0031-3998/06/5903-0418 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Vol. 59, No. 3, 2006 Copyright © 2006 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Axonemal Localization of the Component DNAH5 Is Not Altered in Secondary Ciliary Dyskinesia

HEIKE OLBRICH, JUDIT HORVA´ TH, ANDREA FEKETE, NIKI TOMAS LOGES, KARIN STORM VAN’S GRAVESANDE, ANDREAS BLUM, KARL HO¨ RMANN, AND HEYMUT OMRAN Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine [H.Ol., J.H., A.F., N.T.L., K.S.G., H.Om.], University Hospital Freiburg, 79106 Freiburg, Germany; Department of Pediatrics [A.F.], Research Group of Paediatrics and Nephrology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences of Semmelweis University, 1082 Budapest, Hungary; Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery [A.B., K.H.], University Hospital Mannheim, 68135 Mannheim, Germany

ABSTRACT: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a heterogeneous therapy in PCD is prevention of permanent damage. genetic disorder characterized by recurrent airway infections and However, diagnosis often is delayed because the diagnostic situs inversus in half of affected individuals. Diagnosis currently workup is complicated (2). relies on demonstration of abnormal ciliary ultrastructure or altered Currently, diagnosis of PCD relies on demonstration of ciliary beat. Alterations encountered in secondary ciliary dyskinesia abnormal ciliary function and/or ultrastructure in patients with (SCD) caused by inflammation often complicate the diagnostic workup. We have recently shown that in respiratory epithelial cells recurrent airway infections with or without situs inversus (3). from PCD patients with outer dynein arm defects the dynein To analyze ciliary function, respiratory epithelial cells are DNAH5 is mislocalized and either completely or partially absent usually obtained by noninvasive nasal brushing/curettage bi- from the ciliary axoneme. In this study, we addressed the question opsy. Assessment of cilia beat pattern and frequency is per- whether SCD might affect axonemal DNAH5 localization in respi- formed immediately after cell sampling, preferably by the use ratory cells. To induce SCD in vitro, we treated primary human of a high-speed videomicroscopy system. Unfortunately, this respiratory epithelial cell cultures with interleukin-13 (IL-13). Ciliary method can be only performed in a few experienced centers. function and ultrastructure were assessed by high-speed videomicros- In addition, alterations observed in SCD due to infections or copy and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. For in vivo localization of DNAH5, we performed nasal brushing biopsies in other inflammatory processes such as allergic rhinitis might patients with evidence of SCD. Expression of DNAH5 was analyzed mimic PCD and result in immotile or dyskinetic cilia (4). by immunofluorescence microscopy. IL-13–treated cells showed ev- Conversely, PCD patients often exhibit findings of secondary idence of SCD. Ciliary beat frequency was significantly reduced and ciliary damage that hide the typical findings of primary de- ultrastructural analyses showed axonemal disorganization compared fects. Characteristic ultrastructural defects that most fre- with control cells. High-resolution immunofluorescence studies of quently involve dynein arm composition can be detected by respiratory epithelial cells with SCD identified in vitro and in vivo electron microscopy in PCD patients. However, not all ultra- normal axonemal DNAH5 localization. DNAH5 localization is not structural defects encountered in PCD, especially inner dynein altered by SCD, indicating a high potential for immunofluorescence arm aberrations, can be securely visualized by electron mi- analysis as a novel diagnostic tool in PCD. (Pediatr Res 59: 418– 422, 2006) croscopy (5). In addition, secondary alterations might also reduce the amount of intact cilia that can be analyzed. SCD (i.e. ciliary aplasia, axonemal membrane changes) that com- CD (MIM 242650) is a rare genetic disorder that is usually plicate PCD diagnosis is absent, when respiratory epithelial Ptransmitted as an autosomal recessive disease trait (1). cells are cultured and ciliogenesis is induced in a culture Half of the affected PCD patients exhibit situs inversus due to system (6). However, this method is not widely available and randomization of left/right body asymmetry, which is also considerable amounts of respiratory cells are necessary, which called Kartagener’s syndrome. Recurrent airway infections explains why this method is usually performed with material result from an inborn defect of motile cilia covering epithelial removed by ear, nose, and throat surgery. cells lining the upper and lower airways responsible for Recent genetic studies have identified three PCD mucociliary clearance of the respiratory tract. The airway (DNAH5, DNAI1, DNAH11) that all encode heavy and inter- disease might result in permanent lung damage like bronchi- mediate chains of the outer dynein arms (7–9). However, ectasis, which can progress to lung failure. The aim of the because of the high degree of genetic heterogeneity, DNA

