Newsletter 會員通訊 November 2017


• Historic medal at World University Games Historic Medal for Hong Kong • Wong and Wong capture bronze at AIMAG at World University Games 2017 • Message from the President 香港於台北世界大學生運動會歷史性奪牌 • Hong Kong wins promotion to Fed Cup Group I t the Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade, • Cody first local player to win ITF G2 AKevin Wong and Brian Yeung combined in 12 years for a bronze in men's doubles to cement • Recap: Prudential Hong Kong Tennis one of only three sports from Hong Kong to Open 2017 medal at the World University Games. The • begins 2018 Group II play with mercurial duo performed gamely to power home tie past Korean No. 4 seed Chung Yunseong • Big boost in prize money for HK Nationals and Lee Jea Moon in the quarterfinal before • Furthering coach education to self-sustain Russian 7th seed, Richard Muzaev and Aslan localization Karatsev, thwarted further progress with a • Titles for Zhang Ling, Eudice Chong, 6-4, 7-5, decision. Roger Ng, Jenny Wong • Jockey Club Tennis Rocks continues 2017 年台北世界大學生運動會,黃俊 outreach to local communities 於鏗及楊柏朗於網球男雙項目歷史性奪得銅牌,成為香港於世大運三項奪牌運動其中一 • HSBC Road to Wimbledon makes Hong 項。 網球孖寶先於八強擊敗南韓組合鄭允成及李吉穆,後晉身四強迎戰俄羅斯組合七號種 Kong debut 籽 Richard Muzaev 及 Aslan Karatsev,惜以 6-4, 7-5 止步。 • HK boys qualify for ITF Asian 12&U Team Championships • SCAA/ACING LEAD Open Tennis Championships 2017 Wong and Wong Capture Bronze at Aimag 2017 目錄 王康傑夥拍黃俊鏗揚威亞洲室內暨 • 香港於台北世界大學生運動會歷史性奪牌 武藝運動會(AIMAG)2017 凱旋 • 王康傑夥拍黃俊鏗揚威亞洲室內暨 武藝運動會(AIMAG)2017 ack Wong and Kevin Wong teamed • 會長的話 Jup or a bronze in men's doubles at the • 香港晉升聯會盃第一組 5th Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games • 王康怡暌違 12 年再奪國際網球協會 (AIMAG). The pair drew even with No. 1 第二組冠軍殊榮 seed Vishnu Vardhan and Vijay Prashanth • 保誠香港網球公開賽 2017 回顧 before the Indians won their semifinal • 2018 年台維斯盃香港主場迎戰伊朗 encounter, 6-4, 3-6, 6-1, to halt their • 保誠香港網球錦標賽 advancement to the final. Vardhan and 大幅上調女子賽事獎金 Prashanth, ranked 124th and 249th • 持續教練培訓計劃 respectively, went on to claim gold. • 多名港將接連揚威海外 • 賽馬會樂動網球計劃持續與本地社區接軌 康傑夥拍黃俊鏗在第五屆亞洲室內暨 • 香港於通往溫布頓之路嶄露頭角 王武藝運動會(AIMAG)奪取男子網雙 • 2017 年國際網球協會 12 歲及以下 銅牌。 二人擊敗頭號種籽 Vishnu Vardhan 及 青少年網球團體錦標賽 Vijay Prashanth,惜於四強戰不敵印度的 Vishn Vardhan 和 Vijay Prashanth (6-4, 3-6, 6-1)。 • 南華體育會 / 起盛駿馬全港公開網球 晉身決賽的 Vardhan 和 Prashanth 的世界排名分別為 124 及 249。 錦標賽 2017

