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8111UCH&Dtl£ G


Vol. 70, Number 3 Information Now October 2, 1996 'Students' Needs Ignored as College New I.D. Implements NewRemedialPolicy .Card Faces

ByDusanStojkovic . 8111UCH&Dtl£G(· . 1 Opposition Inan attemptto raiseacademic me!!!' program which is as- population. By Andrew Scott standards, the Baruch College ad- signed a value of nine equated "I hope that the overall impact Baruch students will be re- ministration shut hundreds of credits (but zero actualcredits)is ofthemorestringent.requirements quiredtochangetheir I.D. cardsas freshmen out ofschool and forced no longer allowed to register full .willbe positive,"says Bob Ptachik, a newCUNYCardisintroduced,on hundreds more into part-time sta- time. It also stipulates that no Acting Associate Provost.' He goes October 21, despite protests from tus, without the knowledge ofstu- student will be allowed to take a onto say, "Within CUNY, Baruch student organizations who claim dents or counselors, when Baruch remedial course more than twice isknownforitshighacademicstan- that the card is an violation ofstu­ implemented a newremedial policy at Baruch, and students who fail dards and especially business stu- dents rights. that went into effect in August. the same remedial course for a dents have to take a number of In an attempt to provide more The policy allowed the Univer- secondtimewillbedismissedfrom courses that require quantitative services and access to CUNY cam­ sity to withdraw students from the College and forced to com- skills. Effective reading and com- puses, the new card will function classes for which they had already plete their remediation at a com- munication are essential for all as an I.D. card and, if a students registered without consulting stu- munity college or through students." opts, as a Citibank debit card and 'tients. Theprogramchanges, made Baruch's continuing education "How can you have a higher an MCI calling card all in one. as late as September, affected stu- program, which does not off-er fi- standard of education ifyou don't According to Michael DiMarco, dents'financialaidandworksched- nancial aid. teach your own students?" asks the Baruch College Bursar, with ules and negatively impacted the Students on remedial proba- Rafael Gomez, one of nearly 1000 the debit card students can have amount of revenue the college ex- tion, being allowed to take only students who were downgraded their financial aid checks depos- -pected to collect. two courses, are reduced to part- from full-time to part-time status ited directly into a Citibank ac- The recently implemented re- .t.ime status and are ineligible to owing to the new policy. "1 was count instead of waiting on long medial probation policy stipulates receive funds from' ·the Tuition never sent a letter informing me lines to collect it. Thereis no mini­ that continuing remedial students Assistance Program(TAP). Ac- that my schedule would be mumbaiancerequiremelltsforthe' whohavefailedoneremedialcourse cording to counselors at Student changed,"theSEEKstudentmain- account and students can make " 'will be placed on probationvbar- DevelopingandCounselingforthe tains, addingthatthefour courses deposits orwithdrawals from the.'. . ~them from registering .full- ,SEEK ~P'vtl!i~hasforced.' ~:w;hiCli]l(f]l~Ci.jn·itiany$gra:."~-'acoouiirbYaeresgingtJi~~~fWIllS~i't'-- ". trme~"'"'' .-p'.~ ",..' -". -, _." some students to drop out and tered ail met in the everring ses":any NYCE or CIRRUS ~TM' rna;. . ,The new remedial policy i~ has left many students scram.- aiori, while the two remedial chines. However, DiMarco' says ..,·:designed,..so ...that...sequences.cand .... bling..fOf'-ttiition moB~ei~l"-hy" ~ses whidl-we£-e eveRtuaUy-~Oo that-there"~wln"heno ·Tnte~.-:ae~_·, ..... programsarecompletedwithinone . increasingtheirworkinghoursor - signed to him'met dur-ing the day crued on the accountbecauseofthe semester, including the summer by accepting new employment, services Citibank will be offering. session or inter-session. Inaddi- whichmayinterferewiththestud- cotinued on page 4 DiMarco also says that the debit .tiOII, a student enrolled in the re- ies of an already vulnerable card can be used at stores such as The Gap, Barnes & Noble Book- ­ stores and soon The Baruch Col­ Voter Registration Campaign Flops lege Bookstore which will beadd­ . ' ing features to accept the card. Students will be made aware By Helen McFarlane and that, apart from the card's use as '" MingWong " an J.D. card, the Citibank debit In an attempt to strengthen ments, activities, and newspapers Reynolds said,"Voterregistration card and MCI calling card services ofCuNYpolitic'~lly, the voice stu­ to promote voting awareness. and involvement in the electoral are optional. Accordingto DiMarco, dents received a voterregistration CUNY students will soon be able process are vital to a strong de­ representatives from Citibank and form in theirregistration packets, to get a voter registration form via mocracy and we will continue our MCI will be available during the butofthe15,000,registrationforms the CUNY home page on the efforts on a year-round basis to week to explain their services. distributed, only 70 of the forms internet. Promotional buttons, help encourage participation." Students, as they currently do, were. returned, keeping: in~act brochures and pens were given Their efforts have paid great will be able to use the CUNYCard Baruch's record of low response away on CUNY campuses. dividends, with the exception of to enter through turnstiles in the level for voter registration. "CUNY places a high priority 25th Street building arid in the With CUNY facing the third on citizen participation in the vot­ continued on page 3 year ofGovernor GeorgeE. Pataki ing process," Chancellor W. Ann continued on page 4 three year budget plan, CUNY is anticipatingmassive cuts to higher education. With theupcomingelec­ tions, studentvoter registration is Contents vital, and CUNY has moved for- Editorial . 6 ward implementingan aggressive campaign to get students regis­ t.ered. As part of their massive Letters/Op-Eds . 7 'campaign, CU1\TY has worked in conjunctionwith Barnes and Noble Business . 9 to stress the significance ofvoting. Numerous ads, featuring such fa­ mous authors as Amy Tan, Alice Features . 13 Walker, Anne Rice, and Bill Moyers, urges individuals to vote ~~ 19 are displayed on campuses and . public bus stations. Voter regis­ tration coordinator.s are working ~~()1its••••••••••••••••••••• 23 in unison with their respective Next ieseue: Oct. 16 CUNY schools' student govem- . Three ofthe very few Baruch stu~ents who registereOod to v0tf!~ Ad Deadline: Oct. 9 2 "" .... f . COLLEGE ~'Tl'I>E\'TS 3 en ~. ---.;~ a> .. i CiWYOUR Z FOUR YEAR.;, Student Government-HopestoGain- -w';' Student z CJ) <. • • ~ • ·,·coLLEGE DEGHE UJ o• TUI1:ION· FREE:: .Influence with USS Chairmanship Turnout ! (') ~, ~. o- By Ivanna Garibaldi CY C\J Your collegeeducation may be CD L- a> closer than you think. WIth The City University wide gov­ somewhatskeptical."JuStaslongas . they feel will serve their best inter­ sfor Voter $ I\) .c - o tuition costs constantly rising, the ernment, University Student Sen­ these 'ideas' don't wither into the est. Javier also mentions the need - -o .:.:-c..~... ate (USS)is abouttoenterintothis o ::.• price of a collegeeducation may thin air, it is hopeful to think that for ·two votes within the Board of ~.... seemout of sight. The New York year's election and Baruch's somegoodwillcomeofit,"comments Trustees in order to increase the Registration Anny National Guard offers 100% MaximoJavieris one ofthree chal­ a former memberofthe DSSG, who voice and C~s power of influ- tuitionassistance to those who lengers forthe most powerful posi­ .does not wish to be identified. "We ence. qualify. tion, Chairperson. allknowthatinnovative views tend Following comments on his continued from front page Baruch student government to flourish during elections, but .'. plans, Javier quickly reverts to That's right, 100% tUition to aJLstite collegesand universities, community leaders say they hope to push the quicklyevaporateafterthepositions claims that, at times, seem rather Baruch. Based on Board of colleges, and an amount~_to SUNY's tuition at participating private ~olleges College to the forefront of CUNY . areassumed and it's important for far fetched. He says,' for .example, Election numbers, the CUNY and universities. Part-time military servicewith the New York Anny National . politics and maintain thatthis can usnottoletthishappen,"hestemly that he strives for a renewed USS registration drive resulted in a Guard can get you a college degree. Go to school while you serve your country only be achieved by a strong and states in response to Javier's words which will become more open to the 71 percent increase in regis- . and community. determined candidate willing to ofwisdom. students and more public. His plat- tered voters. effectivelyrepresentBaruchwithin Javier's strongest opposition form revolves around the idea of . Administrators at Baruch the Senate. But it remains to be hailsfrom the"Studentsfor a Better "comingto the students" and reach- realize the importance of regis­ CALL OUR CAREER CENTER seen if Maximo Javier is, in fact, USS"camp,anoffshootofUSSmem-. ingout towards them with support tering to vote arid continue 24 HOURS A DAY: this person. hers who feel that too much cam- without them having to find out for workinghard to import the same Lease a laptop for as lime·as $50 a month. The DSSG is strongly understanding to its student themselves. "I'~ofthe population. Ronald Aaron, As- .supporting Javier's can­ Call us at I -888-peU-GOO1 1-800-356-0552 . studentsthatlikes togoto sociate Dean of Students, puts didacy and according to .the cafeteria where the this in perspective, stating that J to get the best prices on LEASING him, he has gained this students are at and ex- "college students are an under­ or BUYING your computer for school. apparent support due to plain to them the situa- represented block that lacks the his past experiences, not tionabouttheelectionpro- clout of other blocks,like senior only at Baruch, but also cess and the issues affect- citizens." Therefore, there are at New York City Tech­ ingBaruch,"Javier notes. great ramifications such as the nical College, from where . He also emphasizes the cutbacks in funding, which oc­ he transferred. Maximo need for press releases in curred at the beginning of the claims,"I basicallyrecon­ orderto publicizethehap- 1995 Fall semester. structed the student peningswithinthestudent Aaron fears that the same you're YoUng, council at City Tech by organizations, especially scenario will be played out when myself,"adding,"Andin­ govemmententitiesofthe Governor Pataki presents the formed the students of various colleges. 1997 budget. "It's"important inexperienced and dont thecouncil'ssignificance, In spite ofJavier's ap- that this base which doesn't use Ir-..- I as well as theimportance parent confidence in his its power,be made a ware of .. ofthestudentbody'spar- even have a degree. chances of winning, the what's. pending in their educa­ .ticipaticnanda wareness election, the majority of t ion a l futures," says Aaron. of the going-ons[sic] in I I the college." .~n~~S::::;:e~ -- vote~~~i:t~:~~;e::t~ill"~~~ -- Javier has been arr tions are about to be held, ceived with school registration active participantinstu- .' - andmostdonotknowwhat information may have been cum­ We think youre ready .?ent government at the USS is. "Who the hell bersome," the intention i.s Savings 101 Baruch, where he has is Maximo Javier?" asks wholly positive. F'urt.hermore, supported the view of Susanne, an upperjunior, Aaron says that the thinking at And you thought you'd only be tested on coursework to be a leader. closer interaction be­ in surprise, adding "He's Baruch is that the "students will tween student organiza­ Maximo Javier, candiddate for USS Chair. running for what?!" Like read the material and share the You'll have a lot of studying to do when you need to get to Myrtle tionsandstudentgovern- Susanne, most of the information with family mem­ Beach using what's left in your piggy bank. ment so that "communication be- paigning and "professional" politics College's students have not been bers." The intended results tween the groups would be easier have become entrenched in USS Or you can call I-gOO-Air South for low student fares like these... exposed to Javier's campaign, nor will be the mobilization of a and more efficient." Buttheconsen­ politics. the existence ofthe election for that strong voting block, which will Travel from New York . sus among the student body is that "We want USS to be a voice ofall JFK Off-Peak Peak matter. be able to obtain a platform for (T-W) (Th-M) the student government's actions students, not a stepping stone for a' "Again: What does he mean by its issues, and prevent the in- Atlanta $59 $79 haveleftmuchtobedesiredandvast person's political ambitions," says . renewed? New what? new to what creasing trend of cuts to CUNY improvements are still necessary. Rob Hollander, USS member; extent? and to whose benefit?" ques- funding. Columbia $49 $69 He is quick to point out that, in his Javier has apparently suffered tionsaformermemberoftheUSSat Aside from the involvement Myrtle Beach .. $49 $69 mind, USS is essential to Baruch­ some setbacks according to .sources the mention ofJavier's ideas. ofBaruchAdministrators in reg- Savannah $49 $69 specific issues, such as welfare pro­ privy to. the inner workings of the The USS comprises the central istering student voters, there Charleston $49 grams,securityandstudents'voting USS. He may have been harmed by student government of CUNY. It are also concerned student • $69 power.Also,he explicitlymakesnote his supposed association with cer­ GreenvilleJSpartanlxng~ primarilyfocuses on issues affect- groups who've made this issue a $49 $69 of his past campaign to crush the tain individuals who are considered ingtheCityUniversityas a whole. concern. The Soul Survivors Jacksonville $49 $69 childlhealthcarefee atBaruch."Last "unethical"intheeyesofthestudent Eachcollege send a delegate, with have been in the forefront, set­ Miami $59 $79 year, we did all that we could to organization. voting power, to the USS. In his ting up in school voter registra­ Norfolk $29 $39 bring down that fee," says Javier of According to -Iavier, among the absence, an alternate represen- tion booths and handing out per­ Students 25 and under with proper I.D. the student government's efforts." more crucial events for the USS this tative from each student govern- tinent registration material. As When you get involved with Do Something. you'll be helping to build your .But to manystudents, it is far from semester will be the mayoralty and ment (Day Session, Evening Ses- has the CUNY Legislative Ac­ . . 0 c So 1I I ~1 ~:' r n R comrnurutv You can get Involved in existing programs. or start your own with clear what that "all" entails. he ha:s a number of ideas with re­ sion and G~aduate). The USS tion ·Council(C.L.A.C), a group .0 \,,). '. <> 0 . a Do Something Grant. For more information. go to the Internet community Like a true politician, Javier gards to this and the College com­ meets once a month and usually headed by Jay Her.shon. festival. http://www.webstock96.com and basically. do something good.. tends to speak in utopian terms. He munity. Amongthese ideas;thereis convenes at a different unit of C.L.A.C. places heavy empha­ 6 Cf AIR SOUTH says that he feels compelled to rep­ the possibility of a massive ques­ .CUNY. This studentorganization sis on using peer speakers in resent Baruch in the best possible tionnairethroughoutthe university deals with crucial.concerns that rallying students to register to For schedules or reservations, se« your local travel agen: or way by giving the College a voice, focusing on' 30,000 students, doing are relevant to all the colleges vote. call ViSa supports Do Sornet:J:dnq.·' strength and leadership. For him, the'mailingand have it relateto the within the system, and it is this. Despite the immense efforts I-800-AIR SOUTIIlI-800-247-7688 "It is not merely a matter ofrepre­ Currentissuesincludingeducational view ofall underone City Univer- given by members ofthe Baruch or see our web page senting Baruch, but making the issues thatstudentsfeel are ofgreat sity that gives it its powerful community in registering stu­ http://www.airsouth.com e\llaU.SA Inc. 19Q8 College one of the more powerful COT'cern. Even though the USS is a strength and voice. Past activi- dents to vote, room for improve­ -PFC ofS3-SI may apply. Fara IisIed ~ aae-way. -.cd'aDdIbIc. IDd ftlqUire __pardIuc • IclIIl7 days ia non-partisan entity and therefore Id~ ofIra¥d. Seas are limiIcd aDdmay IlOl be aftibIlIe oa aJJ ffiJbu. Faresare sabja:t 10 c:b8aF witboul DllIicc. forces in the USS so that the issues ties have'focused on conducting ment remains. Students who affecting the College will be con­ cannot endorse any candidates, lobbying efforts to the state legis- have not yet registered should fronted from our own school's scope, througha questionnaireofthistype, lature, coordinating the voting keep in mind that the deadline but through a CUNY-wide effort." other student organizations could power of the over 200, 000 stu- to make their voice heard is '--'~-- -"{~ .. His former position asVice-Chair of access information on the specific dents throughout ... ue .;..j- October 11. the USS may prove to be beneficial issues affecting the whole student tern and strikingback against the . -in pursuing these efforts. body and they could be inclined to budget cuts proposed by Gover- Many students, however, are support certain candidates whom nor George Pataki.

