Cavaliers and Pioneers, a Calendar of Virginia Land Grants, 1623-1800
333.3 N894CEf CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS PART 6 \l Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign JU£ AJ<^^. 133.3 Vol. I. No. 6 Cavaliers and Pioneers A CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA LAND GRANTS 1623 - 1800 COMPILED BY NELL M. NUGENT RICHMOND, VA. Press of The Dietz Printing Co., Richmond. Va. ^ •M qiMTf Cavaliers and Pioneers 1623 A CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA LAND GRANTS 1800 Vol. I. No. 6. PATENT BOOK No. 2 By Sir William Berkeley, Knight, Governor, &c. EDWD. MURFREY & JOHN 1644, Page 3. Trans, of himself, wife VAUGHAN, 1,200 acs. upon South- Margarett, Edwd. Rendrick (Kendrick ward side of Potomack River, on the ?), Wm. Praise. Eastermost side of Cedar Island Creek. THOMAS STAINOE (indexed 24 Feb. 1643. Page 1. Trans, of: Tho- Staines) 62 acs. called the Chesnutt mas Denham, Eliz. Taylor, Eliz. , Neck, adj. Garrett Stephens, parallel to Wm. Sorwell, Eliza, his wife, Fra. Har- land of Xpofer. Bare. Trans, of 2 per- rison, John Readwood, Wm. Barring- sons: John Parkes, Benja. Tenner. As- ton, Isaac Jones, Eliz. Wotter, Robt. signed to him by Ann Moore, wife and , John Povey, Edw. Samuell, Tho. attorney of Joseph Moore. Anderson, Ann Franklind, Ann Frank- laine, Henry Reeves, Tho. JEREMIAH CLEMENT, 200 acs. , Jone Proper, James Sams, Mary Griffin, James City Co., Jan. 10, 1643, Page 4. Crough. On Swd. side of James River, at the upper E. his THOMAS WOODHOUSE, 200 acs. Chipoake, upon former devident. of: James City Co., 24 Mar. 1644, Page 1.
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