Hong Kong Tennis Associaton Room 1021, Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Tel: 2504 8266 / Fax: 2894 8704 香港網球總會 香港銅鑼灣掃桿埔大球場徑 1 號奧運大樓 1021 室 Message from the President 會長的話

his year is proving to be 年絕對是豐盛的一年,不獨本地網球發展愈趨理 Tanother eventful one in 今想、成人及青少年錦標賽的參加人數持續增長、港 terms of local development, 隊於各國際賽或地區賽事均拿下彪炳戰績,為 2017 年 the number of adult and junior 完美作結。 tournaments we stage, to Hong 我想在此恭賀黃俊鏗及楊柏朗於世大運男雙項目為香港 Kong representatives coming 勇奪銅牌,因為他們的卓越成績,為香港在世界知名的 home with encouraging results 體育舞台上贏得獎牌,毫無疑問為我們推廣本地網球運 both internationally and 動打了一枝有力的強心針,亦是支持我們做得更好的原 regionally. 動力,長遠冀能大幅提高普羅大眾的運動參與率,對我 I want to congratulate Kevin 們亦同樣重要。 Wong and Brian Yeung on capturing a bronze in men's doubles at the World 另一邊廂,黃俊鏗和王康傑亦從土庫曼斯坦首都阿什哈 University Games. Not only is it a commendable achievement, winning a medal 巴德舉辦的亞洲室內暨武藝運動會奪得男雙銅牌,成績 for Hong Kong on a renowned world arena unquestionably is a powerful 令人鼓舞。能夠在國際體育賽事上取得獎牌絕對是對運 impetus towards popularising tennis locally. Aside from garnering positive 動員能力的一種肯定,亦標誌著我們的運動員有能力於 exposure, achieving a robust growth in the sport's participation rate among the 國際舞台上與其他國家的運動員較勁,吸收不同的國際 general populace is equally important for us. 賽事經驗,將有助我們的運動員進一步改進及成長,未 Jack Wong and Kevin Wong also brought back a men's doubles bronze from 來我們會繼續朝著這個方向邁進。 Ashgabat, Tajikistan, where the Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games took place. 青少年發展仍然是我們的關鍵焦點,今年在青少年發 Indeed, medalling at an international multi-sports event is acknowledgement 展方面亦同時傳來喜訊 - 我們其中一位精英球手 – 年僅 that tennis is making headway and that our players can compete at these 十五歲的王康怡,在北京的國際網球協會少年巡迴賽 ( 第 levels with the aim of improving further. Overall, we are moving in the right 二組 ) 首次奪得女子單打冠軍。 計上次首席球手張玲於 direction. 2005 年奪得此項殊榮後,王康怡是相隔十二年後首位贏 Junior development remains a key focus for us and I am elated to report that 得此項殊榮的香港球手。王康怡現時在 18 歲以下的女 one of our top players, fifteen-year-old Cody Wong, captured her maiden ITF 子中世界排名第 154 位,前途無可限量。 Junior Circuit girls' singles title at the Grade 2 event in Beijing. She is the first 同時,我們亦非常高興由香港體育學院提供資助的精英 player to triumph at this level since Zhang Ling last managed this feat in 2005. 訓練計劃 - 「A 級」支援精英體育項目 – 將延長兩年至 Cody is now ranked No. 154 in the world among all girls under the age of 18. 2021 年 3 月。 現時香港共有 5 男 4 女共 9 名全職網球 We also received news that funding for elite training programmes as an HKSI 員受惠於這計劃,包括吳奇龍、黃俊鏗、王康傑、楊柏 Tier A Sport is now extended by the Sports Institute for another two years until 朗、Skyler Butts、張玲、葉澄、吳筠柔及胡可澄。有賴 March 2021. At present, there are five men and four women - Roger Ng, 體院的資助,讓我們有更多的資源去培育香港的精英運 Jack Wong, Kevin Wong, Brian Yeung, Skyler Butts, Zhang Ling, Katherine Ip, 動員,讓他們發展所長。 Ng Kwan Yau, and Wu Ho Ching - who are full-time tennis players and we 我亦要藉此機會讚揚我們的行政總裁 - 黎百年先生及網 certainly welcome this aid to give them the best opportunity to excel in their 總的所有同事,在他的帶領之下,年來為我們成功籌辦 endeavours. 多個中外的網球賽事,即使如保誠香港網球公開賽如斯 Lastly, I want to thank our CEO, Chris Lai, and his dedicated staff for running 大型的國際女子網球協會賽事,亦能在受天雨影響下, successfully as the organiser of a major WTA Tour event such as the Prudential 連環拆解多重問題,最終讓賽事得以圓滿舉行,帶給市 Hong Kong Tennis Open, and handling the mini-crisis on finals day so adeptly 民兩場精彩絕倫的賽事。 in the face of such unpredictable weather. 我們希望每位網球運動愛好者將對網球運動的熱情傳播 Every tennis lover has a role to play, however big or small. You can help us 開去,感染身邊的親朋好友一同投入網球的世界。無論 popularise the sport any which way you can, be it coming out to support our 是親身觀賞球賽還是捐贈網球拍予我們的社區活動,你 players compete or donating an extra racquet to our communities programme. 們的支持對推動本地網球運動非常重要,網球絕對是好 Tennis is a fun game and a fantastic way to stay in shape, yet it can also impact 玩的運動,不但有助保持身體健康,亦能帶出積極正面 life in so many positive ways. So, get involved, give us your ideas, and follow 的生活方式。 歡迎加入我們的行列,提供寶貴意見及留 our news! 意我們的最新動向。