_ .. 41 ______• • _ _ _ .. • ...... _•____ .. •_ •• _ ._ .. .. _• ~ .. _ .. ~ .. .. ______\ 4

en 5 3: CD Baruch's New RemedialPolicy Kicks Students Out ofClasses c:r-t Z ~ ..,CD continued from front page pursue a college degree. They ployment offers because they not have gone into effect until the Z CD "I had to quit my job in order have to work hard on passing had assumed they would be go­ Fall 1996 semesterand thus elimi­ DNLINE :E • IEIAF1UCH en to continue going to school, and their remedial courses within ing to school f~ll-time. In addi­ nated the academic, financial and • for what? Just to take remedial one semester, instead of taking tion, both say that they fail to 0 emotional disruption suffered by E-MAIL ADDREB8EB 0 courses?" he asks. up to six or eight or ten semes­ 0 C\J see the benefits ofthe basic writ- these continuing SEEKstudents." - C" L- Another student with a simi­ IITUDIINTL··a.... CD ters." ing skills course they are tak­ "I'm not questioning the truth­ ..,CD .c Mr. Ira Hersch, Editor-in-chief, The Ticker: [email protected] o lar fate, Rolando Rodriguez, Ptachik emphasizes that, ing; other than to pass the fulness ofthese claims, but I find I\) (J says of the change in his sched­ David Kinzelberg, Day Session Student Government President: [email protected] ~ o- under the previous policy, a stu­ CUNY-standardized Writing this incredible, since news about co ule, "They just threw it at me." dent would only be put on reme­ James Yen, Day SessionStudent Government Vice President: [email protected] co Assessment Test. the new policy was spread Day Session Student Government Bursar: [email protected] (J) The upper freshman had origi­ dial probation ifhe or she failed "What I don't understand throughout the College commu­ Day Session Student Government Council: [email protected] nally registered for introductory the same remedial course four is," explains Gomez, "why we nity," says Ptachik, adding, "And .Section EditorslStaffWriters at The Ticker: [email protected] courses in French and History, times. Before bei ng dismissed were' allowed to register for a I have seen the generic letterthat along with the two courses he from the College, a student full course load in the fir-st place was supposed to be sent to all the caLL"'. '~"IIaN~L was instructed to take on his would have another academic if they were going to implement students who were put on reme­ Dr.Ronald Aaron, Associate Dean ofStudents: [email protected] regfstrat.ion invitation card, El­ year to finish their remedial these new rules a month later." dial probation from the Dr. Carl Aylman, Director ofStudent Life: [email protected] Debbie Bick, Associate Director ofStudent Life:[email protected] ementary Calculus, MTH 2010, requirements and boost their According to Ptachik, the Registrar's Office." and Remedial Writing, ENG Lisa Goldstein, Director ofFreshman Orientation:[email protected] . Grade Point Averages over new policy is a direct result of Furthermore, Ptachik main­ 0150. But in mid-August, Dr. Samuel Johnson, Vice President for Student Development/Dean ofStudents: [email protected] 2.000. the CUNY Board of Trustees' tains that the reason why the Rodriguez found out that he was But according to some ofthe Dr. Carl Kirschner, Assistant Dean ofStudents: [email protected] mandate on all schools within students' classes were dropped Sharon Lai, AsaistantDirector, Office ofStudent Life: [email protected] on academic probation and the students on remedial probation, the system to restrict remedial after their registration was not Luz Rodriguez, Office ofStudent Life: [email protected] former courses had been taking only two courses will pro­ courses to one or two semesters because the policy modifications Marcy Roe, Office ofStudent Life: [email protected] dropped from his schedule. "You vide them with less incentive to and on the senior colleges to were put into effect in mid-Au­ -Jeanette Shuck, Office ofStudent Life: [email protected] think you're coming to school stay in school. "It's very unfair dismiss any student who fails a gust, but rather because these Dr, Mark Spergel, Director ofEvening and Graduate Student Services: [email protected] full-time, and then all of a sud­ for people who have to come to remedial course twice. As early students had not been classified Susan White, Office ofStudent Life: [email protected] den, they tell you that you can school just to take remedial as May 1st, the School of Lib­ to be on remedial probation un­ only take two classes," he re­ DEPAFlTMENTBlORIiIANIZATIDNS courses," says Yacirys Gomez, eral Arts Committee on Aca­ til that time. lates. AIESEC: [email protected] stressing that she feels like less demic Standingpresented its rec­ "The process of early proba­ The rationale behind allow­ Day Session Student Government (see above under Day Session Student Government) ofcollege students because they. ommendation for the new policy tion review is still done manu­ ing students on remedial proba­ Evening Session Student Association: [email protected] are not given the opportunity to to the Liberal Arts and Sciences ally at the College, and priority tion to take no more than two Graduate Student Assembly: [email protected] take basic classes.with their faculty, who subsequently ap­ is given to students who are in Hillel Foundation ofNew York: [email protected] courses is twofold, according to peers. Most of the students proved the measures. danger of being dismissed-it Newman Catholic Center: [email protected] Ptachik, "First, there is not a whose schedules were modified Still, SEEK counselors state would certainly not be fair to Student Computer Services Unit: [email protected] _ ------,2: great deal of courses students under the new probation policy that neither they, nor any oftheir allow them to register' only to can take without having fin­ STUDENT NE\IVIIPAP&FlB agree that additional courses students, were informed of the tell them that they're no longer ished their remedial courses The Graduate Voice: the..,[email protected] would not distract them from impending changes. In a memo­ allowed to attend school," first. As far as I know, there is The Reporter: [email protected] their coursework, but rather randum to the Presidentand Pro­ Ptachik says. He adds that it no lrosiness course that does not 'The Ticker: [email protected] motivate them to broaden their vost from September 16th, the was not possible to review the have completed remediation as horizons and continue their edu­ SEEK counselors go so far as to records of the students whose LISTSERVERS a prerequisite." As for the sec­ cation. say, "We question the legality of schedules would be changed be­ ond reason, he goes on to say, Day Session Student Government: [email protected] Rodriguez and ENG 0150 the retroactive implementation of fore they registered since tele­ "Students should concentrate on classmate Bhanu Singh state this policy. Since the policy was phone registration started in Note: To subscribe to a listserver, send an e-mail message to the listserver address shown above with SUBSCRIBE as the subject. acquiring the tools they need to they both did not accept em- revised on 8/1,5/96 the rules should early July this year.

DTHEFI-INTEFlI\IEJT" ..' -~. ~:. .'; . .. . '~. '.' .... _ .. .BIIFIVICIHI'· WE.' SIT.S Baruch College: http://bbweb.sitea.baruch.cuny.edu/ Baruch Colleg-e School ofBusiness: http://bus.baruch.cuny.edu City University ofNew York: http://www.cuny.edu/ Student Governments Suspicious of 'CUNYcard' Introduction Student Development and Counceling: http://scsu.sitea.baruch.cuny.edu

ABDUT THIS D ....CTaRV .. -.. This directory is maintained by the Student Computer Services Unit (SCSU), and pubhshed by The Ticker as a P~P~IC se~Ice. The SCSU was continued from front page card account number, has already ESSA president Kyle George warned George. created b the Bernard M. Baruch College Association, Inc. to provide organizations fU~ded b~ the College AsS~cI~tlOn.WIt~ co~puter-related been instituted at New York City . ~. bmit Baruch College related e-mail information, questions, or to report difficulties, errors, or ormssrons In this directory, please send library. However, there are issued a statement warning of The September 18 resolution :~::~e~ s~s~~scsu.sitea.baruch.cuny.edu. reso~rces, Technical College in Brooklyn. the possible impingement to stu­ Please note that due to the limited nature of the SCSU's mandate and the SCSU does not plans in the future to introduce also denounces the participation genera~ Colleg~ ~so, ~lease New York State approved the use dent privacy that the CUNYCard rovide services (such as e-mail accounts, and dial-up connections, and Internet access) to the community. note that turnstiles which will accept the of Citibank, which according to due to the space limitations ofthis page, the featured department section will be published on a rotating baSIS, and at the discretion ofthe SCSU of the card at campuses of both may present. And on September card in other Baruch buildings SUNY and CUNY. ESSA , "has consistently and re­ and The Ticker. 18, ESSA passed a resolution de­ peatedly acted in a manner that and on other CUNY College cam­ "I believe this card is CUNY's puses. nouncing the implementation of is insensitive and disrespectful step into the 20th century. It's the card stating: "A product that DiMarco says that an extra long over due," says Johnson. in its treatment of People of links access to information on Color." strip on the card will .allow the A network access number will college, in the future, to put addi­ banking accounts, spending hab­ "I find it personally offensive also be on the back ofthe card for its and travel patterns, all avail­ tional features such as using students who wish to use the card that [CUNY] would want a com­ vendingmachines and photocopy­ able to the City University ofNew pany like Citibank." George ex­ DSSG Seeks to Increase Students' Political Impact as an MCI telephone calling York, violates many of the basic ing machines on the card. card. plains, "Citibank has tradition­ rights to privacy of the students By Supriya Mitra According to Assistant Direc­ According to Jim Nystrom, ally stepped on minority issues." of Baruch and other colleges in While facing a number of ex­ ing at cuts in the State budget for have to listen to us." Kinzelberg this Spring. "We, as CUNY stu-. tor for Public Affairs, Martin Gill program manager at MCI, stu­ He says that Citibank refused to [CUNY]." ternal obstacles, along with prob­ highereducation for the third year goes on to say, "After all, no politi­ dents, cannot afford to be igno­ , security is another positive rea­ dents who choose the service will step out of Sou'thAfrica during George points to recent mea­ lems from within its ranks, the running, the DSSG leadership cian could possibly ignore a thou­ rant,"Kinzelbergsays,adding,"We son for the implementation ofthe be billed a surcharge of $0.40, the apartheid struggle and that sures by CUNY's Central Admin­ Day Session Student maintains that students have to sand students." Freshmen are the all have to be involved. We have to card. "I think the card will be able $0.39 lower than the regular rate, in a CUNY system where an istration which causes concern for Government(DSSG) has two pri­ become more vocal politically. "We main target of this year's Voter know what's goingon at all times." to tighten up security instead of plus a flat rate. The flat rate will estimated 70% of students are the possible ways which this in­ mary issues on its agenda for this need to start now and mobilize all RegistrationDrive, since theytend In addition, DSSG leaders as­ students passing off their J.D. be a discounted rate for inter­ minorities Citibank was not the formation, may be abused. Fallsemester,studentleaderssay. ourforces to preventthis tragedy," to vote the least. sess that the Career Services of­ cards so that others can gain ac­ state and intrastate calls. Also right choice for this service. cess to their facilities." "In the past two years, George also cites Citibank's fir- The first ofthese, the Citizen- says DSSG President David But the above are not the only fered at Baruch are at an all-time the first 10 minutes will be free CUNY Central has placed in­ "The fact that we can use other . ing of maintenance workers, .ship Drive, provides students who Kinzelberg. issues with which the DSSG will low. Accordingtostatisticscitedby for any domestic call made when creased emphasis on placing CUNY facilities without signing mainly minorities, as another arecurrentlynotU.S. citizens with Linked with this, the other is­ have to cope overthe course ofthis DSSG, a mere 30. to 40 companies the service is activated. During security as one of its top priori­ in with a security guard is excel­ reason why Citibank should not help towards becoming natural­ sue DSSG will address is Voter semester. Internalproblemswithin have recruited Baruch students in the week MCI will be providing. ties. They have seen a need to lent. This card is going to make be involved in the CUNYCard." ized.TheDSSGwill subsidizemost Registration. DSSGmembers plan the organization are becoming in­ recent semesters, as opposed to the machines necessary to take form their own SWAT team, j .e .. life far the CCNY students so Day Session Student Gov­ ofthe funding for this program. to visit all Freshman Seminar creasingly prominent. Just re­ hundreds in years before.. ph otogr aph s for the ClTNyrRrd the SAFE TeR!11 and t h e r o a r o .,.,...". 'r-,,n'''' "':'0'- . 1('r .. \ classes where they will hand out cently, three members ofthe Stu­ DSSG, along with other stu­ ....1':' '-- '...... -__ ~ ) .... \."..,.. . .L.,.,\'nl;~ If/Ut''-- _ :.,...... ',""A •• t 1. ' -:-:",. _. ,__ ':' ('!"r>D:ent CDSSG) Vice President StudentGovernmentmembers , • ~ ~ ,. T_ ~ .1 .. L· y .... ,_ ..... i.,. .. .i.t:" ~ \ ...... ;)0 _ .. :- ... --....1.L. ...') "~. :, J. e ,\-,~", ._: ..., v ~J ....' 1 n g ..:...... ~ _:, -la :~1 e ::: Yen s t a ted t hat DS SG assert that the drive is especially voter registration cards that can' dent Council resigned. Although dent organizations, is trying to C' ~ (' n ~ ~ '! ~ r~ ~) n - .~ ~':::.l I•... } i v ' i - .i 'r') ~ " .~_ • ...... , .. ~ ••• • -,._.-, - •.J .. - 1";- ... r -:- r~ 1t;;;: IJ !-. tnt ~0 '-.'~ ,"i 1_)11.~ ."~ P.i nqsp.:.: .-;)::<:: .. () fj ft·) ci 8 J '? n In Ttl e T) t ,- un til important in the current political be filled out right then and there, all three former members have amelioratethissituationbydirectly ing the implement.ation of the With this coricent.rated f',,12US D1] ti~cy According to Kinzelberg, this brought forth legitimate reasons contacting companies in hopes of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. ., 1~ i'''''2stigate it fu r t h e r , climate.A directresultofthedrive, r» a Q; C n n'" n 0" \'1' 0 '1 ate ~;:,-., --- ..... 1 ... Q' C',~ n'" .: '- - l' ,• al, l" b 1 L. " (., <..t •• (.,;:, secur-ity. tile concept 01 a syste n- ,;·::;,,'hcn l~ i .est i on e d how and when theyclaim, wouldbe anincrease in is very important because "Stu­ forquitting,studentgovernmenes sparking their interestin recruit­ nght to pri vacy and questions the to "monitor" students and the role the investigation would be com­ dents have to realize that if we integrity has been damaged. ing Baruch graduates. As The CUNYCard, which has a decision to use Citibank as a cor­ electoral power among CUNY stu­ of the CUNY ID Card in this sys­ wereall to worktogether, we could The DSSG is already planning Kinzelberg explains, "Ifthe school 16 digit number similarto a credit porate sponsor. pleted, Yen was unable to pro­ dents,sincenaturalizationisa pre­ tem becomes more credible," vide an answer. requisite for the right to vote. And become a strong voting bloc and "Rallies Against Pataki" in antici­ can'tfind themjobs,thenwe'llfind - . , . .., with then our elected officials would pation of a renewed budget battle them jobs." GovernorGeorgePataki, hint- "" ." '.- . ;.... '.\.~ ~ j 1 i \,.. .. , . .. a _...... _ ~ • & ~. .~ ~ 1: '. ;, j ! r. ';.; t "4".1 , , • j v ..-vi. .. . ,: \;'... 'oil ....,. .. .'. ~ .~ - -~. ~ .~... -.~ - . -~ , ...... 6. 7 ":' : .. ,. -

