity), and a small point- links are treated as straight, thin, uniform rigid rods. Self- mass is considered. We will study the individu- collisions of links are ignored. Gravity is assumed to be ally optimized throwing motion of 20,000 such robots with negligible. Equal and opposite torques act implicitly at each randomly generated physical parameter values. Our inten- revolute joint as needed, with motor masses and other char- tion here is twofold: to see how robot parameters may acteristics ignored. The projectile to be thrown is a point mass predict achievable throwing speed and see also how a attached to the tip of the outermost link. By appropriate somewhat anthropomorphic arm measures up against this choice of units, the total mass of the five links (not including population of random robots. the projectile) is taken to be unity, and the projectile mass is Our main technical finding is that the anthropomorphic arbitrarily taken to be 0.1 (small, but not negligible). Simi- arm does unexpectedly well against the random population: larly, the sum of the five link lengths is taken to be unity. All ‘‘unexpectedly’’ in the sense that the arm does better than a five joint rotation angles ni (i ¼ 1; 2; ...; 5) are assumed to be regression model based on robot parameters would suggest. restricted within some range, i.e., ni;max À ni;min  U for some A less obvious, but also interesting, point is that the U. We have studied two cases: U ¼ p and U ¼ p=2. Finally, anthropomorphic arm is at best a simplified and restricted the sum of the absolute values of the five joint torques is taken version of a human arm; and hence its good throwing to be bounded by unity at all instants during the throwing performance suggests that good human-like throwers are in motion (an admittedly arbitrary choice: we will explain our some sense not too difficult to design. In this way, our work reasons later). Sådhanå (2018) 43:28 Page 3 of 12 28

2.3 Population First, consider generating a single robot design D. Four unit 0.1 vectors along joint axes and five unit vectors along links link need to be generated (nine in all). For each such random

0 ^ unit vector, all directions in 3D space were taken as equally x5 axis likely. Accordingly, for each vector, first a 3 Â 1 vector of

^ standard normal variables was generated (using the Matlab −0.1 revolute joint n5 −0.3 command ‘‘randn(3,1)’’). Subsequently, that vector was ^ 2 ^ n ^ normalized to unit magnitude, and then the unit vector was 1 x4 ^ x −0.2 n1 ^ reduced to 2 angles (latitude and longitude, or azimuth and x2 ^ n4 elevation). For link masses, 5 numbers uniformly dis- ^ n3 −0.1 ^ tributed in the interval [0, 1] were first selected using the x3 0.5 Matlab command ‘‘rand(5,1)’’. Subsequently, these num- 0 0.4 0.3 bers were divided by their sum, to make the sum unity, and 0.2 the first 4 were retained as independent parameters. Link 0.1 0.1 0 lengths were generated similarly. Finally, xtip-maximization was carried out, as explained earlier. Matlab’s ‘‘fmin- Figure 1. Five-link robot. The first link is pivoted at the ground. search’’ was used, and worked quickly. The blue line segments denote successive joint axes, fixed to We turn next to generating a population of 20,000 robot successive links: n^ is fixed relative to ground, n^ is fixed relative 1 2 designs, geared towards subsequent throwing optimization to link 1, etc. calculations with them. With our available computational resources, we found it convenient to run 16 simultaneous optimization loops on several desktop PCs running Matlab. With the constraint of 16 in mind, we first generated 4000 random designs as Parameters 2.2 described earlier (with xtip-maximization). These 4000 The physical parameters that define a robot can now be designs were partitioned into 16 subsets of 250 each, by enumerated. repeatedly dividing into two (16 ¼ 24), using the algo- 1 Without loss of generality, since gravity is ignored, the rithm of [17]. The intention was that each subset contains first links’ pivot axis with ground is taken to be along the members that are close together in parameter space. Our vertical or z-direction. The remaining four joint axes in the next goal, within each subset, was to arrange them in a robot’s reference configuration can be specified using two sequence such that the average distance between successive angles each, giving eight parameters. designs was small. To this end, we used the travelling Unit vectors along each of the five links can similarly be salesman problem (TSP) solver tsp_ ga from Matlab 2 specified using two angles each, giving 10 parameters. Central. With the TSP solutions each subset had 250 Since the lengths add up to unity, only four lengths need to designs arranged in a loop, because the travelling salesman be specified. Similarly, only four masses need to be spec- returns to his starting point. Finally, by linear interpolation, ified. Thus, there is a total of 26 parameters. 4 designs were inserted between every successive pair in A given robot could be shifted to a different reference the loop, taking the subset size (and loop length) to 1250. position through five arbitrary joint rotations, giving a The advantages of using the TSP in this way are that, in seemingly different set of 26 parameters. To make the subsequent sequential optimization of throwing motion (to reference position unique and also enable numerical com- be described later), (i) each design’s optimum throw can be parison between different robot designs, a simple opti- used as the initial guess for the next design in the loop, (ii) mization problem is solved for each robot: the tip of its the loop can be traversed in both directions and (iii) later outermost (fifth) link is moved as far out in the x-direction on, suspiciously poor optima can be perturbed randomly or as possible. For ease of reference below, this optimization otherwise improved, and then new searches with these new will be referred to as ‘‘xtip-maximization’’. After this initial conditions can be started in both directions from such maximization, technically there remain only 21 indepen- points. In particular, step (iii) was repeated until it became dent parameters that specify a robot. However, eliminating difficult to find improvements and the extra effort did not parameters seemed awkward, and we retained all 26 1 parameters at the values obtained after carrying out the Matlab code was obtained from http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/ *ece556/matlab/kldemo.m (we slightly modified the input and maximization. output). Thus a robot design, D, is a column matrix containing 26 2 http://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/13680-travel numbers (after xtip-maximization). The designs were ran- ing-salesman-problem-genetic-algorithm/content/tsp_ ga.m,by domly generated as described later. Joseph Kirk. 28 Page 4 of 12 Sådhanå (2018) 43:28

