16 Bibliography.Pdf
Bibliography Primary Sources: A (i) Unpublished: 1. Papers Preserved in the StateArchives, Kolkata File No. Subject 25/1906 The history of the organization against the partition of BengaL 25/1906 Supplementary report anti-partition agitation. No. File No. /1908 Note on the Midnapore Revolutionary conspuacy case 51/1909(13-20) Midnapore bomb conspiracy Case 51/1909( 49-58) Result of Nlidnaporebomb conspiracy Case July26, 1913 Report on Native Newspaper L/2U 5/ 1921 Local Self Government Nos. 20-5/ Dec. 1921 Bengal Political Proceedings. 155 Series/Reports Date Page Nos. Subjects Weekly Reports IB/CID. Bengal Do 23 July, 1913 6 B. N. Sasmol of Midnapore. Do 04 Nov., 1914 7 S. P. Midnapore, reports About proposed partitioned of Midnapore. Do Dec., 1921 04-05 Boycott Movement Occurred particularly in respect of foreign goods, Government offices and the merchants. Do 22 Feb., 1923 5 Boycott of foreign cloth in Midnapore. Do 4 Oct., 1923 3 Boycott of British goods in K.hejuree in Midnapore district. 156 2. Papers Preserved in the National Archives, New Delhi File No. Subject 248/1930 Disturbances in the district of Midnapore. 200/511930 Report of the Enquiry Committee into the incident that took place in Contai in thedistrict of Midnapore. (ii) Government Publications: 1. 1921 Movement: Reminiscences, Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1971. 2. India in 1924- 25, Government of India, Central Publication Branch, Calcutta, 1926. 3. India i~ 1929-30, Government of India, Central Publication Branch, Calcutta, 1931. 4. India in 1930-31, Government of India, Central Publication Branch, Calcutta, 1932.
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