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C\I- "- .cCD o • -o Remedial Students: o o Established in 1932 o • -o CD 0­ as CD.... s: Joanne Guo American Viewpoints )( Second-Class Citizens Editor-in-chief N W ~ co The move by college administration to implement a retroactive remedial policy, co Ira Michael 0) then execute the policy after remedial students had registered for the Fall 1996 Hersch . Community is the First Step Towards Equality Managing editor semester, allowed the College to force students out ofclasses without their By Robert Sauer to t te th d . f .. . . It' f h . concen ra on e esparr 0 a community, neighborhood comes together' against crime perrmssion. Deirdre Hussey Rod' n rec~n Issues 0 t e TIcke~, Ed~ard thatcommunitYwi~lalway~~eindes·pair. You the criminals always lose. ' Dusan Stojkovic ofthn~ez l~:.es ~o :~ about the tribulations must focus on being posrtiva and positive By teaching our children to work hard and In a decision-making process that has become the norm at Baruch.sthe remedial News editors f e~on;:In sgre.atcountry. Hetalks occurances will come. Embrace the negativity to act in a manner that will betterthe commu- policy was introduced without discussing it with the students, nor with the people -Hisnanie an e ?~preSSIon ofthe black and and more negativity will be the result. nity, they will have grown up with an excellent .David S. Ortiz fe~pamc co~munItles: who have most contact with students taking remedial coourse: the SEEk , Exhale editor He speaks of the suf- Hard workers are the people who live the education. Instead of smoking weed or cut- h ng~d.mIs~ryofbeinga mI~onty. I, on the Dr~am. Moralistic people are those who live ting school, they will be reading books the counselors. Wei Van ot er and, will speak of a bnght and grand the Dream. When you mix hard work with a best form ofescape that I know of B stress­ The Administration showed their insentivity and lack ofawareness to the Business editor future for all people. I speak of a ~ope. for moral life, you will live theDream. Hard work ing the importance of work and morals, the t~mo::-owl. A place w~ere you can bve In a pays off economically, and virtues payoff 10- children of today will be led into a better obstacles students have to overcome. Most students had adjusted their work and Anthony Gregory sean c ean community, A land where you cally. ' future What M Rodri it d ca 1 t h'ld' h " 1·. r. 0 rrguez WTl es oes not family schedules to a full-time course load oftheir choosing. With the College's Manny Rodriguez n e your c I r~n ~o to.t e park and where People who work hard are the ones thatget . Arts editors the schools ar~ an rnsfitufion oflearningagain the scholarships to college. They are the ones m«?ve, many were compelled to either quit jobs because ofthe schedule changes or and not a sardIne factory. I speak. ofliving the who own their own homes. People who work Joseph M. Maldarelli "People who work hard are accept more employment in an attemptto regain financial aid lost when reduced Sports Editor hard are the ones who get the good jobs, the promotions and the pay raises. Those who do the ones that get the scholar­ to part-time status. "Ifpeople lived a good value­ Paola Marocchi not perform at the top oftheir capabilities will ships to college. They are' the The Aministration's explanation as to why probation decisions were made so Photo editor based life, the crime rate would never get anywhere. They will be left in the late after registration is unacceptable. The fact that probation status reviews are ghettos Mr. Rodriguez speaks of. ' oneswhoowntheirownhomes." Marlon Layton tumble." The way to stop crime and thus stop the processed manually is no excuse for placing the students on probation and Edward Rodriguez Copy editor police brutality is not by concentrating on it informing them ofthis only after the students had registered. American Dream. but by living a virtuous life full ofvalues. Itis stress work or morals and thus will lead to a The Admirustr'ation's beliefthat the academic standards ofthe College should Madelyn Tavera All people from this country have suffered not by creating tougher sentences and bigger dismal future. For by not working hard and jails, either. In a totally moralistic society the be raised are justified, but not at the expense ofneglecting and exploiting the Office manager in one form or another, even George Washing­ living a moral life, one cannot get that scholar­ ton, the FoundingFather. People had to some­ police are not needed. Unfortunately, we do ship, or even get that good paying job. Roslyn Bernstein most vulnerable members ofthe student population. how overcome their plight ofmisfortune. They not and never will live in a crime free society. The American Dream makes our beloved Alisa Solomon Why? .Because not everyone is moralistic. If countryprosperous. Itwillhelpcleanourstreets Consultants did it by living the American Dream. A dream "that still exists. A dream that is not hard to Just a greater percentage ofpeoplelived a good and our children's minds of the social ills of turn to reality. value-based life, the crime rate would tumble. today. We can make this dream come true. It The American Dream,is livable. You just A community that has people with moral in­ musttake a risingofthe peoplecbutwecan doit. CUNYCard: have to know how to live it. Many generations tegritydoes notpermitcrime to come intotheir We can drive the drugs and th~' criminals out of town. They do not allow their walls to be the ghettos. We do not have to live in poverty Staff before us have, and we can too, but ifwe were Leave Home Without It? sprayed with graffiti. 'It is a fact that when a anymore. Let's ALL Iivethe dream. Kenneth Chan MaiChen . In two weeks, the Baruch community will be forced to accept a new I.D. card Victoria Exposition without any prior public discussion. Once again, the Administration is force­ Michele Gross feeding unilateral policy decisions upon the student body. Ivanna Garibaldi By Tammy Koerkenmeier pose of college is to learn. They reserve their deem themselves, so manyofthose students had Coby L. Herd Walking to my first class ofthe fall semes- greatest efforts for the professor' whose expec- fallen so far behind it was imposssible to catch The justification that the I.D. card will only tighten security is questionable. Tomas Lee ter, 1 overheard two Baruch students talking tations are higher. However, at the end ofthe up and participate intelligently. Outofapproxi­ The Baruch community will be carrying an I.D. of'monetary value that is capable Brennon Marcano aboutanothercollege, which I will notname;in semester, the grade does not measure what mately 30 students, perhaps 15 participated ­ Juan Raposo the CUNY system. They were discussing the was learned; it only says that the student was at all- during the semester. Ofthose 15, there of decreasing individual safety as opposed to increasing overall security. Valerie Rizzocascio las requirements inthe classes andthe general able to modify his or her behavior, in terms of may have been seven or eight of us who dis­ The logistics of the card have not even been explained to the Baruch Andrew Scott feelingthatallclasses couldbebreezedthrough test-takingand class participation to that par- cussed the material in class on a weekly basis. with little effort. ticular professor's standards. I still run 'into others who were in the class community adequately and many are concerned about implications oflosing one's Malika Thompson MingWong "1had.a 3.7 GPA there," one ofthe students Last "year, 1 had a rather unstructured and they complain to me that they didn't learn card. Where does one call to cancel the various services the card offers? Vim Wong said, "but 1 didn't learn anything. Now, at psychology.class. No exams, only one final anything. After all, they couldn't be burdened Eric Wright Baruch, 1 have a 3.1, but I'm learning." paper, no lectures, but we were expected to with the responsibility to learn independently. The Administration has introduced the card under the' pretense that students My first thought was agreement. I, too, read three books for discussion in class. The They didn't understand that although the will benefit. Although the card may offer the convenience ofmultiple services, do "had spent several semesters at the college he professor told us that we would be graded on professor's expectations were low, he believed benefits truly exist? For example, with the MCI phone card, students will have named, and experienced very low expectations class participationandthe fimnal paper. After we were all capable oflearning through reading from the professors. However, after isome the first day, some ofthe students showed up and discussion. His confidcence, obviously, had to pay a of $0.40 surcharge plus a flat rate. Currently, individuals can receive a The Ticker is pub­ thought on the subject, I realized that 1 had .. been given in error. Those students probably lished bi-weekly, eight learned a lot at that college. Onfurther reflec- ' would have preferred to have him stand in front rate of $0.25 a minute from Sprint, with no surcharges. times a semester, by The tion, I must admit there have been classes at of the class and drone on in lecture format for The community must question who will be reaping the benefits of the new I.D. Ticker editorial staff at "An 'A' was easily attainable 360ParkAve. South, New Baruch in which very little has been required hours. card? Could it be that the kickbacks the College would receive from student use York, NY 10010, Room ofthe other students and myself, and where an simply by showing upfor class.' In the real world, there are bosses who are was reason enough for the Administration to make such a drastic decision 1522 (Internet E-Mail "A" was easilyattainable simplybyshowingup the equivalent of that professor. In the real [email protected]. for class. But, I've always believed it is my world, what will happen to those students who without consulting the Baruch community? baruch.cuny.edu). All expectatons for myself that count, not the only sporadically. Obviously, they didn't un- couldn't handle a class with a few confines. work. except printing is professor's expectations. derstand or care about the concept ofclass par- What ifhis orher boss hands over a project with done by Baruch under­ Baruch is not alone. Although some uni- ticipation. Havingnotesttomeasurewhetheror only a goal and no explicit instructions to meet graduate and graduate versities may boast that all their professors not we read the material, many students simply that goal..... More importantly, shouldn't a college .~-..:a.<:>t~ th~ students. All typed and_ <:>f F<:>::rtI1i.ght demand and accept only the best of their stu- didn'tbotherto do the reading. Sincetheydidn't degree mean that we're capable ofworking inde­ -- signed contributions and letters are welcome, and dents, I don't believe this is possible. There will read, they weren't familiar with the material pendently and making decisions? Or, should it should be mailed to the always be professors who are "easy." Before discussed in class and either couldn't follow the mean that we spent four (or more) years ofpost­ above address (or E-mail the end of the first week of classes, we gener- discussion or had insufficient interest in the high school busy work, understanding what is "How can you have a higher standard of address). ally know how much work will be required. topic to follow along. These students were sur- expected ofusand deliveringonlythat? I wantmy Our office is open dur­ Upon finding out that very little will be re- prised at the end of the semester when the degree to mean that I spent four years in an i ing regular school hours. quired to get the grade thaty want, some stu- professor reminded us that particiaption is an institutionwhere myexpectations for myselfwere education if you don't teach your own i Any display or advertis­ dents take the mental equivalent of a coffee important portion ot the grade. Although he met, regardless ofthe demands ofthe professors, \ ing questions should be .break for that class, forgetting that the pur- gave these students ample opportunity to re- and ... that I've learned something. , ;-'~?" ,~ directed to the advertis- sfuder;• ...... ~.,;;;;I' • i ing l\lanager or Manag­ The opinions expressed on the Exhale pages are those of the individual writers, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of The Ticker ing Editor at the above editorial staff The Ticker accepts only typewritten and signed opinion pieces ofno more than 750 words from Baruch College students. Publication --RafaelGomez, remedialstudentforced outofclass. address. of Exhale articles is contingent upon an editorial board vote. Letters must be no more that 350 words, typewritten and signed. Unsigned letters will not be published. However, when appropriate, names will be withheld upon request. Writers should provide day and evening telephone numbers. All submissions are subject to editing for space and clarity. Address all opinion pieces and letters to the Exhale editor.

. .." '.",:~:':':"""'~"_.c';:" .. . .' .',~. . .. : . 8 A shot offth~ o co rightfield fence 0> 0> 9 T- Tuition C\J Issues ~ Q) Lax Laws = Lethargic Legislators D -..o (.) Washington o By Joseph M. Maldarelli to Students: Fend for I Yourselves our country, whether overstaying . • On September their visas, By Coby L Herd Q) 25, the House ofRepresenta­ compared with 35 percent coming across our border, or being smuggled in a decade ago. Now Solomon Island, The only is that co tives passed two bills that would curb illegal Good news from Washington compadres, Congress's budget-cutting the • s: on board a ship, are finally over. Republicans want island is part of the British Commonwealth. o x immigration, set rules for the 1996 Foreign Appropriations Bill, HR ~ W legal immigrants Legal immigrants have it to spend $450 million less in 1996 on student 5) $1 million who come tough, as well 1868, was passed last spring was spoent for a Utah study to o here specifically for public benefits, they should. All giving 12 BIL­ grants, a move that education officials 0­ through the history of our LION of say determine how to cross the street safely. 6) CD., and give states the power to throw the children country, our tax dollars away to among such would take nearly 200,000 each wave of immigrants has worked students off the $100,000 was spent for a study r\) ofillegal immigrants out ofpublic school. 'good causes as-3billion to Israel-2.1 billion grant to see why It is hard to become productivecitizensoftheUnited rolls. But the Democrats don't fare people don't like about time our government to Egypt- (no wonder they're fighting, beets. 7) $15 million was started to crack States. But, with all the public the much betterin their supposed "forthe people" spent down assistance Palestinians feel dissed for the preservation of antiquities in on this growing problem in the country. programs started over the cash) and attitude. It takes two to tango in the 1940's, some irnmi­ 593 million as the old Egypt. 8) $100 million is spent yearly for the The first bill doubles the size ofthe border for a program to assist children saying goes and when gi-ants have been coming here and taking ad­ these two "me and heliun reserve. The U.S. now has patrol, builds new fences along our border in developing countries (not including South mine" parties enoug with vantage of the taxpayers of this country. The, get togeather to pass some of helium stored to last Mexico, prevents legal Central L.A. or Appalachia). us for 100 years. AND immigrants from get­ immigrants who arrived prior the laws that govern our lives, some weird THE ting to the 40's were Yes, boys and girls, AWARD GOES TO-$109million was on "the dole" for a period ofover a year in not nearly while college tuition things can happen. as well off as those - legal and continues spent on new federal loans to students who theirfirst sevenyearsas legal residents, tough­ .to rise by more than the inflation Take for example:"1) illegal - who are here today. When my grand­ The post office (sub- had already DEFAULTED on theirold ens deportation laws and monitors asylum rate, our masters residing in the Beltway sidize~ ~y loans!!! re­ parents arrived, there was no welfare, orMedi­ the government by the way) spent These two parties quests, and forces a sponsoring Swamp continue to give it away just don't get it, The family to be care, or WIC. What they had as ifit was $23 milhon on a consultant to find out how well above was their work theirown. Funny emphasis should not be on how people benefit the poverty line. It's a long list, but effort, which some thingabouttax dollars and long it takes mail to be delivered. oftoday's immigrants seem politicians, 2) The:", from college, but rather on how the nation one that is a lot different from our current once our cash is finally in their military spent $5 million to be lacking. to renovate a build- benefits from a better educated society. immigration policy. pockets, they seem to believe that they are ing and finish At The second bill gives power to the states to a hanger a Wurstwirt Air Force the very least, by the time I'm not trying to single out one the ones who actually worked for it, today's college group, but expel the children of illegal immigrants and Base in Michigan after it had decided to close students take illegal immigrants from consequentlytheycangive their place in the hallowed as a whole. I read about a the public schools. Is there to whomever they the base, 3) $7 million was spent to study air woman a problem with this please. halls ofCongress, we can finally rest assured from the Dominican Republic, who did theory? You would be hard presssed to find pollution in Mexico City, 4) "No" is the definitive answer. $5 million was that $100 million dollars set aside for their not become a citizen, and has been on public any of the Beltway's Bungling Bandits who spent for a new parliament If the parents aren't paying taxes, why building for the PamelaAnderson Baywatch Memorial assistance since she arrived in New York more don't raise a stink about the cash (or lack of won't should their children go to school for free? In come out ofthe taxpayers than twentyyears ago. To herI say, "Good it) in their own pockets, That 5.693 billion pockets. That's us. luck, New York City it costs, $8,295 to send one child you're going to need it." Her free ride dollars could go a long way towards improv­ is over. to public school for a year. There are approxi­ HERBLOCK~CARTOON These lax laws that allowed people to come ing the educational possibilities for, guess to mately 50,000-80,000 children ofillegal immi- who? Americans, dummy! . .• Ifa college education is still the ticket,to Clinton the American Dream, the cost ofthat ticket vacillating from Savior to Satan continues to rise at more than twice the rate of inflation. Today's students By Kevin Degidon work harder "'(OU SAY YOU HA'/E THIS FI:eUN6 OF offcampus to afford tuition than ever before 'NSEClJRfIY Several decades ago, author Aldous Huxley the wombcancauseinfertilityandinternalbleed­ according to the U.S.Bureau ofLabor Statis­ ~TROL painted a grim portrait ofa potential genetically In N.J., 1,500 PBA's ing. ANP LACK OF 1" PHACTstatedin a press releaseonSeptem­ tics. "Small wonder then that students are en~neeredfuture" eu~enics, w?ere thr?ugh the (partial birth abortions) ber 10th that, "a partial birth abortion is never taking out loans like high-stakes gamblers state takes ·on a godlike role In shaping procre- . medically ., \J '- necessary, in fact the procedure can on a losing streak that never seems to end," posegrave dangers :~;~:~J::~~~~~~;;:~;:;;:;~~~~ a~~performed;ef!fih to the woman." .. quotes David Samuels in the October 19, .... year.'( If this procedure is deadly to babies who 1995 issue of . "Last year's tears the heart f;iS the Senate fmIl to override ..., . " couldeasily-surviveoutsideto womb, Condemned freshman class will, on the average, leave President Clinton's -iett16fa billbaifiUngpartial : ~.. .'. , by. the medical COIIlHlitriity and'is:.tli~y.f~r tl\e college $13,600 in debt, 30 percent higher birth abortion. '... mother, what on earth could justify Clinton's than the graduating seniors they replace. The procedure has been reported General C. Evert ROOf> last week. JI!)~, on by the "As usual, each support. The answer might come from an early. While loan burdens increase, theabil~~y PhysiciansAd-hoc side in the of... ·_o~·· .~.- CoalitionforTruth(PHACT). debate shades the statistics and students , dis- IndustrialeraEnglisheeonomistnamed'Malthus. to' pay back 'the Ioans. with. their . .: - g;;,.•.-2 a panel ofover 300 medical experts, .torts the facts," he begins ,"But _ opposed to the misinforma­ He theorized that various social problems from mortgaged paychecks has declined. In the partial birth abortion. Itis accomplished tion campaign conducted by the advocates -- during ofpar­ starvation to crime and unemployment all de­ last five years alone, the real income of col­ the second and third trimester by tial birth abortions are much invoking an more misleading." rived from the overpopulation of the peasant lege graduates has shrunk by 2.6 percent. artificial birth, turning around the fetus He then quoted a figure of "500 a inside year" that its class. "If only we could get them to have less Nor is student aid increasingfast enough the uterus so as to have the feet facing defendents originally claimed. the birth "Later investiga­ children, we will have a healthy and prosperous to plug the growing gap between tuition and canal. Then the child pulled out feet first and tions revealed that in New Jersey alone, family a 1,500 society", he preached. Thatreasoningcameinto finances. The federal government. sharp scissor is poked through its head. Brutal PBA's(partialbirthabortions)are performed each playduringthe 1994PopulationConferenceheld supplies 75 percent of student aid. But the as it is, Clinton remained true to feminist year." ex­ in Cairo by the United Nations. The original value of federal grants has. eroded sharply, tremists like Pat Schroeder and Nita Lowey Equally holloware the claims that most covering by PBA's draft called for rewarding and penalizing third only 10 percent of tuition today, vetoing the bill even though it exempted are performed only to -save the health in­ of the world nations according to how many abortions stances where the life ofmother is mother. Martin Haskell, an in danger. abortion doctor from are performed and how accessible e .. .-- .. Not many Ohio, the procedure people share that position. Most who has performed over 1,000 of these IS. polls showed over 70% ofthe American people operations statedin aninterview with the Ameri­ We've allbeen bombarded by the topic ofcharacter in this support a banonthis procedure and manyinthe can Medical News' July 1993 Edition that, "80% presidential election. Butpermitting mass infanticide goes far medicalprofessionalso differwiththepresident. are purely elective." Moreover there has not been beyond personal mores. Before voting this November 5,Ameri­ TheAmerican MedicalAssociation's Legislative one ounce of evidence that PBA's are healthier cans mustask themselves one questio~ can I pull the lever Council, accordingtotheWeeklyStandard, procedures than cesarean sections. for Ifyou look at "voted In fact the thehighest position ofpower.to someone who unanimously to endorse process ofturning would permit the a ban on partial birth aneight month old fetus overin slaughter oftheinnocent? abortions." Many ofthe president's Democratic any of/he great colleges, some considered to be on his left, voted in favor of the ban including modern writers, House Minority Big Leader Richard Gephart and Minority Whip Brother: The Death ofAfrica David Bonior. Jim Moran, a pro-choice Demo­ By Tony Bello-Giwah two things are crat from Virginia stated ofhis vote, big government has come into sharp focus. "I could not Africa faces hydra-headed problems that vote in such a way that I have to Inefficiency and apathy are traits evident: They put my con­ need immediate attention in order to lift the of all science on the shelf." He also big government. Some African countries must lent a stem continent from the political and economic dol­ warning that those defending be applauded for their divestiture programs, had editors and the procedure drums. The continent's problems vary: eco­ they "could undermine the credibility which are designed to trim down the of the pro­ nomic mismanagement, lackoftechnicalknow­ size of choice movement." government. However, more needs to be done are how, ethnic cleansing, political instability, bu­ alldead. So why would a president, in this area to ensure efficiency and create monotonously reaucratic red tape, graft, and you can go on hammering the message morejobs. We don't need to lookvery that he's a moderate, down the dirty laundry list. But underneath fartofind Therefore, we can slide so far from the consensus the failures ofbig government. The fall ofthe held by experts the foregoing is BigBrother government - a and the overall populous. Clinton Soviet Union is a clear example. draw and other cancer contributing to the slow death ofAfrica. one . .. defenders of the procedure point To find serious fault with big government to two argu­ The wind of independence that blew ments: 1) The procedure is very is not to encourage hatred for government or conclusion: rare and 2) It is throughout Africa in the 1950s and 1960s un­ only used when there are serious deny someofthe lofty services provided by the heath or fertil­ leashed .a wave of nationalism that led to the ity.risks to the mother. , governmentintheareaofnational defense But when weighed with huge expansion of government.· Companies and Editors are the facts ofwhen it is infrastructure. performed, neither argu­ were nationalizedbythe minute. Even ment the day­ It is time for the adds up. to-dayrunningofsupermarkets political opportunists in fa#lL andhotels were Africa to effect T4eusuallypro-abortionrightsorientedNew taken over a significant change of the by the state. status York Times printed a piece by former Surgeon quo and reallyaddress thefailings ofbig Distributed by CREATORS SYNDIC.ATE, INC. The need for people to question the idea of government. 5777 West Century Blvd., Suite 700, Angeles, CA 90045 10 .. 11