θ where U was taken to be p and p=2 in two different sets of θ 3 θ 2 4 optimizations. The maximum and minimum of each joint

θ5 angle was not computed merely at the 5 nodal points used second derivative, μ, in the spline, but at 45 equally spaced points where each

(t) is an additional input spline was evaluated, for higher accuracy. ξ Note that the average value of the joint rotation angle was not restricted in any way. The robot during throwing zero slope was not required to remain close to its reference position θ1 as obtained through xtip-maximization as described 0 t tt t 1 23 end earlier. Time 3.1c Torque constraints: Given all masses, lengths, ori- Figure 2. Joint-angle time histories are specified using cubic entations and joint angle histories, we use inverse dynamics splines. to compute the implied torques (see the appendix). The torques need to be constrained in some way, to keep seem worthwhile. Each such set of throwing optimizations, throwing speeds bounded. These torques are complicated over all 16 loops, with all PCs running almost constantly, functions of design parameters and joint angle spline data, took slightly above 3 weeks. For U ¼ p and U ¼ p=2, this and hence constraining their maximum magnitudes using is about 7 weeks. Including initial time spent in developing closed form analytical expressions is impractical. We the strategy and automating the computations, the total enforced torque limits using penalty weights instead. computational time spent was about 4 months. Later Note that there are three fundamental physical researchers with clearer strategies and faster computers dimensions in our problem, namely mass, length and may require less time. time. We have already restricted the total mass and the total length to be unity, which is equivalent to elimi- nating two free parameters through non-dimensionaliza- 3. Constrained fast throwing tion. Similarly, limiting some suitable torque to unit magnitude is a way of indirectly non-dimensionalizing We now formulate, and computationally solve, the throw the system using time. optimization problem. We encountered a philosophical dilemma in choosing the torque quantity that we would limit to unity. We first contemplated limiting each joint torque to unit magnitude. 3.1 Notation However, such uniform joint torque limits seem arbitrary if 3.1a Time history of joint angles: We specify joint angle the links have variable lengths, masses and orientations. At the same time, not using uniform torque limits seemed histories as a function of time t 2½0; tendŠ using cubic splines. Values of the angle n are specified at five uni- arbitrary as well. For example, introducing more human- formly spaced points in time. Two additional conditions like limits (e.g., larger torques near the shoulder and are needed, and they are chosen to be a zero derivative at smaller torques near the wrist) might give an undue t ¼ 0 (starting from rest), and a specified second advantage to the human thrower, which is something we wish to avoid. Yet again, there are also practical difficul- derivative l at t ¼ tend (implicitly influencing joint tor- ques at the instant preceding release). Figure 2 shows a ties: with separate inequalities for each joint torque, we schematic diagram of the same. For each such time his- found there is a greater tendency to get stuck in local tory, there are 6 input parameters (5 nodal values and 1 minima, greatly increasing the time spent in searching for final second derivative l). For 5 joint angles’ time his- global, or near-global, optimal values. As a practical choice, therefore, the torque limits were tories, there are thus 31 input parameters, including tend. Thus, a throw is a 31-dimensional vector, which we distributed equally over all joints, and we adopted a con- denote by W. straint on the sum of torque magnitudes, i.e.,