2 Hong Kong wins promotion to Fed Cup Group I 香港晉升聯會盃第一組

hang Ling, Eudice Chong, Katherine Ip, Ng Kwan Yau, 長余曉東帶領首席球手張玲、張瑋桓、葉澄、吳筠柔於 Zand Yu Hiu Tung (Captain) showed excellent team 隊聯會盃第二組比賽周充分展示了優秀的團隊精神,最終 camaraderie all week, which culminated with a 2-1 final 以 2-1 戰勝烏茲別克斯坦隊,香港成功晉升至亞洲 / 大洋洲第 win over to earn Hong Kong promotion to Asia/ 一組。 Oceania Zone Group I next year. 面對許勝不許敗的情況下,張玲先以 6-4, 6-1 擊敗了世界排 Facing a must-win situation, Zhang Ling beat world No. 名第 145 的 ,張瑋桓及葉澄再於雙打淘汰 145 Sabina Sharipova, 6-4, 6-1, at the top of the order to 賽中以6-7(1), 6-3, 6-3 打敗Nigina Abduraimova 及 Akgul keep the team afloat before Eudice Chong and Katherine Amanmuradova,奠定勝局。 Ip combined to defeat Nigina Abduraimova and in the deciding doubles, 6-7(1), 6-3, 6-3, 亞洲 / 大洋洲第一組賽事將於二月五日那周內在新德里的 RK to secure the victory in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Khanna 室外硬地網球場舉行。 由來自中國、中華台北、香港、 印度、日本、哈薩克斯坦、韓國及泰國八個國家分成兩組四 The Asia/Oceania Zone Group I will take place during the 隊對戰。 week of Feb 5 at the RK Khanna Tennis Stadium in New

Delhi on outdoor hardcourts. Eight teams China, Chinese 每個組別的勝出者將於 2018 年 4 月舉行的淘汰賽決戰以晉 Taipei, Hong Kong, , Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, and 級世界第二組淘汰賽 ; 而每個組別的第三則會與另一組別第 Thailand will be divided into two pools of four. 四的隊伍作淘汰賽 (A3 對 B4 及 B3 對 A4) 。 戰敗的兩隊將於 2019 年降級至亞洲 / 大洋洲第二組。 The winners of each pool will play-off against one another for promotion to the World Group II play-offs in April 2018. The teams that finish third in each pool will play-off against the nations finishing fourth in the other pool (A3 v B4 and B3 v A4). The two losers will be relegated to Asia/Oceania II in 2019. 3 Cody First Local Player to win ITF G2 in 12 years 王康怡暌違 12 年再奪國際網球協會第二組冠軍殊榮