- ." J!'. C\I '- CD L) o o-o • Hyou want to go to ce llunlID '- CD ~ o ~ graduate school, we'd like JF~nIr Inflation Is Still Our Old Enemy: to line you up with a October 17 . . The Fed Should Have 'TIghtened The Monetary Policy ByWeiYan . technology very attractive Club-Hours and freer trade, the believed that since the presi­ date. . On face September of the 24th, The American Economy dential campaign is within its Federal Reserve is changing. "...the policy would have held interest The second quar­ f'inal weeks, the Fed is taking a rates steady ter to be tightened much se­ Saturday, Septen1ber 28, at5.25% at its open­ GDP grew an impressive an­ chance that inflation wilLnot 1996 market committee meeting. Ac­ nual rate of4.8%, while the CPI pick up speed. However, verely with or without Mr. Crovvne Plaza Manhattan 1-3 pm if in­ • 1605 Broadway • New York: cording to the went up Inoestor's Busi­ not 3% this year well flation does speed up, then the Greenspan's credibility ness Daily, The GRE Forum former Fed Vice fnto August. policy would have to and on Graduate obtaining financial aid..and prepar- be tight­ :reputation as an infla­ Education offers Chairman Alan Blinderbelieves It is not hard to say that an ideal opportunity ing for the GRE tests - plus work- ened much more severely, with tion fighter." for grad school that with a probable candidates to ask shops for minority and returning 14th & 15th 2% growth or without Mr. Greenspan's representatives , of over 100 graduate students. in 1997, slower growth is ahead "There are plenty schools in credibility and reputation as an past without triggering infla­ I.' about their programs. ' To get $2 off the $5 admission in our economy. You can Treasury Sec­ America who believe inflation fighter. If this- tion" also obtain catalogs and fee. just bring this ad to that is the the volume ofthe economy application the Forum. retary Robert Rubin also indi­ forms. It'll make your date economical. over-cautiously fighting case, then the cost of squeezing should have been turned down In a~dition, cated that he believes the there are workshops as well as attractive. Registration Floors Fed inflation inflation would be much higher with a tighter monetary policy. on vanous graduate disciplines. made the right move is outdated." begins at 8 a.m. by holding in terms ofdomestic output and According to the Investor's the interest rates steady. America is doing better employment. For tIlore infonnation~call-(609) 683-2018 now, Business Daily, the M2 money There are plenty in America especially with the unemploy­ The currently fndi.~ual~ hC2rin~ impai~ tightening la­ supply fell to $3.771 Trillion _ho an: and _ish to request an m[(~rpret= who believe must coruacr ETS at (our WC'Cb 360 that over-cautiously ment rate at a bor 'c::lSt prior to the Forum. PAS seven year low market makes of it too early to from $3.7731 Trillion in the ~i;~~~: ~• the GRE and fighting B:0ard thc C..ouncil of Graduatc Schools. inflation is outdated. 5.1%. Some . L TESTIN(: may even believe declare a permanent cut of week ending Sep SERVICE. ETS. the ETS Ic~() d~l~n, and GRE an: un­ 16. M3 rose to f"Cltl:>tc=d tr.uJe:manc.:s of EducauonaJ Tc::stin~ With profound Service: changes in the that inflation is fading away employment with stable infla­ $4.7759 Trillion from $4.764 global fl.11I1 economy, America should from us along with the old tion. With the economy growing Trillion. M1 dropped $4.76 Bil­ . . ,. and will become more produc­ American economy. quicker than 2.5%, which the lion from $1.0965 Trillion. , tive. Driven by ever advancing On the other hand, it is also Fed was able to manage in the I About .~ Financial ISection Special I Derivatives: " .&.".....S vs. FORWARDS '·spec-tiI~ltirig·,witnd'envatfy'e·s~~s- J)yVictoria Espos·ito sents a common situatlon.·faCed" -{nc- of the cash" [low.----Ptitures been Two popular types of deriva­ by companies - exposure to for­ illustrated in a number of contracts are settled daily highly tive contracts which are com­ eign currency fluctuations. publicized losses in- through a clearinghouse. The curred monly used by companies are by several prominent in- pay-as-you-go aspect ofa futures stitutions, futures and forwards. Both "Thus, risk reduction including Barings contract has both positive. and Bank, instruments can be effective does not necessarily Proctor & Gamble, Gibson negative implications. If you im­ Greetings tools for reducing the risks in­ and the Orange are in the losing position, you prove the outcome of the County, California herent in most common busi­ government. must either have the cash avail- transaction-it eliminates As will ness transactions (i.e., credit, be demonstrated be- able or pre-arranged financing low, there market and interest rate risks). uncertainty by locking in will be no question in place to pay your daily deficit that futures are In this context, the goal of the the price to be paid or re­ better suited into the clearinghouse. Further, for speculator's end-user is to minimize a risk ceived." than are for- because the cash flow require­ wards. However, for the which already exists or is an­ In addition to being valu­ risk ments of a losing position could manager, the choice is more tic.ipated to be incurred before able risk management tools, fu­ be su·bstantial, futures brokers complicated. In today's global entering into a derivative con­ tures and forwards can also be require clients to provide them business environment, under- tract. The contract minimizes used for speculation, which es­ with a performance bond or a standing the costs and the risk by making the outcome sentially means that an inves­ benefits bank letter of credit. On the of the different types of the transaction certain. tor is gambling on the direction of deriva- other" hand, If you are in the tives is an· essential component 'I'hus, risk reduction does not ofa price, rate or index. Prior winning position; you should to of the skills necessary necessarily improve the outcome entering into a derivative co~­ to be an have a plan to effectively utilize the funds received. ofthe transaction-it eliminates tract, the speculatoris risk-free. This forces " ...understanding companies involved uncertainty by locking in the Speculators are attracted to de­ the in futures contracts price to be paid or received. A rivatives due to the tremendous costs and benefits of the to closely monitor their positions situation where a company amountofleverage they provide. different types of deriva­ on a daily basis. In contrast, a forward would seek to hedge itself is as Leverage is the .ability to reap a tives contract is an essential com­ is'settled in one payment follows: large return from ,a small in­ that is ponent of the skifls neces­ made at the end Company X is expanding its vestment. For example, anyone ofthe contract sary to term. Thus, there operations in France by build­ who has a mortgage is lever­ be an effective fi­ is a greater nancial possibility that the losses being non ing a new factory. Construction aged in. the property market: manager." generated by a forward will Save. $100 an.A~le printer is scheduled to commence in property is purchased for - not be detected until it when you buy a Mac. 6 months, at which trme the $100,000-$10,000 cash down effective financial manager. is too late. Parties to a forward company will require approxi­ payment and a $90,000 bank First, like most other de­ contract may require collateral, AppleCampusDirect mately 525,000 francs. Based loan. A month later, it is sold rivative contracts, neither fu­ but it is tures not an absolute requirement on an analysis of economic con­ for $150,000. The bank loan is nor forwards are typically 821 Pow 1800 877-4433_ settled-by the actual with a futures contract. ... -..clntosh· 7200 Power Macintosh·5260 ditions, management expects repaid for $90,000 (excluding delivery of Pow..."'cIntMh·7'800 24 hours a day, 7 days Pou-erPc-601/120 MHz/16MB lUI! a week the items contracted A second importantdifference PowerPC"603e/IOOJlHZ/l6AIB RW PrJuKrPC"6041120 MHrIJ{MB that the franc will increase .interestpayments, closing for. In­ 12GB/axG)-flOAl/lS"display 8000814); /WI in costs, G)-ROM/Iidisplay 12GB/of); CD-ROM/Wdisplay between futures and value .in relation to the dollar taxes, etc.), leaving a $60,000 stead, they are settled in cash forwards at is liquidity. A futures position during the next 6 months. By profit on a $10,000 investment. amounts determined by the fluctuations is much easierto reverse entering into a derivative con­ The principle is the same for in the rate, index than a or price forward position. This is due tract, the company can fix the derivatives-they,have the po­ of the' item contracted to the fact that futures are dollar price it will pay for the tential to double in value within for (or the "underlying"). traded Hence, on regulated exchanges, which francs it needs at the start of days, while the' underlying item the first and most important difference between I construction 6 months from now. has increased only by a much Continued on page 12 The above scenario repre- smaller amount. The danger of futures and forwards is the tim- 14 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • en • • "'T1 ~ • • CD ~ • • ac -C'CS • • CD • • CD u.. • • en . .. . , . • . . . "",. ;.,.:..ot_ . ..>o.:~'...... -:-...._ •• -...... ~ •• "• • • . , o Sl .~ ~ o 0 C" • CD (0 • • en ~.···.·.'''·.··'··7':· · ro""" ". " . • • en,.... ~.r . ~ ySCJ-=1 ~~ .~ '- CD ASEDOM INTERVARSITY THE SOCIF:IY .J:) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o Association ofDomincan CHRISTIAN FORHUMANRESOURCE o o- Students FELLOWSHIP MANAGEMENT (S.H.R.M.) '_ We at ASEDOM are a culturally based The Purpose ofthe InterVarsity Christian , The Society for Human Resource organization. We believe in preserving our Fellowship Management, which is affiliated with the .QoI heritage while exposing other ethnic groups 1. To lead others to personal faith in ' National Organization, provides Human .. .. SeI* ...... to the historic backgrounbsand customs of Christ as Lord and Savior Resource majors, and other interested stu­ are. Alta Vista will list the· our Caribbean life. We are interested in 2.. To help Christians grow toward matu.. dents, with the opportunity to interact with meeting new people who are serious and rity in their Christian faith by study of the faculty and professional practitioners in sites that best match your ~or dedicated to changing the Latino image to Bible, by prayer, and by Christian fellowship the Human Resource and other Business keyboard phrase. The fur­ a more positive one while having tons of 3. To help students and faculty to discover Management areas. ther you go down the list, fun doing it. God's role for them Professionals come in and give' ad­ the less likely you are to find Ifyou would like to find out more, drop vice in areas such as resume writing, cri­ a match. This is my favorite by room 1512 of the 360 PAS building and UPCOMING EVENTS: (Events are held tiquing, and interviews, and also, giving in­ search engine because it is drop a note in the ASEDOM mail box. in 360 PAS) sight into what prospective employers are usually accurate and gives a Leave your name and a telephone number Club office is located in 360 PAS, Room looking for in job applications. short description ofthe site. It where you can be reached. 1447. An important benefit ofSHRM mem­ is a great tool to use when you bership is the ability to regularly network need to meet the deadline on with professionals, giving students the THE FINANCE AND ECONOMICS that "20-page report due to­ SOCIETY much needed contacts for entering the P.R.LD.E. morrow! Finance & Economics Society is open to tough job market. We are an ever growing happy family; where The next is... all ofthose interested in the processes ofthe finan­ The S.H.R.M. meets on Thursdays you can meet people that are notjust Puerto Rican during club hour, at 360 PAS, Room 1816. 2. www.yahoo.com - "Yahoo!" but, ofothernationalities. We're a place where you cial world It provides students with an informa­ tive view ofcurrentchange andthefuture trendsin lists sites and categorizes C&I1 feel welcome, where everyone looks out for ev­ therapidlyevolvingfinancialworld viavariousfimc­ CHINESE them into appropriate subject eryone else. We'll helpyou outwith school, friends, tions such as lectures, symposiums, and field trips. 'CHRISTIAN categories. Categories rang­ and-family problems. We are a place 00 go to on a 640 / FELLOWSHIP ing from Arts to Society and rainy day to talk, laugh, and relax from school and We meet in Room 26th StreetBuilding Culture. A perfect search en­ family stress. Wethrowparties, watchmovies, learn Chinese Christian Fellowship believes that BETAALPBAPSI gine especiallyifyou are look­ new things about other people's cultures'including there is only one True God, the God of Israel. We ~w--rho-r D'.A yov ingfor information and statis­ our own. believe in the infinitely perfect, sovereign, eternal Membership is Beta Alpha Psi gives you an ~ ~/o ~ We meetinthe 26th Streetbuildingin Room Trinity of'theFather, Son and Holy Spirit. We also -nra{'\ tics on a company for that 1421 everyday, butmainlyTuesdayandThursday's instant scholarly recognition. 'Beta Alpha Psi in­ early morning corporate inter- believe thatJesus Christ was sent:from Heavento - ...... _. ~ -" ~ vites guest speakers who are recognized in their 'fY'X' -r,Me. ~ ~ .. during club hours. Earth to serve as a sacrifice on the cross for our . VIew. fields and who are decision makers in human re­ sins. Believingandlivingby God's commandments and now... sources departments at potential employers. The \riTer"lel 'as was-reJ , THE BARUCHARCHERYCLUB will bring salvation. He will return to earth ro es­ 3. www.ny.yahoo...com - "Ya-,. Big Six Accounting firms are focusing.Iess on the tablishHiakingdomofrighteousnessandpeace. We 50~5 ~l'OV5h~~­ hoo! New York" is for those campus interview and are putting far greaterreli­ Whatisarchery? You'veseenitinthe movies; are here to spread the Gospel to the campus of more local searches for every­ ance on pre-identification. These firms have devel­ Baruch College with an emphasis on the ~-r,~ -nra-r yov -r.eVe,r thevarious RobinHoodfilms beingthemostmemo­ oped a hiringpreferencefor membersofBetaAlpha thing in New York. Especially rable. It's beenseeninthe mediatypes as simple as Chinese(American and overseas-born) students. ifyou are looking for informa­ Psi. Therefore, we invite you 00 become a member We meet every Thursday at 12:25-2:3Opm womeJ or 50'''''5 a comic book, and in events as grand as the Olym­ of BetaAlpha Psi in order to leverage your partici­ tion on that small New York pic games. And yet, most people only have a vague pationinoursocietyforyourjobsearch. Pleaselook --r\:rc>U5h ~ pe,r­ City company, restaurant, or notion ofjustwhat the sport is all about. for our flyers posted on college bulletin boards for Broadway show. PHIETASIGMA s'ITes SOt"')e. So, whynotdrop by and checkitout. We would the meeting dates and room numbers. You do not vecse: -nra-,- With these tools you should be glad to teach and train anyone interested. We NATIONALFRESHMANHONOR SOCIETY have to be a member to attend the meetings. be able to effectively cruise provide all the equipmentandno experience is nec- wa'~"""'5 ~ \e..~ Upcomingevents: 100-CommunicationSkills Phi Eta Sigma is a national honor soci­ around the Internet with essaI)T. . in Public Accounting 10110 - Mock Interview, ety for underclassmen (freshman and ort~ , minimal time wasted. Ifthese Formoreinfonnationpleasego to the6thfloor 10117 - Resume and Cover LetterWorkshop gym-at the 23rd streetbuilding. sophomores). Our goal is to encourage and Altavista uses a ranking system long addresses scare you then reward academic excellence among Baruch All are welcome. BARUCHACHIEVERS to decide in which order to re­ I suggest you clip this article College students. Our activities include: out. Visit the closest computer The goal ofour organization is to uplift stu­ workshops on different topics of­ turn matching documents. ------dentsby providingthemwithvaluable information Each document gets a rating that is connected to the BUSINESS TO BUSJNESS interest(internships, management, resume aboutcurrentissues thatwe feelis pertinentto them. " enhancement and' scholarships), visits to based on how many' of the Internet and you will find that The topics orout events range from surfing the The Business to Business Marketing Society places of interest (UN, Unicef, etc.), par­ search terms it contains, where cyber-life is a lot easier and a Internet, dressingfor aninterview, to financial plan­ (BTB) is a club that enhances academic knowledge ticipation in volunteer programs including the words are in the document, lot less scary. ningon an individual basis. andbringstherealworldofindustrialandcommer­ New' York Cares Day, Volunteers of and how close each otherthey We hope thatthe activities we promote help to • cial marketingto its members. Our main goal is to America, and the Salvation Army. We hope to better prepare Baruch students for their future, help members to be better prepared for associated to make the transition process into Bar-uch as well asbringthemclosertogether, inanenviron­ career advancement, andto guidethemtoward the a pleasant one for freshmen by serving as ment where there is cultural diversity marketactivity oforganizations who engage them­ a link between the activities carried out by Meetings are Thursdays, 1862, 360 selves in marketing to other business. BTB pro­ Room the college and the students. JOIN US PAS from 12~35-2:20. - vides an arena where speakers are invited to talk ------...-.-- DURING CLUB HOURS(THURSDAYS IN on a varietyofsubjects,'industry-marketingtrends HU.I,EL OF NEW YORK AT BARUCH ROOM 424; 26TH STREET BUILDING). in Corporate America as well as counseling on ca­ Come and be apart ofthe Jewish Com­ The officers of the chapter can be con­ reers in marketing. munity at Baruch College. Meet new tacted through the Dean of Students office BTBis anorganization that promotes aware­ people, improve y~ur networking skills, get at 360 PAS room 1702, (212)802-6820 ness, and understanding about marketing activity religious information, have FUN!!! Please with companies that sell goods and services prima­ see Ellen Steigman in 360 PAS room 1511 rily 00 otherbusinesses and institutions, not the fi­ or call at (212)802-6808 for more informa­ nalconsurner, Ifyou are a student that would like tion to gainexposure to themanyprofessionals engaged in industrial marketing,join us during club hours Room 839, 360 PAS. AILARE WELCO:ME. P.R.I.D.E., IN CONJUNCTION WITH W.B.M.B., IS HAVING A PARTY ON FRIDAY ., ~ 18TH OCTOBER FROM 5-10pm ON 14th FLOOR 360 PAS. Call Paola at 802-6800 .. " B W ...... c .. \