3.1b Angle constraints: It is in principle possible to X5 generate high throwing speeds using finite torques by jsiðtÞj  1; t 2½0; tendŠ; ð2Þ spinning the robot many times round and round, acceler- i¼1 ating all the while. To remove such motion from consid- which was actually checked at 45 points as mentioned eration, we force niðtÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; ...; 5 (the 5 joint angles), to be restricted within a specified range, i.e., earlier. Note that Eq. (2)isnot motivated by biome- chanics and does not specifically favour human-like

max niðtÞÀ min niðtÞU; i ¼ 1; 2; ...5; throwers. It is also simple, allows a large range of t2½0; tendŠ t2½0; tendŠ throwing motion and computationally requires just a ð1Þ single penalty weight. Sådhanå (2018) 43:28 Page 5 of 12 28

3.2 Optimization problem and numerical solution 4. Initial results and correlations Our optimization problem was as follows: We found optimal throws for all 20,000 robots and for two p max kinetic energy of the tip mass, values of U, namely p and 2. Histograms for these two sets W of throws are shown in figure 3. subject to inequalities ð1Þ and ð2Þ: We now consider statistical correlations. The maximum constrained-throwing kinetic energy (KE) achievable by a We used a combination of penalty terms and Matlab’s 4 fmincon for the optimization. The angle and torque given robot is a function of its 26 design parameters. Thus, constraints were enforced using a penalty parameter. We we sought regression models that fit the optimized kinetic also imposed bounds on the final angular acceleration l. energies as simple functions of robot parameters. To this end, we found that the correlation between actual Bounds on l, and other bounds we used on tend, were imposed using fmincon. These bounds were used to aid KE and the predicted (or fitted) KE from a linear regression the search but were irrelevant for the final optima obtained. model was 0.72 for the U ¼ p throws, and 0.80 for the In all solutions finally presented here, the constraints on l U ¼ p=2 throws. In these calculations, for each dataset of 20,000 optimized throws, we actually used two random and tend were inactive. Note that the optimization problem is non-convex, and subsets of 10,000 each, one for fitting and one for subse- must be solved individually for 20,000 robots. Many ran- quent testing, and results across these subsets were con- dom initial guesses need to be tried, and knowledge of sistent (with correlations for the test data being very optima for ‘‘nearby’’ robots needs to be used, to obtain an slightly inferior). overall reliable set of 20,000 optimal or near-optimal Note that a linear regression model in this case has 27 solutions. The complete task was large, and done as fitted coefficients (including an added constant). The cor- follows. relations improved with a quadratic model with all possible The optimization problem was solved in 16 parallel loops square and quadratic terms included, which has 378 fitted over as many subsets of the robot population, as described coefficients in this case. For U ¼ p, the correlation earlier. For each loop, we first selected a design at random, improved to 0.75, and for U ¼ p=2 to 0.83; once again the chose many initial guesses for it, and found a good opti- test data correlations were only slightly inferior. mum for it. Then the loop was traversed sequentially, with Finally, for a third-order model (3654 coefficients), the the previously found optimal throw used as an initial guess correlations for the fitting data improved while those for the for the next design. test data deteriorated, and hence those results were not All loops were traversed more than once; many designs acceptable. In separate attempts to fit the data using neural were reexamined by perturbing their optimal throws and networks from Matlab’s toolbox, we obtained results optimizing again; points where significant improvements comparable to those of the quadratic model; those attempts were obtained were used to start new local searches for are not documented here. improvements at nearby designs on the same loop; points Our unexpected conclusion from the regression models is where the throw was suspiciously poorer than those at that the maximized KE apparently cannot be fitted as a neighbouring points were perturbed and reexamined, and in simple function of design parameters. Note that the square 2 this way, through multiple and persistent searches, good of our reported correlation is the more popular ‘‘R ’’ of 2 optima were found for almost every design. statistical regression, and the best R we achieved was We stopped when new improvements became unrea- under 0.7. sonably difficult to find, and after multiple loop traversals. In search of simpler descriptions, we noted the remark- A fraction of the population may remain trapped in local able paper of [18]. Dawes observes that in situations where optima, as is unavoidable for such a large number of non- predictions are poor (i.e., R2 is low), relatively good models convex optimization problems.3 As mentioned earlier, this can be obtained by retaining a few key variables, normal- set of optimization problems represent about 7 weeks’ izing them to unit variance, and assigning them weights of worth of multiple desktop PCs running round the clock. Æ1, the sign being chosen to reflect the direction in which Although there are no formal guarantees, we do believe that each independent variable affects the fitted variable. Con- these results cannot be significantly improved without a sidering our 26 design variables, we found that two of them paradigm change in computational resources. We therefore had relatively strong correlations with the optimized KE: accept these results, and move on to a statistical assessment the last link’s length (positive correlation) and mass (neg- of the population’s throwing motion. ative correlation). Accordingly, we considered the corre- lation of the maximized KE with the simple predictor L5ÀM5 (fifth length minus fifth mass). The results were