ifteen-year-old Cody Wong defeated top-seeded world 僅十五歲的王康怡於北京舉行的國際網球協會第二組第 FNo. 84 Violet Apisah, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2, in the semis en 年十六站青少年女子單打半準決賽以 4-6, 6-3, 6-2 打敗頭 route to the ITF Grade 2 China Junior 16 girls' singles title. 號種籽世界排名第 84 的 Violet Apisah,勇奪青少年女子單打 The teenager then added the doubles by teaming up with 冠軍寶座。 王康怡再下一城夥拍黃海琪於總決賽以 6-3, 3-6, Jenny Wong to beat No. 1 seed Guo Meiqi and Xiao Zheng [10-6] 擊敗頭號種籽郭美琪及鄭曉華。 王康怡是繼張玲於 Hua, 6-3, 3-6, [10-6], in the final. Cody is the first player 2005 年取得這項殊榮後,第一位香港球員贏得該組別青少年 from Hong Kong to win a G2 singles titles on the ITF Junior 單打冠軍,王康怡現時世界青少年排名擠身第 154 位。 Circuit since Zhang Ling last achieved the feat in 2005. At present, she has a junior world ranking of No. 154, a career-high.


Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open 2017 Recap: Pavlyuchenkova Beats Gavrilova in three-set cliffhanger 保誠香港網球公開賽 2017 回顧 : 柏芙尤真高娃奮戰三局擊倒嘉芙莉露娃奪冠

lthough Tropical Cyclone Khanun threatened to cause 017 年度的保誠香港網球公開賽來到萬眾期待的決賽日, Abedlam on finals Sunday, world No. 21 Anastasia 2雖然受強颱風卡努影響以致賽事延遲舉行,仍然無阻各位 Pavlyuchenkova outgunned Australian seventh seed Daria 決賽球手爭勝的決心。俄羅斯六號種籽世界排名第 21 名的柏 Gavrilova in a thriller, 5-7, 6-3, 7-6(3), to lift the trophy. 芙尤真高娃與澳洲七號種籽嘉芙莉露娃為大家上演一幕幕精 The Russian 6th seed served for match twice in the third set 彩戲碼,力戰三盤方能分出勝負。第一盤柏芙尤真高娃雖以 but the pugnacious Gavrilova broke back each time to stay 5-7 落後,其後兩盤卻奮力抗爭,最後兩盤以 6-3, 7-6(3) 擊敗 alive. Pavlyuchenkova then fell behind 3-1 in the deciding 嘉芙莉露娃奪取冠軍寶座。柏芙尤真高娃於第 3 盤連續兩次 tiebreak but found a higher gear at the right time to take 被嘉芙莉露娃打破發球局,雙方一度爭持不下,最終柏芙尤 the next seven points in a row to conclude proceedings. 真高娃抓緊機會,連續拿下七分,結束為時超過三小時的漫 長戰役,奠定勝局。 The top-seeded sister pairing of Chan Yung-Jan and Chan Hao-Ching from Chinese Taipei defeated China's Wang 中華台北的女雙頭號種籽詹氏姐妹 - 詹詠然及詹皓晴勇挫中 Qiang and Lu Jia-Jing, 6-1, 6-1, to repeat as doubles 國的雙打組合— 王薔及逯佳境成功衛冕。 champion. 由於獎金大幅倍增至五十萬美元,第四屆公開賽吸引了絲維 Buoyed by a significant increase in prize money to 度蓮娜,禾絲妮雅琪,雲露絲威廉絲,拉雲絲嘉,艾蓮娜·費 US$500,000, the fourth edition of the Open attracted the 絲蓮娜,保莎,張帥,王薔,施杜素等與及其他網壇新星一 likes of Elina Svitolina, Caroline Wozniacki, Venus Williams, 同參戰。 Agnieszka Radwanska, Elena Vesnina, Eugenie Bouchard, , Wang Qiang, Samantha Stosur, among other 本年度的公開賽來到決賽日,備受強颱風卡努的考驗,然而 leading players and young up-and-comers. 在各個單位的通力合作之下,最終得以圓滿結束,賽務總監 黎百年先生對賽事督導委員會、賽事團隊、保安公司、場地 Our Tournament Director, Chris Lai, extends his sincere 承建商、義工、球僮及司線員致以最深切的感謝,有賴大家 gratitude to the HKTO Steering Committee members, 的互相配合及合作,才讓當日賽事得以圓滿舉行。 6 賽會今年延續「全民參與星期一」及「星期二學生日」的優惠 措施,務求將網球運動帶到社區各階層,讓其他不同階層的大 小朋友有機會親身感受大型體育盛事的氣氛。除了賽事之外, 賽會在場地旁設有「網球同樂區」,場內備有各種有趣的特色 攤位及遊戲,無論大人及小朋友都樂而忘返。賽事期間我們亦 與官方慈善合作夥伴 - 香港亞洲之友舉辦數項慈善籌款活動, 包括「CAN Challenge 慈善領袖賽」及慈善午宴,共同為社區 出一分力,為這項國際網球盛事賦予多一重的意義。 tournament team, security company, venue set-up 球手們在賽事期間亦落力參與各項慈善探訪及學校探訪,當 contractor, in addition to the many volunteers, ballboys, 中包括探訪「惜食堂」親身嘗試炮製飯盒予老人家,同時亦 ballgirls, and linesmen for working together to prep the 參與「網球童樂日」,化身為導師身份與 100 名小朋友互動 courts ready for the finals after the incoming typhoon 及切磋球技,推動本地網球發展。 was threatening to wreak havoc to the conclusion of the tournament.