16 17 --i C) ':7" GOLDEN KEY SOCIETY CD.., CJ) ." Q) CD ~ RANCH 1 Q) ::J -co -c:.., CD ~... 4760. J\) 0'> nus Hus Church to begin the or three and the program coor­ i n t eres ted i n m a king s p e cifi c name. The first thing that I no­ ~ ..... - dinator will assign people to ticed even before ordering my co C\J 1996-97 "Lunch for the Eld erly" CD ~ groups if they have not come lunch was that I heard an un­ 0'> Q) program. Baruch student vol­ ~ with a group already chosen. familiar sound that of 0 unteers dedicated two hours of Career In Television -(,) their Saturday working as a After this quick, initial ses­ chicken actually being cut and 0 team to feed those senior citi­ sion the teams go and deliver prepared. Perhaps I am a cynic zens in the Yorkville area who the food to the residents of some From p age 1:3 will ultimately have a far reach­ but I thought all fast food had cannot feed themselves. nearby apartments (in the communications and ing impact. Those who will suc­ to be frozen; -apparently I was The "Lun ch for the Elderly" Yo r k \' i IIearea. a r 0 u n d -; 4 t h broadcasting c la s s e s with som e ceed w i II be those with bas,i C wrong. The freshness d oe.snt program was initiated during Street and Ls t Av e n ue . Each ba s i c b u s i n e s s a dministr ati o n knowledge coupled with the en­ stop with the chicken either, the ~ the fall semester last 'lear b v homebound senior citizen is n dec: 0 n 0 ill ics CU U r s e s \\1 hi 1(' ergy, vision and passion to r e­ fries are amazing. If you're -' ~ p a vi na careful attention to the main 6n the leading edge Will Gajate. The Janus Hus g i v e n t w 0 hot mea1s , 0 n e for • . h or tired of those bland fast food ­ church runs the Yorkville Lun­ that Saturday and a n o t h e r for b u s i n es s sections of your local television during this time, t h o fries and are looking for some­ cheon Club, which feeds the eld­ the coming Sunday. The:,e n e w s paper. most exciting period in the h i s­ ,. thing that has some flavor then erly, for fi v e days during the mea 1s are c r i tic a 1. \\' i tho u t Re m e m be r that in t.o d avs tory of the medium. look no .fur t h e r. Speaking of ~ w e e k . The church had pr-evi­ them our elderly n e i g h o b r s e co n o rni c environment, you'll NATPE 0 ffe r ssev e r a fries, does anyone else hate ously been delivering food on would literally starve all \\·l'l·k­ u lt i m a t e l v be judged by vour opportunities for students and those little ketchup packs? Well w e e k e n d s but this was severely end. The meal recipien t s often contrihution to the company's university faculty, staff and ad­ don't worry because they have taxing its abilities. Through Mr. provide the volunteers with in­ bottom line. ministrators through its Educa­ a bottle on every table. The all Gajate, the Golden Key Society teresting conversation in addi­ The future of television tional Foundation, College Tele­ grilled white mea t chicken learned of the church's plight tion to the good feeling of know­ holds tremendous promise. The vision Society and Job Hotli n o sandwich not only has the lines and agreed to deliver the food ing their efforts are appreci­ convergence of new media with For more information, please from the grill, but also has the more avor you want, you can during the weekends of the ated. tradit i on a l forms of broadcast­ call 310-453-4440. flavor of what a grilled chicken order the spicy grilled chicken school-year. Mr. Gajate held no Participating in the meal de­ I n g. \\1 h ileye t to be realized, sandwich should have. If it's sandwich. The bread is soft position in the Golden Key So­ livery program is also a great L~D, ciety then but has since been way to meet new people com­ - I u, (io "iAC.-K To 1>101 SAy piled with an enjoyable experi­ C.UuflCH. I'LL ~/\lf THAT I"Ll 41\1E elected executive vice presi­ uP My ~A~TtJAl ~ UPSEr ') 1 M9tolT dent. ence on a Saturday morning. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED 1WE cooN1l=R WU4 .'gl~o. I'll ~I\JE You do not have to be a mem­ ABuse. I'll(;N£ uP lJf EIN~O. The "Lunch for the Elderly" ~"l£. o l"LL c.IV€ uP o program is held every other Sat­ ber of the Golden Key Society to ..: IN WRITING FOR SEX ... o participate and you do not need; °o~ urday and is open to any stu­ ~~:d to dedicate every other Satur­ dents. or their friends who wish ~~ to participate. All the volun- day to the program. All you FEArnRES OALL US teers assemble in the Janus need do is come down to the Hus Church at 351 East 74 church on a Saturday when the AT802·G800 Street on Saturday at 11:30 AM, even t is being held. The deli v-

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en Q) ~ :::J 0- co o -Q) u, o -0­ CD ~ ro

C\J ~ Q) ~ o ots athematics . Fair Warning:You may need a calculator so as to not use your brain. 2Pac: A Pop Lesson For Across 61x3-9= 349+7062x8= .Hip Hop (349+7062)x8= 9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2xl= By Edward Rodriguez 762x14936= fit for a select few, This is de­ Hip hop's ITIOst powerful at- manded by Blackand Latinoyouth 71568/36= . , tribute has often been the expres­ who created an art form that re­ -' 273+36/6= sion of the talent. versar.ihty. and lates to t.hen: a nd understands ~ ~; ~ real ity that manifests daily. Its hr.. a' . .... L r ibu 1971x25= Down tl I,l' ..l. l ~ J:--~, ; I ,,;,.J L.. I j lat.ioris,1 '"'. necessity has never been more jus- 7 to the 6th power {356+999)x24= J (>I1 P~H0 lcs. ofthe New York , t ified than by the recent ret.rospec­ ~ 1'" ~ t L t p',,;"'-J ...... '- ... ')J1 1901+1976xI938= 'fl'mes_ '\'" to' l.-...... ra . L.... t hc "om"'".I J J. \. .. 205,363+cube root of2197 t.ive angles taken by the media and 60383-96x621= m ain st.rearn bel iefby saying.J'hi p 86 to the third power /8= other, self-proclaimed authorit.ies hop has taken to extremes t h.­ 95215-62819= 1+ square root of2500= to describe the impact of Tupac's growing tendency to prize artists 1018-951= (1901+1976)xI938= death. as much for their authenticity as 804x96= To begin to define Tupac's irn­ for their skill." therefore Tupac's 100,000/4= p~ct 9 to the 3rd power on hip hop culture, one must death will hopefully "convince oth­ know what he was. No one has "J. ers t h a; realness is a dead end." square root of3526884 .... defined his music corr-ectly, yet ­I- This worthless commentary says 43 to the 4th power expect to forecast his long term we should rid oursel\'csJf the 987x27= ramifications on the lives of Black ghettu, i.c. hip hop, because on iy 4 to the seventh power ­ and Latino youth. Their wrong death wi!l 'come of it. HOWe\Tr, statemerit.s have roots with com­ CD t square root of3364= -:::- throwi ng a away is not h« D10n truisms and rnyt.hs of hip hop 13x13+13/13= opt ion Black a n d Latino youth ...., rnUS1C . have to rid themselves ofthe con­ 27 to the fourth power ­ ~ Tupac died ofgun shot wounds fusion and, ignorance t hat led :'0 "~5:. a- ---I-.I 498999= , " suffered while he was in a cardriven Tupac's death. .square root of841 bv Mar'iori Suge Knight. Suge Tupac took the respnnsibilitv Knight is thee'EO of Death Row square root of900x56= of expressing the thug Iifestvie D ' ~,":.('> 'i30E.~11 'T n_'iE'~~:-,eQ1 ' ~ (~... ~ ~ ~ ~ hec\..;.ras; upac :S Lhen-~£;:-, h ., r : ....] .. A cr 1"- Z~ r· d erl'"l t'Y'\ l' " pecific ::s t y pical ofthe m a- Koo! G Rap t.o School2-/ D providing l: lell" ,t,- ,," c.U b I, L u," b c c r i , .. ; ..... 365+73x5= '.,i~ ~~]b:'1D. ]~1e, ;a< .All Evez Or: ~ ~ Tn ~ ~i ."" C() ""' ~. v-, 1'1 Q~ '(\ 1" rl ~ -. r"_ ~H-..(i ~ ., - 1 •• 1 ,! ~_ J ~ J_ ~~, ••n t_"before_ L• ~ a."...-. , '. ,. ~~ hr- i nst.itut .o n a l 1,:DDiC'--'.:--'!; 11 P r7"()!T'I .... ,. Knowinsrr~,#,- b +I.... '- ri.'''!~n h<.·tr'r-,·.1.., '_J_ ...' (':{',) .. N\',~-.\,·..: rr.~ ~ ~;() 96723/3-31030= ... .. : ...... m us~...... ic Howeverv t b.," ·'U'lr"'tT<.:t'}·'~<.....i. .. J~ ~ ro"t_..... ;n,)" •.)-Y\\ ·rn· r h r-v rJ',r-; :1' 11 ~I.' ,,~'f' :·\,d '. v (J., -,j"~\ r' t L,.,!IL~+. n', 'I';" ; :, ...... c _ ~~ ..;:::>.:1 ~') l l ,,~\. . c..: ...... (.... c ...... c., I e e .....

i e(7u·~~,· \'"''1'''~,(....l"".iJ. ~ )f'l-.l·P 6 to the 2nd power Dcath RCJ\" and its legacy s im po r- b 1 ...'" .lb.J..tismoresv theL t..... '- .atilitvLJ 1. 11 popularize it, This relates 1.(; T:"lP

su It of Dr'. Drc and Suge Knight. ;,,;tl'i r 1; , u·il'(J,;;;,t·,' J'r) ·l'~r n,' :'\'in~, ine harsh :eality of street life and not 31 ways a "gangsta" rapper. ". '-'1l.... \..L.v ~c "'~"-,""'('A _ a...:... "' ... a~" .. i .. .-. Dr. Dre v.·as the producerofN.W.A. cIiche itt0 the P-Q i n t 0 f \Vithin real , the about his experiences. He \1,.' a.::: , {Niggaz v.·ith Attitudes), the group unbelievability. Rappersfrom Snoop burden placed on an Me is unique many times, a victin1 of the me­ credited for being the pioneers of Doggy Dogg to The Dayton Family to any artist in music. He/she is dia, as events, such as his shoot­ "gangsta" rap, The truism of have turned ghetto life to two ex­ expected to entertain creatively ing t.wo off-duty cops, were por­ "gangsta" rap hampers any criti­ tremes-partyand/orshootout. This while representing'theirlives hon­ trayed as criminalistic ratherthan cism ofTupac. thematic focus could never be cre­ estly. They also h~ve to survive The idea ofhaving a separated ated by N.W.A., (with rap already a financiallyatthe sametime which Continued on page 25 category for rappers that share decade old and East Coasters frem makes ita superiorchallenge only Urban Melancholia, This Time With A Twist Ans",erto (and the twist goes into your hips)