3Remaining trapped in local optima for biomechanical tasks is easy 4 even for intelligent humans. Consider the many talented high jumpers Due to xtip-maximization 5 of these parameters are redundant, but not who never thought of the justly famous Fosbury Flop. in a way we could easily exploit. 28 Page 6 of 12 Sådhanå (2018) 43:28

1000 700 600 800 500 600 400

400 300 200 200 Number of designs

Number of designs 100 0 0 012345 00.511.522.5 KE (Φ = π) KE (Φ = π/2)

Figure 3. KE histograms. Left: U ¼ p. Right: U ¼ p=2.

Figure 4. Scatter plot of KE vs L5ÀM5. Left: U ¼ p. Right: U ¼ p=2. surprisingly good: 0.71 for U ¼ p and 0.79 for U ¼ p=2. combined to form a 57-dimensional vector, which is opti- These correlations were the same for both fitting and test mized to obtain the fastest possible thrower we can find. data. Figure 5 shows the fastest thrower found for U ¼ p. The The scatter plot of the KE of the tip mass vs L5ÀM5 is throw (indicated by red) is significantly better than the shown in figure 4. population, and consistent with a large value of L5ÀM5,as The net result of this preliminary search for good cor- suggested by foregoing results. Figure 6 shows a sketch of relations is that a long and light last link seems to favour this robot. Its L5 ¼ 0:7176 and M5 ¼ 0:0010. p fast throwing. By this criterion, an anthropomorphic robot Corresponding results for the 2 case are shown in figures 7 arm seems to be at a disadvantage. However, the correla- and 8. In this case, we found L5 ¼ 0:5497 and M5 ¼ 0:0021. tion is far from perfect, and there is room for human-like These two optimized thrower designs may not be suit- arms to throw well regardless of figure 4. able for many animals. For example, an extremely long and light last link might lack strength and stiffness as well as fail at some tasks like bringing food to the mouth. With 5. Three new robots these thoughts, we turn to the third and last robot arm considered in this paper. This is a roughly anthropomorphic We now have a background set of non-human-centric arm5 as shown in figure 9. The proportions of the masses throwers. With them available to provide context, we are taken from [19].6 Length proportions used are based on finally study three new robots. our own rough estimates. There is some arbitrariness in the The first two are robots that are themselves optimized to choices of the joint axes indicated in the figure. We have be excellent throwers, one for U ¼ p and one for U ¼ p=2, 5 both within the mechanical assumptions of our robot pop- The arm can be fully straightened; lengths and joint axes are as ulation (5 slender uniform rigid links, 5 revolute joints, sum sketched and the link masses, from shoulder to hand, are taken as 0.02, 0.02, 0.53, 0.38 and 0.05. Slightly better throws are obtained if we of masses equals unity, sum of lengths equals unity). Thus, shift some of the mass to the first 2 short links, but we avoided that the 26-dimensional design parameter vector and the trick. 31-dimensional throw-parameterization vector are 6Our source: http://www.exrx.net/Kinesiology/Segments.html. Sådhanå (2018) 43:28 Page 7 of 12 28

