LEGISLATIVE REPORT Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It was a full day of committee meetings at the Statehouse, as legislators prepared for the upcoming 14th legislative meeting day. The House and Senate will reconvene tomorrow at 9:30am and 10:00am respectively. As you review the short update below, don't forget to click the light blue links to view ACCA summary sheets on the bills discussed below:

IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Association does not have any bills on tomorrow's House work agenda; however, there are a few quick updates on today's House committee actions.

As expected, a number of changes were made to HB 377 by Rep. Ron Johnson (Restrictions on Police Jurisdictions) in the House County & Municipal Government committee today. The bill received a favorable committee report; however, the Association has removed its support due to the substantive changes to the bill.

Additionally, SB 86 by Sen. Gerald Dial (Supernumerary Cap) received a favorable report in the House State Government committee this afternoon. This bill would allow county commissions to lift or remove the compensation cap either before or after an official becomes supernumerary.

The Association staff appreciates the advocacy efforts of county officials and employees on these bills.

Solid Waste Bills In Position for Floor Consideration Please Contact Representatives! The Solid Waste Fee bills, HB 127 by Rep. Steve Clouse and its companion bill SB 38 by Sen. , are both in position to be considered on the House floor as early as next week. As mentioned in previous reports, these bills will almost certainly face opposition from the solid waste industry. Communication from county officials and employees will play a critical role in moving these bills through the legislative process. STATUS: The Association staff is working to get these bills on the House work agenda as early as next week. Please take a moment this week to call Representatives and express support for these important ACCA bills.

IN THE SENATE HB 264 by Rep. Steve McMillian (Local Preferences), which passed in the House of Representatives last week, received a favorable report in today's Senate County & Municipal Government committee meeting. This bill would grant a 10% preference to local bidders if the lowest responsible bidder is out of state, and would also increase the current local preference from 3% to 5%. Thank you to the county officials and employees who contacted Senators about this bill!

As referenced above regarding HB 377, SB 325 by Sen. (Restrictions on Police Jurisdictions) was also in committee today; however, the Association has removed its support of the Senate version of this bill as well.

A quick reminder that HB 193 by Rep. Randy Davis (County Decision-Making), the House companion to SB 16 mentioned below, passed in the House last week and is now pending in the Senate Constitutions, Ethics, and Elections committee. The Association is working to get this bill on the committee's next meeting agenda, and will keep county officials and employees posted about the next steps with this bill.

Drag-Racing Bill COULD BE Considered in Senate Committee The Association staff and Attorney General's office worked together to make several improvements to SB 321 by Sen. . The Association is working with the Senator Singleton to get this bill on next week's Senate Transportation & Energy committee agenda. In the meantime, county officials and employees are encouraged to call members of the committee to express their support for this bill.

Senate Transportation & Energy Committee Members: Sen. Allen, Chair; Sens. Albritton, Chambliss, Coleman, Dial, Holley, Holtzclaw, Livingston, McClendon, Orr, Reed, Ross, Sanders, Scofield, Ward, Whatley.

Senate Bills in Position for Floor Consideration Please Seek Support from Senators! The Association staff is also working to get the following bills on the Senate special order calendar. County officials and employees should seek support from Senators on these bills, which could be considered on the Senate floor at any time: SB 16 by Sen. (County Decision-Making) SB 164 by Sen. (Amending Local Bills)

PROBATE JUDGE PAY RAISE The Association continues to monitor the Probate Judge Pay Raise bills HB 447 by Rep. Matt Fridy and SB 369 by Sen. Tom Whatley). County officials and employees are encouraged to contact committee members as soon as possible to urge them not to place these bills on the committee agenda. The committee members are as follows:

Senate Judiciary Committee Members: Sen. Ward, Chair; Sens, Williams, Coleman, Figures, Marsh, Orr, Reed, Smitherman, Stutts, Whatley.

House Judiciary Committee Members: Rep. Jones, Chair; Reps. Hill, J. McClammy, Ball, Beckman, Black, Coleman-Evans, Drake, England, Farley, Faulkner, Fridy, Givan, Pettus, Rowe.

REMINDERS Please engage with the Association via social media! You can LIKE Association of County Commissions of Alabama on Facebook, and FOLLOW us on Twitter @AlabamaCounties. Share your pictures, suggestions, and experiences with other county officials and employees via social media!

Should you have any questions about this report, please contact a member of the Association staff.


Terri Sharpley Reynolds Director of Public Affairs