Last issue's By Andrew Huang bottled-up, screwed up urban emo­ arrangement, and your body gets adult lyrics with dance beats, and It would have to happen. Al- tion validated. I'll give you an an­ to twist wi,th the beat too. It be- they have achieved commercial though the success of Everything them and say the wo~ds for you if came the first single ever hi~tory success. Another e~ample is But The Girl's runaway hit single you don't have the emotio~al vo­ to rooston the Billboardcharts for Suzanne Vega's '86 single "Tom's Word Search "Missing"cameas a surprisetothe cabulary. Buy me, buy me." an entire year. Dinner," that found a second life Britishduo,itssleepereffectseems TracyThorn, the singer/lyricist, Maybe the success is not so " when it was remixed by DNA and to have been prowammed into the and Ben Watt, the producer/com­ coincidentalafterall. Eventhough released in '92; again causIng a song. Few can resisttheinfectious poser, have spent more than a de­ Ben conceded that he didn't want frenzy of airplay. -' voice of the singer Tracy Thorn cade in relative obscurity putting to get the group's feet into dance ' Themainstreamadultcontem­ when she mourns "and I miss you, out after album ofdelicately music' until the technology ma- porarymusicarenahasbeenpopu­ yeah, like the desertmiss the rain, fine~tunedsongs ofurban complica­ tures enough to be able to lated by R&B divas like Whitney and I miss you..." severaltimes on tion and lovelorn contemplation, accomodate adultmusic, the mar- Houston, and pop-rock artists like TV and radio everyday. Tracy's singing about depression, rejection, ket has apparentlyJ>een there Melissa Ethridge. Both of these .. voice works like a subliminal per­ and isolation. The remix of "Miss­ waiting for someone to feed into schools find their success by tak­ suasion tap, patiently and inces- ing"continuesthetraditionofmoan­ all this time. Pet Shop Boys, ah- ingthemiddleroad;makingmusic j santlymurmuringto you"buy me, ing on urban melancholia, but this other British ,duo, has spent the buy me. Buy the single. 'It's ca­ time with a twist. The twistis inits past decade churmng out Continued on page 25 • thartic for you to have your muscled up bass line and lushed up that merge socially conscious,

i ; • • -• ,- - T _ ._ -_ .." -:II • __ 7J ....23 .. -4 ~- ..,CD » (/) ;:+ 1:: en -c GraffitiArt Honors Police Victitns • By Edward Rodriguez Grounds was designed to recog­ o may be the most Over the summer, I had the nize the talent, emotion, and bru­ 1\rtist: John Mellencamp Artist: §- ideal MC in hip hop. He excels at ~ • opportunity to contribute to a tal reality that goes with the cre­ Album: Mr. Happy Go Lucky Album: .illadelph balflife <0 Label: MercUry every-aspect ofhis art. ~ 0) project designed to honor an ele­ ation ofthis art. Label: Geffen 0) On "," Black ., ~ ment of hip hop culture-graffiti. The performance was at the Rating: 00 Rating:00000 Thought and The Roots bring all ~ C\J It dealt with the memorial murals Hostos Center for the Arts & Cul­ .• mem er t e goo 0 ays 0) "- To make an hip hop album, you the greatness of their live show, (I) put up on the walls of Black and ture and took place on September when John Mellancamp went by .0 their immense talent for making o Latino neighborhoodsinNewYork 18, 1996. The show started with the name John 'Cougar, and he have to put everything you have o o- city. Memorial walls, unfortu­ rapper KMX Assault performing a dished out those memorable pop­ into it. Frrstensure the musical music, and their vast array of ca­ nately, act as the only historical rock tunes like "Hurts So Good" aspect: create a signature sound pabilities on the microphone to without losing the universal hip make a classic that may not even documentation of the lives of our Continued on page 29 and "Jack and Diane." Well forget deceased. The multimedia, inter­ 'em, those days are gone. hop feel, making sure that the mu­ go platinum. I say this because A hip hop ceremony honoring memorial art and condemning sic you create is something your people sleep on The Roots. Some active performance of Memorial police brutality. Nowadays on Mellancamp's latest effort Mr. Happy Go Lucky MC(s) can feel. After that comes hip hop purists think a live band (a somewhat ironic title consider­ the MC part: get yourlyrics tight, makingmusic is nothip hop. Some speak on any subject matters -af­ hip hop fans who have seen their What is TV's best police detective drama? ing how dark sounding the album John Mellencamp. can be at times), Mellancamp and fecting the hip hop community if live show might think their re­ possible, ensure your freestyling corded work might not match their • longtimebandmatesMikeWanchic like "Circling Around the Moon" . skillsbecauseyouwill needtoshow­ performinggreatness. Othersjust Why "Homfcfdee Life on the Street"·is rrurner'o uno. (guitar), Toby Myers (bass), and that has a Rolling Stones like feel case this throughout the album, sleep. Whatever the case may be, KennyAronoff(drums),joinforces to it. But three decent songs outof keep the flows tight with the music their latest Geffen release is the By Manny Rodriguez (and doesn't do them that well ei­ into storylines whether it is in a Perlich, Reed Diamond, Richard with NY Club DJ and producer . 12 does not make for a great CD. , be clear on the microphone, be most diverse album of the year, In recent seasons,' television ther). The addition of LaPaglia positive or negative way. Belzer, Melissa Leo and Andre Junior Vasquez, to create a dark, Where the mix ofstyles sounds unique by instilling your persona possibly the decade, and is asgreat has seen the resurgence ofdrama. hasalso beenbadbecausehecomes They also have created one of Braugher. eerie, soundscape of dance beats all wrong is on a track like "This throughout your lyrics (and the as anything you've ever heard. The quality of today's one hour across as more wooden than Yoba .TV's most complex characters in The writing ofthis show shifts intertwined with that distinctive MayNotBeTheEndOfThe World," music, too), and nevercopy. Lastly, Each song is a tight blend of drama is high. From FOX's cre­ and Del.orenzo. Andy Sipowicz. He is a racist, .the load from character to charac­ Mellancamp . folk rock sound. with its country western flavored try to make the power ofyour live hard drum based tracks with fan­ a t i v e NYU excels in portraying alcoholic, abusive cop but is also a ter every week. Each character is Mellancampdeservescreditfor try­ guitars clashing head up with the show (ifyou have one) come across tastic melodies running through­ "The X-Files" to NBC's hip, over­ minorites positevely for the most good detective who brings results written deeply enough to carry an ing to push in this new direction dancebeats,andloops. "Emotional throughout the album. Ifyou do all out and intense, intelligent, com­ rated but compelling medical part. In particular, the characters and is a family man. His character episodets) and each actor is tal­ because after 20 years of making Love" is another tune that sounds ofthis; y~u might have som~ing. plex lyrics. They manage to con­ drama "ER," TV viewers have a ofLieut. Virginia Cooper and Det. may reflect humanity more than ented enough to do the same. musicithasgotto betoughto come like ear candy due to the corny On The Roots' 1994 debut, "do tinue the sound they created in '94 massiveamountofshowstochoose Nina Moreno are strongwilled and any other TV character because of Homicide features the best in­ up with original material, but un­ beats and synth samples that are you want more ?!!!??!," they estab­ but take it to another level. Basi­ from. The rise ofdrama also has a portrayed well. by Patti our inability to label him good or terrogation scenes on TV. This is fortunatelyheistryingway'tohard layeddownovera campyrockback­ lished themselvesas a newbreedof cally, The Roots are The Fugees lot to do with the decline in the D'Arbanville and Lauren Velez, bad. due, in no small part, to Braugher. to merge two styles thatjust don't bone. The result is that the track hip hop-a live band making- times 50, and the Fugees are as quality ofsitcoms (i.e. "The Single respectively. ThedirectionisMTV­ The superb acting of Dennis His portrayal of Det. Frank gel well. Dance beats work great sounds like a desperate-attempt flavored hiphopmusicwith no sam­ creative as any crew out today. Guy"), but that's another article. styled and fast paced which brings Franz andJimmy Smits also carry Pembleton is simply the best act­ with aggressive music (take for by Mellancamp to go R&B. The pling. Their work was filled with Songs like "UNIverse at War" This season marks the return of excitementtotheshow. "NewYork this show. Franz (winner of the ing on TV. His is a strong charac­ instance the rise in popularity of harshest sounding clash comes on innovations: beatboxs and vocal "Panic," "Section" and"Concerto of . four police detective based dra­ Undercover" is not a show beyond best actor in a drama Emmy two of ter who is stubborn, meticulous, bands like Rage-Against the Ma­ the track "Full Catastrophe" be­ repair. But it is definitely in need manipulation by Rabzel, recreat­ the Desperado" is The Roots at mas: NBC's "Law & Order" and the last three years) carries NYPD brilliant and real. Pembleton is chine and 311). But with the sug­ cause the guitars are so yokel ofchanges. ing the sounds of scratching and theirhardest. "WhatTheyDo" and "Homicide: Life on the Street," with his accurate interpretation the only black character on TV not ary, . pop-rock, music that sounding but that head boppin', "Law & Order" returned this while Smits(winner ofthe Golden DJingwas one ofthe many. Butfor "The Hypnotic" displays them at FOX's "New York Undercover," dominated by his,blackness as op­ Mellancamp has made his career laidback, hip-hopbeatis thespine those individuals who did not hear their smoothest. - There are also and.ABC's "NYPD Blue." All but past week with anotherstrongepi­ Globe for best actor in a television posed to those on "New York Un­ out of, these beats just make his ofthe song. thealbummayhavegottena chance numerous guest appearances: one has returned with premieres sode. New cast member .Carey drama) adds'a realistic blend of dercover." songs sound that much more Then there are the dark tunes to watch The Roots perform live. It Common Sense, Q-Tip of A Tribe in the past few weeks ("NYPD Lowell joined the cast and turnert­ charisma, strength,and humanity .Br-aughers interrogation campy. As a matter of fact the on the album Iike "Jerry," which is is their live performance that sets Called Quest, , Blue" will return on October 15). in an excellent performance. Over that David Caruso was not able to scenes in "the box" have earned rhythm section of the album is aboutaninsanemanthathowls at them apart from every entertainer , Groove Theory's The first to return was "New its history, L&O has seen numer­ fully achieve in his short stint .OD.: '. him his first-Emmy nomination. mixed·to sound like a drum ma­ night, and "Mr. Bellows" which is in hip hop. In the essence ofKRS­ Arnel Larrieux, CassandraWilson, York Undercover" in late August. ous cast members leave (Paul NYPD. Thedirectionalsoenhances this year for best actor in a drama. chine and bass synth module-and a dismal sounding folk-rock ditty. One, The Roots.excite;givingaudi­ .and D'Angelo'among others. NYU is easily the weakest ofthe Sorvino, Michael Moriarty, Chris the ultra-realistic nature ofNYPD Yet, the writers of Homicide de­ thatlendsa veryartificialsound to These tunes seem to be the ones ences live versions of their hits, "illadelph halflite" is the sec­ four and is probably the most dis­ Noth, Jill Hennessy) but still man­ with its constant panning and cided to make Pembleton suffer a the organic rock backbone ofmany that got caught in the middle of trying to never perform a song the ondclassicofthisyear(De LaSoul's appointing show on television. ages to find superb replacements strange angles. stroke at the end oflast season. In ofthe album's songs. what Mellancamp was trying to same way twice. The astound with "Stakes Is High" being the other). NYU is the first drama to feature and maintain the smoothness of NYPD still is a male centered the season opener this past week, However its not to say that this shoot for sonically on this album. interesting new musical arrange­ This album may not be heard by minorities in the lead roles. The production. show, however, and has failed to Pembleton returned to work. With formula doesn'tworkattimes. The Mellancamp's sound is really ments and mesmerize with the MC everyonethatshouldhearit, which originalitystops there. The scripts While L&O doesn't develop its establish a strong and consistent slurred speech and impaired mo­ lead single from the album, "Key schizoid on this album, and while abilities of lead rapper Black is too bad because this album is are weakly written, with uninter­ characters as well as it should, we female character. Also, thecharac­ bility, he tries to convince every­ Westlntermezzo(]SawYou First)," some- critics might hail this as a Thought. Black Thought carries unique in only one sense, really: esting plots and predictable out­ know enough about them to under­ terofDet. James Martinezis poorly one he can return to his usual du­ works really well. It's a .catchy work of genius, this critic thinks the load verbally with MalikB pop­ it's perfect. comes. There is no solid character stand their actions. The show also written. The perfectcontrastwould ties. Braugher takes on a new tune, with a simple guitar hook, a it's the work ofa frustrated musi­ ping up from time to time to assist. -Manny Rodriguez development either as every char­ features the most solid format on be Det. Curtis on "Law & Order." challenge this season and judging little harmonica, and a groovin' cian trying to hop on a current acter on NYU is one dimensional. TV, with the first halfhourdevoted WhilehisLatinocharacterrespects from his performance in the first ~~ club drum beat. But its the only sound bandwagon. The mix of 1st: ypress them a group with its own musical The key togreatdramatic writ­ to showingusthe investigation ofa his partner and superiors for their episode, he is already onhis way to trackwherethemixofstylesworks. dark sounds; club beats, and the Album: Unreleased and persona. Thishas onlybeendone by a ing is creating strong conflicts for crime by detectives Briscoe (Jerry ageandexperience,heis stillstrong the Emmy. Besides "Key West...," tracks like occasional rock tune is a very bold Revamped (EP) few such as RZAfor WutangClanand its characters. NYU has tried to Orbach) and Curtis (Benjamin; winedandassertive. Det. Martinez The direction of Homicide is "JustAnotherDay,"withitsCrosby, mix to try to pull off. It unfortu­ Label: Ruffhouse/Columbia DJ Premier for Gangstarr. With create tension between each de­ Bratt), while the final 30 minutes is not developed personality wise similar to its ABC counterpart in ~ ~":~''- Stills, and Nash inspired guitar nately just doesn't work on Mr. Rating: "'_.' . "Unreleased andRevamped(EPJ," the tective (especiallythis season with delve into the courtrelated aspects and is very docile. The latter being movement but it is the rapid cut­ work, percussion, and vocal har­ Happy Go Lucky. An unknown fact is that Cypress purpose is to showcase DJ Muggs as the addition ofa new white detec­ of the case with assistant D.A.'s a popular character trait given to ting and unique editing that help monies,bringtherockelementback -Anthony Gregory Hill ranks as one ofthe top ten most well as keep them inrotation. Recent. tiveplayedby Jonatha~LaPaglia), Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) and Latino characters intelevision and create an almost surrealistic at­ to this album a bit. So does a track influential hip hop groups ofall time. remixes of"Boom Biddy Bye" featur­ complex situations which are usu­ Jamie Ross (Lowell). L&O, despite film which, needless to say, is a mosphere. Homicide is also less They have impacted and changed hip ing the Fugees(produced by WycleO, allyexpressedthroughtheircases, the possible restrictions' of its for­ false stereotype. The role of somberthan the othercop dramas. Artist: does so with "Atliens.": Outkast, hop in manyways. WhenCypressHill "Throw Ya Hands in the Air" (pro­ andevendomesticproblems. Noth­ mat, continues to be creative with­ Martinez is also' terribly inter­ The charactersbickeraboutevery­ Album: Atliens consisting ofDre and , ex­ cameonthescenein 1991 with"How] ducedbyMuggs),and"Illusions'tcpro­ ing has worked because the writ­ out losing its realistic feel. The preted by Nicholas Turturro. His thingfrom donuts to thecasesthey Label: LaFace press such a wide variety of emo­ ~'~~"' Could JustKillA Man" they immedi­ ducedbyQ-TipofATribeCalledQuest) ers are too preoccupied with "writ­ show's writers continue to rip sto­ weak performance can be attrib­ are workingon. Theyphilosophize Rating: .. tions, intelligence, and skill, their ately reminded everyone that Latinos are three great songs that are not on ing Black and Latino" instead of ries from. today's headlines and utedpartlytohis notbeinga Latino. The reason great hip hop al­ music cannot possibly be a mo­ about life and their jobs. They're have always been contributors. They any of their previous albums. With justwritingreal andsubsequently adaptthemsmoothlyintotheshow. Though I amnotclaimingonemust bums are heard years laterrepeat­ notonous accompaniment. From real people and it always shows. alsowereableto unitethesoundofthe Sen Dog leaving the group, B-Real is fail in every way. As a Latino, I The direction is more straightfor­ be a Latino to play one, it is about edlyis because the artists' lyricism the first released single, "Eleva­ Lastly, the settingis in , Eastand West Coasts. With B-Real's even more the focus lyrically, and it find itextremely difficult to relate ward than the other 3 shows, but time Hollywood stopped trying to was truly poetry. Through the tors," Dre is quick to point their so we finally get away from New nasalstylisticprecision,SenDog's eomi- comes at a perfect time. B-Real has to the characters on NYU because still is adept at following story and show uswhat and how we are and ~ourseofthatalbum wegothrough equa lity vwith the fans ,they. York for a change. .cal, hardcore strong-arming, and DJ reallydevelopedinhisclarity,content, building tension. "Law & Order," numerous emotions and insights they're underdeveloped. It is this letustellyou.'TheJamesMartinez "Homicide: Life on the Street" represent:"1 live by the beat like Mugg's EastCoastfunkbeats,theHill and militant stances. .B-Real is not underdevelopmentthatmakesany now in its seventh season, is still a character on NYPD is a· perfect that they make us feel. We relate you live check to check." 'They is the most balanced and visually was very bicoasta1. Theircontent was only the most unique voice in hip hop cultural aspects in the show obso­ must see. example ofdoingitthe wrong way. and when hip hop is universal we ... diverse police drama on television. revolutionaryandbreakthroughinnu­ butis a chorus master on the level of. lete to me because I don't feel like "NYPD Blue," which won the Nevertheless, "NYPD Blue" is also learn to see the same pain, Continued on page 29 merous aspects, exemplified by their Method Man. The real highlight of Emmy for best drama last year hopes, and joy in different angles. they are real enough as human TV's most daring show and needs Gradin" the Cop Dramas: intense focus on marijuana (which let this short EPisthat Muggs has beats '. ("ER" won this year), continues to to be seen. .Forthose povertystrickenhip hop­ beings. ~!.!::.!:!m~gs OX everyone know they.could also rap and beats. He produces six ofthe 9 Another negative for NYU is be its network's bestprogram. The Finally, there is "Homicide: pers the universal poetry, hip hop, New Yerk llmlercover• about what they were smoking). Cy­ tracks and the trulyincredibly pieced main reason why this gritty cop Life on the Street,"my pickfor best is so misunderstood and ignored the acting. Malik Yoba is subpar (FOX, Thursdays, 9 P.M.): C eeeee press Hillis alsoone ofthe few groups together interludes cement a dark., while Michael DeLorenzo may be show is great is the lack offear in cop drama on TV, period. While we are alienated. The place we live ~ eooo -EXCELLENT . to go multi-platinum and refuse to cryptic sound that is permanently as­ - the worst actor on television. The its writing. They continually push other shows on television, includ­ in is classified as a ghetto, our (NBC, Wednesdays, 10 P.M.): A panderto their mainstream audience. sociated with Cypress Hill. This is their characters and plots to the ing "NYPD Blue," have tried to neighbors are savages, and our in­ ooe -GOOD formershowssomeflashesofknow­ ~ A real unheralded aspect oftheir suc­ another installment in the classic limit, neverinhibitingthemselves. succeedwithanensemblecast,only sightis deemedignorant. Wealiens MEDIOCR~ how but fails to pull it off for an (ABC, Tuesdays, 10 P.M.): A- o G- cess has alwaysbeenthe production of chronicles of Cypress Hill. entire episode. Meanwhile, Theyalways takechancesbyintro­ "Homicide"haspulleditoff Among express ourselves through hip hop llomicid&LLife on the Street -WHY? DJ Muggs. Muggs has been able to -EdwardRodriguez DeLorenzodrifts througheachepi­ ducing difficult subjects, and in­ the players are Kyle Secor, Clark (NBC, Fridays, 10 P.M.): A+ and Outkast, from Atlanta, also o give Cypress Hill a sound that makes sode displaying only two emotions cludingall differenttypes ofpeople Johnson, Yaphet Kotto, Max I 25 , ~ i ~ .;.4 o· A .i 24 C1> »'""'" ~ FlyAway Standing CJ) • 0 Revie~s o f -0 "FlyAway Home" and "Last Man Standing." 0- C1> '""'"ro By Manny Rodriguez as one would expect, yet they have narration of his experience in the :. • You probably wouldn't think a done a very adequate job of devel­ town and follow every step he ~ family film about a young girl who opingcharacters to the point where makes. Smith, to be brief again, 0'> raises some geese and leads them we understand and like them. joins the Italian gang first, makes C\J south wouldn't have anything in I still had a problem with some some money, then joins the Irish Q) .L)- common with a Western-styled ac­ ofthe things Amy's father allowed gang. Eventually his plans are o tion movie with Bruce Willis. But -(.) her to do, particularly near the end discovered and he pays for his o The Steven L. Newman Real Estate Institute presents its first annual: ifyou thoughtthat, you'd be.wrong. Anna Paquin and her geese in ofthefilm, and the beginningofthe double-crossingscheme. Intheend, Maybe. ~Fly Away Home." film (excluding the opening scene) Smith gathers himself and goes "Fly Away Home," to sum up drags. This movie isn't perfect but out to try to finish the competition. Mentor-for-A-Day Program: briefly, follows the story of a 13 Doesn't sound like much ofa story, it's a family film that the kids can "LastManStanding' is a seem­ year old Amy Aiden (played by right. Nevertheless, "Fly Away watch and enjoy and you parents ingly played out tale yet Hill ar­ Wednesday October 16, 1996 Oscar winner for Best Supporting Home" turns out to be a wonder­ andadultscanwatch withoutcring­ ranges his events and gives them •t Actress in ."The Piano," Anna fully shot, humorous and (please ing. "FlyAway Home" is a nice film to us in an exciting way. He does A special single-day program designed to Paquin) who loses her mother in forgive me for using this word) for everyone and is currently play­ this by utilizing the complete tal­ an auto accident and is forced to heartwarming film. ing at theaters. ents of Bruce Willis properly, di­ help you to learn about a variety ofcareer live with her [ather (JeffDaniels). Director Carroll Ballard gives A drifter comes to a run down recting with unique angles, fast opportunities in the real estate industry: Amy subsequently goes through a us a wonderful mixture ofclose-up town nearthe border and discovers pacing and superb lighting and set deep depression that even her fa­ point-of-view shots and colorful two gangs dukingit out for control. design.. This movie looks great ther' who is a wild inventor, can't aerial shotsthatthe film, despite a Sounds like a great wayfor the new from the actors to the costumes. Accompany a seasoned real estate cure. Eventually, Amy finds some seemingly thin premise, flys by guy in town to make money. In The story moves quickly also but professional throughout a typical work goose eggs, raises them, and when (Ha, Ha). The script, written by Watler Hill's "Last Man Standing" Hill takes enough time to drama­ it's time to teach them how to fly Robert Rodat andVin-ceMcKewin, (which is adapted from Akira tize key moments. Lastly, Bruce morning fol/owed by lunch at the Baruch south, she is helped by her father. is not filled with as much dialogue Kurosawa's classic "Yojimbo), Willis' presence rightfully domi­ conference center with all of the other Bruce Willis is the no name drifter nates and he gives us a perfect (taking the alias of John Smith) blend of invulnerability and im­ participants and mentors: making a pit stop at a veritable perfection. This is the best action ghost town before heading to film ofthe year. 2Pac Mexico. When Smith discovers the What do these two films have Spend aI/-morning • situation here, he decides to getthe incommon? Both"FlyAway Home" 9:00 - 12:00: Wednesday October 16, 1996 Continued from page 21 his invincibility. loot. On the way, a lot ofpeople get and "Last Man Standing" benefit on a one-on-one basis with a major broker, manager defensive, on his part. Tupac's feeling ofinvincibility killed. from good acting, directionandcin­ Tupac, at his best, had the abil­ arised from his survivinggun shots Throughout this film, which ematography. If you didn't buy or financier ofreal estate in New York City as your ity to decipher between at close range, jail time, and the was written and directed by Walter that one, then I guess they have personal mentor: queensCKeep Ya Head Up) and media assaults he was constantly Hill, we listen to Smith's voice over nada in common. - bi~*hes(I Get Aroiind), criticize defenseless against. Tupac's trag­ t.he oppressive structure ofsociety edy is seen as his experiences gave c (Point The Finga, F*ck The him a perspective that could have wo-t«, and Me Against The been channeled in beinga voice for Urban..Mefarrchofta - Affend meeting ~rld), and pay homage to the the oppressed and misunderstood. essence of hip hop(OldSchool). At Death Row, Tupac would· Continued {roml,page·21 inglymoving. Referencesofphones, He was a genius at making us feel not be encouraged to use his in- with lyrics mature enough to ap­ hotels, buses, trains, and London - Sit in on actual negotiations his blend ofemotions. Whether it sighttouplift. Instead, hesold out peal to.adultsand the music.being . areaboundinthe lyrics. The lyrics was an ode to his mother (Dear witha multi-platinum album, All catchy enough to hook youngsters. are written in a diary and a self­ - Watch the deals being made Mama), the anger and fear of be­ Eyez On Me, that preached false But there is another way. Instead conversational style. Nearly every ing incarceratedCDeath Around invincibility and a "get the riches of making the middle compr-omise, sentence starts with an "I" and the Corner, andItAin'tEasy) or and bi**hes" mentality that he artists could push itto the extreme goes on to pull out the "emotional - Inspect office space the loss of his friends (So Many knew was short-lived. His music by juxtaposing adult lyrics with baggage, hopes and fears, seen Tears), Tupac's vocal pitch, speed was honest in that he was living danceable beats. The result could somehow in different light" (as in and powerful flow earned him re­ the life he rapped about, but fake be clumsy and contrived when the the song "Flipside"). -- Meet with a customer spect by his peers. in his lack ofcriticism ofit. In lieu formula is not mixed right (witness These extremely intimate lyr­ . All this changed when he of this, his death does not make Vega's 99.9 Fahrenheit). It could ics are matched by Tracy's confes­ signed with Death Row. Death hip hop's musical reflection of re- however payoff splendidly when sional vocal style. Her vocal prow­ -- Learn about building sales Row, a label with certified sellouts ality a destructive quality that . the right balance is found. ess is stronger than both the Pet and beefwith the East Coast (Tha needs to be erased. Hip hop music" Walking Wounded, Everything Shop Boys' and Suzanne Vega's. -- Property management Dogg Pound's New York, New is poetry over breakbeats. The But The Girl's latest album, is an She conveys the pain and pleasure York), put Tupac in a tough situa­ greatest poetry, and literature, example ofsuch balance achieved. ofcomplicatedadultemotionswith tion. that has ever been created has Emboldenedbythesuccessof"Miss­ ease. The dance arrangementhere Tupacalreadyhadproblemswith been by those that honestly ex- ing," the duo revamped the new does not feel awkward. In fact the Biggie Smalls, Sean"Puffy"Combs pressed their emotions and expe- album by adding in the dance ar­ strong contrast between Tracy's Followed by lunch and discussion and his label, Bad Boy. According riences. Tupac was real fake near rangementrightbeforethe album's wistful voice andtheplusharrange­ 72:30 - 2:00 Wednesday October 16,·1996 to Dream Hampton, "Pac straight his death and his music was a rfilease. It sounds like a desperate ment creates a dynamic tension at the Baruch Conference Center with all of the flipped. On Big who was loyal." reflection of this. His music did act of selling out, except that the that looks ready to explode any However, the Notorious B.I.G.'s not kill him, it only told us he was group got it right this time. The second but keeps on hovering back other participants and mentors: album Ready to Die is a photo­ heading that way. To say other- album's nine songs along with re­ and forth. Tracy's already haunt­ copy ofTupac's prior works to say wise is as ridiculous as the "Star mixes of the first two singles ing voice literally starts to echo in the least. Biggie's lackoforiginal­ SpangledBanner"beingthecause, "WrC!ng" and "Walking Wounded," your ears. Underneath layers of Contact Carla Hoke at 802-594 7 ity was enough reason for Tupac to and not the celebration, ofthe tak- displays the adroit mastery ofcon­ keyboard and drumbeat, her voice for reservations and more information retaliate. However, everyone from ing of America from its rightful verging a slow-tempo melodious comes and goes like a ghost that or come sign up in room 7348 at 360 PAS TupacandBiggieto PuffyandSuge owners. sound withdynamicyouthful beats. roams across thedesertofwounded showed pop colors by not knowing Many blame Suge Knight for Now they have theircake and x eat emotion to haunt your conscious­ (Leave a daytime number where you can be reached) how to settle beef (For a hip hop his death, but that wrongfully it too. It is deeply soulful and glee­ ness in dreams and in wakeful­ battlereferto BDPversusTheJuice stripsTupacoftheintelligenceand fully danceable at the same time. ness. - CrewY. Tupac then was insight he had. In the end, his They couldn't have picked a There might not be another • Application required. inaugarated into a family whose lesson for hip hop is that the igno- betteralbum coverto illustrate the runaway hit since none of these ..... ' -;.' unity was cemented, not by talent rant turn that sellouts take are emotional passage depicted. On songs possess the harmonic ur-· and brotherhood, but by record solely their responsibility in the the cover photo, a distracted Ben gency that make "Missing" ~o irre­ sales. end. was caught off guard while Tracy sistible. Still the overall result of Tupac eventuallyturned on his was applying makeup inside the this marriage between house mu­ - East Coast constituents and be­ Rest in Peace to the Tupac that backseat of a limo. They go' on to sic andurbanfolkis dazzling. Their came a Death Row crony in every told me that "Jealousy and Reck­ elaborate by assembling a collage emotion might be walking around way. He released a 27-songdouble lessness are not something to die of an urban emotional landscape woundedaftertenyearsofoblivion, album filling every song with talk for." that is painfully jolting and sadly but their carefully crafted songs of bitches, hoes, thug parties and crumbling, but always excruciat- are anything but wrong this time. , \ 27 o·~ 26 ;;II:" CD