Received July 19, 2005; accepted October 31, 2005. Abbreviations: IL-13, interleukin-13; PCD, primary ciliary dyskinesia; Correspondence: Heymut Omran, M.D., Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent SCD, secondary ciliary dyskinesia Medicine, Mathildenstr. 1, 79106 Freiburg, Germany; e-mail: [email protected] freiburg.de. This work was supported by grant P-LS-AL/7 from the Landesstiftung Baden- Wu¨rttemberg. DOI: 10.1203/01.pdr.0000200809.21364.e2

418 LOCALIZATION OF DNAH5 IN SCD 419 analysis currently cannot be used to establish PCD diagnosis Assessment of ciliary function by high-speed videomicroscopy. Ciliary on a routine basis. To possibly implement novel diagnostic beat frequency was determined with the SAVA system (12). Respiratory epithelial cells were analyzed with an Olympus IMT-2 microscope (40ϫ strategies in a PCD diagnosis, we studied the molecular phase contrast objective) equipped with a Redlake ES-310 Turbo mono- pathology of PCD on the cellular level. By high-resolution chrome high-speed video camera (Redlake, San Diego, CA) set at 125 frames immunofluorescence imaging, we have recently shown that per second. The ciliary beat pattern was evaluated on slow-motion playbacks. Transmission electron microscopy. The spheroids were fixed in 2.5% mutations in DNAH5 and DNAI1 cause mislocalization of the glutaraldehyde in 0.1 mol/L sodium cacodylate buffer at 4°C, washed over- outer dynein arm component DNAH5 in respiratory epithelial night, and postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide. After dehydration, the samples cells from PCD patients (10). Investigation of nasal brushing were embedded in a propylene oxide/epoxy resin mixture. After polymeriza- tion, several resin sections were cut at approximately 100 nm using an biopsies from a large cohort of PCD patients revealed that in ultra-microtome. The sections were picked up onto 300-mesh, thin bar copper all PCD individuals with outer dynein arm defects, the grids. The sections were stained with Reynold’s lead citrate. Transmission DNAH5 protein was absent from either the entire length or electron microscopy was performed with a Zeiss EM 900. Nasal brushing biopsies from patients with SCD. We analyzed respiratory only the distal part of the ciliary axonemes and instead epithelial cells of ten individuals with secondary ciliary alterations caused by accumulated at the ciliary base. These findings are consistent current upper airway disease (rhinitis or bronchitis). All patients had recurrent with the concept that the distinct outer dynein arm precursors respiratory tract infections and exhibited at least once normal ciliary function documented by high-speed videomicroscopy. Cells were processed for high- are first preassembled within the cytoplasm and are then speed videomicroscopy and immunofluorescence analysis. As a control, we targeted to the ciliary compartment where they specifically used cells obtained from the PCD patient F661 with outer dynein arm defects ϩ assemble at their destined axonemal segments. High- carrying heterozygous DNAH5 mutations (R1454Q 2970SfsX7), reported previously (8). resolution immunofluorescence imaging showed normal High-resolution immunofluorescence analysis. Samples from cultures DNAH5 localization in healthy controls and patients with and five nasal brushings were dripped onto glass slides, air dried, and stored Ϫ cystic fibrosis. These findings indicate that immunofluores- at 80°C until use. Cells were treated with 4% paraformaldehyde, 0.2% Triton-X 100, and 0.5% skim milk (4°C, overnight) before incubation with cence analysis of respiratory epithelial cells can be used as a primary (at least 2 h) and secondary (30 min) antibodies at room temperature. diagnostic tool for PCD. Appropriate controls were performed omitting the primary antibodies. The ␣ To confirm that axonemal localization of the outer dynein primary antibody against acetylated -tubulin is commercially available (mouse; Sigma Chemical Co., Taufkirchen, Germany). The antibody (rabbit) arm component DNAH5 is not altered by SCD, we studied against the outer dynein arm heavy chain 5 (DNAH5) was reported previously DNAH5 localization in vitro in an IL-13–induced SCD model (10). Secondary antibodies (anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 488 and anti-rabbit Alexa and in vivo in respiratory epithelial cells from patients with Fluor 546) were from Molecular Probes (Invitrogen). DNA was stained with Hoechst 33342 (Sigma Chemical Co.). Confocal images were taken on a Zeiss evidence for SCD. Our results demonstrate that axonemal