The tournament offers free entry on People's Monday and Students' Tuesday to vigorously promote sports at the community level and to offer more opportunities for the underprivileged and less well-resourced to attend major sports events. More fan-friendly and family-oriented activities were made available with unrestricted access to the Tournament Village, and we also organised several charity & fundraising activities, such as the CAN Challenge and Celebrity Luncheon in collaboration with Friends of Asia Hong Kong, our Official Charity Partner.

The involvement of WTA players with various community oriented activities visiting, preparing, and serving meals to the elderly through Food Angel, as well as attending Kids' Day to engage interaction with local primary schoolchildren, is also a huge boost to local tennis and helps nurture a stronger sporting culture in Hong Kong.

7 Davis Cup Begins 2018 Group II play with Home Tie Against Iran 2018 年戴維斯盃香港主場迎戰伊朗

ong Kong will open its 2018 Davis Cup campaign with 香港將於 2 月 3-4 日在維多利亞公園舉行的 2018 年 Han Asia/Oceania Zone Group II home tie against Iran 香台維斯盃亞洲 / 大洋洲第二區賽事,主場迎戰伊朗。 from Feb 3-4 at Victoria Park. The winner of this match- 這場比賽的勝方之後將會迎戰黎巴嫩或中華台北。 去年, up will then face either Lebanon at home or Chinese Taipei 獲頒授台維斯盃忠誠獎的余曉東接任為隊長。 翻查歷史, away for a place in the semifinals. Former stalwart, Yu Hiu 香港與伊朗過往的對戰成績為三勝一負。 Tung, a recipient of the Davis Cup Commitment Award from the ITF last year, takes over the captaincy. Hong Kong has a 3-1 head-to-head record against Iran, historically.