.~. • , - »- ~ .. a···· ···' t .' ~- ': en ;'. ~ ". 0 t:: .. ·· /,N '': 1 0 "'~'.'., .. , -, •••• , ••_" ." n·.··,""'.'.. • s-<'. ' - :. ,"'.-•••.':' y. a" ••.",'/ ',."",, ;-.,•• -..... '." .-,".. • ".... • n",'.'-' s • -c T····:··, T 1 0 Cente~·fo.r·Interriational §- The Weissman Busines' xr . .. The "Literary" Section for Baruch's Artists .,CD presents. r\)

MITSUI & COMPANY (USA) CO-- Untitled Untitled CO 0) C\I I remember when life was innocent, during childhood, No longer are Roses red, No longer are Violets blue, /-UNCH-TIME FORUM ~ CD The world is dying slowly, what are we to do. , .0 The days were long, the nights were short. The Baruch Community is invited to join o Many loved ones don't come home, the Jewish Students of Saruch "0 Love was for everyone, o Even though I didn't know the meaning. Because ofthe Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. for a Worries were far, far, away, One may have awife and would. never leave her, Like the galaxies I dreamt about exploring one day. Only for her to be taken away by cruel Cancer. They were no limits to what one wanted to be, Another may have a husband who's caring -1 INTERNATIONA...-...... s u kko t A doctor, a lawyer, an Indian chief you will never lack, And all ofa sudden one day he has a heart attack. I played outside, Never wanting the sun to go down. We loved them all, and remembered what eel e b ration I saw a flower, Wow! they said, c; L-ICENSING: The little things seemed so amazing. This is true for the loved one's ofFlight 800. Thursda.y, October 3, 1996 Chasing a butterfly was sport, Or remember Oklahoma city 12:30 - 2:30 \ Oh what a pity, Never again will we touch or hear, A Tool to Build. . . Your Future And at that age I realized, . Everyone was friendly, black, white, oriental no matter. Life's cruel moments we all do fear. in the" sukkah Being young had its advantages. If we don't go, then maybe the world will first, located outside betu.een the Those days are longgone, This is true for the diminishing Ozone curse. 22nd and 23rd street buildings Even though my memories don't fail me. Too many things to worry about, But those being a kid days came to an end, The world is falling apart, Refreshments will be served God bless this planet and my soul and everyone's little heart. All are ureicome! And I'm an adult now, Oh how I wish I was kid again. Chairman -Owen Tawdeen -Owen Tawdeen EUGENE LANG, REFAC Tec·hnology Development Corp. TAINTED WINDOWS Untitled "I HAVE A DREAM" Foundation CRASH!! BEEP!! HEY, YOU, MOVE OVER!! This event is co-sponsored by Hillel. Koac1l. )SA As the rain falls down on the unsuspecting city, I sit in my *A sut:t:ah is a booch chac -'ell's erect during rhe ncrvesr fesriuaI room, thinking, reminiscing. I dream about your ruby-red lips of Sut:l:or. Sul:1:or rhis year is celebrnred from Setnember 27­ As I look through my tainted windows, October 4. The Boruch SU::~'~h will beopen during the ll'eet: of and your long, silky, brown hair. I also dream about your \Vednesday, October 9th, 1996 September 30 from 7:30 am -7:30 pm I see people passing by, cars backed up for 12:15-1:45 Pl\1 baby blue eyes abnd your extravagant body. miles, big apartment buildings one behind Room 1200 - 360 Park Avenue South Hillel at Baruch Co~:e;e is a me~t:e~ a:;e::c'J of UJA·f~erat;cn or New Yori< and a const;:~~~t 0: H·;:el: tre Fou::da:':ll'lfcr .le.·.ish Ca,,-pus Lire. the other. (Sandwiches & Drinks Served) Hi'lel at Baruch is the re-::ipie~: c: specia' Continui!y Ft.:n:s from UJA-Federatiol I reminisce about all the joyous and happy times we have o! ~~eN Ycr'c. spent together, just walking along the beach, looking at the I see children laughing, playing, in the wonderous stars in the sky. I remember the declaration of park as their parents watch them, admiring love we made to each other that very night and we vowed at how happy their children look. I also see

.' , never to leave each other's sides. - young people, like myself,wandering the .. -'. ,.:..,". . "quaint" streets ofNY city; laughing, enjoying But, now, I sit here, lonely, depressed, because you are themselves, not having a care in the world. not here by my side. Then, I start to wonder, "Does she , really love me or am I just being a fool?" Suddenly, as the As I myselflook atthis "great society," sun's rays start to penetrate the dark clouds in the sky, I ashmyself'Why can't we portray this image my sadness turns into insurmountable joy 'cause you in other cities? Why must people hate and not have come back to me. get along with one another?' As we came closer and closer together, my heart I often shudder to think what kind of Top 10 Reasons to Join Richard A. Eisner & Company, LLP starts to race faster and faster. Then, just as we get "society" we're living in right now and how closer and closer to each other... things will be maybe 5 years from now. As ...... :..-•..' .• ... --Juan Raposo soon as I get up look through my window ~.. the next day, all I see is chaos, gunfire, and ugly profanities that was unheard of10 years ago. I ask myself CMy God! What have we done to our world and to our society?'