Axiovert 200M/LSM 510. localization of DNAH5 is not altered by secondary ciliary abnormalities. These findings indicate a high potential for RESULTS immunofluorescence analysis of respiratory epithelial cells as a novel diagnostic tool in PCD. IL-13 induces SCD in human respiratory cell cultures. To study in vitro the influence of alterations observed in SCD for METHODS axonemal DNAH5 localization, we used an IL-13–induced SCD model. Quantitative analysis by high-speed videomicros- Primary respiratory cell cultures and ciliogenesis. After informed consent copy demonstrated that IL-13–treated respiratory epithelial using protocols approved by the Institutional Ethics Review Board at the University of Freiburg and collaborating institutions, we obtained respiratory cells showed in comparison to control cells a significant epithelial cells from nasal conchae or polyps from patients that underwent ear, reduction of the ciliary beat frequency in two independent nose, and throat (ENT) surgery. To generate the IL-13–induced SCD model, experiments using cells from two different individuals. The we used a modified protocol reported recently (11). The removed tissue was washed with saline and epithelial cells were dissociated by incubation with experiments were performed at room temperature and mean 0.1% filtered pronase (protease XIV, Sigma Chemical Co.-Aldrich, ciliary beat frequencies observed in the two studied probands Taufkirchen, Germany) overnight at 4°C in 10 mL Ham’s F12-DMEM 1/1 ranged from 7.4 to 6.5 Hz. In the first experiment, the mean (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany). The cell suspension was washed three times and resuspended in 5 mL of medium containing 2% Ultroser G ciliary beat frequency was reduced from 7.4 Hz in control (Cytogen GmbH, Sinn, Germany) and incubated for1hinanuncoated T25 cells to 6.5 Hz (12.2%) in IL-13–treated cells (p Ͻ 0.0001, culture flask at 37°C, 5% CO2. The cells were plated on collagen-coated tissue t test). Whereas the mean ciliary beat frequency in untreated flasks and medium was replaced three times per week. After ϳ3 wk, cells reached confluency. With collagenase type IV (200 U/mL; Worthington cells of the second proband was reduced from 6.5 Hz to 5.7 Hz Biochemical Corporation, St. Katharinen, Germany), the collagen gel was (12.3%) in IL-13–treated cells (p Ͻ 0.0001, t test). Thus, we resolved and the cell sheet was disintegrated with a cell scraper. After found a significant reduction of the ciliary beat frequency of washing, the cells were resuspended in 10 mL of medium (as described ϳ above) and cultured in uncoated T25 culture flasks. To establish suspension 12%, which approximates findings reported previously (11). cultures, the flask was placed on a rotary shaker (80 rpm) and incubated at Qualitative analysis of slow-motion playbacks showed that 37°C for 10 d. After 24 h, the composition of the medium was changed to most cilia exhibited normal beating patterns. However, some Ham’s F12-DMEM 1/1 supplemented with 10% NU-Serum (Schubert and Weiss GmbH, Mu¨nchen, Germany) and replacement was carried out every cilia of IL-13–treated spheroids showed a dyskinetic beating second day. The cells formed stable aggregates (spheroids). After 10 d, the pattern and others were immotile, consistent with SCD. In flasks were placed in an incubator (37°C, 5% CO2). contrast, cilia of control spheroids did not exhibit abnormal At d 10 of suspension culture, IL-13 (Sigma Chemical Co.) at a concen- tration of 10 ng/mL was added to the medium in half of the culture flasks cilia function (see supplementary video files). originating from two individuals. IL-13 was added to the medium for each Transmission electron microscopy of control cells revealed medium exchange every second day. Thus, IL-13 exposure was done for 11 d. normal anatomy of respiratory cilia (data not shown). How- After ϳ3 wk of suspension culture, spheroids were covered with motile cilia and cells were processed for high-speed videomicroscopy, electron micros- ever, in IL-13–treated cells, we identified membrane alter- copy, and immunofluorescence analysis. ations comprising membrane blebs, which are the most com- 420 OLBRICH ET AL. mon secondary ciliary alterations (4). In some of these axonemal blebs, we observed excess of axonemal membrane (Fig. 1). We found no membrane alterations in control cells. Ultrastructural abnormalities affecting dynein arm composi- tion were not noted (Fig. 1). In summary, IL-13–treated primary respiratory cells exhib- ited typical functional and ultrastructural alterations indicative of SCD, consistent with findings reported previously (11). Axonemal DNAH5 localization is not altered in SCD. We have previously reported that in patients with deficiency of outer dynein arm components, the DNAH5 protein is either completely absent or absent from the distal ciliary axoneme