8 Big Boost in Prize Money for HK Nationals 保誠香港網球錦標賽大幅上調女子賽事獎金

he was an overall rise of 40% in prize money for the 年的保誠香港網球錦標賽大幅調整賽事獎金水平。 Twomen's events and a 5% increase for the men's 今女子組賽事大幅上調 40%,而男子組別亦輕微上調 events at this year's Prudential Hong Kong National Tennis 5%。香港網球總會行政總裁黎百年表示 :「長遠我們希 Championships. "The HKTA is aiming to reaching equal 望可於 2019 年將男女子組別的獎金達致相同的水平,希 prize money status by 2019 with the hope of encouraging 望藉此鼓勵更多對運動有熱誠的女士挑選網球作為他們發 tennis as a career in sport, which also compliments the 光發熱的舞台,同時切切實實地扶助本地女子運動員的發 overall development in women's sports Hong Kong," 展。」本年度的女單冠軍寶座由張玲捧走,冠軍獎金高達 says CEO, Chris Lai. The prize money for the 2017 ladies' 港幣 28,000,為歷年之最。 singles crown, won by Zhang Ling, is worth HK$28,000, by far the highest offered on the local tennis calendar.

9 Furthering Coach Education to Self-Sustain Localisation 持續教練培訓計劃

nder the ITF Coach Education Programme, which is 際網球協會教練培訓計劃的目標為幫助各國運動總會 Uto help National Associations create and self-sustain 國創建及自行管理一套適用於自身機構的培訓計劃,我 their own system long-term, we organised an Advanced 們於 13 年間兩度舉辦了高級教練課程,目標希望培訓出 Coach Course for the second time in 13 years in Hong 更多高水平的本地教練以應付對精英培訓教練日益增加的 Kong. The objective is to train up more high level local 的需求。去年我們各方面均達標獲國際網球協會予以銅牌 coaches in order to support the increasing demand for elite 認證,來年我們將繼續努力以爭取取得銀牌認證。 coaching. After meeting criteria and standards set by the ITF Task Force on Coach Education to receive the bronze recognition last year, we are working towards satisfying the competencies to improve our recognition level to silver in the coming year.

10 Titles For Zhang Ling, Eudice Chong, Roger Ng, Jenny Wong 香港網球大豐收 多名港將接連揚威海外

n Tsukuba, Japan, Zhang Ling defeated Canada's Carol 日本的筑波,張玲以 7-5,7-6(4)在戰況緊湊的決賽中 IZhao, 7-5, 7-6(4), in a tense final to claim her second 在險勝加拿大的 Carol Zhao,自 2011 年捧走首座冠軍以 career 25K title, and her first since 2011. "This victory 來,再次奪得了她職業生涯中第二個 25K 冠軍。張玲於賽後 is important to me because I know I can still win at this 表示 :「這次勝利對我來說很重要,因為讓我知道在我 癒後, level after coming back from injury. This will be a good 仍然可以在這個水平的賽事上取得勝利,這次勝利給予我很 confidence-booster and motivate me to work even harder 大的鼓舞及信心,並激勵我更努力為即將到來的職業賽事備 for the upcoming pro circuit events," said Lynn. Overall, this 戰。」類計此項為其職業生涯第 14 次奪得女子單打冠軍。 marks her 14th career ITF Pro Circuit women's singles title. 另一邊廂,在中國昆明舉行的 15K ITF 女子巡迴賽,張瑋桓以 Elsewhere, Eudice Chong won her maiden pro circuit 6-4,4-6,6-3 的成績擊敗三號种子的隊友張玲,贏得了她職業 singles title when she saw off 3rd-seeded teammate Zhang 生涯中的首個單打冠軍殊榮。 Ling, 6-4, 4-6, 6-3, to win the 15K Hotspring Peninsula ITF Women's Circuit in Anning, China. 吳奇隆狀態大勇,他先於在馬其頓舉行的 G5 Neocom 公開賽 拿下 ITF 青少年巡迴賽的男單冠軍,後再於 10 月於馬來西亞 Elsewhere, Roger Ng enjoyed a good run of form during 勇奪 G4 Perlis 青少年錦標賽冠軍寶座,成績斐然 ! which he captured his maiden boys' singles title on the ITF Junior Circuit at the G5 Neocom Open in Macedonia and 回顧今年夏季的時候,吳奇隆聯同黃海琪一同參加了歐洲青 then winning the G4 Perlis Junior Championship in Malaysia 少年網球巡迴賽,兩人都帶著數個冠軍頭銜凱旋而歸。 in October. 吳奇隆在黑山舉行的 Eminent Podgorica Open 及 Nikši Open; Earlier in the summer, Roger Ng, together with Jenny 及在塞爾維亞舉行的 Nis Open 拿下 CAT 3 B16 男單冠軍。黃 Wong, competed on the Tennis Europe Junior Tour and 海琪亦不遑多樣於 Eminent Podgorica Open 及 Nis Open 拿下 both came back with several titles to their names. G16 女單冠軍,於 Nikši Open 取得第 2 名的佳績 ! Roger took the CAT 3 B16 singles titles Eminent Podgorica Open and Nikši Open in Montenegro, Nis Open in Serbia, and finished runner-up at the Dyadora Trophy in Romania, while Jenny also claimed G16 singles titles at the Eminent Podgorica Open and Nis Open, and placed second at the Nikši Open. 11 Jockey Club Tennis Rocks Continues Outreach to Local Communities 賽馬會樂動網球計劃持續與本地社區接軌