And then, I go, sit down in my chair, Untitled and watch the world through my tainted windows one more time. What you see is What have you done? never what you get. Why are you doing this? Don't you love me? How about you? What do you see through your tainted windows? These are the spoken words ofsomeone who -Juan Raposo has lost all emotional stability and has had their heart broken into a million pieces.

This person, unfortunately, learns the truth Note from the editors: about one ofthe few people they care about, you could We would like to thank Juan Raposo, Owen even say, that this was their "best friend," the one they Tawdeen for contributing their excellent literature. trusted the most. to this.section. Once again, we urge all Baruchians 1 You won't have to move back home with your parents! The spoken truth about their "best friend" has to contribute their literature. Your work will not be - utterly destroyed this great, wonderful, human being who cut, chopped, or mutilated; it will run in its original can't explain why this so-called "best friend" betrayed If you are interested in learning more about us: form. • Call your Career Planning and Placement Office them. Now, as this person walks through this emotional - We would also like to remind our readers that • Call Nallcy Greenfader, Director of Recruiting at 212-891-4041. filth, or garbage, through the harsh realms ofreality, they • Checkour web site: wwW.rae.com writers for the Arts section are still wanted. Ifyou wonder "Will I ever be able to trust again? Is this my LOOKFORUSONCAMPUS destiny in life? What will become ofme. now, that I have are interested in writing about television, dance, been destroyed from within?" movies, music, theatre, or anyotherartforms, please leave a message for MannyorAnthony atRoom 1522, As the person finally realizes what has happened, 360 Park Avenue South or call us at 802 - 6800. they wonder... -Juan Raposo Thank you. 29 .. SI.J~~·~:~ ~~~.~E 28 ~_~~,.,.- ••....!;.. r;;i;;~ • Hip-Hop Editorial By Edwa~d Rodriguez r------~ "It ain't where you're from, it's I I its inhabitants. I was literally dian ancestry only when explain­ not find it. I realize now that it is co-. I I .where you're in the mentals..." locked inside with radio stations ing why they are so dark. What very educational to see the ~ I I U-God wlCypress with bad music and U.S. propa­ happened to our African roots? majority's views in a different per­ 1 Vote I Hill & RZA- "KillaHiIINiggas" ganda that makes 1984 twelve There were Puerto Ricans, better spective and notice how senseless C\I New YorkState Voter Regi·stration Form "I heard it's not where you from years outdated. Through my known as Commonwealthers (a they really are.· I left Puerto Rico ~ I I Q) New York but where you pay rent/ then I bedroom window, my view was the meaningless name that fits), that proud because I knew I was just .0 1 I .E You Can Use This Form To: To Complete This Form: heard it's not what you make but brightlights ofMcDonalds, Burger held Luis Munoz Marin as an icon more open to what I didn't want to o 1 Deadline I o Fill in all the boxes that apply to you. how much you spend..." King, and Church's Chicken with a and had an abnormal respect for see. I didn't want to see my people 1 • register to vote in New York State Information: I • change your name/or address. if there I Big Boi ofOutKast background of palm trees and Ronald Reagan. There were pov­ basking in the ignorant glory of I is a change since you last voted Box 3: Give your home address. You can register in person at - "Atliens" mountains. erty stricken, conservative Repub­ dependence andpettymaterialism. I • enroll in a political party or change your your county board of elections on any I When someone calls a Puerto Once outside, I was as free as licansthat preferredstatehoodand I wanted them all to know that our I enrollment Box 4: Give your mailing address ifit is business day.excepr election day. If you I Rican a "Nuyorican," the response Mumia, intheindustriallandscape middle-class Democrats that fa­ colonial status was a give-and-give 1 To Register You Must: different form your home address (post office want to vote in an election. you must mail I I soon hear is "F**k you!'!" Many ofan "Americanized" Puerto Rico. vored the present commonwealth situationandthatstatehoodis only I box no.• star route or rural no.• etc.) or deliver this form to your county board of I Puerto Rican youth, includingmy­ A frantic search for my culture status because we couldn't make it a bettername for it. I wanted them 1 • be a U.s. citizen elections no later than 2S days before the I self, are referred to as Nuyoricans became energy wasted. I couldn't on our own. Do they know we don't to hold on to the culture that I I • be ) 8 years old by December 31 of the Box 6: TIle completion of this box is optional. election in which you want to vote. Your I in a very derogatory, insulting find food(tostones, yucca, or arroz need or want to have the help that needed in full dosage. I didn't find year in which you file this fonn eligibility to vote will be based on the date I manner. We are considered dis­ con habichuelas), music(i.iDonde gives us unemployment over 20%, those things in any large scale. I c Box 9: If you have never voted before, write (note: you must be )8 years old by the date you file this form, and your county board placedpeople, whohave lostall our estava los timbales de Tito Puente about 60% of the island on food Instead, I found the same mental I of the general. primary or other election in "None.· Ifyou can' remember when you last win notify you of your eligibility. I culture .and the essence of being y la salsa que yo buscava?!), or my stamps, and whole towns used as slavery and naivete that I experi­ I which you want to vote.) voted. put a question mark (1). Ifyou voted (This fonn may not be faxed) I Puerto Rican. However, in reality anti-imperialist peoples. As I sat military bombing sites. ence daily in Sunset Park, Brook­ • live at your present address at least 30 days before under a different name. put down that I I I was bombarded with Puerto lyn. before an election name. Ifnot, write "Same." Need More Registration Forms? I we Puerto Ricans in NewYork and in the mall of emptiness, I pon­ I the U.S. mainland, are on an exo­ dered on whythis vacation sucked. Ricans telling me I didn't know my Having a sense of our history • not be in jailor on parole for a felony You can get registration forms at most state 1 I dus to Borinquen. I realized itwas my peopletreating history and culture because ofmy and culture isn't pledging alle­ I conviction Box 10: Check one box only. agency offices and post offices or at any I • not claim the right to vote elsewhere . county board of elections. •I visited Puerto Rico, for the McDonald's as .fine cuisine, an ob­ New York-residence. These were giance to the flag ofthe U.S.A., and I I first time in my life, this past sum­ session with the instrumental the same people who think our not recognizing our complete In­ " Box 11: This application must be signed and I Informaci6n en espaftol: si Ie interesa dated in blue or black ink. Questions? 1 mer, and it was one ofthe saddest tracks of "American" artists from colonial status is an act of dian, Spanish, and African heri­ obtener este formuJario en espanol, Harne al I kindnessi'I'he McDonald's deal of tage. I am a real Borieua and I I Call your county board of elections. experiences of my life. It was sad BarryManilow to Phil Collins, and (212) VOTE-NYC. (212) 868-3692. free fries and a softdrinkwith each choose to speakthe language ofmy I Ifyou win need an application for an Absentee VOTE-NYC-(2 J2) 868-3692 F in retrospect, because it was not a devilish-Imean U.S. politicalsup­ Ballot or would like to be an Election Day I port. purchaseofanysandwichwastheir current oppressor. I know my I q' :x: ~ f-l : to~ t:J; fi fQ ~ .;;; ep :x: ~ t4 Hearing impaired people with TDD may mecca for our culture nor did it .1 * Worker. please check below. I asked myselfwho are the real indisputable proof). Others told history, culture and struggle. I am I fit fA • In~ (212) VOTE-NYC. (212) 868-3692 call (212) 487-S496 I mirror the love that I have for I I Puerto Rico and my people. Puerto Puerto Ricans? The ones who left me I wasn't a REAL Boricua be­ nota Nuyorican. I amPuertoRican. I Ple.se print or type In blue or black Ink I Rico was gone and lost to me. I and preserved and built a stronger cause I didn't speak Spanish well Thus, the harsh reality of Puerto .I instead landed en la isla de los culture in alien lands or those that enough. Others went as far to Rico places me and my Boricua I DYes. (need an appficatioo (cx an Absentee BaJloc o Yes. I would like 10 be _ EIec1ioo Day Wodtct I vendidos. stayedandbecameconvenientU.S. treat me like a freak because I people in the same situation as our I wanted a coco frio and pasteles for otherAfrican, Afro-Caribbean, and o new registratioD and enrollment o addRu chance For 8c»rc1 u_ Only The town I stayed in(which re­ citizens. The Puerto Ricans I met I 1 Owlck bous that apply: I o pany enrollmenl change Dnamecbange D mains anonymous for it is a true were ignorant concoctions ofwhat dinner. Latino people worldwide. We are I I representation of the island as a has, and continues to, destroy _I felt that in certain parts ofthe on an exodus to the lands where LastNamc Firsr Name M iddJe Initial SuftiJt I "'. I 2 whole) was made up of beautiful Latinos worldwide. Puerto Ricans' island there was a true sense of our culture, history, and heritage I I house/cages that were impen­ that recognize their Spanish heri­ culturalpridestrugglingtogetout. meet freedom. This is Borinquen I Addle" Where You Live (do not &iyc P.O. addrcs.s) Ape. No. Ciryrrowr./Villa,c Zip Code I etrable to outsiders and prisons to tage astheir history, and their In-· However, in my week there I could to me, and I will visit it someday. I 3 , .1 I I Address Where You Get Your Mail (p.O. box. Slar rte.• ete.) Pose OffICe Zip Code I 4 I Graffiti Art Honors Police Victims I -: I Daleot Binh Se~(circlc one) ! Home Tel NUII\~ (optional) An: you a u.s. citiUl\ "! I I Continued from page 22 Bobbitothenintroducedthe"R.I.P. officer, seemed so useless and im­ document our reality. Neverthe­ S 6 7 8 o Yes ONo I / / M I' I song about police brutality. Be­ NYC"videoclips producedbyPedro possible that the emotion of the less, it also tells us we need to I 'The Iasl year you voted Your Address was ".('ta·1'-""';"'a~ Students . h'ld . 1 'md.. b '-'~ J:'","1 __ ...IIo,...... ns.zht_ .. 0 on the drum programming for his rap began by 4- p llingt h:~ audience about h..3' ... «st ctu ren tc v ... O.eIlC·.·(l. .. segments were sloppy and too the truly horrid, unjustified killing el-u.':; Against Police Brutalityj. the state of society. As a whole, "Atliens" is an album that mirrors nOISy. ofher son. Shetold how he wasjust Memorial Grounds was far Bobbito, the·Me of the night, playing football, and while retriev­ from a perfect performance yet its the feelings, ideology, and aspira­ introduced all the performers, and ing a dropped pass was choked by need is truly evidentand its call for tions of young revolutionaries the crowd was treated to a short B­ angry, unforgiving police officers. action is clear. Memorial walls, immensed in the creativity of cre­ Boy performance by Full Circle's Her crusade to see justice done in rap's lYrics and the rest ofour cul­ ating hip hop. Kwikstep, Speedy and Rocafella. the form of an incarcerated police ture will continue to reflect and -Edward Rodriguez

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30 31 '< o en ~ t:: o CT 8. CD.., CJ) Sports o. ~ CD ~- 0 ~ for the fortnight • ~ By Erie Wright ~ . :::~~~",:.·-~·,··When1~-:~J~~¥:~·.~oid? above .a.ve~~fitats;· and no one So, is it a lively ball? Is it bad justthat good? I want to hear-your N Ifyou are .;:. . '"... As th~·-:1~·~bJl11 season during that time even approached pitching? Or, are today's hitters VIews. Q) :.~ au;·~«·-;in~ians ~ .c- ...-. comes to are left c breaking them.. ... ' 0 SCORES FOR TIlE WEEK Interested in •• - <: with bllt··.Qlie··qu.estion_ in their : The {act that expansion has wa­ -0 0 Washington, DC. $ 72 minds..Howonearth.were there so tered downpitchingis alsoanother placing an ad Boston $ 72 many records broken this year? goodreason.. But that excuse gets SOCCER; San Juan, PR $ 99 Entering the last weekend ofthis old so I think that after 4 years of in San Francisco $175 season there are 46 people with expansion the league should be The Ticker, London $183 more than 100 RBI and 37 having used to it by now. 9/21 vs. SUNY·MARITIME 1,;.2 Loss Paris · $185 more than 30 homeruns. Even This brings me' to the biggest please contact San Jose, CR $225 Kevin Elster who was1eft for dead reason: MIDDLE RELIEF! Faresare each way from New York based on aroundtrip purchase. Fares do nOf inducle federal taxes or PFCs YEARS ago, wound up with 24 MarianoRiveraisprobablytheonly 9/25 vs. MEDGAR EVERS 0-5 Loss totalling S3 and S45. depending on destination Ofdepar­ Ad Manager at ture charges paid directly to fOfeigngovernments. homeruns and 99 RBI!!! What on good middle reliever. The all star CAU· FOa A FREE STUDENT TUVElS MAGAZINE! earth has gotten into him? I find it committee has a good point when (212)802-6799 hard to believe.that this is just a not selecting any middle reliefthis WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL: COU11CiI Travel,-..~ result of hard work. Is it the year. They all stink. Notice most of or· UPFER W'iST Su VILLAGE MIDTOWN league's watered down pitching? your middle relievers' have ERA's 89S AMsT8DAM AVE. 148 W. 4TH ST. 205E. 421\0 ST Are the league's hitters just that ·way above 5.00. Inthe 70's and 80's 9/18 vs. BROOKLYN COLLEGE Cancelled 666-4177 254-2525 822-2700 (212)802-6800. http://••••ciee.org/tr••el.htm good? Here aresome ofmyreasons pitchers would either complete the 9/20 vs. SUNY OLD WESTBURY 3-2 Win EURAILPAS5ES ISSUED ON-THE-SPOT! for the drastic increase in hitting games they pitched (win or lose), or and run production. pitch 7 or 8 innings then leave the From 1978-1989 there was no game to the closer. In that time, the 9/21 vs. MT. ST. MARY 0-3 Loss one who reached 50 homeruns. As average pitcher starts 33 games a a matter of fact, the 79' Houston year, which accounts fo roughly 260 9/25 vs. HUNTER COLLEGE 0-3 Loss Astros had more team TRIPLES inningsperyear. Now,youraverage than homeruns! Duringthat time, wimpy pitcher goes for 5 innings, there were also most ofthe great- .sayshisshoulderhurts,givesup2 or est strikeout pitchers in their 3 runs,and then lets middle relief WOMEN'S TENNIS: primes or the latter years of their decide his fate. Billy Martin was a careers(Nolan Ryan, Tom Seaver, firm believer in the rubber arm 9/21 vs. LEHMAN COLLEGE 9-0 Win 1}aylordPerry, Don Sutton, Fergie pitcher. His 1980 OaklandA's had Jenkins, and Bert-Blyleven) plus a combined72completegameswith the younger generation ofpitchers 3 pitchers having over20 complete 9/23 vs. JOHN JAY Rained Out with power came into the games. He had faith that even if PUI ~ CIP l. ES"/S () l ~ f) RET IRE .\1 E x T 1:'\ v EST I i'\ c: league(Roger Clemens, Dwight his pitchersgave up 3 or4 runs, his 9/26 vs. SUNY OLD WESTBURY 9-0 Win Gooden, Mike Scott, and Mark hitters should be able to get that Langston). These are all pitchers pitcher back into . who struckoutanywherefrom 250"'-- - I-feeTthii"t hitters might have . "':'''' -~'( - .. ' 300 batters per year. When all of gotten strongervbutnot necessar­ .: .:' WOMEN'S X-COUNTRY: these pitchers were,. striking out:..- .. ilybetter. Right now the average everyone itgetsharderto hit40-50" amount ofthe hitterisyears above 9/22 vs. BRONX C.C. Loss homeruns, It'wasvery.coinInoii"ror-· that of the pitcher; Most ·yoUng the league leader to hit 40-42 pitchers don't know what to throw BROOKLYN COLLEGE Win homeruns and drive in anywhere to some hitters, and the hitters from 110-125 RBI. In fact your takeadvantageofthem(KevinMaas major league highs during that Syndrome). That is why pitchers CCNY Win time were: Hrs:MarkMcGwire49, who have been around don't get :.1.987, RBI: Don Mattingly 145, shelled, Dennis Martinez and Orel YORK COLLEGE Win EVERYONE WILL GIVE YOU 1985, BattingAverage: .390~ 1980, Hershiserareprimeexamples. They THEIR TWO CENTS WORTH, BUT WILL Runs: RickeyHenderson 146, 1985, get 12 to 18 wins a year and pitch Score: 3-1 Win Hits: Wade Boggs 240,1985. Allof more than 220 innings. That's real THAT BE ENOUGH TO RETIRE ON? these ex~eptfor homeruns are very pitching!

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