Optimized 1000 6 robot 900 5 800 Optimized 700 4 600 robot ) 500 3 400 Φ = π 2 300 KE ( Number of designs 200 1 100 0 0 0123456−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 KE (Φ = π) L5 − M5

Figure 5. Fastest-throwing robot found for U ¼ p. Left: histogram. Right: scatter plot.

towards generating speed in roughly the right direction, while the last few moments of throwing may also be rele-

0.9 vant for perfecting one’s aim. One aspect of the throw that 0.8 is easy to adjust, very late in the throw, is the instant of 0.7 release: in comparison, other motion quantities are difficult 0.6 0.5 to change very late in the throw. If the instant of release is 0.4 0.04 slightly perturbed, the acceleration at the instant of release 0.02 0.3 0 0.2 determines the resulting change in the velocity of the throw. 0.01 −0.01 0.1 If this acceleration vector is along the velocity of release, 0 0 −0.02 then only the throwing speed is affected. However, if the Figure 6. Optimized robot design (U ¼ p). The red line segments acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity of release, then denote successive joint axes, fixed to successive links. the robot tip motion preceding release is along an arc, and the throwing direction is affected. The idea is illustrated in sought optimal throws for this robot arm for both U ¼ p figure 13. In the figure, the two dashed arrows describe a and U ¼ p=2. Sketches of the optimized throwing motion triangular region, and this region may be thought of as the are given in figure 10. There is a superficial resemblance to region accessible to the thrower. overarm in cricket, but the elbow bends With these thoughts, we suggest a final criterion for significantly. evaluating throws: a high value of j~atip Â~vtipj. We denote The comparison with the robot population is shown in this quantity, which is proportional to the area of the tri- figures 11 and 12. Although it cannot match the two opti- angular region mentioned before, as mized throwers, the human-like arm has a relatively high ~ ~ rank with respect to the overall population (98th and 92nd A ¼jatip  vtipj: ð3Þ percentiles). We examine this further later.

7. A single figure of merit 6. Additional criteria for throwing As observed in section 5, the two robots optimized for We have, for all robot designs, optimized the throws for throwing with U ¼ p and U ¼ p=2 are both excellent maximum speed of the thrown mass. However, these throwers. However, they have excessively long and light optimized throws can be evaluated using additional criteria last links, and may be biomechanically unsuitable. We as well. Two such criteria follow. consider them no further. The first criterion we consider is simply the energy The anthropomorphic arm has, somewhat surprisingly in efficiency of the throw, i.e., the ratio of the KE of the light of the dominant statistical correlation before, been thrown point mass to the total KE at the instant of release. found to be a fairly good thrower.7 Here, we try to assess its For our second criterion, we note that one reason why humans throw objects is to try and hit targets. We suggest 7An actual human arm, with its additional degrees of freedom, elastic that the dominant part of the throwing motion is geared storage, etc., may be even better. 28 Page 8 of 12 Sådhanå (2018) 43:28

Optimized robot 800 3 700 s 2.5

600 ) Optimized 2 500 robot

400 Φ = π/2 1.5 s

300 KE( 1

Number of designs 200 100 0.5 0 0 00.511.522.53 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Φ = π/2 KE ( ) L 5 − M5

Figure 7. Fastest-throwing robot found for U ¼ p=2. Left: histogram. Right: scatter plot.

tip trajectory release tip trajectory position starting position release position starting position 0.8 0.15 0.7 intermediate 0.1 0.6 positions intermediate positions 0.05 0.5 0.4 0 0.3 b Φ = π/2 (a) Φ = π ( ) −0.05 0.2 0.1 0 Figure 10. Optimized throws of the human-like arm.