or the twelve months between Sep 2016 to Aug 2017, 2016 年 9 月至 2017 年 8 月的 12 個月期間,賽馬會 Fthe Jockey Club Tennis Rocks Programme brought the 由樂動網球計劃已深入至 50 所小學,讓 690 名學生受 game to some 50 primary schools, 690 students, 360 senior 惠;並透過多個不同的慈善安老中心及不同的學校,共讓 citizens through various NGO elderly centres, and several 360 名長者及 40 名有特殊學習需要的學生首嚐網球運動的 schools that included 40 special needs students. The 2017- 樂趣。來年計劃將擴大社區的參與力度 , 並加強聚焦於退 2018 programme is projecting to establish even a wider 休人士及有特殊教育需要的同學身上。 reach among local communities, with added emphasis on retirees and special needs children.

12 HSBC Road To Wimbledon makes HONG KONG Debut 香港於通往溫布頓之路嶄露頭角

layers from Hong Kong were competing at the Road to PWimbledon Finals on grasscourts for the first time. Kelly Leung and Sheena Karrasch's win in the G14 doubles title was the highlight of the trip, while Coleman Wong, Tim Gauntlett, and Kelly also did extremely well to qualify for the knockout stages.

Tim Gauntlett made it all the way to the semifinals of the B14 singles, while Kelly Leung also fought her way to the last eight of the G14 singles.

The pair of finalists from the Hong Kong qualifying events – Tim Gauntlett, Coleman Wong, Kelly Leung, and Sheena Karrasch – joined 140 other under-14 qualifiers from the GB regionals, as well as those from India and China, at the Road to Wimbledon Finals held at the All England Club during the week of August 14-19.

"The trip was a great thrill for players and coaches. It was very well-organized, from hospitality and transportation 港的 4 名小將球首度晉身通往溫布頓之路決賽,並首 to tournament arrangement, we truly could not ask for a 香次在草地上作賽。梁翠琦及增田椎奈在 G14 雙打賽 better Wimbledon experience. Not only did the players get 中摘冠而回,發揮超水準的表現。而黃澤林、高朗添、梁 to gain match experience on grass, they got to visit and 翠琦同樣交出漂亮成績表,齊晉級淘汰賽階段。 enjoy the supreme facilities at the prestigious All England Lawn Tennis Club," said travelling coach, Jennifer Sher. 高朗添一路殺入 B14 單打的半決賽,而梁翠琦也打進了 G14 單打中的最後八強。 HSBC Road to Wimbledon is the biggest junior tournament in British tennis and gives all 14U players the opportunity 晉級自香港資格賽的高朗添 、黃澤林、梁翠琦及增田椎奈 to progress through to compete on the world-famous grass 聯同其他地區包括來自英國地區、印度和中國的 140 位其 courts at Wimbledon. 他入圍球員,參加於 8 月 14-19 日 在全英草地網球俱樂部 舉行的國際總決賽賽事。