Figure 2. DNAH5 localization in respiratory cells is not altered in an and instead accumulates at the ciliary base (10). To investigate IL-13–induced in vitro SCD model. Control (A) and IL-13 stimulated respi- ratory cells (B) after 21 d of suspension culture form stable cell aggregates whether axonemal DNAH5 localization is altered in SCD, we (spheroids) covered with cilia. Epithelial cells were labeled with antibodies carefully analyzed DNAH5 localization by high-resolution directed against acetylated ␣-tubulin (green), which is a marker of the ciliary immunofluorescence microscopy in the IL-13–induced in axoneme and the axonemal dynein protein DNAH5 (red), and nucleus vitro SCD model. Staining of control spheroids showed that staining (blue). Colocalization of both within the ciliary axoneme is all spheroid cells facing to the outside were covered densely shown by the yellow color in the overlay. Photograph of phase contrast microscopy (right) (original magnification ϫ630). with cilia, which stained positive for the cilia marker acety- lated ␣-tubulin. DNAH5 was present throughout the ciliary cilia in respiratory epithelial cells. Functional analysis re- axoneme and colocalized with acetylated ␣-tubulin (Fig. 2A, vealed a mixed picture ranging from normal ciliary movement see supplementary video file). Careful analysis of IL-13– in single cells to severely dyskinetic or immotile cilia. High- treated spheroids showed in all analyzed ciliated cells that resolution immunofluorescence analyses identified many re- DNAH5 was present throughout the ciliary axoneme indepen- spiratory cells with partial or complete loss of cilia consistent dent of the size of the cilia (Fig. 2B, see supplementary video with secondary ciliary alterations. However, careful analysis file). of remaining ciliated cells identified in all analyzed ciliary In a next step, we analyzed samples obtained by nasal axonemes normal axonemal content for DNAH5 and acety- brushings from 10 patients with current airway disease. SCD lated ␣-tubulin (Fig. 3B). For comparison, we show abnormal was diagnosed by typical findings by high-speed videomicro- DNAH5 localization in respiratory epithelial cells from a scopic analysis and comprised increased numbers of leuko- patient with PCD and outer dynein arm defects with unknown cytes and increased frequency of partial and complete loss of mutational status (Fig. 3C). In these cells, DNAH5 is absent from the ciliary axoneme and instead accumulates at the ciliary base. In addition, we analyzed respiratory cells during an upper respiratory tract infection from a PCD patient with compound heterozygous DNAH5 mutations (R1454Q ϩ [2970SfsX7), as reported previously (8). Many of the respi- ratory cells showed an absence of cilia or membrane alter- ations (Fig. 3D). In the remaining ciliated respiratory cells, mutant DNAH5 was absent from the ciliary axonemes and instead localized to the basal body region (Fig. 3D). We often noted perinuclear DNAH5 staining in cells with primary or SCD. However, we also detected this perinuclear staining occasionally in healthy control cells as reported pre- viously (10).

DISCUSSION Acquired ciliary abnormalities summarized under the term SCD often complicate diagnostic efforts in PCD. Currently two approaches are widely used to establish a diagnosis in PCD. Both strategies, transmission electron microscopy and direct evaluation of ciliary function by light microscopy, can Figure 1. Transmission electron microscopy revealed axonemal membrane be perturbed by SCD changes (4,13). The aim of our study alterations in IL-13–treated respiratory epithelial cells. (Top) A lower mag- was to confirm that ciliary localization of the axonemal dynein nification photograph depicting several ciliary axonemes with axonemal blebs motor protein DNAH5, which was found to be altered in PCD is shown. (Bottom) Higher magnifications of three axonemal transsections (arrow) with axonemal blebs containing excess of axonemal membranes. patients with outer dynein arm defects, is not influenced by Note that dynein arm composition is not affected (bottom left) (original SCD alterations. To address this question, we decided to magnification ϫ7450). systematically investigate DNAH5 localization in an in vitro LOCALIZATION OF DNAH5 IN SCD 421 of primary human respiratory epithelial cells that resembles SCD. The data are consistent with the current concept that in asthma, increased cytokine expression not only contributes to increased mucus production but also alters ciliogenesis (11). SCD in asthmatic patients might result in decreased ability of airway clearance and allow for longer allergen exposure main- taining the allergy process. We used the IL-13–induced SCD model to systematically analyze the subcellular localization of the outer dynein arm component DNAH5. Detailed analysis of spheroid cells by high-resolution