Figure 8. Optimized robot design (U ¼ p=2). Red line segments denote joint axes on successive links. percentile score on these criteria, relative to the random population of 20,000 robots. These percentile scores are found to be the following. 0.1 0.05 1. For / ¼ p: −0.5 KE: 97.75, g: 90.26, A: 95.4. 2. For U ¼ p=2: 1 KE: 91.94, g: 88.98, A: 87.02. 0 0.5 It remains to combine these 6 measures of throwing per- 0.5 0 formance into one reasonable figure of merit for the human- like arm. To this end, we have simply added up the 6 Figure 9. An anthropomorphic robot arm. Two short links mimic percentile scores for the human-like arm, as also the cor- the shoulder, the next two mimic the upper arm and forearm (of responding 6 scores for all 20,000 robots. Taking this total roughly equal length) and the last link mimics the hand. Red line score as an ad hoc figure of merit, the human-like arm is segments denote joint axes. found to have a percentile score (relative to the population) of 95.98. throwing ability using six different criteria as follows: for This high final percentile score is, to us, the main finding each of U ¼ p and U ¼ p=2, we consider the KE and of this paper. We summarize it as follows. Statistical cor- energy efficiency (g) as well as the A parameter of Eq. (3). relations suggest, and optimized throwers demonstrate, that Since these 6 quantities are physically different, we assess rather non-human-like arms might be the best throwers. the performance of the human-like arm in terms of its Nevertheless, a human-like arm, not obtained from Sådhanå (2018) 43:28 Page 9 of 12 28

Optimized 1000 6 robot 900 Human−like 5 800 robot 700 4 600 Percentile: 97.75 ) 500 3 Human−like 400 Φ = π robot Optimized 2 300 KE ( Number of designs robot 200 1 100 0 0 0123456−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 KE (Φ = π) L5 − M5

Figure 11. Human-like arm, U ¼ p, histogram and scatter plot.

Optimized robot 800 3 700 Human−like s robot 2.5

600 ) 2 500 Percentile: 91.95

400 Φ = π/2 1.5 Human−like Optimized robot s 300 KE( robot 1

Number of designs 200 100 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Φ = π/2 KE ( ) L 5 − M5

Figure 12. Human-like arm, U ¼ p=2, histogram and scatter plot.

path of In this sense, even in a broad comparison set of random projectile robots that draw no advantage from human-specific path of moving target biomechanics, the human arm emerges as a potentially excellent thrower. slightly delayed slightly early release release

8. Discussion and conclusions path of tip linkage In closing, we discuss our work along three themes: its technical scope, its procedural contributions and its possi- Figure 13. Directional sensitivity of the throw to small changes ble broader interpretation. in the instant of release. The two dashed arrows define a triangular We begin by discussing the technical scope and limita- region, which may be thought of as accessible to the thrower. tions of our study. Our choice of straight-linked, five- jointed robots is somewhat restricted. Subsequent researchers may wish to allow further degrees of freedom, extensive optimization and not following statistical trends, such as a ball-and-socket joint at the shoulder. Secondly, it may reasonably be viewed as performing in the 96th per- is not clear what, within our robot population, is the fastest- centile of the population. throwing human-like arm. This limitation works in our 28 Page 10 of 12 Sådhanå (2018) 43:28

simultaneous neurological development delayed the emer- gence of fast throwing. -Ti+1 -Ftip -Fi+1