「這次旅程對於球手和教練來說可說是一個非常難得的體 驗,賽會從接待、交通到賽事安排全都安排妥當,讓我們 感受到溫布頓級數的賽事體驗。藉着是次機會,我們的球 員們不僅可以獲得在草地作賽的實戰經驗 ,亦能參觀及親 身體驗著名的全英草地網球俱樂部內的最高設施。」隨行 教練佘俊穎說。

通往溫布頓之路是英國網球界最大規模的青少年錦標賽, 讓所有 14 歲及以下年青球手有機會在世界著名的溫布頓 草地賽場上作賽。

13 HK Boys qualify for ITF Asian 12 & Under Team Championships 2017 年國際網球協會 12 歲及以下青少年網球團體錦標賽

t the 2017 ITF Asian 12 & Under Team Championships 017 年國際網球協會 12 歲及以下青少年網球團體錦標賽 ARegional Qualifying Event in Shenzhen, Hong Kong's 2地區外圍賽於深圳舉行,香港的郭舜泓、陳珏汛及陳鴻進 Max Kwok, Dasson Chan, and Curtis Tan collaborated to 於東亞地區組別中力保第 2 名,擠身於 11 月 6 日至 11 日在 secure a second place finish ahead of China, Korea, and 哈薩克斯坦舉行的決賽。港隊與來自其他亞洲國家的出線隊 Mongolia in the East Asian group to advance to the finals 伍比拚,包括卡塔爾,黎巴嫩,烏茲別克斯坦,孟加拉,尼 set for Kazakhstan from November 6-11. The boys will 泊爾,泰國,馬來西亞及印尼,最終於決賽以第七名完成。 face teams that qualified from other Asian groups, namely, Qatar, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand, 另在深圳的外圍賽中,女子組的李旻慧、石卓盈及鄧樂書不 Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and Korea. The team eventually 敵中國、日本及韓國,位列第四名。 placed seventh in the finals.

Meanwhile, the girls' trio of Chloris Li, Shek Cheuk Ying, and Ophelia Tang came fourth overall behind China, Japan, and Korea in the qualifying in Shenzhen.

14 SCAA/ACING LEAD Open Tennis Championships 2017 南華體育會 / 起盛駿馬全港公開網球錦標賽 2017

op seed Jack Wong three-peated as men's singles 號種籽王康傑於總決賽以 6-3, 6-2 擊敗楊柏朗三度勇 Tchampion after defeating Brian Yeung in the final, 6-3, 頭奪男子單打冠軍。 另一邊廂,伍曼瑩則以 2-6, 6-2, 6-2. Meanwhile, Maggie Ng beat Ki Yan Yung, 2-6, 6-2, 6-1 打敗祁欣桐連續六年封后。王康傑夥拍黃俊鏗於男雙 6-1, to capture her sixth consecutive ladies' singles crown. 以 6-4, 6-4 戰勝楊柏朗及 Skyler Butts。佘俊穎夥拍伍曼瑩 Kevin Wong and Jack Wong combined to lift the men's 以 6-2, 6-1 打敗祁欣桐及 Celine Regnier 的女雙組合。而 doubles with a 6-4, 6-4, win over Brian Yeung and Skyler 在混雙方面,楊柏朗聯同葉澄以 6-1, 6-3 力挫黃俊鏗及梁 Butts. Jennifer Sher and Maggie Ng captured the ladies' 筠彤, 捧盃而回。 doubles with a 6-2, 6-1, decision over Ki Yan Tung and Celine Regnier. In the mixed doubles, Brian Yeung and Katherine teamed up to defeat Kevin Wong and Geraldine Leong in the final, 6-1, 6-3.

15 Playing on our strengths to deliver first-class performance.

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