immunofluorescence analysis with antibodies directed against acetylated ␣-tubulin and DNAH5 confirmed that IL-13–treated respiratory epithelial cells exhibited normal DNAH5 staining of the ciliary axoneme (Fig. 2). Thus, we did not find any evidence that IL-13–induced SCD influences the pattern of axonemal DNAH5 localization. Analyzing respira- tory epithelial cells from patients with SCD, we demonstrated that in vivo localization of DNAH5 is also not altered by SCD. We conclude that axonemal localization of the outer dynein arm component is not altered by SCD. This finding is consis- tent with a previous report demonstrating identical ultrastruc- tural dynein arm composition in patients with SCD before and after ciliogenesis (6). We have recently shown that genetic defects responsible for PCD with outer dynein arm defects cause mislocalization of DNAH5 with complete or distal absence from the ciliary axoneme (8,10). We confirmed DNAH5 mislocalization in a Figure 3. Axonemal DNAH5 localization is not altered in respiratory cells of patients with SCD. Epithelial cells obtained by nasal brushing were labeled PCD patient with an outer dynein arm defect and unknown with antibodies directed against acetylated ␣-tubulin (green), which is a mutational status (Fig. 3C). In addition, we showed expression marker of the ciliary axoneme and the axonemal dynein protein DNAH5 and mislocalization of mutant DNAH5 in respiratory cells of (red), and nucleus staining (blue). The photograph on the right of each panel a PCD patient with compound heterozygous DNAH5 muta- shows results of phase contrast microscopy. Colocalization of both proteins ϩ within the ciliary axoneme is shown by the yellow color in the overlay in cells tions (R1454Q 2970SfsX7). This is now the fourth PCD from a healthy control (A) and an individual with SCD (B). Note that cilia of patient carrying DNAH5 mutations in whom respiratory cells the patient with SCD (B) are shortened (upper panel) or almost completely could be analyzed. In the other three PCD patients, mutant lacking (lower panel). Phase contrast microscopy shows bacteria and altered DNAH5 was also expressed and mislocalized in respiratory cells. In contrast, in cells originating from a patient with PCD and outer cells (10). As expected, DNAH5 mislocalization was not dynein arm defect with unknown mutational status, DNAH5 is absent from the ciliary axoneme and instead accumulates at the ciliary base (C). In a PCD affected by evidence of secondary ciliary alterations (Fig. 3D). patient carrying compound heterozygous DNAH5 mutations (R1454Q ϩ Our data support that DNAH5 staining can be used to 2970SfsX7) and evidence of secondary respiratory cell alterations (upper identify outer dynein arm deficiency in PCD (10), and cell), mutant DNAH5 is expressed and mislocalized in the remaining ciliated DNAH5 localization is not altered by SCD. Future work will cells (lower cell)(D). Note that the perinuclear staining does not differ between cells with primary or SCD and can be occasionally found in control be directed to produce novel antibodies directed against com- cells (not shown) (original magnification ϫ630). ponents of other axonemal protein complexes such as inner dynein arms to possibly increase the number of defects that SCD model and in respiratory cells originating from nasal can be diagnosed with high-resolution immunofluorescence brushings from patients with evidence of SCD. studies. Recently, it was shown that IL-13 alters mucociliary dif- ferentiation and ciliary beating of human respiratory epithelial Acknowledgments. The authors thank R. Nitschke and cells (11). Based on these findings, we considered IL-13– S. Haxelmans, Life Imaging Center, Institute for Biology I, treated primary human respiratory epithelial cells an excellent University Freiburg, for their excellent support with confocal in vitro SCD model. Evaluation of cilia function revealed microscopy. They are grateful to T. Willems and M. Jorissen, typical SCD changes comprising reduction of ciliary beat Otorhinolaryngology, Department for Human Genetics, Leu- frequency and increased number of dyskinetic and immotile ven, Belgium for help in establishing the monolayer and cilia. Consistent with these functional defects, we identified suspension cell culture technique of the respiratory epithelium ultrastructural changes (Fig. 1), which are commonly encoun- cells in our laboratory. The authors thank J. Kalnitski and tered in SCD such as axonemal membrane alterations (13–16). M. Krome for excellent technical assistance and R. Laszig, Thus, our findings confirm that indeed IL-13 negatively affects Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Freiburg, ciliogenesis and produces a phenotype in suspension cultures Freiburg, Germany, for supporting this study. 422 OLBRICH ET AL.

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