Ftip Acknowledgements Ti F T i 5 We thank Sourav Rakshit, Taher Saif, Anurag Gupta, (a) ith (b) 5 th link (c) point mass link Devlina Chatterjee, Jim Papadopoulos, Sovan Das, Dagmar Sternad and Joe Cusumano for discussion and comments. Figure 14. Free-body diagrams of the robot links. A Robot kinematics and dynamics favour, however; if there is a faster human-like throwing Here, we describe the kinematics and dynamics calcula- arm, then our point becomes stronger. Third, as admitted tions for the throwing motion. earlier, the optimization problem we have solved (40,000 times) is non-convex. We see no way to remove this dif- ficulty; it may be alleviated only by more determined A.1 Kinematics searches, greater randomization and more powerful com- puters. Fourth, although we find that the human-like arm is We use rotation matrices to calculate the positions of the a superior thrower, our attempts to predict throwing per- links during throwing. These calculations are described formance in terms of robot parameters found the key pre- here. dictor to be L5ÀM5. We do not know what other, as yet Consider a vector ~v, rotated about a unit vector n^ by an undetected, superior throwers still lie concealed within our angle h, transformed to vector ~v1. Then population. ~v ~v n^ n^ ~v n^ ~v : Procedurally, we have made two contributions. First, we 1 ¼ð1 À cos hÞð Á Þ þ cos h þ sin h ð Â Þ have offered a new paradigm for viewing a variety of ð4Þ biomechanical tasks, of which throwing is just one. If all vectors are written as 3  1 column matrices, then Specifically, if humans throw well, we have suggested that Eq. (4) can be written as8 a useful comparison set could be mechanistic and large, as  à opposed to biomechanical and limited to hominids. Such a v ¼ ð1Àcos hÞ nnT þ cos h I þ sin h S v ð5Þ comparison may yield insights into both human throwing as 1 3 n well as throwing in general. Second, we have offered a where I3 is the 3  3 identity matrix and Sn is a 3  3 skew- practical way of seeking a large number of such optima, symmetric matrix representing a cross product with n^. The through our partitioning and use of the TSP solution. Future term inside the square brackets in Eq. (5)isa3 3 matrix, investigators may find this idea, which we have not seen which depends on n and h. We denote it by Rðn; hÞ, and call elsewhere, useful. it the rotation matrix. Eq. (5) becomes Finally, we turn to possible broader interpretations of our work. v1 ¼ Rðn; hÞ v: ð6Þ To begin with, we have offered fairly convincing evi- th dence that the human-like arm seems to be a superior Now, see figure 1. Let ni be the joint rotation about the i thrower even in a simplified mechanistic setting. Such an axis (ni). Then insight has not been offered anywhere in the literature so R R n ; n ; 7 far. There seem to be two interesting ways to interpret this 1 ¼ ð 1 1Þ ð Þ finding. R ¼ R ðR n ; n Þ R ; ð8Þ One is that even a crude approximation of a human arm 2 1 2 2 1 throws very well relative to a large mechanistic robot and in general population whose arms are not subject to the dimensional restrictions of the human arm. This suggests that humans Ri ¼ R ðRiÀ1 ni; niÞ RiÀ1; i  2; ð9Þ are probably good throwers even somewhat outside a th strictly hominid context. More interestingly, it appears that where Ri denotes the final rotation matrix for the i link. a fast-throwing human-like arm is not mechanically hard to design. In other words, humans do indeed throw fast, and fast throwing is not inherently difficult from a mechanical 8Bold letters indicate 3  3 matrices. The 3  1 matrix counterparts of viewpoint. Perhaps, in hominid evolution, the required vectors are without the upper arrow, e.g., ~v , v. Sådhanå (2018) 43:28 Page 11 of 12 28

A.2 Dynamics ~Fi À ~Fiþ1 ¼ mi ~ag;i; i  4: ð18Þ We have used inverse dynamics, i.e., for every link, we Angular momentum balance (AMB) for the fifth link is calculate the joint torques and forces from given time his- tories of joint rotations. The torque calculations at any ~T 5 þðÀ~rg;5ÞÂ~F5 þð~re;5 À~rg;5ÞÂðÀ~FtipÞ instant of interest are described here for completeness. cm cm ¼ I5 Á~a5 þ x~5  I5 Á x~5; th A.2.1 Velocities and accelerations Let ni be the i and for the remaining links it is _ joint angle rotation, ni be its rate of change with time, and € th ~T ~T ~r ~F ~r ~r ~F ni be its second time derivative. For the i link, the angular i À iþ1 þðÀg;iÞ i þðe;i À g;iÞÂðÀ iþ1Þ cm cm velocity (x~i)is ¼ Ii Á~ai þ x~i  Ii Á x~i; i  4:

_ cm th x~i ¼ x~iÀ1 þ ni n^i; i  1; ð10Þ where Ii is the central moment of inertia tensor of the i link. with x~0 understood to be zero; the angular acceleration (~ai) is

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