‘Interaction of Cultures through Design’ Cross-Cultural Design (CCD) Learning Model: The development and implementation of CCD design education in South Korean higher education. A generative study based on a series of collaborative CCD short courses between the UK and South Korea. [Practice based PhD] Supervisors Mike Waller, Senior Lecturer in Design Martin Conreen, Senior Lecturer in Design 2016 Goldsmiths, University of London 331088766 Dong Yeong Lee
[email protected] Interaction of Cultures through Design 2016 Declaration of Authorship I, Dong Yeong Lee, declare that this thesis and the work presented in it are my own and that it has been generated by me as the result of my own original research. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis. 01 July 2016 Dong Yeong Lee 2 Interaction of Cultures through Design 2016 Abstract This research has arisen from an awareness of the emerging discourses about the future of design education in Korea. The country today is synonymous with advanced technology and high-quality products made by companies such as Samsung. The development of capacity for creativity and innovation in design has not yet been successfully implemented, and it has been argued that much of the responsibility lies with the education system. Currently Korean design education is focused on function, technology and solutions as well as aesthetic values; it drives students to be technically capable without understanding the value of design as a cultural activity. In order to tackle this issue, Korea has been introducing various initiatives in its design education system.